The Jack Evans Police Headquarters is located on the south side of downtown Dallas, near the Dallas Convention Center. There is a free visitors parking lot located on the southwest side of the building (entrance off of Botham Jean Blvd.).
Dallas Police Department
Jack Evans Police Headquarters
1400 Botham Jean Blvd.
Dallas, TX 75215
From I-35E South
Take I-30 east. Exit Lamar St. Turn left on Botham Jean Blvd. (formerly S. Lamar St.). The headquarters is on the left approximately 3/10 mile.
From I-35E North
Exit Industrial Blvd./Cadiz St. Proceed east on Cadiz St. to Botham Jean Blvd (formerly S. Lamar St.). Turn right on Botham Jean Blvd. The headquarters is on the left approximately 3/10 mile.
From I-45 North
Exit Botham Jean Blvd. (formerly S. Lamar St.). Turn left at light. The headquarters is located on the right, approximately 1.9 miles from exit.
From U.S. 75 South
Take I-45 south to I-30 west. Exit Ervay St. Proceed to Akard St. Turn left at light. Turn right on Bellview St. Proceed to Botham Jean Blvd. (formerly S. Lamar St.).
From I-30 West
Exit Ervay St. (left lane exit). Proceed to Akard St. Turn left at light. Turn right on Bellview St. Proceed to Botham Jean Blvd. (formerly S. Lamar St.).
From I-30 East
Exit Lamar St. Turn left on Botham Jean Blvd. (formerly S. Lamar St.). The headquarters is on the left approximately 3/10 mile.