LGBTQ+ Liaison Officers
In the early 1990's, in an effort to improve community relations, the Dallas Police Department created the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ+) Liaison position. This was created to provide community members with a direct point of contact to help foster positive relationships and address unique safety concerns within the LGBTQ+ community.
These efforts are focused on serving residents and fellow employees of the Dallas Police Department. One of the most important tasks of the LGBTQ+ Liaison position is to conduct training for new police recruits and provide ongoing, updated training for current employees. This position's main focus is to help foster an inclusive environment both internally and externally so that all members of the LGBTQIA2S+ community feel safe in reporting issues that may be impacting them.
Through ongoing, proactive community-driven initiatives and engagement, the LGBTQ+ Liaison serves as an advocate for the LGBTQIA2S+ community in an effort to build trust between the Dallas Police Department and the community it serves.
Police Officer Megan Sykes currently serves as the LGBTQ+ Liaison for the Dallas Police department.

LGBTQ+ Liaison Officer Contact Information:

Officer Megan Sykes
Phone: 214-671-4050
What is DPD's SAFE PLACE initiative?
The original concept was developed by the Seattle Police Department in 2015 to provide more protection to victims of hate crimes and bullying. The Safe Place logo is a trademarked logo and owned by the Seattle Police Department. Dallas Police Department recently acquired the license to use the logo.
The Dallas Police Department, Dallas Hope Charities, and Dallas Hope Coalition are working together to spread awareness and education to the community by encouraging victims to report ALL crimes, especially hate crimes in hopes of reducing the risk of injury and/or self-harm to the LGBTQ+ community and all communities in Dallas. The Safe Place program will help bring the LGBTQ+ community, the Dallas Police Department, local businesses, social organizations and even schools together to create a safe place and city for all.
The program helps to increase the confidence for victims to report crimes and to know they will be treated with respect, dignity, and care from the Safe Place locations and police officers.
What businesses, social organizations, and schools can participate?
Any and all! The Safe Place Program is no cost to the business, organization, school etc. As long as, the locations and employees/volunteers follow two requirements:
1.If a victim of any crime, especially a hate crime enters your location, call 911 immediately;
2. Allow the victim to remain on your premise until police officers arrive on scene.
If the victim leaves before police arrival, call back 911 and provide a physical description of the victim(s) and/or suspect(s), direction of travel and any injuries that you may have observed. As with any emergency, use extreme caution when providing the victims of crime safe shelter, while being mindful of the safety of your employees, volunteers, patrons, and co-workers.
How do I become a Safe Place participant?
Contact Dallas Police Department's LGBTQ+ Liaison at and provide your information. A decal will be delivered with additional information.
Where do I put the Safe Place decal?
The decal is 4X6 inches and needs to be placed at the main public entrance, about 5 feet above the ground and visible to individuals walking past the location.