Dallas Police Department General Order

200.00 Table of Contents

Revised 04/19/2024



202.01 General Orders
202.02 Operation Orders
202.03 Personnel Orders
202.04 Training Orders
202.05 Administrative Orders
202.06 Standard Operating Procedures
202.07 Budget Performance Measures
202.08 Memoranda and Agency Forms
202.09 Staff Studies and Research Projects
202.10 Interlocal Agreements
202.11 Legal Opinions
202.12 Movie/TV Show Procedures
202.13 Electronic Communication
202.14 Departmental Issued Cellular Telephones and the Use of Personal Cellular Telephones on Duty
202.15 Requirement to Access BlueTeam Account Daily

203.01 Intra-Departmental Correspondence
203.02 Outgoing Correspondence
203.03 Instructions for Block Form Letter
203.04 File Copies of Correspondence
203.05 Electronic Mail

204.01 Required Reports to the Chief of Police
204.02 Instructions for Writing to the Chief of Police

205.01 General Policy
205.02 Definitions
205.03 Procedures
205.04 Logbook and Roster Inspections

206.01 Personnel Time Records
206.02 Time Cards
206.03 Reviewing Time Cards
206.04 Exception Payroll System
206.05 Monthly Strength Report
206.06 Work Schedules
206.07 Absences
206.08 Overtime and Compensatory Time
206.09 Earning Overtime or Compensatory Time and Authorization Level
206.10 Special Compensation (Court and Approved Functions During Off-Duty Hours)
206.11 Out of Town Travel
206.12 Compensatory Time Relating to Employees in “On Call” or “Call Back” Status
206.13 Temporary Assignment in Next Higher Grade
206.14 Field Training Officer Pay
206.15 Patrol Duty Assignment Pay
206.16 Detective Assignment Pay
206.17 Shift Assignment Pay
206.18 Educational Incentive Pay
206.19 Language Skills Assignment Pay
206.20 TCOLE Certification Pay
206.21 Longevity Service Pay
206.22 Administrative Leave and Ineligibility for Assignment Pays
206.23 Requests for Business Leave
206.24 Mileage Reimbursement
206.25 Restricted Duty and Ineligibility for Assignment Pays
206.26 Trade Time Policy
206.27 FLEX Time
206.28 Mental Health Leave
206.29 Employee Shift Swap Program

207.01 Forms Used
207.02 Hospitalization of Employees Injured On-Duty
207.03 Treatment and Billing
207.04 City of Dallas Supervisor’s Injury Investigation Report
207.05 Dallas Police Department Supervisor’s Investigation of Injury Report
207.06 Supervisor’s Supplemental Report of Injury
207.07 Physician’s Limited Duty Recommendation
207.08 Positions Relating to Employees Not Available for Full Time Duty
207.09 Progress Report
207.10 Salary Continuation for an Injured Employee
207.11 Medical Records

208.01 Notary Allocations
208.02 Notary Coordinators
208.03 Application for Appointment
208.04 Use of Bond

209.01 Requests for Data Processing Services
209.02 Software Usage

210.00 Offense Reporting System
210.01 Reporting Officer Responsibilities
210.02 Reporting Procedures
210.03 Supervisor Responsibilities
210.04 Communications Section Responsibilities
210.05 Assignment of Offenses
210.06 Investigative Units Case Management Procedures
210.07 LEA TechShare Case Filing System
210.08 Response Disposition System
210.09 Use of Surnames and Identifying Information in Reports
210.10 Direct Filing


212.01 Application for License to Carry Handgun by Retired Officers
212.02 Application for License to Carry Handgun by Active Officers
212.03 Application for Certificate of Proficiency by Retired Peace Officers


214.01 Purpose
214.02 Definitions
214.03 Department-Authorized Use of Social Networks
214.04 Employee Personal Use of Social Media
214.05 Third-Party Involvement on Personal Social Media Sites


Dallas Police Department General Order

201.00 Retention and Disposition of Records

Revised 01/30/2007

Retention and/or disposition of Police Department records are governed by Chapter 39C of the Dallas City Code and state law. Division and Bureau Commanders should refer to the Departmental Records Retention and Disposition Schedule, approved by the City Council, for guidance on the retention and/or disposition of specific types of records.

Dallas Police Department General Order

202.00 Written Directives

Revised 05/31/2024

A. All City of Dallas employees work under the regulations established by the City of Dallas Administrative Directives, Personnel Rules, and Civil Service Rules and Regulations. Written Directives of the Dallas Police Department are intended to supplement these regulations.
B. All city and departmental regulations are available on the city’s internet and DPD’s intranet.
C. All state regulations are available on the state’s website.
D. Orders and regulations issued at any level of command will not conflict with orders or regulations issued by a higher command.
E. All orders and regulations of general application and enduring nature will be distributed out to employees who will acknowledge receipt and understanding.
F. Orders of specific application not in conflict with General Orders may be issued verbally as necessary.
G. The Planning Unit will be responsible for the Department’s continued compliance with the chief’s approved Accreditation Program.

202.01 General Orders
A. The Chief of Police will approve General Orders to establish:
1. General Departmental regulations, guidelines, or procedures.
2. General regulations, guidelines or procedures affecting two or more bureaus.
3. Specific responsibilities and/or duties.
B. General Orders may be amended by cancellation or total or partial revision.
C. Every year, the Planning Unit will send written notification to all Bureau Commanders requesting feedback on areas in the General Orders that need addition, revision, or clarification. Any recommendations for changes will be sent to the Planning Unit for review.
D. Any requested revision to the General Orders will be submitted to the Planning Unit and referred to as a General Order Revision request.
E. Prior to submitting a General Order Revision Request, the requesting unit will contact the Planning Unit at DPDPlanningunit@dallas.gov of their intent to begin the process of revising or creating a particular General Order as well as to receive the General Order in Microsoft Word Format.
F. When requesting a General Order Revision, a memorandum will be sent to the Planning Unit Commander through the initiating Bureau Commander and will include the following information:
1. A brief background explaining the reason for the General Order Revision Request.
2. The number and title of the General Order that will be affected by the revision.
3. A copy of the page(s) in the General Orders that will be affected by the revision, and the exact, typewritten new text using Track Changes feature in Microsoft Word.
G. Upon receipt of a request, the Planning Unit will:
1. Put the General Order Revision Request on a tracking form and be responsible for editing the General Order Revision draft to ensure consistency in authority, proper referencing, accreditation compliance, and correct style.
2. Staff the proposal to the appropriate level of commanders as directed by the Commander of the Planning Unit.
3. Submit the proposed General Order Revision Request to the Executive Assistant Chiefs of Police and the Chief of Police for their consideration.
H. If the order is approved, the Planning Unit will log, publish, and distribute notification of the new General Order.
I. The new General Order will become effective as of the revised date on the General Order, and all Department personnel will be promptly notified by email of the General Order revision.
J. Individual employees are responsible for the content of the General Orders and Code of Conduct whether or not they choose to maintain a personal copy.
K. Special Orders are issued by the Public Information Office on behalf of the Chief of Police. Special Orders are used to establish a temporary, emergency, or interim regulation, procedure, or guideline at the departmental level on a formal basis and are issued, authorized, or directed by the Chief of Police. Special Orders will subsequently follow the same review process as a General Order Revision facilitated by the Planning Unit.
L. Chief’s Updates are messages from the Chief of police and are issued by the Public Information Officer to all members of the Department. The Chief’s Updates are utilized to communicate promotional announcements, important messages, current issues, and any other messages the Chief of Police wishes to send out department wide.
M. Roll Call Training Bulletins are issued by the Planning Unit and contain detailed procedures and specific guidelines employees are to follow when certain situations occur. Roll Call Training Bulletins are also used as updates to specific training.
N. Only the Chief of Police, or designee acting on their behalf, may circumvent the General Order Revision Process.

202.02 Operation Orders
A. Operation Orders will be issued on authority of the Chief of Police by the Strategic Deployment Bureau to cover specific operations or events.
B. Operation Orders will contain a self-canceling statement.

202.03 Personnel Orders
Personnel Orders will be issued on authority of the Chief of Police by the Personnel Division to announce the following:
A. Appointments.
B. Assignments or transfers.
C. Promotions, reductions in rank, or reclassifications.
D. Suspension from and restoration to duty.
E. Termination by retirement, resignation, dismissal, or death.
F. Departmental awards.

202.04 Training Orders
Training Orders will be issued by the Training Section to:
A. Announce forthcoming schools, classes, or training sessions.
B. Assign personnel for training purposes.
C. Establish training material consistent with departmental policy.

202.05 Administrative Orders
A. Administrative Orders will be issued on the authority of the Chief of Police by the Personnel Division to announce personnel information regarding boards and committees, and by the Planning Unit to announce duty commander assignments.
B. Administrative Orders will be sent only to Organizational Commanders and persons affected.
C. A self-canceling statement will be included in the Administrative Orders.
D. Administrative Orders will not be numbered.

202.06 Standard Operating Procedures
All personnel, regardless of permanent assignment, will be accountable for adherence to the Patrol Bureau Standard Operating Procedures when performing any patrol related functions.
A. Standard Operating Procedures Manual
1. A current Standard Operating Procedures manual will be maintained by the bureau, division, section and/or unit, as applicable. In November of each year ending in an odd number and coinciding with the state legislative session, all employees at the rank of lieutenant/manager and above shall review and, if necessary, update the Standard Operating Procedures under their direct command to ensure consistency with current practices, responsibilities, laws, ordinances, and policies. However, a standard operating procedure may be updated prior to the odd- numbered review, if needed.
2. Any Standard Operating Procedures manual that has been revised will be forwarded to the Planning Unit thru the originating unit’s bureau commander upon completion of the revisions. The revised Standard Operating Procedures will be considered effective the date received by the Planning Unit. The Planning Unit will maintain approved Standard Operating Procedures on the Department’s intranet and shared access drive.
3. All Standard Operating Procedures manuals will include the following sections:
a. Organization.
b. Operations.
c. Emergency Procedures.
d. Others, as determined by the Organizational Commander.
e. Accreditation Standards (if applicable to the unit).
4. Each unit’s Standard Operating Procedure will include a section on administrative reports, such as daily reports, monthly reports and annual reports. The Standard Operating Procedure entry will include:
a. A listing of all administrative reports.
b. A statement as to the person(s) or position(s) responsible for the formulation of the report(s).
c. A statement of the purpose of the report(s).
d. A statement of the frequency of the report(s).
e. A statement of the distribution of the report(s).
5. Each unit’s Standard Operating Procedure will include a section identifying assignments for which specialized training is required. Specialized training includes supervised on-the-job training provided by the department, training mandated by governmental authority and training necessary for development of knowledge and skills particular to an area of specialization. Examples include, but are not limited to, breathalyzer operator, motorcycle units or marine patrol. The Standard Operating Procedure entry will include:
a. A description of the required training.
b. Any retraining requirements.
6. When any Standard Operating Procedure is amended, the change will be described in a dated memorandum and attached as a preface to the Organizational Commander's unit copy of the manual. The cover page of a Standard Operating Procedure manual shall include the month and year of the last revision and the individual’s name who last submitted the revision. For example: Last Updated August 2023, Lieutenant John Smith.
a. Copies of any rescinded portions will be maintained as an annex to the manual in the commander's unit copy.
b. When employees are not furnished personal copies of a change to procedure or training guide, they will read and initial a copy as documentation of their review.
7. Organizational Commanders will ensure their employees have access to a current copy of the Standard Operating Procedures manual. This may be accomplished by one of the following:
a. Maintaining an organizational copy that is readily accessible to all on-duty employees.
b. Issuing each employee a copy of the Standard Operating Procedures.
c. Issuing each employee a copy of only those section(s) that directly affect an employee’s usual operational activities.

8. Organizational Commanders will ensure all affected personnel are made aware of procedural changes either through issuance of a personal copy of the change or by circulating a copy to be initialed. Employees issued personal copies of the Standard Operating Procedures, as outlined in 5 (b and c), are responsible for:
a. Keeping their copy updated with all issued changes.
b. Having their copy readily accessible for reference or inspection during normal duty hours.
B. Other Organizational Procedures - The following documents will be dated and maintained by the originating or issuing unit either as part of the Standard Operating Procedures manual or as a separate file or log: any standing policy and/or procedure; training manual; training bulletin; legal bulletin; safety bulletin; and any document directing, informing, or advising employees inside or outside the organizational unit.

202.07 Budget Performance Measures
Each unit’s Standard Operating Procedure will include a section on the budget performance measure process. Performance measures are indicators used by the City of Dallas to evaluate a department’s operational performance activity. The section on performance measures will include:
A. Listing of current required performance measure(s).
B. Definition of the performance measure(s) and data source.
C. Description of the performance measure(s) calculation to include a step by step process for exporting source data (e.g. include report parameters), calculating the performance measure(s) (including formula used), and inputting the measure into the system (e.g. PerformanceSoft).
D. Listing of all employees involved in the performance measure process, their responsibilities, including retention of source documentation, supervisory review of original performance measure calculation and entry into system (e.g. PerformanceSoft), and training. Training should include a description of required training and a training log documenting all required personnel have been trained on the performance measure process.
E. Define and document the supervisory review process for all duties related to performance measures to ensure training continues for new and current employees, completeness of all necessary information, accuracy of calculations, and timely input of data.
F. Quarterly review of performance measures must be conducted by the impacted Bureau Commander for final review.

202.08 Memoranda and Agency Forms
A. Memoranda will not be a part of the directive system, but will be used for exchange of information.
B. Departmental approved forms are available to all officers on the shared access N: drive. Additionally, forms inherent to daily patrol duties will be located at the patrol divisions. It will be the responsibility of the watch commander to ensure that these forms are accessible and available to all officers.
C. Any new forms or modifying existing forms that will be utilized throughout the department will require approval through the Bureau Commander. A copy of the approved changes will be forwarded to the Planning Unit.
D. Forms utilized within specific divisions will only require the approval of the Division Commander.

202.09 Staff Studies and Research Projects
A. A copy of all staff studies and research projects conducted by Police Department personnel will be forwarded to the Planning Unit for inclusion in the Staff Study File.
B. Each report will contain a cover sheet with the title, Dallas Police Department, name of the organizational level conducting the study and date of the report. The last page of the study should list the name, rank/title of the person completing the study.

202.10 Interlocal Agreements
A. Any interlocal agreement with any city, law enforcement agency, or other entity that involves departmental operations must be approved by the Chief of Police prior to its presentation to the other entity for consideration.
B. Prior to submitting the agreement to the Chief of Police for approval, the following procedures should be completed:
1. A proposed draft of the agreement/contract will be submitted with an explanatory memorandum to the supervising attorney in the Criminal Law and Police Unit.
2. The supervising attorney will review the proposed agreement/contract and ensure it meets the requirements of the Walker Consent Decree in addition to any other legal requirements.
3. After the review and any necessary modification, the draft of the agreement, the explanatory memorandum, and a cover memorandum from the supervising attorney indicating approval and compliance with the Walker Consent Decree will be sent to the Chief of Police for approval.
C. Upon approval of the Chief of Police, the package will be returned to the requesting agency/unit that will obtain the proper City of Dallas signatures prior to execution by the outside party.
D. Upon implementation, the unit initiating the agreement/contract will forward a finalized copy to the Legal Services Section. Legal Services will maintain informational copies, to be used for reference only, of all agreements/contracts the Dallas Police Department has with other agencies or cities. The agreements/contracts may be in the form of formal contracts, Council Resolutions, Administrative Actions, Letters of Agreement, or Memorandums of Understanding, and they may contain policies and procedures including: guidelines and procedures for task forces; vehicle pursuits between cities; provisions for training, computers, or other services; or use of DPD facilities by other agencies.
E. If an agreement/contract expires and is not renewed, the unit responsible for the agreement/contract will notify the Legal Services Section. This will ensure the agreement/contract is removed from the reference files. Individual units are responsible for maintaining and renewing agreements/contracts within their area of responsibility.
F. Each June, the Planning Unit will review the Greater Dallas/Fort Worth Regional Law Enforcement Interlocal Assistance Agreement and the list of participants to ensure the information on the list is current.

202.11 Legal Opinions
A. The Criminal Law and Police Unit is responsible for issuing legal opinions within the Dallas Police Department. Any legal issues or concerns regarding policies or procedures involving the operations of the Department should be submitted in writing and directed to the Criminal Law and Police Unit of the City Attorney’s office located in the Jack Evans Police Headquarters Building.
B. The following procedures should be completed to request a legal opinion:
1. The request will be written in a memorandum, forwarded through the appropriate chain of command, approved by the division commander, and submitted to the supervising attorney of the Criminal Law and Police Unit.
2. The request will include any information and documentation needed to facilitate the review of the issue (i.e., copies of arrest reports, previous bulletins, etc.) A contact person and their telephone number are to be included in the event the assistant attorney needs to contact the requestor for more information or clarification.
3. The Criminal Law and Police Unit will review and issue a legal opinion as appropriate. A legal bulletin will be issued when it is determined that the information should be disseminated throughout the Department.
4. The Criminal Law and Police Unit will be responsible for maintaining copies of all legal opinions and bulletins.

202.12 Movie/TV Show Procedures
A. Contract Issues - When a movie/TV production company wishes to film in the Dallas area and the City Seal or City Property will be used, a contract between both parties is required. Depending upon the type of request the production company is making, certain City Departments and/or personnel will be involved in the contractual process. This will determine the type of contract that is written by the City Attorney’s Office.
1. The production company must also agree to and sign the Police Department’s Use of Equipment Guidelines.
2. If the production company is requesting to film inside a City facility only and not inside an area controlled by the Police Department, the Police Department will not have any involvement in the request. These requests will be forwarded to the Equipment/Building Services Department.
B. Request to Film, Photograph or Interview Employees or City Property for Commercial Purposes
1. Department employees receiving a request to film, photograph or interview any employee; to use City vehicles captured on film as part of the project or to film at any City facility for commercial purposes will forward the request through their chain of command to the Office of Chief of Police.
a. This includes, but not limited to, requests for films, television movies, series, commercials, music videos, corporate films, fund raising and promotional videos.
b. This directive applies to both for-profit and non-profit organizations.
c. This does not apply to news media covering local stories for daily news broadcast.
2. The Police Media Relations Unit will notify the Office of Special Events when a request is received and the Department is considering accepting the request.
3. If the request is approved by the Office of the Chief of Police, the request will be forwarded to the Police Media Relations Unit who will notify the Office of Special Events of the Department’s approval of the proposal.
4. The Office of Special Events will then be the point of contact for permitting and liaison between the Department and the film applicant to facilitate all meetings.
5. No employee other than the Chief of Police or their designee can approve requests covered in this section.
6. Employees will not sign any documents: waiver/location releases and/or contracts related to filming, photographing or interviews made or produced by any entity without the approval of the City Attorney’s Office.
7. The City of Dallas policy on Commercial Filming is covered in Administrative Directive 2-46.
C. Outside Employment by Production Companies Permitted by the Office of Special Event.
1. Production companies involved in filming or photographing on City Property or of Department personnel are required to be permitted by the Office of Special Events.
2. The approved permit will designate the number of off-duty officers the production company must employ while filming/photographing. Officers who serve as coordinators for these jobs will ensure the designated number of officers is present during the activity allowed by the permit.
3. The coordinator will obtain a copy of the Commercial Filming Permit from the production company or Office of Special Events prior to working the job. If the coordinator will not be at the location during the entire period of filming/photographing, the coordinator will ensure an off-duty officer who will be at the location has a copy of the permit.
4. Officers working off-duty for a production company will not authorize the company to hire fewer officers than designated in the permit. If an officer believes the job can be safely conducted with fewer officers, then the officer may contact the Office of Special Events to determine if the off-duty officer requirement can be reduced. A reduction must be approved by the Office of Special Events prior to fewer officers being utilized.
5. Off-duty officers will not authorize production companies to conduct filming outside of public areas designated by the permit or engage in unauthorized activities. An on-duty supervisor will be contacted if a production company refuses to comply with the permit.
6. Production companies who are granted a Commercial Filming Permit must still comply with all City of Dallas ordinances governing noise. The presence of an officer does not authorize companies to create noise outside of allowable levels or hours established by ordinance. Off-duty officers working for production companies will not authorize noise violations or fail to enforce them when violations are observed.
7. If an officer, whether on duty or off duty, is filmed on private property for commercial use, a Commercial Filming Permit is required.
8. All officers will adhere to the guidelines in General Order 421.00 (Off-Duty Employment) when working in an off- duty capacity for any movie/television show production company.
D. Equipment Use
The Chief of Police, or their designee, may approve the use of Dallas Police Department equipment (including marked police vehicles) by movie/TV production companies, providing the production company has a signed contract with the City of Dallas.
1. Non-Vehicular Equipment
a. The production company must provide a list of desired equipment a minimum of three working days prior to the start of shooting/filming.
b. An individual must be designated by the production company to check out equipment from the Dallas Police Department. This individual must be an employee of the production company, must reside within Dallas County or any adjoining county to Dallas County, and must possess a valid Texas Driver’s License.
c. The production company must provide the Chief of Police or their designee with an updated schedule of dates, times, and locations for all shoots. Any changes in the schedule will be made prior to the shoot.
d. Production companies may not provide any of the equipment provided by the Dallas Police Department to another movie/TV production company, either during or after completion of the shooting of the movie/TV production.
2. Vehicular Equipment
a. Actually Utilized in the Production
I. Production companies may request to lease marked vehicles to be used in the production. Dallas Police vehicles can only be driven to and from movie/TV production sets, used only as props, and may not be driven by anyone other than a uniformed, off-duty Dallas Police Officer hired by the production company. The production company will be billed for the leased vehicles at the current business rate, which is determined by the Department in December of each year. The rate will begin when the vehicle leaves the City facility where it is housed and will include the time it takes to return the vehicle to the same location.
II. A request for leasing vehicles must be made in writing to the Chief of Police or their designee.
b. Replicated for Use in the Production
I. Dallas Police vehicles that are replicated by production companies will not be driven on public streets unless all logos and overhead visibars are completely covered. If not covered, the vehicles must be trailered.
II. Production companies may not provide any of the vehicles to another movie/TV production company, either during or after completion of the shooting of the movie/TV production identified in the contract.
III. Within five working days of completion of the Dallas area filming by the movie/TV production company, all product/logo markings on replicated vehicles must immediately be removed and provided to the Dallas Police Department for destruction.
c. Utilized for Traffic Control
I. Production companies may request to lease marked police vehicles for traffic control only. The production company will be billed at the current rate for the leased vehicles. The rate will begin when the vehicle leaves the City facility where it is housed and include the time it takes to return the vehicle to the same location.
II. Production companies may lease marked police vehicles only. The request for leasing vehicles must be made in writing to the Chief of Police or designee at least three business days in advance. These vehicles may only be driven by off-duty Dallas Police officers hired by the production company.
E. Other Issues
1. The Dallas Police Department may inspect the handling of the equipment without notice at any time.
2. The equipment must remain in Dallas County or an adjoining county. The equipment may not be removed from Dallas County or an adjoining county without approval from the Chief of Police or their designee.
3. Any issues not covered will be referred to the Chief of Police or their designee.

202.13 Electronic Communication
The use of City of Dallas electronic information resources is a privilege and the policies implementing usage are located in Administrative Directive 2-33. All city employees are required to sign Exhibit A, E-MAIL AND INTERNET USE CONSENT FORM, of AD 2-33. By signing this form, the employee consents that all network activity is the property of the City and any E-Mail or Internet activity should not be considered private. This signed form should be kept in each employee’s unit folder at place of assignment.

E-Mail and Internet access is provided for business related purposes as representatives of the City of Dallas and the Dallas Police Department only. As such, employees will:
1. Refrain from adding any inspirational messages, quotes of any type, etc., at the beginning or end of the actual message content when sending an internal or external electronic communication.
2. Refrain from expressing personal opinions as if they were an official City of Dallas position.

202.14 Departmental Issued Cellular Telephones and the Use of Personal Cellular Telephones on Duty
A. Scope -Cellular telephones are equipment provided by the City of Dallas that is intended for duty-related business purposes. It is the policy of the Dallas Police Department to limit the use of these telephones to departmental business.
B. Use of City Issued Departmental Telephones:
1. Cellular telephones are authorized for official departmental business. Exceptions may be made for family situations or personal matters that require attention and where alternative forms of communication are not suitable or easily available. Every effort should be made to keep these calls short in duration.
2. Cellular telephone numbers will not be provided to members of the public. Exceptions may be made under the following guidelines:
a. Immediate future contact between a police employee and a victim, witness, or other person may be critical or;
b. User of the cellular telephone has granted authorization or;
c. The release of a cellular telephone number was authorized by a supervisor.
3. Cellular telephones will not be used to send inappropriate photographic images, emails or text messages unless they can be clearly linked to the conduct of official police business.
4. Cellular telephones will not be used to record photographic images of crime scenes except when issued for this purpose (e.g. departmental authorized social media)
5 Cellular telephones will not be used to access social networking sites unless it is for official police business.
6. Supervisors will conduct a periodic “spot” review of cellular telephone usage.
7. Employees may be asked to justify any non-duty related cellular telephone calls.
8. Supervisors will monitor the use of cellular telephones on a regular basis and will document the audit.
C. Use of Personal Cellular Telephones on Duty:
1. The use of personal cellular telephones while operating a police vehicle must not interfere with the safe operation of the vehicle nor impede a response to a call for service. Employees operating police vehicles are responsible for operating vehicles in a safe manner at all times and will be held accountable for unacceptable driving.
2. Employees shall limit the use of personally owned cellular telephones and the use shall not interfere with or cause personnel to be inattentive to duty.
3. Employees are prohibited from reading, sending, or replying to emails or text messages while operating a police vehicle.
4. Employees are prohibited from recording any crime scenes, potential evidence, suspects, and victims on their personal cellular telephones unless exigent circumstances exist in the preservation of evidence and it is approved by a supervisor.
5. Employees are prohibited from sending inappropriate photographic images, emails, or text messages to departmentally issued cellular telephones.
6. Telephones will be placed in a vibration or silent mode while attending court, training, meetings, and any other time needed to prevent interruption or annoyance.

202.15 Requirement to Access BlueTeam Account Daily
A. Employees shall submit BlueTeam reports that are required by the performance of their duties or by competent authority prior to the end of their tour of duty. Employees shall sign into their assigned BlueTeam account each day they are working in an on-duty capacity, and they shall take appropriate action on all BlueTeam reports which have been returned for correction, assigned by a competent authority, or are pending their review. After taking action on all BlueTeam report(s), employees shall forward the report(s) to the appropriate user within BlueTeam or the Internal Affairs Division (“Program Administrator”) in a timely manner. Employees shall not allow reports to remain in their BlueTeam account past 30 days.
B. When an employee separates from the Department, it shall be the responsibility of the employee and their supervisor to ensure all BlueTeam reports assigned to the employee are resolved prior to their separation.

Dallas Police Department General Order

203.00 Correspondence

Revised 02/19/2019


203.01 Intra-Departmental Correspondence
A. Official intra-departmental communications will be addressed directly to the Chief of Police and signed by the writer. This does not include personal communications relative to personnel and the routine operations of the Police Department.
B. Communications, although addressed to the Chief of Police, will be forwarded through channels. No officer of any rank has the authority to stop any communication addressed to the Chief of Police. All such communications will be forwarded to the Office of the Chief of Police with the least possible delay. Each officer in the chain-of-command will initial each communication before forwarding.
C. Police officers below the rank of Lieutenant signing intra-departmental communications or reports will place their identification numbers after their name.
D. Transmittal of Intra-Departmental Correspondence
1. When sending non-confidential correspondence, the sender will address a routing slip and staple it to the correspondence or use a manila envelope designed specifically for intra-departmental and inter-departmental mail.
2. When sending confidential correspondence by intra-departmental mail, the sender will either:
a. Use a manila envelope with CONFIDENTIAL stamped on both sides. The envelope will be stapled and a small piece of tape will go over the flap.
b. Use a City of Dallas envelope with CONFIDENTIAL stamped on both sides. Mark DO NOT MAIL in the upper right-hand corner where the stamp is normally affixed and attach a routing slip.

203.02 Outgoing Correspondence
A. Only sworn officers in the rank of Lieutenant or above and section managers may forward necessary communications to persons or groups outside the department in connection with the operations of their areas of responsibility.
B. Copies of correspondence sent to persons or groups outside of the department will be maintained for future reference in unit files and disposed of in accordance with the departmental Records Retention and Disposition Schedule.
C. Official communications originating in bureaus, divisions, sections, or units and not of a routine nature for the operation of that area will be coordinated with the Office of the Chief of Police.
D. All references in correspondence regarding police officers below the rank of Lieutenant will include the officer’s identification number immediately after the officer’s name.

203.03 Instructions for Block Form Letter
A. A block form letter will be used on all correspondence sent outside the department.
B. The date will be twelve lines from the top of the page. The number of spaces between the date and the inside address, as well as the margins, will vary in order to center the letter on the page. Use two spaces between paragraphs and other component parts.
C. When additional pages are needed, start the heading at the left margin on the sixth line from the top of the page and adhere to the following format:

Page 2
Mr. John Doe
une 20, 1992

D. After the last paragraph of the letter, skip two lines and type the complimentary close (Sincerely). Skip two lines and type the name of the Chief of Police in all capital letters. On the next line type CHIEF OF POLICE. Skip four lines and type the name of the person signing the letter, title, and place of assignment.
E. The composer and typist's initial line will consist of the initials of the person dictating or writing the letter and the person typing it.

203.04 File Copies of Correspondence
All correspondence will be signed by the issuing authority before being reproduced for filing.

203.05 Electronic Mail
All employees shall open their city issued email account and review all received messages each day they are in an on- duty capacity. Email is the primary means this Department uses to inform employees about current events, issue updates to any rules and regulations, and provide clarification to procedures via training bulletins.

Dallas Police Department General Order

204.00 Reports to the Chief of Police

Revised 08/04/2017


204.01 Required Reports to the Chief of Police
A. Members of the Department are often involved in incidents, which cannot be introduced into the normal reporting system. Because of the uniqueness and/or magnitude of these incidents, the Chief of Police needs a factual report immediately from the personnel involved. The purpose of this order is to establish the requisites and format for writing a report to the Chief of Police.
B. In the following instances, reports will be submitted immediately to the Chief of Police by the personnel involved when:
1. Requested or ordered.
2. An officer discharges a firearm while on duty or in the line of duty.
C. Members of the Department may become aware of informal requests, newsworthy events, or issues of which the Chief of Police should be apprised. In such an instance, the employee must notify the Office of the Chief of Police as soon as reasonably possible. If the employee is non-supervisory, the employee will notify a supervisor who will make the notification. Notification will be made through the City’s e-mail system under the following circumstances:
1. An informal request is made by the City Manager’s Office;
2. An informal request is made by the Council;
3. Any request that is received from the news media that may well result in a news story;
4. Any major newsworthy event; or
5. Any other issues that would be considered to be of concern to the Chief of Police and would reasonably require their immediate attention or knowledge thereof.
D. This message should be a very brief synopsis of the issue and include what action, if any, will be taken.
E. This system of notification does not substitute for personal and immediate notification on issues a member of the Department considers urgent. Also, this system may not be for some issues that should be addressed in person.

204.02 Instructions for Writing to the Chief of Police
The following instructions will be used as a guide for the submission of an original and three copies of all reports to the Chief of Police.
A. The report will be submitted on the City of Dallas Memorandum form.
B. The date will be the date the report is written.
C. Address - All reports will be directed to the Chief of Police.
D. Subject - Briefly explain why the report is written.
E. Body - Use the following as a guide:
1. The report will be written in the first person.
2. The block form for paragraphs will be used; double-spaced between paragraphs.
3. The opening paragraph will contain the date and time the officer was dispatched, notified, or observed the incident reported; assigned element; and the nature and location of the call or incident observed. It will identify the actors, times, places, and any pertinent information concerning the incident.
4. The report will follow the sequence of events, starting at the beginning and continuing in chronological order of actions and events, until it reaches the completion of the incident.
5. The report must be factual and contain only those events that actually transpired.
6. The report will be brief, concise, complete, and accurate.
7. The report will contain names, addresses, ages, sex, and races of the persons involved.
8. The closing paragraph will contain the disposition or action taken or recommended in handling the incident.
F. Complimentary Close - “Respectfully submitted," will be used on all reports to the Chief of Police.
G. Signature - The signature will contain the officer's name, identification number, rank, and organizational level to which assigned.

Dallas Police Department General Order

205.00 Written Communication Distribution

Revised 01/30/2007


205.01 General Policy
It is the responsibility of Organizational Commanders to ensure that each member of their command receives all applicable written communications. This order establishes a procedure requiring each Organizational Commander to maintain a logbook which will contain a record of written communication "To Be Logged," and a description of how that communication was conveyed to the employees.

205.02 Definitions
For the purposes of this order,
A. Applicable written communications means any document, regardless of origin, approved for distribution by the authority of a Captain or above. Generally, applicable written communications are documents such as Administrative Directives, General Orders, Special Orders, Legal Bulletins, Safety Bulletins, Training Bulletins, or any other document that could affect units of the Department or its personnel.
B. Document transmittal control sheet is a control document titled To Be Logged, showing the document control number, date, type of communication, subject, approving authority, issuing individual or organization, level of distribution, and a means of acknowledgment of receipt of the document.
C. Logbook is a record maintained by Organizational Commanders. The logbook will be used only for the control of documents forwarded to Organizational Commanders with a document transmittal control sheet (To Be Logged), approved for distribution by a Captain or above.
D. Written Communication Roster is a list of employees within a given organizational level. The style of the roster may vary from one level to another and may be typed or computer-generated, but must contain at a minimum: the names of the employees, date the document was received, and employee signatures.

205.03 Procedures
A. The issuing individual or organization is responsible for the following:
1. Preparing the document.
2. Designating the level of distribution.
3. Obtaining approval from a Captain or above.
4. Obtaining a document control number from the Planning Unit. (A document control number may be obtained by telephone. Submission of the document is not required.)
5. Distributing the document. (The original document will be maintained by the issuing individual or organizational unit.)
6. Ensuring the document has been received by all Organizational Commanders through retention of the returned and signed document transmittal control sheet. (Length of retention is governed by the Department's Records Retention and Disposition Schedule.)
B. Each Organizational Commander will maintain a logbook for the control of applicable written communications.
1. The logbook form will be on 8 1/2" X 11" paper and titled Written Communications Log. It will contain the year and page number at the top of the form. The logbook forms will be maintained in a binder by calendar year, with consecutively numbered pages.
2. The logbook will record each document control number, the type of document received, the subject, the date received, and the method and level of distribution to employees.
3. The method of distribution can include mandatory viewing of a videotape; or in the case of a document, reading the document to the employees, or providing employees with a copy of the document, or both.
4. The level of distribution can be: ALL, SWORN, NON-SWORN, or ORGANIZATIONAL COMMANDER.S.
5. The Bureau Commander’s logbook need only reflect the above information for each Organizational Commander in the Bureau Commander's chain-of-command.
C. Organizational Commanders will ensure that each employee designated to receive information signs or initials a Written Communications Roster for that document. The roster will state the type and subject of communication, the date the document was read or presented to the employees, and the level of distribution. Rosters will be maintained at the Organizational Commander level.

205.04 Logbook and Roster Inspections
On a quarterly basis, Bureau Commanders or their designees will conduct inspections of Organizational Commander logbooks and rosters. This inspection will determine if departmental communications have been received, logged, and distributed in the proper manner.

Dallas Police Department General Order

206.00 Time and Payroll Issues

Revised 11/04/2024

A. In any conflict or difference between department rules or orders, and state or federal law, the law will take precedence. If any provision of these rules or orders conflicts with a meet and confer agreement adopted by city council, the provision of the meet and confer agreement will prevail.
B. Compensation issues for all employees will be applied strictly within the guidelines established by law and department rules or procedures. Application of all laws, policies, and procedures will be made within the context of the best interests of the City of Dallas and the employee.
C. The Department has an obligation to guard against indiscriminate payment of overtime or compensatory time that is not earned. Supervisors are to review all requests for compensation to guard against inaccurate or unjustified payments. The payroll supervisor is responsible for reviewing requests for overtime and compensatory time prior to submitting a payroll report.
D. It is the duty of all Commanders to be fiscally responsible, not only with regard to money, but also with accountability of the use and accumulation of time.
E. Commanders need to ensure that these aspects of their operations are regularly audited.
F. Employees have an obligation to report to their supervisors any discrepancies in salary compensation (merit increase, various assignment and special pays, education incentive pay), overtime, compensatory time, or leave that is incorrectly reflected on their paycheck.
G. Each sworn officer will receive a copy of their Employee Data Statement (Parameter Report) prepared from the Human Resources Information System on a quarterly basis. This report includes a listing of all types of pay an officer is receiving as of the date printed on the Employee Data Statement. The Employee Data Statement will come with instructions on what to do if an officer believes the report contains any errors. In such cases, and officer will have thirty
(30) days to report the discrepancy to the Human Resources Department, Uniform Payroll Team, in person during normal business hours. If the discrepancy is not brought to the attention of the Uniform Payroll Team within 30 days, the officer’s pay will be considered correct and the employee will be responsible for any overpayments made by the City to the employee.

206.01 Personnel Time Records
A. All personnel time records of the Dallas Police Department will be maintained in accordance with the City of Dallas Personnel Rules and Administrative Directives. These rules and directives are available on the City of Dallas intranet web page under the “Publications” heading for reference. The content of this order is intended to supplement those directives and provide guidelines in areas not covered that apply to the Dallas Police Department.
B. Definitions
1. The term officer refers to sworn personnel only.
2. The term employee includes both sworn and non-sworn personnel.

206.02 Time Cards
A. Organizational Commanders will be responsible for ensuring that attendance records are maintained for employees under their command. These records will be maintained on time cards and daily or weekly detail sheets, which will be posted daily by a supervisor or an approved designated timekeeper.
B. All absences will be posted in red ink. All work hours will be posted in black ink.
C. Codes for marking time cards are as follows:
1. A - Administrative Leave
2. C - Compensatory Time Off
 (Applicable to exempt non-sworn employees and sworn Police Officers only. “C” time taken will be entered on the report.)
3. D - Death in Family Leave
4. E - Education Leave
5. H - Official Holiday Leave
6. I - Injury on Duty Leave
 (If “I” time extends through regular days off, the entry will be marked “I/O”.)
7. J - Jury or Court Leave
8. M - Military Training Leave
9. R - Present for duty (“R/T” will indicate a Trade Time entry)
10. S - Sick Leave (Place an “F” after the appropriate leave code to indicate approved Family Medical Leave)
11. V - Vacation (Place an “F” after the appropriate leave code to indicate approved Family Medical Leave)
12. W - Approved Leave Without Pay (Place an “F” after the appropriate leave code to indicate approved Family Medical Leave)
13. X - Absent Without Leave (AWOL)
14. Z - Suspension
15. O - Days Off
16. K - Attendance Incentive Leave
17. F - Furlough/Mandatory City Leave
D. Regularly scheduled days off, holidays, and vacation days may be posted on time cards in advance, in pencil, if deemed necessary by the commanding officer. The commanding officer will ensure that a daily verification is made of all previously posted entries to determine that they are correct and that entries in ink are made over the penciled entries.
E. When supervisors assign or approve switching an employee’s scheduled off day with a workday, it will be indicated on the employee’s time card as O/R and R/O.
F. Supervisors will ensure that all holidays are taken either in the month earned or within the two months immediately following.
G. When an employee is reassigned (also referred to as “transfer” in GO 407), the time card will be routed to the unit to which the employee is reassigned. The supervisor forwarding the time card will enter the time and date of the reassignment and the unit reassigned to in the margin of the time card. The receiving supervisor will make note in the margin of the time card of the time and date received.
H. Employees cannot use earned leave to work off-duty employment when the employment is on a regularly scheduled daily, weekly, or monthly basis or anytime it splits their workday with the exception that earned leave may be used to split a workday for medical or personal matters with supervisory permission.

206.03 Reviewing Time Cards
A. Organizational Commanders will designate supervisors to check the accuracy of time card postings. This will require biweekly, quarterly, and annual reviews.
B. The Biweekly Review consists of comparing the time card postings with entries into the payroll system.
C. The Quarterly Review consists of reviewing of all time card entries for the ending quarter. The reviewing supervisor will initial the time card in the left margin in the month ending the quarter. The reviewing supervisor will check to ensure that:
1. During each sworn and non-sworn biweekly pay period all 8-hour employees were scheduled with four days off, and all 10-hour employees were scheduled with six days off. (Any changes for 10-hour employees must be made the first day of the pay period).
2. When any changes of regularly scheduled days off resulted in an imbalance of days off, that adjustments were made. (Any corrections to days off should be made within the next pay period.)
3. Employees are taking their holidays in the month earned or within the two months immediately following.
D. The Annual Review, to be completed in February, will determine the number of days off, vacation days, holidays, etc., each employee took during the previous year.
1. The reviewing supervisor will:
a. Correct any errors found.
b. Initial the reviewed time card in the lower left corner.
c. Record information at the top of the new time card and initial next to the recorded information. This information includes the number and type of days from the previous year that are owed to or by the employee.
2. Any adjustments of days owed to or by an employee found during the Annual Review must be accomplished by March 31. The dates the time was received or returned will be listed at the top of the new time card.
3. After all discrepancies are resolved, the time cards will be forwarded to the Personnel Division. Sworn and non- sworn time cards will be submitted separately. A copy of the time card will be placed in each employee’s unit file.
E. Any reviewing supervisor noting a discrepancy will forward to the Personnel Services Unit an Exception Payroll Supplement. If unable to determine the cause of a discrepancy, the supervisor will also forward an explanatory memo to the Personnel Services Unit.
F. Any payroll issues and discrepancies that cannot be resolved between the supervisor and the Personnel Services Unit will be referred to the respective Organizational Commander and the Commander of the Personnel Division.

206.04 Payroll System
A. Employees may be allowed to enter their own time in the payroll system with the approval of the Organizational Commander except at Patrol Divisions. If employees are not authorized to make their own entries, the organizational commander will appoint a supervisor to make the exceptional entries. Only supervisors will make entries into the payroll system at the patrol divisions.
B. Organizational Commanders must have prior written approval from the Office of the Chief of Police to use an employee who is not a supervisor to approve payroll submissions in the payroll system. A copy of the approval memorandum must be forwarded to the Personnel Services Unit.
C. All entries into the payroll system must be made and approved by 9:00 a.m. on the Wednesday the payroll is due. Payroll is due for sworn and non-sworn personnel on alternating Wednesdays.
D. When employees are placed on special assignment to an ORG-number other than their own, regardless of the length of time involved, the organization where they are temporarily assigned will be responsible for ensuring the employee’s time is entered and approved in the payroll system.
E. The following guidelines are used for entering regular hours worked, leave, T.A.P., compensatory time and/or overtime into the payroll system for both sworn and non-sworn employees:
1. A time entry code must be entered into the payroll system for all hours worked.
2. All time entered should be rounded to the nearest tenth.
3. A project code must be selected when entering any time worked outside normal work hours or when applicable.

206.05 Monthly Strength Report 
A. The Personnel Services Unit, Personnel Division, is responsible for completing the Monthly Strength Report.
B. Distribution
1. The Monthly Strength Report will be completed no later than the tenth day of the following month. The original will be retained in the Personnel Division.
2. The Personnel Division will be responsible for preparing and submitting to the Chief of Police and the Executive Staff a report showing the combined strength of the entire Department.

206.06 Work Schedules
A. Administrative Hours
1. Administrative hours are defined as a work shift comprised of eight hours compensated time and a one hour uncompensated meal period.
2. The shift start time and days off for work groups with administrative hours should be established to provide efficient public service and maximize operational effectiveness.
3. Organizational Commanders, whose offices normally operate only on an administrative hour’s schedule or only on a two-shift basis, may permit employees of that office to take their one-hour meal period at any time during the workday. However, the organizational commander may only occasionally approve the meal period at the beginning or end of the workday, but no other meal period will be allowed. No employee will be allowed to take their one-hour meal period at the beginning or end of the workday on a permanent basis.
4. Commanders will ensure adequate staffing is present at all times to discharge service obligations during established administrative office hours.
B. Alternate Work Schedules
1. With the approval of the Chief of Police, City Manager, and the Director of Human Resources, the standard work schedules for organizational levels that must be staffed on a 24-hour basis may vary. Approved schedules will be for three 8-hour shifts, multiple overlapping 10-hour shifts, or a combination of the two.
2. Organizational Commanders will ensure documentation is maintained on the detail sheet or departmental calendar any time an employee’s work schedule is altered, such as O/R or R/O. The actual work times must be documented. R/O - O/R days will also be recorded on the time card.
3. Organizational Commanders will ensure that an employee’s actual hours worked for each day are posted on the daily or weekly detail sheet if differing from the assigned hours listed on the detail sheet. The daily or weekly detail sheet should also reflect the actual hours worked when an employee works only a partial day. (Such as 4R – 7 a.m. to 11 a.m., 4S - 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.)
4. Commanders will ensure that adequate staffing is present at all times.
5. Supervisors are responsible for altering work schedules for their employees to achieve the goal of keeping overtime or compensatory time to a minimum.

206.07 Absences

A. Employees must notify a supervisor at their assigned work location when they are sick, injured, or cannot report for duty due to illness, injury, any other unexpected reason. This notification must be made by telephone and directly to a supervisor.
B. This telephone call will be made by the reporting employee or by a member of the employee's family at least one hour before reporting time. Employees in organizational levels with administrative schedules must give notice of absence due to illness, injury, or any other unexpected reason to their supervisors at the start of their standard workday. Employees must give a telephone number and address where they can be located during their normal tour of duty.
C. Subsequent calls will be required on each succeeding day of absence unless the employee is specifically authorized not to do so by the employee's immediate supervisor.
D. When an employee becomes ill while on duty to the extent he or she must leave work, the supervisor will be immediately notified.
E. All employees will be allowed six (6) incidents or fifteen (15) days of undocumented sick leave each six-month period January 1 – June 30 and July 1 – December 31.
F. An incident is defined as an uninterrupted use of sick leave.
G. Employees will only use sick leave for one of the following reasons:
1. The employee is incapacitated for the performance of duties due to an illness, surgical procedure, or off duty injury.
2. To attend a medical, dental or optical examination or treatment that is necessary. Using sick leave to attend a physician’s appointment during a tour of duty will require prior approval of a supervisor.
3. To recover from pregnancy, miscarriage, abortion or childbirth.
4. To care for a family member who is ill or incapacitated.
5. When an employee has been exposed to a contagious disease and the employee’s presence at the job would jeopardize the health of others. A health officer defines contagious disease as one that would warrant quarantine.
H. Employees may not use sick leave due to an illness or disability caused by intemperate use of alcohol or drugs, unless the employee is participating in a city sponsored or approved treatment program.
I. Any use of sick leave that is verified by a physician’s statement listing one of the reasons stated in Section G, 1-5, will not count against the employee’s cumulative undocumented sick leave.
J. Physician’s statements for verification of sick leave must be submitted to a supervisor in the employee’s chain of command within forty-eight hours of the employee’s return to duty.
K. An officer’s off-duty employment privileges will not be revoked due to sick time usage, other than as authorized in General Order 421.00.
L. Violations of the department’s sick leave procedures will be governed by the Personnel Rules and the General Orders.
M. Employees will use sick leave only for reasons enumerated in Section 34-22 (h) of the City of Dallas Personnel Rules and as outlined in General Order 206.07, Section G, 1-5.
N. Any sworn employee’s use of sick leave after six (6) incidents or 15 days in a 6-month period will require a doctor’s written verification that the leave complies with the City of Dallas Personnel Rules, Section 34-22 (h) and General Order 206.07, Section G, 1-5.
O. No list regarding sick time use or confidential medical information will be published publicly or posted internally including city-wide reports. Such reports will be used internally on a need-to-know basis.
P. Sick time usage will not be the sole, exclusive factor when considering an employee for promotion, transfer or assignment.
Q. Supervisors will make diligent inquiries into every case of unapproved absence from duty with a view toward corrective action if the violation is aggravated or repeated.
R. When an employee is off sick and regular days off fall within the sick time, the regular days off will not be shown as sick days. When an employee is off due to an on-duty injury, normal working days will be marked I. Regular days off will be marked I/O until the employee returns to duty.
S. When any employee is off-duty at any subsequent date as a result of an on-duty injury, the employee will be carried as injured on-duty. The employee’s immediate supervisor will be responsible for making the necessary confirmation that the leave is a result of an on-duty injury.
T. When an employee is on military leave, normal working days will be marked M and regular days off marked.
U. Nothing in this section limits the department’s right to investigate and discipline employees pursuant to the City of Dallas Personnel Rules and the General Orders.

206.08 Overtime and Compensatory Time
A. Standard Work Day Defined - An employee’s standard workday begins when he/she starts work on the scheduled shift.
B. Exceptions to Standard Work Day
1. Sworn Employees
a. Excluding court subpoenas and responses to official call back status for Standby/On Call assignments (refer to 206.12), if sworn employees are called to work outside their scheduled work day and continue to work up to or through their scheduled start time, for purposes of computing daily overtime, a new day begins at the time they originally reported for work. Any actual hours worked that exceed the standard work day will be compensated. Special Compensation, as defined in 206.10, will not be computed or compensated on either end of that work shift.
b. If callbacks do not merge with their scheduled start time, sworn employees will be compensated a minimum of two hours at the appropriate rate. These two hours include any Special Compensation permitted, consistent with the guidance provided in Section 206.10 Special Compensation (Court and Approved Functions During Off-Duty Hours).
2. Non-Sworn Employees
a. Non-sworn employees who are called back to work outside their scheduled work hours and continue to work through their scheduled start time, for purposes of computing daily overtime, a new workday begins at the time the employee reported for work.
b. If callbacks do not merge with their scheduled start time, non-sworn employees will be compensated a minimum of two hours at the appropriate rate. These two hours include any Special Compensation permitted, consistent with the guidance provided in Section 206.10 Special Compensation (Court and Approved Functions During Off-Duty Hours).
C. Supervisors may assign or approve employees to alter their work hours. A record of the altered hours must be documented by either a memorandum or posted on a detail or departmental calendar.
D. Non-exempt sworn employees have the option of receiving either overtime pay or compensatory time when working more than 40 hours in a work week. The compensatory time option is subject to supervisory approval.
1. The overtime rate will be at one and one-half times the regular rate of base pay for all hours worked over 40 in the work week.
2. If selected, compensatory time will be accrued at one and one-half hours for all hours worked over 40 in the work week. Compensatory time earned in one quarter that is not taken by the end of the next two quarters will be automatically converted into overtime pay for sworn employees.
3. The procedures for police officer call back are outlined in the meet & confer agreement, as applicable. Generally, if a police officer is called during call back hours for police-related business questions, while ordinarily off duty, the police officer will be compensated with either overtime or compensatory time for the amount of the time of the call.
E. Non-Sworn Employees
1. Non-exempt employees will be paid overtime pay at a rate of one and one-half times their regular pay for all hours worked over forty (40) in a work week.
2. Exempt employees will be credited with compensatory time when they work more than eighty (80) hours in a biweekly pay cycle. Compensatory time will be accrued at the rate of one hour for each hour over the standard workday. Refer to City of Dallas, Personnel Rules Sec. 34-24 Compensatory Leave for guidelines applicable to compensatory time earned by non-sworn exempt employees.
F. Reporting Overtime or Compensatory Time - Any compensatory time or overtime earned by any employee must be documented by the employee’s next workday.
1. Bureau and Division Commanders must document overtime worked by completing a compensatory or overtime card, which will be maintained as a departmental record. All other employees will report any overtime worked to the next level supervisor or commander by completing a compensatory or overtime card. The approving supervisor must sign the compensatory or overtime card.
a. Overtime - use Form Pol-00877 Rev 6/89, Application For Overtime (pink card). Overtime earned will be entered into the payroll system as outlined General Order 206.04.E.
b. Compensatory Time - use Form Sup-01549 Rev 2/95, Request for Compensatory Time (white card).
Compensatory time earned will be entered into the payroll system as outlined General Order 206.04.E
c. Overtime and compensatory time will be logged by entering time in IWM or by completing a pink overtime and/or a white compensatory card. The time still must be entered into the payroll system. The method that time is logged is at the discretion of the Division Commander.
2. Sworn employees will be paid at the Temporary Assignment Pay (T.A.P.) rate for overtime duties resulting from a temporary assignment. If the duties do not involve those of the T.A.P. position, overtime will be paid at the rate of the regular position. When overtime is to be paid at the T.A.P. rate, the T.A.P overtime pay code for the rank the employee is acting will be selected in the payroll system.
3. Each Organizational Commander will keep the Overtime and Compensatory Time cards as back-up records to employees’ individual time cards. The Overtime and Compensatory Time cards will be retained in accordance with the Department's Records Retention and Disposition Schedule.
4. Employees incorrectly paid overtime or credited with compensatory time will report it immediately to their supervisor. The supervisor will ensure that the Payroll Team is notified so that adjustments can be made on the payroll. Employees will not make any adjustments between themselves because it would leave the payroll records in error.

206.09 Earning Overtime or Compensatory Time and Authorization Level

Reason for OvertimeSituationsAuthority
Judicial Functions

Felony, Misdemeanor, and Juvenile Courts

Civil Courts (when appearance is related to police duties)

Grand Jury

U.S. Attorney, District Attorney, or City Attorney Conferences

Subpoenas or Court Notification Slips

Appointments set by:

U.S. Attorneys,

District Attorneys, or City Attorneys

Late Relief

Working beyond normal work hours due to late calls, assigned

projects, etc.

Dispatcher notification

Supervisor (Unit/ Watch/Section)

Non-Emergency Assignment Outside of Scheduled Hours

Civil Service Board Meetings City Manager Hearings

Department Disciplinary Hearings Community Meetings

Shooting Review Boards Collision Appeal Boards Meritorious Conduct Boards Driver's Physicals

Other similar assignments

Civil Service Subpoena or Notification Slip Command Staff-level Officer
*Emergency Call BackUnplanned work arising due to natural disasters or civil disordersChief of Police or Duty Commander
Planned Special Events

Parades Conventions

State Fair

Assistant City Manager, Finance (Advanced approval required - Organizational Commanders must allow sufficient time for the approval process through the Assistant City Manager)
Traffic GrantsVarious Grants for Enforcement of DWI, Seatbelt Law, etc.Commander, Traffic Section
Quartermaster VisitsOnly if required visit cannot be completed during the employee's normal working hoursSupervisor (Unit/ Watch/Section)

A. Regulations pertaining to payment of individual employees for overtime and compensatory time are contained in the City of Dallas Personnel Rules, and in the event of a conflict, the Personnel Rules prevail. The following regulations, however, also govern the earning of overtime/compensatory time by departmental employees.
B. How Time is Earned and Authorization Level - The following instances are reasons for earning overtime/compensatory time and the approval basis or authority is indicated:
1. Employees appealing a grievance or disciplinary action before an Assistant City Manager, an Administrative Law Judge, a Trial Board, or the Civil Service Board will not be compensated for off-duty appearances unless so ordered or when responding to a subpoena. Employees whose appeals occur during regular hours will be compensated at their regular rate of pay.
2. Employees serving as witnesses at a grievance or disciplinary appeal hearing before an Assistant City Manager, an Administrative Law Judge, a Trial Board, or the Civil Service Board will be compensated for off-duty appearances if they were summoned by subpoena, received a notice issued by the Legal Services Section, or received verbal notification from the City Manager’s Office/Civil Service Board. Employees serving as witnesses during regular hours will be compensated at their regular rate of pay.
C. Court Appearances - Employees on court overtime will be compensated for the actual time spent in court. Employees released from court for lunch breaks will not be compensated from the time they are released through the time they are required to return to court.
D. Requiring Officers to Work More Than Forty Hours in a Calendar Week.
1. In the event of an emergency, the Chief of Police or the Duty Commander, pursuant to the authority delegated by the Chief of Police, may authorize a supervisor to require officers to work more than forty hours in a calendar week.
a. This decision will be documented through a group appropriate MDC transmission or an audible radio transmission to the Communications Dispatcher.
b. The Chief of Police or Duty Commander will monitor the situation to relieve officers in a reasonable and timely manner.
2. An emergency is an unexpected happening or event or an unforeseen situation or crisis that calls for immediate action. Emergencies include:
a. Severe weather events.
b. Major incidents that require extended perimeter traffic control.
c. Spontaneous crowd control problems or a barricaded person that utilizes a high number of field resources.
d. Fallen aircraft or mass casualty situation.
e. Any other unexpected happening or event or unforeseen situation or crisis that calls for immediate action as determined by the Chief of Police or Duty Commander pursuant to the authority delegated by the Chief of Police.
3. Nothing in this section prohibits any supervisor from requesting volunteers to work more than forty hours in a work week.
E. No employee is allowed to take discretionary leave and then earn compensatory time or overtime by volunteering for an assignment during their regularly scheduled duty hours. This does not preclude earning time during discretionary leave if the time earned is a mandatory function of the employee’s assignment.

206.10 Special Compensation (Court and Approved Functions During Off-Duty Hours)

A. Employees required to return to work (judicial functions in Dallas County and emergency/ non-emergency assignments) during their off-duty hours will receive special compensation.
B. The special compensation permitted per assignment will be thirty minutes of compensatory or overtime before and thirty minutes after the assignment.
C. The special compensation does not apply in the following circumstances:
1. Reporting early or staying late in conjunction with an employee’s scheduled work shift as referenced in 206.08 B.
2. Immediately before or after working an R/O day. (When an employee is required to return to work before working an R/O day or after working an R/O, as defined in 206.10 A, special compensation will be permitted.)
3. When less than one hour exists between the end of the scheduled work shift and the beginning of the after-hours assignment except when actual travel between facilities (defined as a sufficient distance to reasonably require travel by a motor vehicle) is required.
4. When less than one hour exists between the end of the after-hours assignment and the beginning of the scheduled work shift except when actual travel between facilities (defined as a sufficient distance to reasonably require travel by a motor vehicle) is required.
5. When the time for the special compensation overlaps in any way with any off-duty employment.
6. For instances of voluntary overtime/compensatory assignments as defined by the Department.
D. Court Appearances in Collin, Denton, Kaufman, and Rockwall Counties - Special compensation to these four counties will be calculated as the actual time spent traveling from the employee’s current location or workplace (if going off- duty) to the location of the court. The minimum compensation will be for 30 minutes each way. The maximum compensation will not exceed one hour each way. The special compensation does not apply in the following circumstances:
1. Reporting early or staying late in conjunction with an employee’s scheduled work shift as referenced in 206.08 B.
2. Immediately before or after working an R/O day. (When an employee is required to return to work before working an R/O day or after working an R/O, as defined in 206.10 A, special compensation will be permitted.)
3. When less than one hour exists between the end of the scheduled work shift and the beginning of the after-hours assignment except when actual travel between facilities (defined as a sufficient distance to reasonably require travel by a motor vehicle) is required.
4. When less than one hour exists between the end of the after-hours assignment and the beginning of the scheduled work shift except when actual travel between facilities (defined as a sufficient distance to reasonably require travel by a motor vehicle) is required.
5. When the time for the special compensation overlaps in any way with any off-duty employment.
E. Court Appearances in All Counties Other Than Dallas, Collin, Denton, Kaufman, and Rockwall
1. When properly subpoenaed in conjunction with their department-related duties to attend judicial functions in a county other than Dallas, Collin, Denton, Kaufman, or Rockwall Counties, employees will be furnished transportation and expenses. 
2. Employees will be compensated for court/judicial assignments for the time actually traveling to and spent in court or the judicial function until released by the court or prosecutor. Employees will receive overtime or compensatory time for any amount of time over their normal duty tour while in duty status, including travel time.
3. In cases where witness fees are paid to an employee, such fees will be refunded to the City of Dallas through the Manager of the Equipment Services Section. The refund will not exceed the amount of expenses drawn or claimed from the city.

206.11 Out of Town Travel
A. Employees sent out of town for one day will not be paid for time spent in traveling from home to the airport but will be paid for all other travel time, except any time spent in eating while traveling. Employees who drive overnight are considered working all the time they are driving and will be compensated.
B. Employees traveling overnight on business, such as for more than one day, will be paid for time spent in traveling, except for meal periods, during their normal working hours on their non-working days, such as Saturday, Sunday, and holidays, as well as on their regular working days. Travel time as a passenger on an airplane, bus, or automobile outside of regular working hours is not considered work time and will not be compensated. However, any actual work an employee does while traveling remains compensable work time for an out of town trip. An employee using a City vehicle is working while driving on business, but not while going to and from home.
1. Division and Section Commanders will review the need for each out of town trip to help curtail overtime and compensatory time.
2. If feasible, out of town trips will be made during an employee's normal tour of duty.

206.12 Compensatory Time Relating to Employees in “On Call” or “Call Back” Status
A. “On Call” is defined as being required to remain available for immediate call to duty by continuously remaining in contact with a police department office by telephone or by radio.
B. Sworn non-exempt employees are not considered to be “On Call” if they can come and go as they please when they leave a telephone number where they may be reached (i.e., work off-duty jobs, engage in personal pursuits, etc.).
C. Being placed in “On Call” status is not automatic to any given work unit or circumstance. In order to be in “On Call” status, the officer must meet all of the following requirements:
1. Be approved in an “On Call” position by the officer’s Bureau Commander;
2. Be continuously tied to a communication device (i.e., police radio, telephone, Blackberry, etc) for immediate contact and response;
3. Modified behavior (i.e., not consume intoxicants or any similar substance(s) that impairs action or performance);
4. Be required to respond to the communication notice by arriving at the designated location within 30 minutes or less of the notice in appropriate police attire; and
5. Be subject to discipline for failure to respond.
D. In the event of authorized “On Call” status by a Bureau Commander, all time an officer is designated as “On Call” must be recorded on the Application for Comp Time Card (Form SN2761-01-520) in the “On Call or Assignment” section as OCUP (On-Call Time – Uniform Police).
E. Time Cards (Form SN2761-01-520) will be maintained as a departmental record. On Call cards must be submitted by the employee’s next working day, signed by the employee and approved by the next level supervisor and the watch commander. Most circumstances in the Department will be handled as a “Call Back” which is defined as a circumstance whereby the employee is called back to work outside of the employee’s scheduled work hours, and the call back does not merge with the employee’s scheduled start time. Employees will continue to be compensated in accordance with current Personnel Rules and the Meet & Confer Agreement, where applicable.

206.13 Temporary Assignment in Next Higher Grade
A. Eligibility
1. Sworn employees, temporarily fulfilling the duties of a higher grade for any length of time, will be compensated at the rate of that higher grade. The key consideration in determining eligibility for Temporary Assignment Pay (which will be referred to as T.A.P.) is that an employee is actually assigned to perform the duties of the higher grade.
2. When supervisors of the ranks of Sergeant or higher will not be available to fulfill their duties, an acting supervisor may be appointed. This will include absences of full or partial days for unpaid leave, vacation leave, sick leave, other paid leave, administrative leave, or while out of the city on official business. The appointees will perform the duties of their regular position and the position to which they have been appointed. It is not always necessary to appoint someone to fulfill the duties of a higher grade; however, when circumstances dictate that a subordinate rank performs activities clearly assigned to the superior, then T.A.P. must be approved.
3. An Acting Commander will not be appointed when Division Commanders or above are on their normal days off or outside of administrative hours. If the Commander works administrative hours and the Acting Commander works an alternate work schedule, the Acting Commander can only receive T.A.P. for the hours the Commander would normally work.
4. A Sergeant performing the duties of a Watch Commander in a patrol position or other division would qualify for T.A.P.
5. Assignments as Acting Sergeants may be rotated among members of the work group who have completed their probationary periods. Assignments of Acting Commander may be rotated or determined by the needs of the Department.
6. Senior Corporals or Police Officers assigned to Patrol Bureaus will not be assigned as Acting Supervisors. Other Sergeants assigned to the watch should assume supervisory duties for Sergeants on off days or vacation.
B. Authorization
1. In all cases, some form of written authorization must be maintained at the organizational level. These authorizations may take the form of detail sheets, memoranda, etc., and will be kept in accordance with the Records Retention and Disposition Schedule.
2. Requests for T.A.P. will be entered into the payroll system. Time will be reported in hours and/or tenths of hours.
C. Compensation
1. A sworn employee filling in at the next higher grade will receive compensation based on current years in rank. In other words, base pay will be the same step in the higher-level rank as the step of the officer’s current rank. For example, a first year Lieutenant filling in for a Captain or Major will receive the pay of a first year Captain or Major. A second year Sergeant filling in for a Lieutenant will receive the pay of a second year Lieutenant.
2. For serving two or more ranks higher, base pay will be the step in the higher-level rank that provides at least a 10% increase.
3. A sworn employee acting in a higher salaried non-sworn position will receive compensation of 5% above the sworn employee’s current base salary. The non-sworn maximum salary must be greater than the maximum of the sworn rank in order for the sworn member to receive T.A.P.
4. Overtime will be paid at the T.A.P. rate for duties resulting from the temporary assignment. No T.A.P. overtime will be earned for overtime duties that do not involve those of the T.A.P. position.

206.14 Field Training Officer Pay
A. Field Training Officers (FTOs) will be eligible for FTO Assignment Pay if utilized as a Principal field training officer and after successfully completing FTO School.
B. Pay Status
1. All Principal FTOs will receive $100.00 per month Assignment Pay. Relief FTO’s assigned to train a recruit in an intermittent basis when needed (less than 30 days) will not receive this assignment pay.
2. All FTOs may earn a maximum of 0.6 hours overtime pay/compensatory time for each day they actually train a recruit, lateral recruit, or Reserve Officer, and complete a DOR or when serving as class advisor to a recruit class. An FTO may earn one hour (1.0) of overtime pay/compensatory time each week for completing the Weekly DOR Review for their assigned recruit. FTOs may earn a maximum one (1.0) hour of overtime pay/ compensatory time on the day in which they complete the End of Phase Evaluation Report. If on the same day the FTO trains a recruit, completes the Weekly Review, and completes an End of the Phase Evaluation, then the FTO may earn a total of 2.6 hours of overtime pay/compensatory time that day. A separate entry must be completed for each day of overtime claimed.
3. If a Principal FTO requests to be removed from an FTO assignment, is dismissed from the assignment, or
transfers to another assignment, FTO Assignment Pay will be discontinued.
4. A Personnel Action Request will be completed and forwarded for approval to the Field Training Program Commander to initiate and terminate FTO Assignment Pay.
5. Relief FTO's assigned to a training rotation to train a recruit for a period of 30 days or longer will receive assignment pay for that period. A Personnel Action Request will be completed by the FTO’s supervisor and forwarded for approval to the Field Training Program Commander to initiate the assignment pay. The assignment pay will be discontinued as soon as the relief FTO is no longer assigned to the training rotation. A Personnel Action Request be completed by the FTO’s supervisor and forwarded immediately for approval to the Field Training Program Commander to terminate the assignment pay.
6. All off-duty FTO's who attend quarterly meetings will earn overtime for the actual time spent in the meeting plus a maximum one (1) hour special compensation.

206.15 Patrol Duty Assignment Pay
A. Patrol Duty Assignment Pay applies to sworn members with the rank of Police Officer having a minimum of six years of service, and assigned to any Patrol, Traffic, Special Operations Divisions, and the Gang Unit.
B. Payment schedule is as follows:
1. 6 years service - $100 per month.
2. 8 years service - $125 per month.
3. 10 years service - $150 per month.
C. Based upon Bureau Commander approval, officers on special assignment (away from their Patrol assignment), may be eligible or continue to receive Patrol Duty Pay if the special assignment duties/assignments are similar in nature or require patrol expertise.

206.16 Detective Assignment Pay
A. Detective Assignment Pay applies to sworn members with the rank of Senior Corporal who are responsible for either of the following:
1. The follow-up investigation of criminal offenses and for the filing and preparation of criminal cases for prosecution
2. For conducting internal audit investigations, administrative investigations on prospective police employees or for alleged misconduct by employees.
3. Investigation and preparation of nuisance abatement litigation cases.
B. Eligible Senior Corporals must be actually assigned to perform the listed duties for more than thirty days to receive the
$100 per month Detective Assignment Pay.
C. Based upon bureau commander approval, officers on special assignment (away from their detective assignment), may continue to receive Detective Assignment Pay if the special assignment duties/assignments are similar in nature or require detective expertise.

206.17 Shift Assignment Pay
A. All permanent, full time employees will receive Shift Assignment Pay if they work an eligible work schedule.
B. A three and one half percent (3.5%) Shift Assignment Pay based on the employee's hourly base pay rate, as reflected in the City of Dallas Salary Schedules, will be paid to sworn personnel who work an eligible work schedule as defined in section C. A two percent (2%) Shift Assignment Pay based on the employee’s hourly base pay rate will be paid to non-sworn employees who work an eligible work schedule as defined in section C below.
C. An eligible work schedule is any pay period, or equivalent calendar period, in which fifty percent (50%) or more of the regularly scheduled work hours fall between 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. An altered work schedule does not qualify as an eligible work schedule except as outlined in section F.
D. A six and one half percent (6.5%) Shift Assignment Pay based on the employee's hourly base pay rate, as reflected in the City of Dallas Salary Schedules, will be paid to sworn personnel who work an eligible work schedule as defined in section E. A flex work schedule does not qualify as an eligible work schedule except as outlined in section F.
E. All sworn personnel will receive Shift Assignment Pay if they work in any pay period, or equivalent calendar period, in which fifty percent (50%) or more of the regularly scheduled work hours fall between 12:00 midnight and 8:00 a.m. An altered work schedule does not qualify as an eligible work schedule except as outlined in section F.
F. Any employee on an altered work schedule or special/temporary assignment for which he/she is assigned to work for a period of more than five consecutive working days in which fifty percent (50%) or more of the scheduled daily work hours fall between 6:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. will be authorized to receive Shift Assignment Pay during the entire period of special assignment at the appropriate rates.
G. A Personnel Action Request (PAR) will be completed and forwarded to the Personnel Services Unit stating the beginning and ending dates of a special assignment. A PAR will also be completed and forwarded to the Personnel Services Unit for any altered work hour schedule that extends beyond one pay period or five consecutive working days. The exact hours worked and days off will be listed in the Reassign To, Shift Parameters section and the note section of the PAR. Temporary Special Assignment will be typed in the Note section of the PAR.
H. Any employee who works a monthly rotating schedule will receive Shift Assignment Pay for the total calendar month if fifty percent (50%) or more of the scheduled work hours fall between 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.

206.18 Education Incentive Pay
A. Education Incentive Pay is an additional pay of $12 per month for each three semester hours of approved college credit earned after the first 45 hours. A maximum of $240 per month will be paid to those who have not completed requirements for a Bachelors degree. A maximum of $300 per month will be paid to those who earn a Bachelors degree. Education Incentive Pay is limited to a maximum of $300 per month, regardless of the number of degrees earned by an officer.
B. The Bachelors degree or college credit must be from a duly accredited university or college approved by the City of Dallas Civil Service Department prior to enrollment. These accrediting bodies, listed in an annual publication entitled Accredited Institutions of Postsecondary Education, are the MSCHE, HLC, NECHE, SACSCOC, ACCJC, WSCUC, and NWCCU. The only approved nationally accrediting body that is accepted for Education Incentive Pay is TRACS.
C. Developmental and remedial classes (entry level) are not college level classes and are not accepted. Repeat classes are not accepted. Orientation courses will be accepted only if the class is counted in grade points toward a degree.
D. The following courses are accepted if on a transcript from an accredited institution:
1. Approved courses and training received in the Armed Forces for college credit.
2. Approved courses completed while attending a Police Academy. Credit is given only after completion of the prerequisites set forth by the accrediting institution.
3. Credits for the College Level Examination Program (CLEP). CLEP consists of college level examinations that allow an individual to receive college credit after demonstrating proficiency in a specific subject. Up to 12 CLEP hours from an accredited institution may be accepted.
4. Technical courses, business skill classes, and other non-degree courses completed at other trade or technical schools.
5. Only grades of A, B, C, or D are acceptable, unless the transcript indicates that the grade of S or P is equivalent to a grade of C or higher. A grade point average of 2.0 or higher must be maintained.
E. All college level Physical Education classes will be accepted for computation of Education Incentive Pay.
F. Quarter hours earned will be converted to semester hours for computation of Education Incentive Pay.
G. Procedures for Application for Education Incentive Pay
1. A certified transcript must be personally submitted to the Human Resources Department, Uniform Payroll Team.
2. The Uniform Payroll Team will verify institutional accreditation, semester hours earned, and that the courses were counted in grade points toward a degree.
3. After verification of this information, the requesting officer will sign a statement that all information is correct as listed.
H. For current officers, the Education Incentive Pay becomes effective on the date for the close of the semester. Evidence must be submitted within 30 days of semester completion; otherwise, the effective day for pay becomes the date the transcript was submitted.
I. For new appointments, the Education Incentive Pay becomes effective upon presentation of satisfactory evidence or the date of hire, whichever is later. Evidence must be submitted to the Human Resources Department, Uniform Payroll Team for approval.
206.19 Language Skills Assignment Pay
A. The provisions for Language Skills Assignment Pay, a list of languages eligible for compensation, and the amount of compensation are outlined in Administrative Directive 3-37. Each organizational level is responsible for identifying positions for which additional language skills would be beneficial. The organizational level will submit a memo and Language Skills Assignment Pay Questionnaire (P3-37A) to the Commander over the Personnel Division requesting the positions be tested for Language Skills Assignment Pay. The Personnel Services Unit (PSU) will evaluate the request and, if justified, schedule the test.
B. The PSU will review each department's request for Language Skills Assignment Pay to assess whether such skill would be applicable and beneficial in performing the position's responsibilities. An analysis will be made of the specific position in relation to whether:
1. The position includes a high level of public contact requiring that one third or more of work activities involve communication with the public.
2. The additional language skills are beneficial in the performance of job duties.
3. The presence of the additional language skills will have a positive impact on the Department's delivery of service.
C. Employees and their respective division will be contacted regarding the scheduled date, time and location of the language test. If there is a schedule conflict, the employee must notify PSU immediately so that the test can be rescheduled. The employee should arrive at least 10 minutes early as the test must begin exactly on time. If the employee is late for the test or does not show up as scheduled, the request will be returned to the division and no test will be administered for a period of one year unless approved by the Administrative Bureau Commander.
D. The amount of compensation for Language Skills Assignment Pay will be determined by the employee’s proficiency level. Language Pay will be retroactive to the date of the test, not to the date of the request memo or assignment date. If an employee’s language proficiency does not qualify for Language Pay minimum rate, the employee may request a new test no sooner than one year from the previous test date.
E. If an employee changes a position, or the position requirements no longer require Language Skill Assignment Pay, the employee will no longer receive the additional pay.
F. When an employee's Language Skills Assignment Pay is discontinued upon a reassignment or promotion to a new position, the new supervisor will submit a memo and Language Skills Assignment Pay Questionnaire (P3-37A) to the Commander of the Personnel Division requesting that the new position be approved for Language Skills Assignment Pay and that the employee's language pay be reinstated. The employee will not be required to take a new test, and the Language Pay will be restarted retroactive the date the request memo was received by PSU, not the date of the request memo or assignment date.

206.20 TCOLE Certification Pay
TCOLE Certification Pay will be accrued as follows:
A. $50 per month for Intermediate Peace Officer Certification
B. $400 per month for Advanced Peace Officer Certification
C. $600 per month for Master Peace Officer Certification

206.21 Longevity Service Pay
Longevity Service Pay will be accrued at a rate of $4 per month per year of service to a maximum of $100 for 25 years of service.

206.22 Administrative Leave and Ineligibility for Assignment Pays
A. Certain authorized absences not provided for under regular leave policies, fall within the category of administrative discretion. This leave with pay is referred to as Administrative Leave and is recorded as such in payroll records.
B. The Chief of Police, through their subordinate commanders, may administratively excuse an employee for the time necessary:
1. To take a civil service examination;
2. To take a physical examination required by the city;
3. To make an oral appeal before the Civil Service board, collision review board, or any other board or committee (except the City Council) whose function may affect the employee’s work status;
4. To vote in a city, state, or national election;
5. For urgent personal reasons;
6. For other circumstances at the discretion of the Chief of Police; or
7. While pending disciplinary action.
C. Pending Disciplinary Action - An employee charged with a violation of a city, state, or federal law, rule, or policy, which if proven would justify formal disciplinary action, may be placed on Administrative Leave pending the outcome of any investigation to determine the exact nature and extent of the violation and pending the imposition of any disciplinary action taken for the violation. Formal disciplinary action includes reprimand, suspension, demotion, or discharge.
D. When employees are placed on Administrative Leave, their duty assignment will be changed to 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Employees may become ineligible for various assignment pays (Field Training, Patrol Duty, Shift, etc.) due to placement on Administrative Leave for a period of five days or longer.
E. If the Administrative Leave is for a period of five days or longer, the employee’s immediate supervisor will complete a Personnel Action Request (PAR) in Intelligent Workforce Management (IWM). “Administrative Leave” shall be selected from the drop down menu in the Action Type heading. In the “Notes” section of the PAR, the immediate supervisor will enter “Begin Administrative Leave.” The immediate supervisor will also deselect any assignment pay the employee is no longer eligible for due to placement on Administrative Leave. The Proposed Change Date is the date the Administrative Leave begins. The completed PAR will then be forwarded to the next level of supervision for approval. Once final approval is made by the officer’s chain of command, the PAR will be electronically forwarded to the Personnel Division.
F. When the employee is released from Administrative Leave, the employee’s immediate supervisor will complete a Personnel Action Request (PAR) in IWM. “Administrative Leave” shall be selected from the drop down menu in the Action Type heading. In the “Notes” section of the PAR, the immediate supervisor will enter “End Administrative Leave.” The immediate supervisor will also reselect any assignment pay the employee is again eligible to receive. The Proposed Change Date is the date the Administrative Leave ends. The completed PAR will then be forwarded to the next level of supervision for approval. Once final approval is made by the officer’s chain of command, the PAR will be electronically forwarded to the Personnel Division.

206.23 Requests for Business Leave
A. Sworn officers may take business leave for the purpose of attending to the business of an employee organization. An “employee organization” includes the Black Police Association of Greater Dallas, Dallas Police Association, or the National Latino Law Enforcement Organization.
B. Business Leave Accounts and Donation of Time
1. A sworn officer may donate up to two hours for each month of accumulated vacation or compensatory time, up to a maximum of 24 hours, during a calendar year to the business leave account of an employee organization. The City Controller’s Office shall establish and maintain a business leave account for each employee organization.
2. A sworn officer must authorize the donation by completing the “Business Leave Donation Request” form which is available on the “N:\ Drive” in the Forms Miscellaneous folder. This form must be submitted to and approved by the City Controller’s Office. After receiving the signed authorization on an approved form, the City Controller’s Office will transfer donated time to the account monthly until the City Controller’s Office receives the sworn officer’s written revocation of the authorization.
C. Requesting and Using Business Leave
1. Only a sworn officer who is a member of an employee organization may use, for business leave purposes, the time donated to an employee organization’s business leave account. A sworn officer may use the time in that officer’s employee organization’s business leave account without receiving a reduction in salary and without reimbursing the department.
2. An officer who wishes to access the time available in an employee organization’s business leave account must complete the “Business Leave Time Request” form which is available on the “N:\ Drive” in the Forms Miscellaneous folder. This form must be submitted to the Bureau Commander through the officer’s chain of command by the president, the equivalent officer of the employee organization, or by the officer’s designee. Once approved the form must be forwarded to the City Controller’s Office. If there are no available hours in an employee organization’s business leave time account, then all costs associated with the business leave, including wages, pension and other costs must be reimbursed to the City of Dallas.
3. A supervisor shall grant a request for business leave that complies with Section C2 unless:
a. Denial of the request is necessary because of an emergency, or
b. A grant of the request would result in having an insufficient number of police officers to carry out normal functions of the department.
D. Accounting and Limits
1. The City Controller’s Office shall account for the time donated to an account and used from an account. The City Controller’s Office shall credit and debit an employee organization’s business leave time account on an hour-for- hour basis without regard to the cash value of the time donated or used.
2. Business leave may be granted for a period of not less than one-half day up to the full amount needed. An employee organization may not use more than 4,000 hours from its business leave time account in one calendar year.
3. The use of business leave by a sworn officer is not a break in service for any purpose and is treated as any other paid leave.

206.24 Mileage Reimbursement
A. Employees who use their personal vehicle for official City business are eligible for mileage reimbursement. The guidelines for seeking mileage reimbursement are provided in Administrative Directive 3-20 “Reimbursement For The Use Of Employee Owned Vehicles.”
B. Reimbursement miles for official City business include miles driven to work related training only if such training is held at a facility that is not owned or operated by the City of Dallas. Reimbursable miles for training are limited to those miles driven in excess of the distance traveled by the employee to their normal work site. For example, if the employee normally drives ten miles each way to their regular assignment but must drive fifteen miles to a facility not owned or operated by the City of Dallas then the excess five miles (round trip total of ten) is reimbursable at the current rate specified in A.D. 3-20.
C. Employees seeking mileage reimbursement must complete a “Mileage Reimbursement Request” form. This form is available on the N drive in the Forms folder under Purchasing. The employee must indicate on this form the total miles that are reimbursable (total miles driven less the miles the employee would normally travel to work). This form should be submitted to the employee’s chain of command, through the Organizational Commander for approval, and forwarded to the Purchasing & Payables Unit for processing.

206.25 Restricted Duty and Ineligibility for Assignment Pays 
A. Restricted duty is defined as an employment status in which a sworn officer is assigned outside of the patrol and investigative functions, is not expected to perform enforcement duties, and contact with the public is minimized. Generally speaking, the officer will perform staff support duties.
B. Work hours of Restricted Duty may be departmental administrative hours or the hours of any of the three watches used in patrol or investigative assignments. Determination of work hours will be made by the individual’s Division Commander, with consideration being given to the officer’s current duty hours and days off.
C. Officers placed on Restricted Duty will continue to carry their badge, identification card, warrant of appointment, and duty weapon, unless instructed otherwise, but will wear civilian attire to and from work, and while on duty. If the duty weapon was taken for evidentiary purposes, the Firearms Training Center will provide a weapon in the interim.
D. Officers will not be permitted to work at police-related off-duty employment jobs.
E. Officers may become ineligible for various assignment pays (Field Training, Patrol Duty, Shift, etc.) due to placement on Restricted Duty for a period of five days or longer.

206.26 Trade Time Policy
A. Trade Time allows an eligible sworn employee to work the shift of another sworn employee who has exhausted all paid leave or supplemental benefits and who is unable to work due to serious illness or injury to himself or certain family members. Pursuant to applicable law, the absent employee whose shift is being worked will be credited and paid as if he or she worked the covered shift.
B. Eligibility of Absent Officer
Trade Time will be considered for a sworn employee:
1. Who has suffered a severe or life-threatening injury or illness that prevents the employee from performing any type of work, and after the employee has exhausted all accrued, paid leave including sick, vacation, compensatory, AIL, mandatory City leave and all workers compensation income benefits, if applicable.
2. To care for a spouse, son, daughter, or parent who has suffered a severe or life-threatening injury or illness, and after the employee has exhausted all accrued, paid leave including sick, vacation, compensatory, AIL and mandatory City leave.
C. Approval of Absent Officer
1. The employee (or employee’s supervisor if the employee is incapacitated) must complete a memo outlining the circumstances justifying the use and approval of Trade Time.
2. The employee’s memo will be forwarded through his or her chain of command to the Division Commander for approval by each level.
3. The chain of command will review the memo to determine if all eligibility requirements have been met.
4. If approved, a copy of the memo will be provided to the employee and his or her immediate supervisor, and the original will be forwarded to the Personnel Division, Personnel Services Unit. A copy of the approved memo will be maintained at the Division level.
D. Eligibility of Substituting Officer
1. The substituting officer must work in the same capacity as the absent officer and have the ability to perform the absent officer’s normally assigned duties (e.g. patrol officer for patrol officer, detective for detective).
2. The substituting officer must have the approval of the absent officer’s immediate supervisor, who will determine the substituting officer’s suitability to perform the absent employee’s duties.
3. An employee is eligible to substitute for an officer of a different rank if the substituting officer is able to perform the absent employee’s specific assigned duties, and if the substituting officer has the approval of the absent officer’s Division Commander.
4. A substituting officer must work for an absent employee on the substituting officer’s normal off day and may not take leave in order to work for an absent officer. This does not prevent a substituting officer from working a shift different than their regularly assigned shift as long as all provisions of this order are met, including the limitation on maximum number of hours worked.
5. Hours worked by the substituting officer will not be considered in determining whether the substituting officer is entitled to weekly overtime compensation.
6. If an officer substitutes for an absent officer, each officer will be credited as if he or she worked his or her normal schedule for that shift. Though off of work, the absent officer is credited as if he or she actually worked his or her normal shift. Likewise, the substituting officer, though working, will still be shown as if he or she were on his or her normal day off.
7. Substituting for an absent officer is a purely voluntary assignment. If a properly approved substituting officer fails to cover the absent officer’s shift, the absent officer will not receive credit or pay for that shift.
8. The maximum number of hours a substituting officer can work is governed by the off-duty job policy, G.O. 421.01 (D), which states:
Total work hours are limited to 16 hours in a 24 hour period and not to exceed 112 hours in a given work week.
E. Approval of Substituting Officer
1. Contact the immediate supervisor of the absent officer to determine:
a. If he or she is eligible to perform the absent officer’s job,
b. What shift the substituting officer will work.
2. Complete the online Special Duty Request after he or she is approved to work for the absent officer. The substituting officer will:
a. Select DPD–Trade Time from the Search Available Employer link,
b. Select “Trade Time” for duty type,
c. Add the date, start, and end times of the special duty, and
d. Will enter “BADGE” and then the absent officer’s badge number in the request note box (i.e. BADGE XXXX).
3. Contact the absent officer’s immediate supervisor for approval of the Special Duty Request.
F. Duties of Absent Officer’s Supervisor
1. Ensure that the absent officer has completed a memo outlining the circumstances that would justify the use of Trade Time (or complete the memo, if the employee is incapacitated).
2. Forward the memo through the chain of command to the Division Commander.
3. When notified of approval for Trade Time, the supervisor will ensure that the absent officer has exhausted all accrued leave time, including vacation, compensatory, sick, AIL, and mandatory City leave. If an absent officer has accrued at least 8 hours of time (or 10 if working a 10 hour shift) since being approved for Trade Time, the supervisor will ensure that the accrued time is taken before scheduling a substituting officer. A substituting officer must cover the entire shift and will not be allowed to work a partial shift.
4. When contacted by an officer wanting to substitute for an eligible absent officer, the supervisor will ensure that the substituting officer is capable of performing the specific duties required of the absent officer’s position. The supervisor will approve or deny the substituting officer’s request. If the substituting officer is of a different rank than the absent officer, the supervisor will ensure that the request is forwarded to the absent officer’s Division Commander for approval.
5. If initial approval is given to a substituting officer, the supervisor will ensure that the substituting officer completes a Special Duty Request and will then approve it.
G. Recordkeeping
1. Payroll system
For the day a substitution is made for an absent officer:
a. No entry will be made for an absent officer in order to correctly credit the absent officer for a day worked.
b. No entry will be made for a substituting officer for the time worked for an absent officer.
2. Time Cards
a. Time cards for an absent officer will continue to be maintained as required in G.O. 206.02.
b. For the day a substitution is made for an absent officer, the time card of an absent officer will be marked “R/T”.
c. No entry will be entered for a substituting officer for the time worked for an absent officer.
3. Detail Sheet
For the day a substituting officer works for an absent officer, the detail will reflect the absent officer’s name with the substituting officer’s name and badge number to the side in parentheses.

206.27 FLEX Time
A. FLEX time is a balancing time entry process only, is not paid leave, and is not a benefit of employment. FLEX time will be utilized by exempt employees (the rank of Major and above) to document working additional time during the pay period and taking off within the same pay period. The use of FLEX time will be outlined in the City of Dallas Administrative Directives.
B. Flex time is not to be confused with an altered work schedule. For example, if an employee attends court before their shift, a supervisor may approve an altered work schedule for that day and allow the employee to leave work once they reached their scheduled daily work hours (with keeping minimum staffing in mind).

206.28 Mental Health Leave
A. Eligibility
1. Employees who have experienced a traumatic event while on duty or have experienced multiple events which have resulted in a cumulative traumatic effect are eligible to receive paid mental health leave. The need for mental health leave must be verified by a licensed psychiatrist, psychologist, licensed counselor, therapist, or other mental health provider.
2. Traumatic Event means actual death, serious injury, or physical abuse, either of oneself or of another, during the employee’s scope of employment that is outside the typical experiences of the employee’s work environment and causes the employee to experience unusually strong emotional reactions or feelings that have the potential to cause lasting adverse effects on their functioning and mental, physical, social, or emotional well-being. A traumatic event does not include personality conflicts or disagreements between or among supervisors and/or co-workers.
3. Employees who are determined to be eligible are allowed up to five days of mental health leave per fiscal year. Additional mental health leave may be considered on a case-by-case basis.
4. Use of mental health leave will not affect an employee’s salary, sick leave, vacation leave, holiday, or other paid leave balances.
B. Applying for Mental Health Leave and Confidentiality
1. Employees with questions regarding the use of mental health leave may contact a member of the Department’s Wellness Unit or Psychological Services Unit.
2. Mental Health Leave Forms, which include one form for the employee and a separate form for the provider, are available in the Wellness Unit, Psychological Services Unit, or can be downloaded directly from the N: drive.
3. The Wellness Unit can assist employees with the forms required for a mental health leave request.
4. The Wellness Unit will maintain a current list of all mental health services and resources available to employees.
5. Requests for mental health leave may be submitted to the Wellness Unit, Psychological Services Unit, or directly to Human Resources for review at the following email: CODEmployeePaidLeave@dallascityhall.com.
6. Mental Health Leave will be entered into Workday as Administrative Leave.
7. All requests for mental health leave and any medical information related to mental health leave in accordance with this section will remain confidential to the extent allowed by law and will be kept separate from the employee’s personnel or departmental file.

206.29 Employee Shift Swap Program Purpose:
The Employee Shift Swap Program (“Swap Program”) maintains minimum staffing levels needed to deliver necessary police services. The Swap Program allows employees to swap shifts with another employee to take time off from work when there is no availability to take off due to minimum staffing requirements, by finding a qualified replacement to work their shift. This program applies to all employees of the Dallas Police Department.
A. Employees having their request for time off denied because of minimum staffing may find a qualified employee to work as a replacement within the same pay week (Wednesday through Tuesday) and same shift length (8- hour or 10-hour shifts).
1. “Swap” means that two qualifying employees work each other’s shifts, with supervisor approval, and subject to the parameters set forth below.
B. The request to swap shifts must be:
1. Made no less than 72 hours prior to the shift during which the time off is to be taken. If the request is made less than 72 hours prior to the shift, then the affected watch/unit commander may waive the time requirement.
2. Approved by the requesting employees’ supervisor or higher authority (if the supervisor is not available).
i. The supervisor shall deny a Swap Request if the qualifications are not met.
ii. The supervisor has discretion to deny a Swap Request where the qualifications are met but the supervisor deems that the swap is not in the best interest of the department.
1. Denials of Swap Requests are not grievable
3. Indicated on the Swap Request form, which is available on DPD’s Intranet under the resources page in the forms link.
4. Employees should not accrue overtime as a result of swapping shifts (due to being required to swap shifts within the same work week of the same number of hours) except for hours worked that exceed the normal shift time. For example, if an officer swaps an 8-hour shift, but the officer working the swapped shift is required to work 10 hours, the 2 additional hours would count towards hours worked for overtime purposes for the officer who worked the additional hours.
iii. Note that if an employee works a swapped shift that results in overtime due to an error, the employee must be paid overtime for all time worked over 40 hours in the work week; however, the party responsible for the error may be subject to disciplinary action.
C. Once the Swap Request has been granted, the supervisor responsible for maintaining the detail shall document the following in the detail:
1. Name of the requesting officer;
2. Number of hours being taken off;
3. Name of the replacement officer;
4. Dates and days being swapped.
D. Qualifications
1. Employees who are swapping shifts through the Swap Program must work in the same capacity as their counterparts in the trade, have the ability to perform the same duties and be in the same shift/division.
Examples below but not limited to:
call answering officer for call answering officer,
FTO for FTO,
detective for a detective,
911 Dispatcher for 911 Dispatcher.
E. Violations
1. A first-time failure of an employee to cover their swapped shift shall result in a 90-day disqualification from participating in the Swap Program and may be investigated in accordance with the department’s disciplinary system.
2. Any subsequent violation shall result in a mandatory 6-month disqualification from Swap Program participation and shall be investigated in accordance with the department’s disciplinary system.
3. A third violation shall result in a mandatory one (1) year disqualification from Swap Program participation and shall be investigated in accordance with the department’s disciplinary system.
F. Swap Program Tracking
1. Each Division will maintain a Swap Log at the division documenting all occasions when the SORP is utilized. (The log is available on the DPD Intranet under forms.)
2. Each Division will keep the original copy of the Swap Request form for three (3) years from the date of the request.
G. Voluntariness
1. Participation in Swap Program is voluntary
2. A supervisor may suggest that an employee swap shifts with another employee working in the same capacity during regularly scheduled hours, but each employee is free to refuse to perform such work without sanction and without being required to explain or justify the decision.
H. Restrictions
1. Employees are prohibited from taking leave time in order to work for an absent employee. Employees may only swap their scheduled shifts.
2. Employees will still be required to follow all leave time policies and procedures in the City’s personnel rules and DPD’s General Orders.

Dallas Police Department General Order

207.00 Employees Injured and Workers Compensation

Revised 03/11/2007


207.01 Forms Used
A. City of Dallas Order for Medical Treatment (S/N 753-034-055)
B. City of Dallas Supervisor’s Injury Investigation Report (PUR-03135 Rev. 7/93)
C. Dallas Police Department Supervisor’s Investigation of Injury Report (Revised 12/91 SU2)
D. Supervisor’s Supplemental Report of Injury (S/N 120-0036-2)
E. Physician’s Limited Duty Recommendation (pages 9 and 10 of A.D. 3-55)
F. City of Dallas Light Duty Report (S/N 753-034-035)
G. Salary Continuation Extension Request Form (p.16 of A.D. 3-53 Salary Continuation Plan)
H. Initiation of Salary Continuation

207.02 Hospitalization of Employees Injured On Duty
A. Employees injured in the line of duty may be confined in any hospital and obtain the services of any physician of their choice.
B. Whenever possible, the physician to be retained in treating the employee will be called immediately so that duplication of services will be eliminated.
C. Unless the patient specifies otherwise, attending paramedics of the Dallas Fire Department's Emergency Medical Services Division will determine to which medical facility an ambulance patient will be transported.
D. Police Reserve Officers will make claims through the Reserve Coordinator.

207.03 Treatment and Billing
A. Injuries Sustained Prior to July 1, 1974
1. A written request must be sent through the Workers Compensation Team to the Director of Risk Management for approval, prior to any hospital or medical treatment for injuries sustained prior to July 1, 1974, except in an emergency.
2. The City of Dallas, Human Resources Department, must be billed directly by all doctors, hospitals, and pharmacies for expenses incurred as a result of injuries sustained prior to July 1, 1974.
3. Subsequent aggravation, relapse, or re-injury traceable to a specific time or event after July 1, 1974, is considered to be a new injury and will be handled as such.
B. Injuries Sustained On or After July 1, 1974
1. For injuries sustained by employees on or after July 1, 1974, that require treatment or hospitalization, a supervisor will complete the right side of a City of Dallas Order for Medical Treatment form. The form will be given by the supervisor or employee, as circumstances dictate, to the attending physician who will complete the left side of the form.
2. The physician will retain the goldenrod copy for billing purposes. The remaining four copies will be returned to the department. The supervisor will place a photocopy in the employee's medical record folder. The white, green, canary, and pink copies will be forwarded to the Workers Compensation Team.
3. The appropriate servicing agent for the City of Dallas must be billed directly by all doctors, hospitals, and pharmacies for expenses incurred by employees for on-duty injuries. The appropriate servicing agent will be listed on the City of Dallas Order for Medical Treatment form. Exceptions should be brought to the attention of the Workers Compensation Team.

207.04 City of Dallas Supervisor's Injury Investigation Report
A. The immediate supervisor of an injured employee will complete the proper injury reports and forward them to the Workers Compensation Team within 24 hours of the injury. See Administrative Directive 3-31 (On Job Injuries) for compliance.
B. First-Aid Cases
1. A first-aid report will be submitted by the immediate supervisor or acting supervisor on all employees who receive minor injuries that do not require medical treatment or lost time.
2. First-aid reports will be completed in full, using the City of Dallas Supervisor's Injury Investigation Report. These will be utilized in case complications arise at a later date and the employee requires medical treatment and/or loses time from work.
C. Medical and Lost Time Cases - In addition to preparing the City of Dallas Order for Medical Treatment form to secure the injured employee appropriate medical attention, the reporting supervisor will submit a City of Dallas Supervisor's Injury Investigation Report. Supervisors will utilize the City of Dallas Order for Medical Treatment form each time the injured employee returns to the treating physician. This form documents the physician's instructions to the injured employee and provides medical information to the supervisor.
D. Death of an Employee Case - A City of Dallas Supervisor's Injury Investigation Report will also be submitted in instances of an employee's duty-related death.
E. Exposure to Communicable Diseases
1. When any employee reasonably believes he/she has been exposed to a communicable disease while on duty, the employee will notify the immediate supervisor as soon as possible. Exposure to flu or colds is not covered within the scope of this policy.
2. Upon notification, the supervisor or acting supervisor will complete the City of Dallas Supervisor's Injury Investigation Report and forward it to the Workers Compensation Team within 24 hours.
3. If any employee suspects that he/she has been exposed to Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), the employee should notify the supervisor or acting supervisor for submission of the City of Dallas Supervisor's Injury Investigation Report. See Section 438.00 for further information on AIDS.

207.05 Dallas Police Department Supervisor's Investigation of Injury Report
A. On all First Aid, Medical or Lost Time cases the supervisor or acting supervisor will complete the Dallas Police Department Supervisor's Investigation of Injury Report.
B. This report will be forwarded through the chain-of-command to the Section/Division level (or to the Bureau level when no Section or Division exists).
C. The final reviewing Commander will route the report to the Workers Compensation Team. The report bearing the final reviewing Commander's signature should arrive at the Workers Compensation Team office within two weeks of the date of the injury.

207.06 Supervisor's Supplemental Report of Injury
A Supervisor's Supplemental Report of Injury form and an Order for Medical Treatment form will be submitted by the immediate supervisor to the Workers Compensation Team within 24 hours, in the following instances:
A. Each time an injured employee returns to work from a leave of absence caused by an on-duty injury.
B. Each additional time an employee begins losing time from work as a result of the original reported injury.
C. To correct a previously submitted supplemental report.

207.07 Physician’s Limited Duty Recommendation
A. Any employee placed on limited duty status will adhere to the following guidelines when returning to work in a limited duty capacity:
1. An employee, after release to limited duty status by the treating physician, is required to contact the department’s Workers’ Compensation Coordinator no later than one (1) day following the notice of release. The purpose for contact is to schedule an appointment to obtain and review the bona fide offer of employment and receive temporary assignment.
2. The employee must schedule the appointment time for a date prior to returning to work in a limited duty capacity.
3. This requirement applies to an employee temporarily disabled due to any on or off-duty injury/illness.
4. The employee must provide a completed Physician’s Limited Duty Recommendation form (pages 9 and 10 of A.D. 3-55) from the treating physician to be eligible for the limited duty assignment.
B. A written offer of employment must be given to an employee who is released to work in a limited duty status. The offer must contain the following information:
1. the position offered;
2. the duties of the position;
3. the awareness of and willingness to abide by the physical limitation under which the employee or the treating physician have authorized the employee to return to work;
4. the maximum physical requirements;
5. the wage;
6. the location of the employment;
7. the time frame (length of assignment up to 16 weeks).
C. The Commander of the Personnel and Development Division is the coordinator for all limited duty assignments. All requests for limited duty personnel will be forwarded to the Personnel and Development Division Commander by memorandum. The memo will include the need for the personnel, detailed job duties, working hours, days off, and contact person and telephone number.

207.08 Positions Relating to Employees Not Available for Full Duty
A. The Dallas Police Department will maintain a minimum of 63 sworn positions or 2.05 percent of authorized sworn strength, which will be made available to officers who permanently cannot perform patrol functions.
B. When an officer is placed in one of these positions, the officer will be required to retain the ability to perform the essential job functions of that position while assigned to it.
C. The essential job functions of the identified 63 positions described:
1. Does not include the ability to make a forcible arrest and/or;
2. Does not include the ability to qualify with a pistol or shotgun, as long as the employee has a current exemption from said qualifications on file with the Dallas Police Department from TCOLE.
D. The Department may assign officers to fill any of the 63 identified positions who can perform patrol functions as long as the position is not needed by the Department for availability into which to place an officer who permanently cannot perform patrol functions.
E. The 63 specific positions identified may change based on the needs of the Department; however, the number of positions will be maintained.
F. Job descriptions containing the specific job duties and the essential job functions will be maintained by the Payroll Team, Personnel and Development Division.
G. Bureau Commanders will be required to provide updated job descriptions containing the specific job duties and the essential job functions when any position for sworn employees not available for full duty changes in either in job duty, function, or name.
H. Sworn personnel, who permanently cannot perform patrol functions, are subject to the following:
1. Must maintain TCOLE certification from the State of Texas.
2. May only wear their uniform if qualified to carry a pistol.
3. They will not wear their uniform in public except where the essential function of the position they hold requires a uniform in public.
4. Are not permitted to accept off-duty police related jobs.

207.09 Progress Report
A. When an employee is absent from duty due to either sickness or injury received on or off duty, the Organizational Commander will ensure that a supervisor makes a personal call on such employee at least once every fifteen (15) calendar days during the first month. After the first month, the contacts may be made by telephone.
B. The supervisor will offer assistance to the employee and determine any needs that can be supplied within the policy of the Department. The supervisor will counsel with the employee regarding any problems that may arise with reference to personnel policies and procedures.
C. The Organizational Commander will submit a memorandum to the Personnel and Development Division regarding any sick or injured employee who has not returned to duty for a period of fifteen (15) calendar days. This report will reflect the date of visitation, the name of the visiting supervisor, any assistance rendered to the employee, a statement regarding the employee's general condition without specific reference to confidential medical information.

207.10 Salary Continuation for An Injured Employee
A. The purpose of salary continuation is to ensure that workers who sustain bonafide on-the-job injuries receive approximately the same take-home pay. See Administrative Directive 3-53, (Salary Continuation Plan) for policy and procedures in administering salary continuation benefits.
B. See Administrative Directive 3-54, (Salary Continuation and Workers Compensation Overpayments) for procedures established for the recovery of overpayments made either by the claims contractor or the City of Dallas, Payroll.

207.11 Medical Records
A. Definitions
1. The term medical records includes the following:
a. City of Dallas Order for Medical Treatment.
b. City of Dallas Supervisor's Injury Investigation Report.
c. Dallas Police Department Supervisor's Investigation of Injury Report.
d. Supervisor's Supplemental Report of Injury Form.
e. Physician's Limited Duty Recommendation.
f. Letters from physicians.
g. Copies of prescriptions for on-duty injuries.
h. Records of employment physicals.
i. Records of driver physicals.
2. The term secure area means a location not normally accessible to the general public or employees in a room that can be locked during non-duty hours. Access to medical files should be limited to a need to know basis or when reasonable accommodation is requested.
B. Medical records on personnel hired after January 26, 1992, must be kept separate and apart from personnel files. These medical files will be maintained in a secure area.
C. Anytime a personnel file of an employee hired prior to January 26, 1992, is opened, all medical information must be removed and kept separate in a secure area.
D. Each Organizational Commander will designate a specific person or persons to be the custodians of these medical files.

Dallas Police Department General Order

208.00 Notary Commissions

Revised 11/29/2010


208.01 Notary Allocations
A. The Assistant Director, Financial and Contract Management Division, will determine the number of notary commissions allowed for the Department and the allocation for each organizational level with an individual ORG number.
B. Requests to increase an organizational notary allocation must be approved by the Assistant Director, Administrative Services Bureau. The organizational commander will forward to that office a memorandum, through the Departmental Coordinator, justifying any new allocations.

208.02 Notary Coordinators
A. Organizational Commanders will appoint a Notary Coordinator to process notary applications, renewals, etc. within their own command. The Notary Coordinator of the Legal Services Section will also serve as the Departmental Notary Coordinator.
B. The departmental Notary Coordinator will be responsible for maintaining an up-to-date list of departmental notaries and their current assignments.

208.03 Application for Appointment
A. New Applications
1. When Organizational Commanders determine that a notary vacancy exists, they will advise their own Notary Coordinator to provide the applicant with an application. The applicant will return the completed application to the originating Notary Coordinator for review.
2. Organizational Commanders will forward the completed application and a cover memorandum justifying the request to the Departmental Notary Coordinator in the Legal Services Section.
3. The Departmental Notary Coordinator will determine the authorized number of notaries for the ORG number making the request and the current number of departmental commissions and:
a. If department maximum has not been reached, will forward the completed application, along with the cover memorandum, to Risk Management. The Legal Services Section Commander will endorse the cover memo by signature, title, and the word "approved.”
b. If the request would cause the number of notaries to exceed the departmental maximum allowed, will forward all paperwork to the Assistant Director, Financial and Contract Management Division, for review.
4. When an employee receives a notary bond, it should be taken immediately to the organizational Notary Coordinator to be signed and notarized. (A bond must be processed within ten days).
5. The ORG-level Notary Coordinator will personally take the bond, a cover memorandum, and receipt memorandum to the Departmental Notary Coordinator, who will forward the packet to Risk Management.
6. Employees are responsible for providing their Notary Coordinator with the following:
a. Date commission expires.
b. Change in home address (renewals cannot be forwarded).
c. Notification if employee is transferred.
7. The ORG-level Notary Coordinators will notify the Departmental Coordinator when an employee having a notary commission transfers, resigns or retires.
B. Renewals
1. Employees will be notified by mail approximately three months prior to the expiration of their commissions.
2. Employees must advise their Notary Coordinator when they receive notification that their commission is about to expire or if any name corrections are needed.
3. Renewal requests will follow the same procedures as those used for new applications.

208.04 Use of Bond
Each document that is notarized must be signed as the Notary Bond was signed. Any document that is signed otherwise is of no value. Notaries are allowed to notarize documents anywhere in the State of Texas but may not charge for the service if the City of Dallas sponsored the Notary Bond.

Dallas Police Department General Order

209.00 Information Technology &

Computer Related Services

Revised 02/17/2017


209.01 Requests for Data Processing Services
A. The DPD Operational Technology Unit will act as liaison between the Department and the City Communication and Information Services (CIS) regarding technology requests / projects. All projects must go through the Operational Technology Unit for coordination and identification of resources.
B. The Manager of the Communication and Information Services/Technical Support (CIS) Unit is the departmental coordinator for all computer/data-processing matters. All related areas such as purchase and maintenance of micro, intermediate (mini), and personal (PC) computers must be coordinated with CIS. CIS will ensure that all data processing matters comply with guidelines established in the CIS Standard Operating Procedures.
C. All requests for modifications or deletions to existing information systems will be made to the Manager of CIS with coordination through the Operational Technology Unit. The Organizational Commander having responsibility for and control over the system to be modified will forward a memorandum requesting the changes through the chain-of- command to CIS.
D. Personnel requesting data processing services, including but not limited to hardware, software, training and programming, will forward a memorandum through the chain-of-command to CIS with coordination through the Operational Technology Unit.
E. For any major projects, the requesting unit will submit a Technology Advisory Board request to the Operational Technology Unit.
1. The request will identify the aspects of the project along with any funding identified and chain of command approval.
2. Once the Technology Advisory Board request is received, a meeting will be scheduled to discuss the scope of the project and any resources (DPD and non-DPD) needed.
3. An Immediate Business Technology Request will be completed, to include quotes for equipment and/or software.
F. The CIS Manager will analyze all requests to determine how to best provide the services.
1. Requests to change information systems will be addressed by CIS. Each change request will be carefully examined for system impact, system compatibility, developmental programming costs, and continuing operational costs.
2. If a request is for on-line data or for services that are readily available to the Department, the project will be assigned to a member of CIS.
3. If a request for data is not on-line or a service is not readily available to the Department, the project will be referred to CIS.

209.02 Software Usage
A. Software will be purchased, maintained, and used in accordance with applicable federal, state, and local laws, software manufacturer licensing agreements, and departmental rules and regulations. For departmental information contact:
1. CIS regarding proper software usage.
2. Financial and Contract Management Division regarding software purchase.
B. While on City of Dallas premises, employees will not:
1. Copy for personal use, or otherwise reproduce, distribute, lend, or exchange copyrighted computer software.
2. Place games upon City of Dallas computer equipment. Games embedded in software applications will be deleted unless removal interferes with software performance.
3. Install or use any software in violation of a manufacturer’s license agreement in the course of conducting Department business.
4. Load personal software on City of Dallas computers without written approval from the Organizational Commander.
C. Organizational Commanders will ensure that:
1. Employees comply with all applicable statutes, software manufacturer license agreements, and Department procedures concerning the use of computer systems and software.
2. If permitted by the software product license agreement, only a single back-up copy is made of licensed commercial software assigned to their organization.
a. The right to maintain an archive copy of software shall be a requirement of every software procurement specification.
b. The right to maintain an emergency back-up location of software shall be a requirement of every mission critical software procurement specification.
3. All licensed software is tagged and accounted for in accordance with General Order Section 809.00 (Fixed Assets and Equipment), which requires an organizational level, to conduct an inventory annually or when there is a change-of-command.
4. Documentation of software ownership is maintained in a readily accessible, secure location, with a copy sent to CIS.
5. Donated and seized computer software ownership is documented and transferred in accordance with manufacturer’s requirements.
6. They are provided a password for any protected computer equipment or application.

Dallas Police Department General Order

210.00 Offense Reporting System

Revised 08/23/2024

The accurate reporting of crimes is one of the most important functions performed by members of the Dallas Police Department. Information obtained from crime reporting is relied upon for the allocation of manpower and by the courts to document and support prosecution of criminals. The public, the media, businesses, and other government entities depend upon the accuracy of reports completed by members of the department.
The Dallas Police Department is committed to accurately documenting all reported crimes in compliance with current Uniform Crime Reporting guidelines. The department recognizes that incentives exist for persons to erroneously report offenses and will work to ensure that each offense is diligently investigated. The department will continue to conduct training for offense reporting and has confidence in an officer’s abilities to conduct preliminary and follow-up investigations into reported incidents and accurately document the circumstances of each case. The following guidelines will define responsibilities and protocols for reporting offenses.

210.01 Reporting Officer Responsibilities
A. Any report that is generated by a member of the Dallas Police Department is assumed to contain an accurate description of an offense, based on facts. It is imperative that any report of an offense contain those facts, gathered by the officer, that make up the elements of an offense as defined by the law. The community accepts as true, a report of a criminal offense made by a member of this department.
B. When a sworn or non-sworn member of the Department investigates the occurrence of a criminal offense, the officer or civilian will first determine if an offense has occurred.
1. If the responding officer or expediter determines that an offense has occurred, an offense report will be made.
2. The determination that an offense has occurred is the responsibility of the responding officer or expediter. Officers and expediters will use the standard of “Reasonable Belief” that an offense has occurred, and a subsequent offense report made.
3. Reasonable Belief means specific, articulable facts, which together with the officer’s experience, general knowledge, and rational inferences, would justify the conclusion made by another officer if faced with those circumstances or facts.
C. When a member of the Department is unable to determine the elements of an offense due to the lack of evidence, evidence contradicts the complainant’s statement or the complainant or reporting person is deemed by the officer to lack credibility, the officer will make a preliminary report titled “ (offense stated) Preliminary Investigation.” This report will be made in the offense format and will be routed to the investigative unit that has investigative responsibility.
1. The officer or expediter will ensure that the following information is included in the preliminary report:
a. Information that would be included in an offense report to include MO, complainant name, address, and phone, suspect information, dates and time of the alleged offense, evidence that is observed, and a narrative of what the complainant states occurred.
b. The Public Narrative will only include the basic information as related to the call for service, ie: On (date) officers responded to a call regarding (call) at (address) in Dallas, Dallas County, Texas. No offense information should be included in the Public Narrative.
c. The Offense Narrative must include information in the report detailing the investigative findings, officer observations, or reasons why the complainant lacks credibility.
d. Use of surnames in the narrative will follow General Orders 210.08.
2. Physical evidence will be handled according to the guidelines and procedures of the Department.
3. Exceptions:
a. Allegations of family violence assaults or protective order violations will be handled as an offense only. Texas Code of Criminal Procedure Art. 5.04 directs officers to protect the complainant from potential violence.
b. Any crime of a sexual nature involving a child as a victim will only be made as an offense.
c. Domestic violence sexual assaults or domestic violence aggravated sexual assaults may only be submitted as a preliminary offense report at the direction of the on-call domestic violence detective.
d. Attempted or actual Sexual Assault or Aggravated Sexual Assault may only be “Preliminary Investigation” if decided by the on-call detective handling the case (following General Orders 304.05 C).

210.02 Reporting Procedures
The Reporting Officer will:
A. Conduct the initial investigation and make the report immediately after completing the initial investigation. Exceptions to this requirement will be made only in the event of an emergency.
1. In the initial report, include all suspect or witness information discovered during the investigation. Place all suspect and witness names, addresses, etc., on the appropriate screens of the offense report or on a supplement report. Refer to Section 210.08 (Use of Surnames or Identifying Information in Reports) for additional guidelines.
2. If a complainant is deemed by the responding officer to not be credible, (by intoxication, complainant’s own statements, or if evidence or witness statements are contradictory), the officer will consider what additional evidence is available and will make only the report that is supported by that evidence. The statements of the complainant and any evidence that is contradictory must be included in a “Preliminary Investigation” report. No officer will end the tour of duty without ensuring that all calls to which he/she responded have had the proper documentation completed or the appropriate report completed on the case number. Officers should check their FBR Inbox to ensure that reports that have been returned for correction are corrected and re-submitted to Staff Review.
B. Complete Offense, Preliminary Investigation Offense, and Incident Reports:
1. All offense, Preliminary Investigation offense, and incident reports will be completed in FBR on the MDC or in FBR on a desktop workstation.
2. Officers who do not have access to an MDC or a desktop workstation, will contact an on-duty officer to utilize the officer’s MDC to personally make the report.
3. Officers will complete an incident report (MIR) when impounding a vehicle for any reason other than a confirmed stolen hit on NCIC/TCIC. This includes 24-hour parking violations.
4. Officers will complete an Offense Report or Supplement Report for a confirmed stolen vehicle.
5. Officers will complete an Incident Report if, during the initial investigation of a Missing Person or Want to Locate call, it is determined that the individual is not missing.
C. Officers will complete any required crash reports by entry of the report into the DPS Crash System. Crash reports are to be entered by the end of tour of duty. Handwritten crash reports are not accepted by the Records/Legal Services Section. The accompanying Accident Involving Damage to Vehicle and Duty to Give Information and Render Aid offense reports must be submitted in FBR.
D. Police Reports - When a member of the department responds to an allegation of criminal conduct, the officer or expediter may document the incident in one of the following:
1. An Offense Report is:
a. A report made by a member of the department, which documents a criminal allegation from a person who alleges that a crime occurred in the city of Dallas. Offense reports must contain all the elements of the alleged crime and the officer must have reasonable belief that a criminal offense occurred. Offense reports are routed to investigative units for follow-up and may be supplemented with additional information.
b. A report that documents incidents that are not classified as crimes but may require investigative follow-up; examples are Runaways, Missing Persons, and Lost or Found Property.
2. A ‘Preliminary Investigation’ report is an alleged criminal complaint that an officer or expediter creates after interviewing the complainant. The officer must have reasonable belief that a criminal allegation did not occur as the complainant stated. This report documents the incident and may be supplemented at a later time. ‘Preliminary Investigation” reports are routed to investigative units for follow-up and may be supplemented with additional information. Circumstances that may generate an officer making a “Preliminary Investigation” report instead of an offense report include, but are not limited to:
a. Evidence does not support or contradicts the person’s account.
b. The officer believes that a complainant is not credible. Examples of a lack of credibility include:
i. Complainant changes their account of the incident.
ii. Complainant is intoxicated by drugs or alcohol.
iii. Complainant gives evasive or incomplete answers.
iv. Complainant is known to be involved in a criminal enterprise at the time of the alleged offense.
v. Complainant exhibits behaviors that would lead an officer to believe that they may suffer from mental illness.
c. Lack of evidence, the officer’s expert opinion of what occurred, or the complainant’s lack of credibility must be included in the narrative of the report.
3. An Incident Report is a report used to document non-criminal police incidents, citizen contacts, intelligence information, or any incident that requires documentation. Incident reports may be routed to investigative units for informational purposes and cannot be supplemented.
4. An incident will be classified as a “Homicide Investigation” when it is unclear whether the homicide may have been the result of a justifiable defense under Chapter 9 of the Texas Penal Code. The “Homicide Investigation” classification will only be used by the Crimes Against Persons Division. This classification provides the Homicide Unit additional time to establish the elements of the offense and investigate any possible self-defense claims. The title “Homicide Investigation” is for temporary use only and is valid for up to 15 days following the date that the offense incident was initially reported unless an extension is approved by the Crimes Against Persons Division Commander. An extension will only be allowed for an additional 15 days. The Homicide Unit is required to have a valid NIBRS-coded offense title selected for the report in RMS on or before the 15- or 30-day deadline.

210.03 Supervisor Responsibilities
Supervisors will:
A. Provide necessary guidance and training to improve all noted deficiencies in report writing, according to the standards of the Communications Section.
B. Accurately reflect in performance evaluation ratings the ability of subordinates to consistently submit quality reports.

210.04 Communications Section Responsibilities
The Communications Section will:
A. Maintain a system to ensure that each case number issued is covered by the proper documentation.
B. Cause Staff Review personnel to:
1. Check the reports for elements of the reported offense, content, readability, and legibility. Any reports not meeting minimum standards will be returned to the reporting officer for correction.
2. Assign Uniform Crime Reporting Code and determine the status of the offense.
3. Make distribution of reports to concerned divisions or sections.
4. Assign incidents for investigation as outlined in Section 210.05.

210.05 Assignment of Offenses
A. The following preparatory offenses are assigned to the respective Operations Division that would have investigative jurisdiction over the offense if it had been completed:
Section 15.01Criminal Attempt
Section 15.02Criminal Conspiracy
Section 15.03Criminal Solicitation
Section 16.01Unlawful Use of Criminal Instrument

B. The following offenses will be assigned to units having investigative responsibility for prior offenses. For any of the following sections of the Penal Code to be filed, a prior offense must have occurred. The unit having investigative responsibility for the filing of the prior offense will handle these offenses as the occasion arises. For example, if a complainant in an aggravated assault case was threatened, the Crimes Against Persons Division would also file the retaliation case. Reporting officers must include sufficient information regarding the prior offense so that the unit to which it is assigned can be identified. Those cases developed by the Internal Affairs Division involving Perjury, Aggravated Perjury, or False Report to a Peace Officer will be referred to the Assaults Unit of the Crimes Against Persons Division for filing.
Section 36.05Tampering With a Witness
Section 36.06Obstruction or Retaliation
Section 37.02Perjury
Section 37.03Aggravated Perjury
Section 37.08False Report to Peace Officer
Section 37.09Tampering with or Fabricating Physical Evidence
Section 38.05Hindering Apprehension or Prosecution
Section 38.06Escape
Section 38.07Permitting or Facilitating Escape
Section 38.09Implements for Escape
Section 38.10Bail Jumping and Failure to Appear
Section 38.12Barratry
Section 42.062Interference with Emergency Request for Assistance

C. The following offense will be assigned to the PUBLIC INTEGRITY UNIT:
The Public Integrity Unit will investigate all criminal conduct, with the exception of homicides, deaths in custody, and officer-involved shootings, that occurred within the city limits of Dallas involving:
1. A police employee, whether on-duty or off-duty.
2. Any City of Dallas employee, if the conduct occurred while the employee was on-duty or acting within their official capacity.
*The Public Integrity Unit may serve in an advisory role in the aforementioned exceptional cases to the appropriate investigative unit with follow-up responsibility. Officers who become aware of any criminal conduct involving a City of Dallas employee are encouraged to contact the Public Integrity Unit, regardless of whether the Public Integrity Unit will ultimately have responsibility for the investigation.

D. The following offenses are assigned to the CRIMINAL INTELLIGENCE UNIT:
Section 16.02Unlawful Interception, Use, or Disclosure of Wire, Oral, or Electronic Communications
Section 16.03Unlawful Use of a Pen Register or Trap and Trace Device
Section 16.04Unlawful Access to Stored Communications
Section 16.05Illegal Divulgence of Public Communications
Section 36.03Coercion of Public Servant or Voter
Section 36.04Improper Influence
**Section 36.07Acceptance of an Honorarium
**Section 36.08Gift to Public Servant by Person Subject to His Jurisdiction
Section 36.09Offering Gift to Public Servant
Section 37.10

Tampering with Governmental Record (Except Forged or

Counterfeit Drivers Licenses, License Plates, Validation Stickers, and Inspection Stickers)

**Section 39.02Abuse of Official Capacity
**Section 39.03
Official Oppression
**Section 39.04
Violations of the Rights of Person in Custody
**Section 39.06
Misuse of Official Information
Section 42.02
​​**Section 42.03
Obstructing Highway or Other Passageway
​​**Section 42.05
Disrupting Meeting or Procession
​​**Section 46.03
Places Weapons Prohibited (Polling Place)
Section 28.09
Damaging Critical Infrastructure Facility
Section 76.02
Section 76.03
Aiding in the Commission of Terrorism
Section 76.04
Hindering Prosecution of Terrorism
Section 38.115
Operation of Unmanned Aircraft Over Correctional Facility or Detention Facility
Section 42.15
Operation of Unmanned Aircraft over Airport or Military Installation
**These offenses are assigned to the Criminal Intelligence Unit only when the Mayor, any City Council member, or any public servant other than a City employee is involved.
*** These offenses are assigned to the Criminal Intelligence Unit only when the Division Commander of the Intelligence Division deems it necessary.

NOTE: The Criminal Intelligence Unit will coordinate the investigations of any criminal offense that is:
1. Committed on the premises of City Hall at 1500 Marilla Street.
2. Committed against the Mayor or any City Council member.
3. Filed against the Mayor or a City Council member.
4. Any other offense the Intelligence Commander deems necessary.
The Bureau or Division Commander whose personnel conduct the on-the-scene investigation or the follow-up investigation resulting in a case filing will ensure that the Criminal Intelligence Unit Commander is notified. Primary investigation and case- filing responsibilities remain with the bureau, division, or section having investigative responsibility.

E. The following offenses are assigned to the TACTICAL SERVICES UNIT:
Section 22.07Terroristic Threat (relating to explosives or incendiary devices)
Section 28.03Criminal Mischief (when explosives or incendiary devices are used)
Section 42.06False Alarm or Report (bomb threat)
Sec. 46.05(a)(1)Prohibited Weapons (an explosive weapon)
Section 46.08Hoax Bombs
Section 46.09Components of Explosives
Note: The Explosive Ordnance Squad will assist the Crimes Against Persons Division in bombings and bomb threats involving an injury, death, or robbery. The Explosive Ordnance Squad will conduct investigations in incidents of accidental explosions, bombings, bomb threats, found bombs, explosives, fire bombings, arson, and related incidents.

F. The following offenses are assigned to the TRAFFIC UNIT:
Section 19.04 – PC
​Manslaughter (As a result of a Motor Vehicular Accident,

occurring on property whether open or not to the public.) Not Family Violence
​Section 19.05 – PC
​Criminally Negligent Homicide (As a result of a Motor Vehicular Accident, occurring on property whether open or not open to the public.) Not Family Violence
​Section 28.03
​Criminal Mischief (Only offenses where a Motor Vehicle was used to Intentionally or Knowingly cause damage or destroy tangible property)
​Section 28.04
Reckless Damage or Destruction (Only offenses where a Motor Vehicle was used to Recklessly damage or destroy property)
Section 38.04

Evading Arrest or Detention (Direct File) (Only offenses where the Evading occurs in a Motor Vehicle for Traffic offenses only)

(Vehicle Crimes DOES NOT handle the offense: When a person commits or attempts to commit a felony, other than manslaughter, and in the course of and in furtherance of the commission or attempt, or in immediate flight from the commission or attempt, he commits or attempts to commit an act clearly dangerous to human life that causes the death of an individual. This is Murder 19.02 (b)(3) PC and will be handled by Crimes Against Persons)

Section 49.04Driving While Intoxicated (Direct File)
Section 49.05Flying While Intoxicated (Direct File)
Section 49.06Boating While Intoxicated (Direct File)
Section 49.065Intox/Oper Amusement Ride
Section 49.07

Intoxication Assault (As a result of a Motor Vehicular Accident, occurring on property whether open or not open to the public.)

Not Family Violence

Section 49.08

Intoxication Manslaughter (As a result of a Motor Vehicular Accident, occurring on property whether open or not open to the public.) Not Family Violence

Section 545.421 TCFleeing or Attempting to Elude Police Officer; Offense.
Section 521.253Occup License Violations
Section 545.420Racing on Highway
Section 550.021 TCAccident Involving Personal Injury or Death. (Replaced (FSRA) "Failure to Stop and Render Aid)
Section 550.022 TCAccident Involving Damage to Vehicle (Replaced (FLID) "Failure to Leave Identification)
Section 550.024 TCDuty on Striking Unattended Vehicle (Replaced (FLID) "Failure to Leave Identification")
Section 550.025 TCDuty on Striking Fixture or Highway landscaping. (Replacing (FLID) "Failure to Leave Identification")
Section 49.061Boating While Intoxicated with Child Passenger

G. The following offenses are assigned to the NARCOTICS UNIT:
​Violation of Health and Safety Code
​Violation Dangerous Drug Act
​Poss of, attempting to, or Passing Forged Prescriptions
​Section 38.11 Prohibited Substance/Item Correctional Facility
​Section   19.02       (4) Murder (by controlled substance manufacture/delivery)
​HSC 444.044 Offense for Distribution or Sale of Kratom Product to Minor

H. The following offenses are assigned to the VICE UNIT:
Section 20A.02Trafficking of Persons (Age 18 and Older)
Section 21.07Public Lewdness
Section 21.08Indecent Exposure
Section 25.01Bigamy
Section 32.44Rigging Publicly Exhibited Contest
Section 43.02Prostitution
Section 43.03Promotion of Prostitution
Section 43.04Aggravated Promotion of Prostitution
Section 43.05Compelling Prostitution
Section 43.22Obscene Display or Distribution
Section 47.02Gambling
Section 47.03Gambling Promotion
Section 47.04Keeping a Gambling Place
Section 47.05Communicating Gambling Information
Section 47.06Possession of Gambling Device, Equipment, or Paraphernalia
a.     V.H.S.C. (marijuana only) is a direct file offense.
I. The following offenses are assigned to the GANG UNIT.
Section 16.06Unlawful Install Tracking Device
Section 34.02Money Laundering
Section 36.02Bribery (when the suspect is not a City employee)
Section 71.02Engaging in Organized Criminal Activity
Section 71.022Solicit Gang Member
Section 71.023Direct Activities of Gang
NOTE: The Gang Unit will coordinate the investigations of any criminal offense that:
1. Involves Gang members
2. Offenses the Gang Unit determines involve Gang Activity.
3. Other Offenses determined by the Special Investigations Division Commander

J. The following offenses are assigned to the FUGITIVE UNIT.
Section 38.112Tampering with Electronic Monitoring Device

K. The following offenses are assigned to the respective geographic Investigative Unit within the Patrol Divisions where the offense occurred:

All offenses involving lottery tickets and equipment.
The following violations of the Texas Penal Code:
Section 25.10
Interference with Guard Rights
Section 28.03Criminal Mischief (except relating to explosives or incendiary devices)
Section 28.04Reckless Damage or Destruction
Section 28.07Interference with Railroad Property
Section 28.08Graffiti
Section 30.02Burglary
Section 30.03Burglary of a Coin Operated or Coin Collection Machine
Section 30.04Burglary of Vehicles
Section 30.05Criminal Trespass
Section 30.06Criminal Trespass/Gun/CHL
Section 31.03Theft (except UUMV, swindle theft, theft by worthless check and embezzlement theft over $2,500 and not a one-time cash theft).
Section 31.03Theft (from Person)
Section 31.03Theft Military Grave Marker
Section 31.03e4Theft from Corpse/Grave
Section 31.04Theft of Service (except rental or lease vehicles)
Section 31.11Tampering with Identification Number (Non vehicle)
Section 31.12Tamp/MultiChannel Info
Section 31.14Tamp/MultiChannel Device
Section 31.15Pos/Man/Instr Comm Theft
Section 31.16Theft Organs
Section 32.42Deceptive Business Practices
Section 32.441Illegal Recruitment of an Athlete
Section 32.47Fraudulent Destruction, Removal, or Concealment of Writing
Section 37.08False Report to Officer
Section 37.081
False Report/Missing Person/Child
​Section 37.10
​Tampering with Governmental Records (License plates, Validation stickers, and inspection stickers only.)
​Section 38.15
​Interference with Public Duties
​Section 42.01 (a) (1-10)
​Disorderly Conduct
​​Section 42.03
​Obstructing Highway or Other Passageway
​​Section 42.05
​Disrupting Meeting or Procession
​​Section 42.055
​Disrupt Funeral Service
​​Section 42.061
​Silent or Abusive Calls to 9-1-1 Service
​​Section 42.07
​Harassment (except Stalking) Non-Family Violence
​​Section 42.11
​Destruction of Flag
​​Section 46.035
​​Section 46.04
​UPF/FV Conviction
​​Section 46.04
​UPF/Protective Order in Effect
​​Section 46.041
​Unlawful Poss Body Armor/Felon
​Section 46.06​
​Unlawful Transfer Weapons
​Section 46.06
​Unlawful Transfer/Handgun/<18 yoa
​Section 46.10
Deadly Weapon/Penal Inst
​Section 46.11
​Carrying Weapon in Weapons-Free School Zone
​Section 46.14
​Firearms Smuggling
​Section 48.015
​Cig Tax Viol
​Section 466.302
​Sale Ticket Greater Price (Lottery) (Govt Code)
​Section 466.303
​Sale Ticket Unauth Person
​Section 466.304
​Sale Ticket Unauth Location
​Section 466.305
​Tamp w/Lottery Equipment
​Section 42.107
​Possession of Animal by Person with Prev Conv Animal Cruelty
​Section 42.074
​Unlawful Disclosure of Residence Address or Telephone Number
​Section 31.21
​Unauthorized Possession of Catalytic Converter

L. The following crimes are assigned to the ANIMAL CRUELTY SQUAD within the PATROL BUREAU.
Section 21.09Bestiality
Section 38.15Interference with Police Animal
Section 42.09Cruelty to Livestock Animals
Section 42.091Attack on Assistance Animal
Section 42.092Cruelty to Non-livestock Animals
Section 42.10Dog Fighting
Section 42.105Cockfighting

M. The following offenses are assigned to the units within the CRIMES AGAINST PERSONS DIVISION:
Section 19.02Murder
Section 19.03Capital Murder
Section 19.04Manslaughter
Section 19.05Criminally Negligent Homicide
Section 42.08Abuse of Corpse
Section 19.02Murder for Hire
Section 22.02Assault Public Servant Officer/Security
Section 22.02Aggravated Assault Public Servant Officer/Security
Section 22.11Harassment Public Servant
Section 39.05Failure to Report Death of a Prisoner
Section 20.02Unlawful Restraint
Section 20.03Kidnapping
Section 20.04Aggravated Kidnapping
Section 20.05Smuggling of Person
Section 29.02Robbery
Section 29.03Aggravated Robbery
Section 31.07
Unauthorized Use of Vehicle (Taken in Robbery)
Section 21.15Invasive Visual Recording
Section 21.16Unlawful Disclosure or Promotion of Intimate Visual Material
Section 21.19Unlawful Electronic Transmission of Sexually Explicit Visual Material
Section 22.011Sexual Assault (17 yrs. Of age and older, including F/V)
Section 22.021Aggravated Sexual Assault (17 yrs. Of age and older, including F/V)
Section 22.012Indecent Assault/Exposure
Section 42.072Stalking
Section 21.165Unlawful Production or Distribution of Certain Sexually Explicit Videos (17 yrs of age and older)
Section 22.01
Section 22.02Aggravated Assault
Section 22.04Injury to an Elderly or Disabled Individual
Section 22.05Deadly Conduct
Section 22.07Terroristic Threat
Section 22.08Aiding Suicide (SBI)
Section 22.09Tampering with Consumer Product
Section 37.02Perjury (IAD Referral Only)
Section 37.03Aggravated Perjury (IAD Referral Only)
Section 37.08False Report to a Peace Officer (IAD Referral Only)
Section 38.03Resisting Arrest, Search, or Transportation (Suspect At Large)
Section 38.14Taking or Attempting to Take Weapon from Peace Officer
Section 38.171Fail to Report Felony (SBI)
Section 39.05Failure to Report Death of a Prisoner

Section42.01 (a) (7,10,11)

Disorderly Conduct (Discharging a Firearm on or across a Public Road; or Exposure in a Public Place)
Section 42.08Abuse of Corpse
Section 48.02Prohibition of the Purchase and Sale of Human Organs

NOTE: For all CAPERS offenses listed above, the investigative responsibility belongs to the General Investigation Division, Youth Operations Unit, when the victim is a juvenile. If the offense involves a family relationship as defined by Family Code Chapter 71, 71.0021 Dating Violence, 71.004 Family Violence; the investigative responsibility belongs to the Domestic Violence Unit.

N. The Domestic Violence Unit is responsible for investigating offenses involving the assault of a person by a member of a family (except cousins) or household against another member of the family or household in accordance with Family Code Sec. 71.004, to include violations of protective orders.
The offenses listed below are the investigative responsibility of the Domestic Violence Unit, except for incidents involving death:
Section 20.02Unlawful Restraint/FV
Section 20.03Kidnapping/FV
Section 20.04Aggravated Kidnapping/FV
Section 22.01Assault/FV
Section 22.02Aggravated Assault/FV
Section 22.04Injury to Elderly or Disable Individual/FV
Section 22.05Deadly Conduct/FV
Section 22.07Terroristic Threat/FV
Section 25.02Prohibited Sexual Conduct
Section 25.07Violation of a Protective Order/FV
Section 25.11Continuous Violence Against Family
Section 29.02Robbery/FV
Section 29.03Aggravated Robbery/FV
Section 30.02Burglary with Intent to Commit Assault/FV
Section 36.06Obstruction or Retaliation/FV
Section 42.062Interference with Emergency Request for Assistance/FV
Section 42.07Harassment/FV
Section 42.072Stalking/FV

O. The Crimes Against Children Unit is comprised of the following squads: Child Abuse, Child Exploitation, High-Risk Victim Trafficking, Internet Crimes Against Children, and the Sex Offender Apprehension Program and Sex Offender Registration.
The Child Abuse Squad investigates:
a. child murders when the victim is under 10 years of age.
b. all infant deaths except traffic fatalities.
c. any offenses to include the following where the suspect is family a member or someone who had legal responsibility for control of the child.
Section 19.02Murder (Child is under 10 and Parent is Suspect)
Section 19.03Capital Murder (Child is under 10 and Parent is Suspect)
Section 19.04Manslaughter (Child is under 10 and Parent is Suspect)
Section 19.05Criminally Negligent Homicide (Child is under 10 and Parent is Suspect)
Section 21.02Continuous Sex Abuse of Child/victim U/17
Section 21.11Indecency with a Child/victim U/17
Section 21.12Improper Relationship Educator/Student
Section 21.17Voyeurism/Victim U/14
Section 22.01Assault FV Victim U/17
Section 22.02Aggravated Assault/FV Victim U/17
Section 22.07Terroristic Threat/FV Victim U/17
Section 22.011Sexual Assault/victim U/17
Section 22.021Aggravated Sexual Assault/victim U/14
Section 22.04Injury to a Child
Section 22.041Abandoning or Endangering Child/ Elderly Individual or Disabled Individual/ victim U/15
Section 22.10Leaving a Child in a Vehicle/victim U/7
Section 25.02Prohibited Sexual Conduct
Section 38.17Fail to Stop/Agg Sex Assault Child
Section 46.13Making a Firearm Accessible to a Child

The Child Exploitation Squad investigates:
a. all cases of sexual assault and aggravated sexual assault of a child, indecency with a child, and exploitation of a child under 17 years of age by a stranger (non-family members).
b. any kidnapping or attempted kidnapping of a child for the purpose of sexual abuse or resulting in sexual abuse.
Section 21.11Indecency with a Child/victim U/17
Section 21.17Voyeurism/victim U/14
Section 22.011Sexual Assault /victim U/17
Section 22.021Aggravated Sexual Assault/victim U/14
Section 38.17Fail to Stop/Agg Sex Assault Child
Section 39.04Sex Assault Prison/Juvenile
Section 43.24Sale, Distribution, or Display of Harmful Material to Minor
Section 43.25Sexual Performance by a Child/victim U/18
Section 21.165Unlawful Production or Distribution of Certain Sexually Explicit Videos (Victim Under 17)
Section 43.28Certain Sexually Oriented Performances Prohibited
Section 15.032Child Grooming

The Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Squad investigates:
a. all technological facilitated sexual abuse and exploitation of children.
b. child pornography and solicitation of a child offenses.

Section 21.19Unlawful Electronic Trans. Sex Explicit Material/victim U/17
Section 33.021Online Solicit of Minor/victim U/17
Section 43.26Possession or Promotion of Child Pornography
Section 43.261Electronic Transmission Visual Material Depicting Minor U/18
Section 43.262Possession Lewd Material Depicting Minor/victim U/18

The High-Risk Victim Trafficking (HRVT) Squad investigates any recovered high-risk victim (child) or child involved in prostitution or trafficking.

Section 20A.02Trafficking Persons/victim U/18
Section 20A.03Continuous Trafficking of Persons/victim U/18
Section 20.05Smuggling of Persons/victim U/18
Section 20.06Continuous Smuggling Persons/victim U/18
Section 25.08Sale or Purchase of a Child/ victim U/18
Section 25.09Advertise/Place Child/victim U/18
Section 43.02Prostitution/Victim U/18
Section 43.03Promotion Prostitution/ Victim U/18
Section 43.031Online Promotion Prostitution/victim U/18
​Section 43.041
​Agg Online Promotion Prostitution/victim U/18
​Section 43.05
​Compelling Prostitution/ victim U/18
​Section 43.24
​Sale, Distribution, or Display of Harmful Material to Minor
​Section 43.25
​Sexual Performance by a Child/Victim U/18
​Section 43.251
Employment Harmful to Children/victim U/18

The Sex Offender Apprehension Program (SOAP) and Sex Offender Registration (SOR) Squad monitor all persons in the City of Dallas who are required to register as sex offenders and investigate failure to register.
Section 62.102
Fail to Reg Sex Offender

O. The following offenses are assigned to the GENERAL INVESTIGATIONS DIVISION:
All lost and found offenses.

Section 31.03Theft    (swindling, swindling by      worthless check,    and embezzlement over $2,500 and not a onetime cash theft)
Section 31.04Theft of Service (rental or lease vehicles)
Section 31.05Theft of Trade Secrets
Section 31.07Unauthorized Use of a Vehicle
Section 31.11Tampering with ID/Vehicle
Section 31.17Unauth Acquisition or Trans Certain Financial Info
Section 32.21Forgery (except forgery of prescription for drugs)
Section 32.22Criminal Simulation
Section 32.23Trademark Counterfeiting
Section 32.24Theft/Receive Stolen Check
Section 32.31Credit Card or Debit Card Abuse
Section 32.32False Statement to Obtain Property or Credit
Section 32.33Hindering Secured Creditors
Section 32.34Fraudulent Transfer of a Motor Vehicle
Section 32.35Credit Card Transaction Record Laundering
Section 32.41Issuance of Bad Check
Section 32.43Commercial Bribery
Section 32.45Misapplication of Fiduciary Property or Property of Financial Institution
Section 32.46Securing Execution of Document by Deception
Section 32.47Fraud Dest Will/Deed
Section 32.48Endless Chain Scheme
Section 32.49Refuse to Release Fraud Lien
Section 32.51Fraudulent Use of Identifying Information
Section 32.52Fraud/Fict Degree
Section 32.53Exploitation of Child, Elderly and Disable Individual
Section 32.54Fraud/Fict Military Record
Section 33.02Breach of Computer Security
Section 33.05Tampering Direct Rec Vote Machine
Section 33.07Online Impersonation
Section 37.10Tampering with Governmental Record (Forged or Counterfeit Drivers Licenses only)
Section 37.11Impersonating Public Servant
Section 37.12False Identification as Peace Officer
Section 38.152Interference w/Radio Freq
Section 466.306Forge/Alter Ticket (Lottery)
Section 466.308Claim Lottery/Fraud
Section 502.409Wrong, Fictitious, Altered, or Obscured Lic Plate
Section 502.475Fictitious Registration/Insignia
Section 521.451Fictitious Dl/Cert
Section 521.456Counterfeit Instrument
Section 548.603Display of Fictitious Inspection Cert(Auto Theft) /Insurance Doc (Forgery)
Section 641.054Labeling (Business Code)

P. The following offenses are assigned to the YOUTH OPERATIONS/MISSING PERSONS UNIT:
All assault offenses committed against a person under 17 years of age as indicated in the following table:

Section 20.02Unlawful Restraint/Victim U/17
Section 20.03Kidnapping/ victim U/17
Section 20.04Aggravated Kidnapping/victim U/17
Section 22.01Assault
Section 22.02Aggravated Assault
Section 22.04Injury to a Child
Section 22.041Abandoning or Endangering Child, Elderly Individual, or Disabled Individual
Section 22.05Deadly Conduct/victim U/17
Section 22.07Terroristic Threat/victim U/17
Section 22.08Aiding Suicide/victim U/17
Section 22.09Tampering with Consumer Product/victim U/17
Section 25.03Interference with Child Custody
Section 25.031Agreement to Abduct from Custody
Section 25.04Enticing a Child
Section 25.06Harboring Runaway Child
Section 29.02Robbery/Victim U/17
Section 29.03Aggravated Robbery/Victim U/17
Section 31.03Theft (from Person)/victim U/17
Section 46.13Making a Firearm Accessible to a Child (Non-Caregiver)
 Missing Persons Reports*
 Want to Locate Reports*

*Missing Persons and Want to Locate Reports are not criminal offenses, but these reports will be sent to the Youth Operations/Missing Person Unit for follow up.



I.  The following offenses are assigned to the NUISANCE ABATEMENT SQUAD.
HSC 260.0051Operating Boarding House Without A County/Municipal Permit
210.06 Investigative Units Case Management Procedures
The Investigations Units will:
A. Ensure appropriate follow-up on cases assigned to that unit. Cases will be assigned to detectives for investigative follow up by a supervisor or desk officer. The assignment will be entered into the RMS Case Management System. A written or electronic log will be maintained by each detective or unit that identifies cases assigned to detectives by date and case number.
B. Develop guidelines on when open cases may be suspended.
1. Open cases require the detective to complete an investigative supplement report at least every 30 days.
2. Individual units may require more frequent supplement reports within the framework of the unit S.O.P.
3. Offenses titled “Preliminary Investigation” will be reviewed by an investigative unit and supplemented to document actions taken by investigators to determine if an offense occurred. These actions would include phone calls or attempts to contact the complainant. Supplements to reclassify a ‘Preliminary Investigation” report must include the elements of the offense and the information developed by the detective.
C. All Offense reports must be classified in one of the following manners: Cleared by Arrest, Cleared by Exceptional Arrest, Unfounded, Suspended pending further leads, Open, or Closed.
1. Cleared by Arrest. (CBA) An offense is cleared by arrest, or solved, when at least one person is (1) arrested, (2) charged with the commission of the offense, and (3) turned over to the court for prosecution.
2. Cleared by Exceptional Arrest. (CBEA) An offense cleared by exceptional arrest is used if a detective can answer all of the following questions in the affirmative.
a. Has the investigation definitely established the identity of the offender?
b. Is there enough information to determine that an offense occurred, and the evidence supports that allegation?
c. Is the suspect’s home address or exact location known?
d. Is there some reason outside the Department’s control that precludes arresting, charging, and prosecuting the offender? This would include the complainant refusal to prosecute.
3. Unfounded Offenses. (U). An offense is unfounded when an alleged offense is determined to be baseless or false. Detectives will unfound an offense if they have “reasonable belief” that the offense did not occur as the victim or complainant stated the incident occurred.
a. Reasonable Belief means specific, articulable facts, which together with the officer’s experience, general knowledge, and rational inferences, would justify the conclusion made by another officer if faced with those circumstances or facts.
b. A complainant’s refusal to cooperate with the investigation may not use as the reason for unfounding the offense.
4. Suspended Pending Further Leads. (S) An offense that the detective has reasonable belief that the offense occurred, and all investigative leads have been exhausted.
5. Open. (O) An offense that is still under active investigation.
6. Closed (C) A non-criminal action taken by police may be administratively closed (Want-to-Locate, Runaway, and Injured Persons).
D. Detectives are responsible for maintaining their case files and ensuring accessibility to the file pursuant to open records requests, supervisory requests, and requests from other detectives and outside agencies. The investigative case file should include written statements, examinations results, photographic lineups and any other information pertinent to the case. The detective is responsible for updating investigative progress in a supplement report.
E. Voluntary statements and Affidavit In Any Fact statements taken in a foreign language must be translated to English by an employee of the Dallas Police Department who is receiving language skills assignment pay prior to filing a case with Legal Services or the District Attorney.
F. Case files will be maintained and archived according to the Texas State Records Retention Schedule (RRS).

210.07 LEA TechShare Case Filing system
A. Introduction
LEA TechShare (LEA) is the Dallas County District Attorney’s Office case repository used for receiving all case files from the Dallas Police Department and surrounding law enforcement agencies. This database is to be the primary method for all case filing Detectives to upload all evidence and submit their entire case file to the District Attorney’s office for review and prosecution. Once the cases are received by the Dallas DA Intake Division the cases and evidence are reviewed to evaluate the validity of the case which will lead to case acceptance, prosecutor case assignments, evidence discovery, evidence tracking and preservation as it is loaded into the portal. All Detectives, Officers, and Investigative Assistants assigned duties to follow up and investigate criminal offenses will upload all discoverable evidence into LEA for each filed case and all companion cases. The entry of all case evidence into LEA will be in a uniform manner that is consistent with training and standards set by the Dallas County District Attorney’s office. LEA portal unit users and their supervisors will be accountable to ensure LEA uploads are consistent with the strict standards set forth by the Dallas County District Attorney’s office. Dallas Police Department’s Legal Services staff will provide quality control, training, and assist in technical issues to assist in the maintenance and integrity of the LEA database.
B. Administrative Bureau Duties
The Dallas Police Department’s Legal Services Unit acts as the direct legal liaison with the Dallas County District Attorney’s office to coordinate LEA case filing, resolve case filing issues, repair upload errors, disseminate all LEA updates, and train LEA users in any new features as they are created. Legal Services acts as the primary user to upload all Direct File cases and to build case shells for Custodial Arrest jail packets that are received from the jail daily. Legal Services personnel will also create case shells for all DPD At Large cases when the case can be accepted by the District Attorney’s Office.
1. Legal Services personnel, both sworn and non-sworn, will build all case shells for all Direct File custodial arrests and at large prisoner cases. Legal Services personnel will be responsible for uploading all Digital Media Evidence (DME) to the LEA shell for each case to be submitted to the DA’s office. Staff will monitor all Direct File cases that are in At Large status to ensure the cases can be filed and accepted per DPD and County criteria. At Large Direct File cases, within 6 months of statute of limitations expiring will be uploaded into the LEA portal and submitted to ensure the case will not expire. Routine searches and audits will be conducted by Legal Services personnel to ensure that cases are uploaded correctly and filed when appropriate.
2. Legal Services personnel who are designated with LEA administrative rights will assist new LEA personnel in creating new accounts and ensure that proper training is conducted for LEA. Legal Services will contact the Dallas District Attorney’s office designated Applications Technology Specialist if advanced tech support is needed.
3. In certain circumstances, an advanced LEA search may be conducted to ensure that the database remains consistent with LEA standards. Advanced searches can be done to:
a. Search for specific DPD Incident numbers
b. Search for defendant’s name and DOB
c. Search primary Charge Status (Open, Submitted, Return, Rejected, Ready to submit)
d. Search case submitted From Date and To Date
e. Search NCIC Code or Offense Description
f. Search Offense from Date to Offense to Date
g. Search Charge Created from Date to Charge Created to Date
h. Search Arrest From Date to Arrest to Date
i. Search Participants that are assigned to specific cases
j. Search Submitted by (for tracking activity for LEA user)
4. Legal Services personnel will upload all video and audio evidence, if obtained from Investigative Units or Divisions, to the appropriate case per DME uploading procedures.
5. The Ready to Submit Queue will be monitored daily by Legal Services personnel to quality control cases sent to the queue by the Investigating Detective. If cases are complete and comply with LEA standards, they are to be submitted.
6. The Return Queue consists of all cases, Direct and Non-Direct, returned by the Intake Attorney that requires additional information and case corrections. Designated Legal Services personnel will monitor this queue and accommodate the Intake Attorney’s request by adding the additional information themselves or reach out to the assigned Investigative Detective or involved officers to provide new information to strengthen or correct the returned case
7. The Rejection Queue consists of all cases, Direct and Non-Direct, rejected by the Intake Attorney; these require immediate release of the charge and bond. Designated Legal Services personnel will workflow, via RMS, all Non- Direct file cases to the originating Investigative Unit so a proper release charge can be done. Direct file rejections will be completed by Legal Services personnel per unit procedures.
8. The Open or Not Submitted queue will be monitored by Legal Services personnel to help ensure all loaded cases are submitted when appropriate and before the statute of limitations toll.
9. Legal Services will conduct routine audits to search for any errors and make the appropriate corrections to maintain consistency with the LEA portal. Legal Services will advise the units of any errors made and provide additional LEA training if needed.
10. Legal Services Local LEA Administrator will delete inactive accounts of anyone who resigns, retires, or leaves an investigative unit.
a. Personnel Division will notify Legal of retiring staff so that LEA users account can be made inactive.
b. IAD and PIU Divisions will notify Legal if any LEA users are placed on Administrative leave or terminated.
C. Investigative Unit Duties
Investigative Units will utilize the LEA to upload all evidence for their cases that are to be filed for prosecution. When needed, Investigators will create a case shell for Non-Direct and At Large cases and all evidence for the case will be loaded per LEA standards. Investigative Unit Supervisors will assist their units in maintaining the consistency and integrity of database uploads by conducting routine audits of DME that is uploaded by their Investigating Detectives.
1. Investigator Duties
Investigators that are assigned cases will upload their completed case file into LEA per procedures.
a. Assigned Investigators will create and maintain the case shell for the case that is to be filed. Shells will only be created and filed under the Warrant number for the specific case. Duplicate case shells are not to be created. At no time will dashes be used when creating a shell, including Grand Jury Referrals (GJR) and At Large cases. Cases that have multiple charges from the same incident are to be linked per LEA training criteria. All DME uploads will adhere to the consistency standards set forth by the Dallas District Attorney’s office for this system.
b. Assigned Investigators will upload all evidence, as it is obtained, into LEA per LEA standards.
i. All video and audio evidence must be placed into a compressed digital folder prior to being loaded into the LEA. All evidence is to be loaded into LEA if it meets the DME criteria.
ii. Photographs are to be placed into a compressed folder prior to be uploading into LEA. All evidence is to be loaded into LEA if it meets the DME criteria.
iii. All case documents are to be loaded into LEA in a manner consistent with the standards set forth by the Dallas District Attorney’s office in this system.
c. Assigned Investigators will review and determine the accuracy of all DME uploads prior to placing into the Ready to Submit Queue. Unit Supervisors will also provide oversight for upload accuracy and consistency.
d. To comply with the standards of DME uploads the Investigator will appropriately title and separate all pieces of the DME in a manner that is consistent with LEA portal training.
i. Warrant will be uploaded as “W” and saved in Arrest Warrant Type
ii. PC Affidavit will be uploaded as “PC” and saved in PC Affidavit Type
iii. Incident reports will be combined, uploaded as “Incident” and saved as Offense Report Type
iv. Incident Data Report Page, Incident Page Scroll Tab, will be uploaded as “IDR” and saved as Offense Report type.
v. Booking Sheets will be uploaded as “Jail PKT” and saved as Additional Case info Type
vi. Prosecution Report will be uploaded as “OR” and saved as Offense Report Type
vii. Da filing requirements sheet will be uploaded as “CS” and saved as Work Product
viii. All evidentiary documents may be combined, uploaded as “ADDL INFO” and saved as Additional Case Info Type
ix. RMS Narrative page Detective Notes will be uploaded as “DET NOTES” and saved as Additional Case Info Type
x. Lab reports will be uploaded as SWIFS and saved as Additional Case Info Type
xi. Crime Scene Response Section (CSRS) supplements will be uploaded as “PES” and saved as Additional Case Info Type
xii. Videos and audio DME will be uploaded as “ADDL” info and saved as Additional Case Info Type
xiii. Body Worn Camera Video will be uploaded via Evidence.com case management.
e. Investigators will assign the LEA Case shell to themselves in the Participant field to track cases prior to submittal. These assigned cases will appear in the MY Incidents when the Investigator logs into LEA.
f. Investigators will place cases into the Ready to Submit Queue once All obtained evidence is uploaded and case is complete. Detectives will continue to add to the case DME as additional evidence is obtained even after case submittal.
g. Investigators will create case shells for At Large cases and upload all evidence and assign to themselves in Participant field. The case will remain assigned to the Investigator until the case can be filed with the District Attorney’s Office. Once the Investigator is aware the case meets the DA’s office requirements to file, it will be placed into the Ready to Submit Queue. Only cases that are complete, with all case evidence, will be placed into the Ready to Submit Queue.
2. Sharing BWC DME to an UNSUBMITTED LEA Portal Case (Case hasn’t been Filed)
a. Evidence.com
i. Create a case within Evidence.Com. Use a unique number for the Case ID (DPD Service Number).
ii. Add related evidence to the case. Use DPD CAD Incident number to find evidence.
iii. Download the audit trails from each evidence item added to the case.
iv. Share the Evidence.com case to the DA’s Partner Agency Group using the Partner Agency Sharing option.
b. LEA Portal
i. Create a case within the LEA Portal.
ii. Manually upload any non-Evidence.com evidence. (Include the Evidence.com audit trails).
iii. Enter the related Evidence.com Case ID into the LEA Portal’s Offense Report Number field.
iv. Submit the LEA case. (Submitting the case triggers the program to retrieve the videos).
a. Evidence.com
i. Create a case within E.Com. Use a unique number for the Case ID (DPD Service Number) that matches in LEA Portal.
ii. Add related evidence to the case. Use DPD CAD Incident number to find evidence.
iii. Download the audit trails from each evidence item added to the case.
iv. Share the E.com case to the DA’s Partner Agency Group using the Partner Agency Sharing option.
b. LEA Portal
i. Find the case within the LEA Portal.
ii. Manually upload the new item’s audit trail.
iii. Manually upload a supplement describing the new item that was shared. Detective will select “ADDL” case info and attach BWC.pdf file to the case. This notifies the DA’s office to open the submitted case. Opening the submitted case will trigger the program to look for the newly added evidence within the E.com case.
4. Investigative Unit Supervisor Duties
a. Unit supervisors will conduct routine audits in LEA using the Advanced Search procedures to ensure that cases are managed and DME uploads are in a consistent manner that adheres to the standards set forth by the Dallas County District Attorney’s office.
b. Unit supervisors will ensure that all case evidence is uploaded with all discoverable evidence for each case.
5. CSRS Personnel Duties
a. All CS or LP supplements that are completed by CSRS staff are to upload into the case shell, as they are obtained and completed. These documents must all be in PDF form and titled “PES” and saved as Additional Case Info Type.
b. All photograph and LEICA scans will be loaded into the DME case shell, and related case shells, as they are obtained and completed. All Photographs and scans will be placed into a compressed folder prior to being uploaded into the LEA portal DME. (All files must be under 5G in size)
D. Digital Media Evidence Team (DME) will upload, as obtained, all videos that are linked to a case that will be filed. Videos that are tagged and related to an incident will be loaded into the case DME and saved as Video Type. The videos will be in a compressed file folder prior to being loaded into the LEA system. Body Worn Camera Video will be uploaded via Evidence.com case management.

Sharing BWC DME to an UNSUBMITTED LEA Portal Case (Case hasn’t been Filed)
1. Evidence.com
a. Create a case within E.Com. Use a unique number for the Case ID (DPD Service Number).
b. Add related evidence to the case. Use DPD CAD Incident number to find evidence.
c. Download the audit trails from each evidence item added to the case.
d. Share the E.com case to the DA’s Partner Agency Group using the Partner Agency Sharing option.
2. LEA Portal
a. Create a case within the LEA Portal.
b. Manually upload any non-E.com evidence. (Include the E.com audit trails).
c. Enter the related E.com Case ID into the LEA Portal’s Offense Report Number field.
d. Submit the LEA case. (Submitting the case triggers the program to retrieve the videos.
1. Evidence.com
a. Create a case within E.Com. Use a unique number for the Case ID (DPD Service Number) that matches in LEA Portal.
b. Add related evidence to the case. Use DPD CAD Incident number to find evidence.
c. Download the audit trails from each evidence item added to the case.
d. Share the E.com case to the DA’s Partner Agency Group using the Partner Agency Sharing option.
2. LEA Portal
a. Find the case within the LEA Portal.
b. Manually upload the new item’s audit trail.
c. Manually upload a supplement describing the new item that was shared. Detective will select “ADDL” case info and attach BWC.pdf file to the case. This notifies the DA’s office to open the submitted case. Opening the submitted case will trigger the program to look for the newly added evidence within the E.com case.


210.08 Response Disposition System
A.     The Response Disposition System consists of a series of codes used to document the final result of a call for service in the computer aided dispatch system.
B.     Upon completion of a call for service, every field element will do one of the following:
1.     Complete a Miscellaneous Incident Report (MIR) on the Mobile Data Computer (MDC) under the following circumstances.
a.     On any call that may develop criminal intelligence.
b.     All calls that may have the potential for family violence.
2.     Complete a "Preliminary Investigation" report on the MDC as described in G.O. 210.01C.
3.     Complete an offense report on the MDC.
4.     Submit a call disposition that reflects no report will be generated:
a.     C: Cover Only (when dispatched only to cover another element).
b.     M: Mark Out Only (when the incident was a mark out only, e.g. a traffic mark out).
c.     NC: No Complainant (no complainant was located).
d.    NP: No Police Action (the incident did not require police action).
e.     PARK: Park mark out (when the incident is a park mark out only).
f.      AF: Alarm False (when the alarm is false). All information is added to the comments section of the call sheet.
C.     If a report is completed (Alarm, MIR, Preliminary Investigation, or Offense) the field element completing the report will submit a disposition reflecting the report made:
1.     AF: Alarm False (when an alarm report is made, and the alarm is false).
2.     AT: Alarm True (when an alarm report is made, and the alarm was triggered by an offense)
3.     R: Report (when a MIR, Preliminary Investigation, or Offense report is made)
D.     The following call dispositions are reserved for use by the Communications Division only:
1.     Closed by API (Adaptive Programming Interface)
2.     D: Duplicate Call
3.     S: Swap
4.     DSO: DSO Transfer

210.09 Use of Surnames and Identifying Information in Reports
A.     Offense/Incident Reports
1.     The following applies for all offenses, with the exception of Sexual Assaults:
a.     A complainant's surname may be used in the narrative (i.e., Comp [Complainant] Complainant Jones). When applicable, business names will be used in lieu of the word Comp. Additional complainant information such as addresses and telephone numbers may be entered in the narrative unless the information is restricted for the complainant's privacy (i.e., unlisted telephone number).
b.     Do not use the surname, a description of a suspect or witness, or other identifying information in the narrative of any Offense/Incident Report. Refer to suspect or witness as Suspect #1, Suspect #2, etc., and Witness #1, Witness #2, etc. Place all suspect and witness names, addresses, etc., on the appropriate screens of the offense report or on a supplement report. Refer to Section 325.02 (Release of Information on the Offense/Incident Reports) for additional information.
c.      Officer surnames will be used with the appropriate title: RO (Reporting Officer) Reporting Officer Smith, or AO (Arresting Officer) Arresting Officer Smith.
2.     Sexual Assault Offenses
a.     Do not use the complainant's surname or place any other identifying complainant information in the offense report narrative. References will be to the Comp or Complainant.
b.     Do not use the surname, a description of a suspect or witness, or other identifying information in the offense report narrative. Refer to the suspect or witness as Suspect #1/Suspect #2, etc., and Witness #1, Witness #2, etc. Place all suspect and witness names, addresses, etc., on the appropriate screens of the offense report or on a supplement report.
c.      The use of officer surnames on a sexual assault offense is allowed but discouraged.
B.     Miscellaneous Incident Reports (MIRs) - The restrictions outlined in 210.07A (Offense/Incident Reports) apply to MIRs.
C.     Arrest Reports (All)
1.     Refer to the complainant as Complainant or Comp plus surname (Comp Jones).
2.     Refer to suspect as Suspect plus surname (Suspect Jones), Witness plus surname (Witness Jones), Reporting Person plus surname (Reporting Person Green), etc. If two or more persons involved in the offense have the same surname, use the first initial of their given names.
3.     Officer surnames will be used with the appropriate title: RO (Reporting Officer) Reporting Officer Smith, or AO (Arresting Officer) Arresting Officer Smith.
4.     If an arrest involves more than one arrestee, the arrest report must clearly designate each arrestee's involvement in the arrest report. For example, arrest report one should state Arrestee Jones and Accomplice Smith and arrest report two should state Arrestee Smith and Accomplice Jones. This wording would be continued through both arrest reports.
D.     Supplement Reports - There are no restrictions on information that can be included. Any information restricted on the Offense/Incident Report will be placed in a supplement report, which is not considered an Open Record. 

E.     A person's race/ethnicity will be referred to using the following reporting codes:

Black/African AmericanB
Hispanic/Latin AmericanL
Asian/Pacific IslanderA
Middle Eastern/IndianC
Alaskan Native/American IndianI

210.10     Direct Filing

A.     The following are Direct File offenses:
1.     D.W.I.
2.     B.W.I.
3.     F.W.I.
4.     D.W.L.I.
5.     UCW/CPW(except explosive weapons)
6.     Theft (Shoplift only, Class B and above)
7.     Prostitution
8.     Public Lewdness
9.     V.H.S.C. (Marijuana only)
10.   Criminal Trespass
11.   Evading Arrest
12.   Resisting Arrest/Search
13.   Failure to Identify (Class B and above)
14.   Hindering Proceedings by Disorderly Conduct
15.   Discharging of Firearm in Certain Municipalities
16.   Places Weapons Prohibited (Except Polling Places)
17.   Unlawful Carrying of Handgun by License Holder
18.   Unlawful Possession Firearm/Felon
B.     Direct File arrests do not ordinarily require follow-up investigation. The arresting officer is accountable for fully completing the Arrest Report from which the Probable Cause Affidavit, Warrant of Arrest, and Prosecution Report are automatically computer generated. The arresting officer is responsible for any needed corrections on these documents. If an investigation is required, the investigative unit given that responsibility in General Order 210.05 will conduct it.

NOTE: An offense report is required for Evading Arrest in a vehicle even though it is a direct file offense.

C.     Property Release Follow-up on Direct File Cases - After disposition of the case or upon notification by the Property Section that a change in property retention is needed, the officer originally filing a Direct File case has responsibility for any property release follow-up.
D.     At-large direct file cases will be handled by the Patrol Bureau Investigations Unit in the geographic area the offense occurred on, unless an investigative unit creates the at-large case. Then that investigative unit will handle the direct file case.
E.     Places Weapons Prohibited offenses that occur inside Love Field will be assigned to the PATROL BUREAU, WEST PATROL GROUP, NORTHWEST INVESTIGATIVE UNIT.
F.     V.H.S.C. (Marijuana only) drug free zone will be investigated by the Narcotics Unit.

Dallas Police Department General Order

211.00 Research by the Caruth Police Institute

Revised 02/01/2011

The primary purpose of the Caruth Police Institute (CPI) is to serve the needs of the Dallas Police Department. Among CPI’s objectives are to identify and train a new generation of DPD leaders, develop innovative strategies in crime fighting, and provide departmental members expertise in the area of law enforcement research. Any member of the Department that requests research assistance by CPI will adhere to the following guidelines:
A.    On a Dallas Police Department memorandum, the member will explain in full the nature of the request being made to CPI.
B.   The request must be made for the benefit of the Department and not used for external reasons.
C.    The request will be submitted to the Division Commander for approval. Once approved, the memorandum will then be forwarded to the Planning Unit for submission to the Chief of Police.
D.    The Chief of Police will have final approval or denial of the request to CPI.

Dallas Police Department General Order

212.00 Application for License to Carry Handgun

Revised 01/01/2016


A.   In accordance with the Texas License to Carry Handgun Laws, honorably retired, full time peace officers and active full time peace officers may make application to be issued a License to Carry Handgun.
B.   This order establishes departmental procedures for processing requests made by active or retired officer applicants in accordance with the requirements outlined in the Texas License to Carry Handgun Laws.

212.01  Application for License to Carry Handgun by Retired Officers
A.    The Texas License to Carry Handgun Laws stipulate that a license may be issued to a retired full time peace officer if the applicant is honorably retired and physically and emotionally fit to possess a handgun. The Texas License to Carry Handgun Laws state honorably retired means the applicant:
1.  Did not retire in lieu of any disciplinary action.
2.  Is entitled to receive a pension or annuity for service as a law enforcement officer.
B.   In accordance with the requirements of the Texas License to Carry Handgun Laws, retirees wishing to make application must prepare a letter to the Chief of Police requesting that he provide a recommendation to the Director, Texas Department of Public Safety, as to the applicant retiree’s suitability for being issued a License to Carry Handgun. Application may be made on the first day the individual is no longer employed by the Department. The applicant’s letter will be sent to the Special Research Team of the Personnel and Development Division.
C.    The recommendation, which will be done by the Special Research Team and based upon information in the applicant’s personnel file will contain:
1.  The name and retired rank of the applicant.
2.  The last date the applicant was a member of the Department.
3.  The total number of full years (not including partial years) that the applicant was a full-time peace officer of this Department.
4.  The status of the applicant at the time of retirement (i.e., whether the applicant was accused or charged with any disciplinary action).
5.  Whether the applicant was recommended as eligible for rehire (if not, the reason(s) the applicant was not eligible).
6.  Whether the applicant was physically sound and free from physical defects at the time of retirement.
7.  Whether the applicant appeared to be in satisfactory psychological and emotional health at the time of retirement.
8.  The type (revolver or semi-automatic pistol) and caliber of any weapons the applicant was qualified on at the time of retirement.
D.   Upon receipt of the applicant’s letter and the recommendation letter from the Special Research Team, the Chief of Police will endorse a sworn statement recommending or not recommending the applicant be issued a License to Carry Handgun.
E.    The Personnel and Development Division will forward the sworn statement to the retiree for continuation of actions as required by law.
F.   The Department will permit retired officers who are issued a License To Carry Handgun within these provisions the opportunity to annually qualify at the Firearms Training Center for proficiency on the category of weapon licensed. The retired officer will furnish the ammunition needed for qualification. The Rangemaster will determine the scheduling and maintain a record of retired officer qualifications.

212.02  Application for License to Carry Handgun by Active Officers
A.    In accordance with the requirements of the Texas License to Carry Handgun Laws, active officers wishing to make application must prepare a letter to the Chief of Police requesting that he provide a recommendation to the Director, Texas Department of Public Safety, as to the applicant officer’s suitability for being issued a License to Carry Handgun. The applicant’s letter will be sent to the Special Research Team of the Personnel and Development Division.
B.   Active officers will attach a copy of their Internal Affairs Division Resume to their request and provide the packet to the immediate supervisor.
C.     The immediate supervisor will make a written recommendation containing the following:
1.  The name and rank of the applicant.
2.  Note of any accusations of misconduct and their dispositions from the applicant’s Internal Affairs Division Resume.
3.  Whether the applicant is physically sound and free from physical defects (to the best of the supervisor’s knowledge).
4. Whether the applicant appeared to be in satisfactory psychological and emotional health (to the best of the supervisor’s knowledge).
5.  The type (revolver or semi-automatic pistol) and caliber of any weapons the applicant qualified on during the preceding year.
6.  Whether the applicant is presently the subject of an internal investigation.
D.     The chain-of-command will indicate their concurrence or non-concurrence with the recommendation.
E.     Upon receipt of the applicant’s letter and the recommendation letter from the Special Research Team, the Chief of Police will endorse a sworn statement recommending or not recommending the officer be issued a License to Carry Handgun.
F. The Personnel and Development Division will forward the sworn statement to the applicant for continuation of actions as required by law.
G. Active officers must comply with General Order 418.07 (Secondary Weapons) regarding secondary weapons, both off duty and back-up.

212.03  Application for Certificate of Proficiency by Retired Peace Officers
A. In accordance with the Texas Penal Code Chapter 46, Texas Senate Bill No. 117, Section 1, Subchapter H, Occupations Code Section 1701.357, and H.R. 218 – The Law Enforcement Officer’s Safety Act of 2004, an honorably retired peace officer with not less than twenty (20) years of service may make application for a certificate of proficiency to carry a handgun in the State of Texas or an honorably retired peace officer with not less than fifteen
(15) years of service may make application for a certificate of proficiency to carry a concealed handgun in the United States of America.
B. All application requests made by honorably retired applicants in accordance with the requirements should be directed to the Special Research Team and the Applicant Processing Team of the Personnel and Development Division for a new identification card. Only then will the applicant be directed to the Firearms Training Center to obtain a qualification date and time. The Police Department shall have final authority in the interpretation of the State of Texas Honorably Retired Peace Officer Statute and H.R. 218 – The Law Enforcement Officer’s Safety Act of 2004.
C. Upon time for renewal of the Weapon Proficiency Certificate, the retired officer must only contact the Firearms Training Center in order to set up a qualification date and time, and to receive a renewed certificate.
D. A criminal history check will be completed on every retired officer each time a certificate is requested.

Dallas Police Department General Order

213.00 Bulletin Boards

Revised 01/30/2007

A. Administrative Directive 3-43 Bulletin Boards gives the Chief of Police responsibility for:
1. Identifying management bulletin boards and employee bulletin boards in the Police Department.
2. Assigning responsibility for maintaining and regulating the material placed on management bulletin boards.
3. Assigning responsibility for maintaining the condition of employee bulletin boards.
B. Management bulletin boards are used to display:
1. Directives and notices.
2. Civil Service job openings or examination notices.
3. Federal or state mandated notices.
4. Other items constituting logical and proper extensions of management.
5. Postings of current events and notices sanctioned and approved by management.
C. Employee bulletin boards may contain the items mentioned in B.1-5 above but are also open for individual employee notices such as sale of items, cards of appreciation, birth and death notices, employee meetings, and notices of a similar nature. Bulletin boards owned by the various employee associations will be considered under this category.
D. Organizational Commanders are responsible for the maintenance and regulation of materials placed on management bulletin boards and maintaining the condition of employee bulletin boards in their specified work areas. The supervisor of the Facilities Management Team is responsible for maintaining the condition of association and other bulletin boards in public access areas of the Jack Evans Police Headquarters Building.
E. The following items may not be posted on either the employee or management bulletin boards:
1. Material which in any way demeans or ridicules any individual or group.
2. Obscene material.
3. Material advocating illegal activity.
4. Material supporting candidates for public political office.
5. Commercial advertising by individuals other than city employees and by private organizations.
6. Commentary on political or social issues that adversely affect the department’s appropriate neutral position.

Dallas Police Department General Order

214.00 Use of Social Networking Sites

Revised 10/13/2020

214.01 Purpose
A. These rules and regulations establish the Department’s position on the utilization and management of social media and provides guidance on its management, administration, and oversight. These rules and regulations are not meant to address one particular form of social media, but rather social media in general, as advances in technology will occur and new tools will emerge.

214.02 Definitions
A. Employee: Any sworn or non-sworn employee, including reserve officers. For the purposes of these social media rules and regulations, volunteers of the Dallas Police Department will be held to the same standard of conduct as employees.
B. Internet: A worldwide network of interconnected computer networks on which end-user services, such as World Wide Web sites or data archives, are located, enabling data and other information to be exchanged. The internet includes commercial, educational, governmental, and other networks, all of which use the same set of communications protocols.
C. Profile: Informational description that a user provides about himself or herself on a social networking site.
D. Post: Content an individual publishes online on a social media page or site. Content can be in the form of spoken words, stories, photographs, videos, images, or related forms of communication.
E. Social Media: Online networking website or application where users may create profiles, share information (e.g. text, audio, pictures, video, etc.), and respond to information posted by others. Typically, users create a network with users who share similar interests or known acquaintances.
F. Social Networks: Online platforms where a user can create a profile, post information, and communicate with others using a range of technologies.
G. Speech: Expression or communication of thoughts or opinions in spoken words, in writing, by expressive conduct, symbolism, photographs, videotape, or related forms of communication.
H. World Wide Web: A system of interlinked hypertext documents accessed via the internet. With a Web browser, one can view Web pages that may contain text, images, videos and other multimedia, and navigate between them via hyperlinks.
I. Website: Published page(s) on the World Wide Web, usually containing hyperlinks and published by an individual, company, educational institution, government, or organization.
J. Uniform Resource Locator (URL): A specific character string that constitutes a reference to an internet resource. A URL is also commonly called the “web address.”

214.03 Department-Authorized Use of Social Networks
A. The Chief of Police or their designee may authorize an employee to use social networks or social media sites for the purpose of promoting the Department’s mission and goals.
B. Any unit or employee receiving authorization to use social media sites to represent the Department shall be granted a site profile by members of the Media Relations Unit.
C. Departmental authorized social media sites shall:
1. Comply with the requirements of AD 2-52 and the Social Media Standard of the Communications, Outreach, and Marketing Department.
2. Indicate that they are maintained by the Department.
3. List Department contact information prominently, if possible.
4. Include the URL that links back to the Department’s official website. Additionally, the Department official website shall include links to official Department social media sites.
D. Employees shall adhere to the following guidelines when using Department authorized social media:
1. Employees authorized to use social media on behalf of the Department shall conduct themselves at all times as representatives of the Department.
2. Employees should be aware that their speech becomes a published record on the World Wide Web and is archived according to the laws of the state of Texas. Departmental personnel shall adhere to all applicable procedures, rules, and regulations governing conduct when using social media.
3. Information posted on Department authorized social media sites must be respectful, professional, and truthful. Corrections must be issued when needed.
4. Non-compliance with the City’s and/or Department’s policies, guidelines, rules, regulations, or procedures regarding social networking sites may result in the revocation of e-mail and internet privileges and/or other appropriate disciplinary action, including reprimand, suspension, demotion, or termination of employment.
5. These rules and regulations cover all usage of social networking sites regardless of the type of device used to access, including but not limited to mobile data computers, tablets, smart phones, etc.
6. Any official Department social media account that profiles an employee or group shall remain under the control of the Department in the event an employee leaves service.
7. All official Department social media sites shall adhere to style and content guidelines as determined by the Chief of Police or their designee.
8. Employees who are authorized to represent the Dallas Police Department in social networking will be responsible for providing timely updates to the Department’s social media sites by sending status updates of dispatched newsworthy calls and public events.
9. Officers should not take photographs of an evidentiary nature. Officers will not photograph:
a. specific items of evidence.
b. witnesses to crimes.
c. suspects.
d. undercover officers.
e. anything that, if posted immediately to social media, would provide information that would compromise an ongoing investigation including, but not limited to the location of officers on the perimeter of a barricaded person, or notes or documents related to an ongoing case.
10. All photos taken will be uploaded to the Crime Scene Response photographic database in accordance with current Crime Scene Response S.O.P.
E. Employees shall not remove content posted by visitors to official Department social media sites without following the process for removal of content outlined in the Communications, Outreach, and Marketing Department’s procedures. Content that may be removed immediately by the Department and without notice to the commenter is: (1) content that constitutes a potential security breach, virus, or other cyberthreat, or (2) if there is a City emergency or crisis and the content creates a public security risk; or (3) if the content clearly is a solicitation of commerce, advertising of an event, business, or product for sale.
F. Employees are encouraged to limit the use of Department equipment to official Departmental business, regardless of device-type.
G. Employees are encouraged to refrain from using personal equipment to conduct official business on behalf of the Dallas Police Department.

214.04 Employee Personal Use of Social Media
As an organization devoted to public safety, the Department relies on respect, trust, and discipline to create the order, morale, loyalty, and efficiency critical to the successful performance of law enforcement duties. The Department further strives to instill public confidence in both its employees and the Department as a whole. As such, the Department issues these social media rules and regulations regarding employees’ personal use of social media. Notwithstanding any other provision in General Order 214, these social media rules and regulations shall not be interpreted or applied so as to infringe upon the rights of employees to speak in their capacity as private citizens.
Unless contrary to any federal law, state law, or city ordinance, employees shall abide by the following when using social media for personal use:
A. Absent prior written authorization from the Chief of Police or their designee, employees shall not divulge information gained by reason of their authority; make any statements, speeches, appearances, or endorsements; or publish materials that appear to represent the views or positions of this Department.
B. Employees who are working in undercover operations, or who plan to in the future, shall not post any form of visual or personal identification to any social media network which would identify them as an employee of the Dallas Police Department, compromise Departmental objectives, or place themselves or another person in danger.
C. Employees shall not post speech involving on-duty conduct of themselves or other employees that reflects behavior that would reasonably be considered reckless or irresponsible.
D. Employees shall not post speech to social media networks that contains obscene or sexually explicit language, images, acts, statements, or other forms of speech that expresses bias toward or promotes discrimination against an individual or groups of individuals based upon race, color, age, religion, sex, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, genetic characteristics, national origin, disability, or military or veteran status.
E. Employees are free to express themselves as private citizens on social media sites to the degree that their speech does not impair working relationships of the Department, impede the performance of their duties, impair discipline and harmony among coworkers, or interfere with the regular operation of the Department, regarding posts that contain any of the following:
1. Violent, profane, obscene, or pornographic content and/or language;
2. Content that threatens or defames any person or organization;
3. Content that incites violence;
4. Cyber-bullying, stalking, or harassment; or
5. Unlawful activity.
F. Employees shall not post department logos, banners, or similar identifying items on personal websites that would lead anyone to believe that website represents or has been approved by the Department without prior permission from the Chief of Police or their designee. In these matters, the Dallas Police Department will make the determination as to whether or not the content tends to represent the Department.
G. Employees are encouraged to be mindful of their safety and the integrity of their careers, as well as the safety of their family and other officers, before posting any information on social media sites that identifies them as an employee of the Dallas Police Department.
H. Employees are reminded that engaging in prohibited speech, as noted herein, may provide grounds for undermining or impeaching an employee’s testimony in criminal and civil proceedings.
I. Each social media posting that comes to the attention of the Department will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis and may become the basis for counseling or discipline.

214.05 Third – Party Involvement on Personal Social Media Sites
A. Employees shall not authorize, facilitate, distribute, or request any third party to display or post any images or comments involving him or herself that would violate any provision in section 214.04.