Dallas Police Department General Order

400.00 Personnel Table of Contents

Revised 02/14/2025


401.01 Appointment of Equal Employment Opportunity Coordinator
401.02 Equal Employment Opportunity Representatives
401.03 Responsibility of all Commanders, Managers, and Supervisory Personnel


403.01 Change in Family Status and/or Name
403.02 Change of Address and/or Telephone Number
403.03 Data for Emergency Call Lists
403.04 Required Personnel Information on Correspondence
403.05 Requests for Information on Police Department Employees
403.06 Unit Personnel Jackets
403.07 Identification Cards

404.01 Leave Without Pay for Sworn Personnel
404.02 Leaves of Absence for Employees on Military Duty or Training

405.01 Responsibilities of Employees
405.02 Responsibilities of Supervisors
405.03 Phase Down Program
405.04 Re-employment Policy
405.05 Service Plaques
405.06 Reinstatement Policy

406.01 Determining Seniority
406.02 Assignment of Days Off, Holidays, Vacation Days, and Special Events by Seniority or Time in Grade

407.01 Definitions
407.02 General Provisions
407.03 Patrol Bid Procedures
407.04 Police Officer/Senior Corporal Transfer Procedures
407.05 Procedures for Filling Professional Staff Positions
407.06 Sergeant Assignment Procedure
407.07 Reporting Change of Assignment (Sworn and Professional Staff)
407.08 Reporting Special Assignments (Sworn and Professional Staff)
407.09 Inter-Departmental Transfers (Sworn and Professional Staff)
407.10 Initial Assignment of Officers Permanently Restricted from Performing Patrol Functions
407.11 Filling Restricted Duty Vacancies with Existing Personnel
407.12 Re-Allocation and Confidentiality
408.00 Alternate Assignments
408.01 Drafting
408.02 Special Assignments
408.03 Review of Special Assignments
408.04 Specialized Positions
408.05 Review of Specialized Positions


410.01 Disciplinary Actions Affecting Consideration for Promotion
410.02 Promotional Interview Boards for Senior Corporals, Sergeants, and Lieutenants
410.03 Promotional Profiles
410.04 Assignments of Newly Promoted Personnel

411.01 Performance Plans
411.02 Patrol Response
411.03 Patrol Response Performance Sessions / Scheduling
411.04 Support, Administrative, Investigation, Deployment Sworn
411.05 Support, Administrative, Investigation, Deployment Performance Sessions / Scheduling
411.06 Civilian Performance Plans
411.07 Civilian Performance Sessions / Scheduling
411.08 Executive Sworn
411.09 Final Overall Appraisal and Merit or Step Increase
411.10 Rating / Appraising Supervisor
411.11 Performance Appraisal Appeals
411.12 Required Probationary Reports and New Patrol Response Performance Plans
411.13 Non-Performance Related End-of-Year Documentation

412.01 Personal Commendation (External Commendations)
412.02 Internal Commendations
412.03 Personal Commendation Letters

413.01 The Meritorious Conduct Board
413.02 Officer of the Year Award (presented by the Friends of the Dallas Police)
413.03 Supervisor of the Year Award (presented by the Friends of the Dallas Police)
413.04 Field Training Officer of the Year (presented by the Friends of the Dallas Police)
413.05 Non-Sworn Employee of the Year Award (presented by the Friends of the Dallas Police)
413.06 Reserve Officer of the Year
413.07 Rookie of the Year Award (presented by the Dallas Junior Chamber of Commerce)
413.08 Citizen’s Certificate of Merit
413.09 Officer of the Month Award (Dallas Community Police Awards Committee)
413.10 Non-Sworn Employee of the Month Award
413.11 Detective of the Year (presented by the Friends of the Dallas Police)

414.01 Presentation and Issuance of Awards
414.02 Wearing of Awards
414.03 Eligibility of Reserve Officers 
414.04 The Police Medal of Honor
414.05 The Police Cross
414.06 The Police Medal for Valor
414.07 The Meritorious Conduct Bar
414.08 The Police Commendation Bar
414.09 The Life Saving Bar
414.10 The Police Shield
414.11 The Certificate of Merit
414.12 The Certificate of Civic Achievement
414.13 The Theodore Roosevelt Award
414.14 The FBI National Academy Bar
414.15 The Caruth Police Institute Bar
414.16 The Institute for Law Enforcement Administration (ILEA) Bar
414.17 The Leadership Command College Bar
414.18 The Field Training Officer Bar
414.19 The Officer of the Month Bar
414.20 The Safe Driver Award
414.21 The Marksmanship Award
414.22 The Patrol Rifle Bar
414.23 The Public Safety Diver Bar
414.24 The Dallas Underwater Recovery Team Member Bar
414.25 The Fitness Bar
414.26 The Drug Expert Recognition Bar
414.27 The Perfect Attendance Award
414.28 The Explorer Advisor Bar
414.29 The Choir Bar
414.30 The L.E.T.S. Instructor Bar (currently in suspension)
414.31 The Kids and Cops Trading Card Bar
414.32 The State Fair Bar
414.33 The Honor Guard Bar
414.34 The United States Military Veteran Award
414.35 The Recruiting Award
414.36 The Active Bystandership in Law Enforcement (ABLE) Bar


416.01 Field Training Officer
416.02 Recruit Officer Training and Probationary Period

417.01 Assignment to Advanced Training Courses
417.02 In-Service Training Order Procedures
417.03 Organizational Training Coordinators
417.04 Defensive Tactics In-Service Training
417.05 Employee Responsibilities for TCOLE Certification
417.06 Adjunct Instructors
417.07 Departmental Training
417.08 Non-Sworn Orientation Training
417.09 Non-Sworn Required Training

418.01 Primary Weapons, Specialty Weapons, and Ammunition
418.02 Firearms Proficiency
418.03 The Johnnie T. Hartwell Firearms Training Center
418.04 Weapons Prohibited in Restricted Areas 
418.05 Firearms Safety
418.06 Shotguns, Shells, and Cleaning Schedules
418.07 Secondary Weapons

419.01 Policy
419.02 Definitions
419.03 Point Value and Disciplinary Procedure
419.04 Command Responsibility
419.05 Safety Team
419.06 Police Equipment Collision Guidelines
419.07 Reporting City Vehicle Incidents/Collisions
419.08 Incident Appeal Board (IAB)
419.09 Non-Driving Status
419.10 Non-Driving Status Due to Medical Reasons
419.11 Discipline Related to Motor Vehicle Collisions
419.12 Remedial Driving Training
419.13 Safety/Risk Management Committee

420.01 Subpoenaed and Requested Court Appearance in Criminal Case
420.02 County Court Standby System
420.03 Municipal Court Standby System
420.04 Employees Unable to Attend County or Municipal Court
420.05 Evidence Related to Court Appearances
420.06 Court Appearances in Counties in Which the City of Dallas is located Other Than Dallas County
420.07 Verbal or Written Recommendations for Case Dismissal
420.08 Voiding or Dismissing Citations
420.09 Accountability of Citation Books
420.10 Requests from Criminal Defense Attorneys
420.11 Civil Court Cases and Civil Suits

421.01 Purpose
421.02 Definitions
421.03 RollKall
421.04 Texas Occupations Code – Title 1702 Private Security
421.05 Secondary Employment Team (SET)
421.06 Secondary Employment Information
421.07 Prohibitions Applicable To All Secondary Employment
421.08 Hazardous Locations
421.09 Secondary Employment Coordination or Scheduling
421.10 Reserve Officers
421.11 Responsibilities For Requesting Extra-Duty Or Traffic Control Employment
421.12 Employee’s Duties While Working Extra-Duty and/or Traffic Control
421.13 Extra-Duty Employment At A Business Whose Principal Purpose or Activity Is To Dispense/Sell Alcoholic Beverages
421.14 Extra-Duty/Traffic Control Employment Requiring Five (5) Or More Employees
421.15 Extra-Duty Employment Requiring Police Equipment
421.16 Extra-Duty Employment At City-Owned Facilities / Overtime Funded Special Event Jobs
421.17 Special Events Employment Procedure
421.18 Professional Staff Employment Services
421.19 Supervisor Secondary Employment Audits
421.20 Off-Duty Employment – Non-Police Job
421.21 Free or Reduced Rent Secondary Employment
421.22     Violations of Secondary Employment Procedure
421.23     Division Commander Responsibilities

422.01 Employee Association Request for Special Assignment Time to Attend a Conference or Training
422.02 for other than Association Business
Employee Association Business Conducted During Assigned Duty Hours
422.03 Individual Employee Request for Special Assignment

423.01 Professional Organizations
423.02 Police Associations

424.01 Qualifications and Standards of Training of Reserve Division
424.02 Membership of Reserve Division
424.03 Organization of Reserve Division
424.04 Duties of Reserve Officers
424.05 Uniforms and Equipment for Reserves
424.06 Reserve Response

425.01 Cadet Program
425.02 Cadet Program Definitions
425.03 Requirements for Entry into the Cadet Program
425.04 Cadet Assignments
425.05 Divisional Responsibilities
425.06 Cadet Duties
425.07 Off-Duty and Outside Employment
425.08 Cadet Uniforms and Appearance
425.09 Internship Program

426.01 Program Description
426.02 Assignment Responsibilities
426.03 Uniforms and Equipment for Explorers
426.04 Explorer Training Program
426.05 Explorer Post Advisors


428.01 Purpose
428.02 Definitions
428.03 Composition and Responsibilities of the Police Family Support Team
428.04 Notification of the Police Family Support Team
428.05 Notification of the Police Family Members
428.06 Response to Life Threatening Injuries and Death in the Line-of-Duty
428.07 Response to Life Threatening Injury or Illness and Death Not in the Line-of-Duty
428.08 Response to the Death of a Retiree
428.09 Departmental Representation at Out of Town Funeral Services (DPD Line-of-Duty Deaths) 
428.10 Departmental Representation at Funerals of Other Law Enforcement Agency Members (Line-of-Duty Deaths)
428.11 Demeanor of Officers (Other Than Ceremonial Personnel) at Memorial, Funeral, and Committal Services
428.12 Explanation of Benefits and Police Family Support Team Operations
428.13 Police Officer Memorial Day Services
428.14 Police Employee's Emergency Contact Form
428.15 Final Salary Benefit Check Authorization Form
428.16 Memorial Accounts and Donations
428.17 Eligibility of Officers for Memorial Recognition
428.18 The Dallas Police Memorial
428.19 Police Officer Memorial Wall Plaque
428.20 Police Officer Memorial Portraits
428.21 Rendering Honors to the Flag and National Anthem
428.22 Children of the Fallen Program

429.01 Death of a Member
429.02 Injury of a Member
429.03 Reporting Employees on Limited Duty Status
429.04 Personal Injuries

430.01 Grievance - Definition
430.02 General Provisions for All Employees
430.03 Grievance Coordinator
430.04 Grievance and Appeal Procedures for Non-Sworn Employees
430.05 Grievance and Appeal Procedures for Sworn Employees
430.06 Sworn Grievance Committee - Composition and Purpose

431.01 Discrimination
431.02 Inappropriate Comments/Display of Inappropriate Material
431.03 Sexual Harassment
431.04 Employee Responsibilities Regarding Sexual Harassment
431.05 Responsibilities for Preventing and Investigating Sexual Harassment
431.06 Police/Citizen Sexual Harassment
431.07 Biased Policing
432.00 Biased Policing and Racial Profiling
432.01 Purpose
432.02 Definitions
432.03 Examples of biased include, but are not limited to:
432.04 Biased Policing and Racial Profiling Complaints and investigations
432.05 Training
432.06 Reporting of Racial Profiling Motor Vehicle Stops
432.07 Public Education
432.08 Motor Vehicle Stop Data Audits

433.01 Mission Statement
433.02 Early Intervention System (EIS) Defined 
433.03 Employee Support Program (ESP) Defined
433.04 Confidential Counseling and Resource Referrals
433.05 Identifiers for Possible Selection into the ESP
433.06 Employee Case Studies
433.07 ESP Selection Expectations
433.08 ESP Phases and Guidelines
433.09 ‘Failure to Progress’ ESP Board
433.10 Department Responsibilities
433.11 ESP Procedures


435.01 Policy and Reporting Requirements
435.02 Executive Notification, Testing, and Discipline

436.01 Employees Subject to Testing
436.02 Definitions
436.03 Testing Notification
436.04 Collection and Testing Procedures
436.05 Administration of the Program
436.06 Disciplinary Action
436.07 Additional Drug Screening due to Assignment
436.08 Drug Screening - Non-Competitive Appointed Ranks
436.09 Drug Screening - Reserve Section

437.01 No Smoking Areas
437.02 Violation of Smoking Ordinance #19648
437.03 Complaint Procedure
437.04 Enforcement Responsibility

438.01 Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control Plan
438.02 Blood Exposures
438.03 Bloodborne Pathogens
438.04 Other Communicable Diseases
438.05 Hepatitis B Vaccination
438.06 Precautionary Measures for Officers to Minimize Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens
438.07 Procedures to be Taken if Possibly Exposed to Bloodborne Pathogens
438.08 Reporting Procedures for Possible Exposure to Communicable Diseases
438.09 Procedure for Testing Suspects for Communicable Diseases
438.10 Evidence Handling
438.11 Procedures for Cleaning Contaminated Equipment, Uniforms and Vehicles
438.12 Procedures for Discarding of Personal Protective Equipment/Uniforms
438.13 Annual Training


440.01 Composition
440.02 Appointment
440.03 Organization and Duties


442.01 Purpose
442.02 Organization
442.03 Membership

443.01 Policy
443.02 Purpose
443.03 Definitions
443.04 Responsibilities

444.01 Fitness for Duty Evaluation
444.02 Substance Abuse Assistance
444.03 Critical Incident Management

445.01 Employee Wellness Unit
445.02 Peer Support Program

446.01 Purpose
446.02 Procedure and Criteria for Participation

Dallas Police Department General Order

401.00 Equal Employment Opportunity Program

Revised 04/01/2008

401.01 Appointment of Equal Employment Opportunity Coordinator
A. The Commander of the Personnel and Development Division will serve as the Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Coordinator for the Dallas Police Department.
B. Responsibilities of the EEO Coordinator
1. Ensuring adherence to the City of Dallas Personnel Rules Section 34-35 governing the Fair Employment Practices as it relates to the Dallas Police Department.
2. Acting as Departmental liaison with the Civil Service Board, City Human Resources Department, and other applicable agencies.
3. Ensuring all employment actions under his or her direction are non-discriminatory, job related, and meets all applicable federal guidelines.
4. Providing information and training to Dallas Police Department supervisory personnel on their responsibilities in order that they may deal with their employees in a non-discriminatory manner.
5. Maintaining or causing to be maintained records necessary for the completion of reports and responses to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission or other compliance agencies.

401.02 Equal Employment Opportunity Representatives
A. Each Bureau Administrative Sergeant will serve as a point of contact for employees and supervisory personnel to facilitate EEO/Fair Employment Practices issues with resolutions involving assignments, reassignments, and training of both sworn and non-sworn employees of the respective Bureau.
B. It will be the responsibility of the Administrative Sergeant, along with the EEO Coordinator, to gather information and documentation necessary to respond to inquiries from the Equal Employment Commission, Texas Commission on Human Rights, or other compliance agencies.
C. In addition, the Chairperson of the Grievance Review Committee, upon receipt of a formally submitted complaint, will determine if the complaint was submitted in accordance with City of Dallas Personnel Rules grievance and appeal procedures.
D. The Chairperson and Administrative Sergeants will attend periodic meetings and receive training from the City Attorney’s office, the Department of Human Resources, and other applicable agencies in order to stay current on EEO/ Fair Employment Practices policies and procedures as needed.
E. Bureau Administrative Sergeants will refer employees to General Orders, Section 430.00 Grievance Procedure, in the event an employee desires to file a formal complaint involving an EEO/Fair Employment Practices issue.

401.03 Responsibility of all Commanders, Managers, and Supervisory Personnel
A. To ensure all applicable job actions are non-discriminatory as they relate to race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, or disability and are made in compliance with Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, as amended.
B. To refer any employee who may experience problems with matters concerning EEO/Fair Employment Practices to their respective EEO Bureau Administrative Sergeant and/or to General Orders, Section 430.00 Grievance Procedure, in the event they want to file a formal complaint. 

A. Reason for Certification - Article 4413 V.C.S. as amended by the 61st Legislature, Regular Session, 1969, makes it mandatory that all peace officers attaining permanent status on or after September 1, 1970, be certified by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement. The law does not apply to peace officers attaining permanent status prior to September 1, 1970.
B. Responsibility for Basic Certification
It will be the responsibility of the Applicant Processing Unit, upon the appointment of an Apprentice Police Officer, and the Training Section, upon the officer's completion of basic training, to forward the required forms for basic certification to the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officer.
C. The four levels of certification are:
1. Basic
2. Intermediate
3. Advanced
4. Master
D. Certification beyond the Basic level is the responsibility of the individual officer. The Employee Relations Unit and the Applicant Processing Unit must each receive a valid college transcript in order to inform the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) of the college hours earned by the officer after the hiring date. Information on the requirements for each level of certification is available on the Dallas Police Department home page under Training heading then Academy link. These standards are mandated by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement.

Dallas Police Department General Order

403.00 Personnel Status

Revised 05/14/2019

403.01 Change in Family Status and/or Name
A. All members of the Department, sworn and non-sworn, are required to notify in person the Personnel Services Unit of the Personnel and Development Division within 15 days of an employee status change which includes: marriage or divorce, any name change, birth or legal adoption of a child, or death of a husband, wife, or a child under the age of 17. If an employee undergoes a personal status change that doesn’t fall into the above categories, the employee will contact the Personnel Services Unit of the Personnel and Development Division for further instruction.
B. The Personnel and Development Division will forward a copy of name change memorandums to the Crime Scene Response Section so identification files can be updated.

403.02 Change of Address and/or Telephone Number
A. All members of the Department, sworn and non-sworn, will keep their current address and telephone number on file with the Department for official use. Any change of address and/or telephone number will be reported to the employee's immediate supervisor within 24 hours. The supervisor will prepare a memorandum containing the following information: name, employee number, badge number, address, City, zip code, and telephone number(s) of the affected employee.
B. The original memorandum will be forwarded to the Personnel Services Unit of the Personnel and Development Division, and a copy will be retained by the Organization Commander.
C. All employees are required to ensure that their contact information is up to date in Intelligent Workforce Management (IWM) . Employee”s home address must be the actual address at which they reside. A mailing address may be listed in addition to the physical address. Contact phone numbers must be listed as well. If the residence does not have a land based line, then a cellular phone number must be given.

403.03 Data for Emergency Call Lists
A. All Organizational Commanders will ensure that any changes in the following personnel information which occur in their respective organizational levels will be entered into IWM within 48 hours:
1. Days off.
2. Home address.
3. Home telephone number.
4. Assignment.
5. Watch and/or work hours.
B. Any change in rotating/fixed watch created by a change in assignment must be completed through the use of a Personnel Action Request.
C. Organizational Commanders are responsible for maintaining and distributing an Emergency Contact List for their respective Units.
D. Organizational Commanders will ensure that supervisors conduct audits of the contact information for all personnel under their command at least once per quarter. The contact information in IWM and the Emergency Contact List will be updated as necessary. Copies of the current Emergency Contact List will be forwarded to the Bureau Commander on a quarterly basis due by April 1, July 1, October 1, and January 1 of each year.

403.04 Required Personnel Information on Correspondence
A. On all correspondence, forms, and memorandums pertaining to City employees, the following information should be included in the sequence indicated: the employee's name, Department payroll number, and 5-digit employee number. (Note: A Police Officer's badge number is not the employee number.)
B. The following are types of data forms that should contain the above information:
1. Civil Service Ratings (performance ratings).
2. Suspension Memorandums.
3. Accident Reports P-8.
4. Military Leave requests.
5. Departmental Memoranda Concerning Employees' Status.
C. Numbers to be Used
1. Departmental Payroll Number
a. Sworn - 12-1
b. Non-Sworn - 12-2
2. The above numbers may be obtained from the Position Classification Assignment printout that is distributed to each organizational level on a monthly basis. 

403.05 Requests for Information on Police Department Employees
A. Requests for lists of names, addresses, and/or telephone numbers of Dallas Police Department employees, sworn or non-sworn, are to be refused regardless of the source of inquiry.
B. If any doubt arises concerning the refusal of any such request, refer the request to the Chief of Police.
C. Unlisted telephone numbers will be given to representatives of the criminal justice system and Dallas Police Department personnel if their identity can be verified.
D. Attorneys for the City of Dallas may obtain this information by telephone provided proof of their employment can be verified. Attorneys and investigators working for the Dallas County District Attorney's Office may obtain this information by contacting the officer/employee’s organizational level (and their employment can be verified). The information is also available through the Dallas Police Department web site if the requester has access to the IWM program.
E. Commanders of organizational levels that have computer terminals with the capability of accessing the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of Police Department employees, sworn and non-sworn, will be charged with maintaining the security of that information.

403.06 Unit Personnel Jackets
A. Organizational Commanders will cause a manila file jacket or brown six-part folder to be maintained by the Section, Watch, or Unit Commander for each supervisor and employee under their command.
B. All Supervisor's Reports will be filed in these unit jackets when received. These jackets will be forwarded with the time card of the employee in case of transfer.
C. When an employee is terminated, the unit jacket and time card will be forwarded to the Personnel and Development Division and filed in the employee's personnel file.

403.07 Identification Cards
A. Dallas Police Department Sworn and Non-sworn identification cards will be issued by the Facilities Management Team to all members of the department. The card will reflect the current rank or grade of the employee and the employee’s photograph.
B. The Applicant Processing Unit of the Personnel and Development Division is responsible for procurement, accountability, issuance, and destruction of identification cards as mandated by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education or State Regulation.
C. Cards are issued as follows:
1. Sworn identification card issued to those having arrest powers
2. Chaplain identification card.
3. Cadet / Explorer identification card
4. Non-Sworn identification card
5. Retiree identification card
6. Tactical Team Doctor identification card
7. Pre-hire identification card
8. Vendor identification card
9. City Marshall identification card
10. Sworn Peace Officers of Dallas Fire Rescue identification card
11. Separated/Good Standing with 10 or more years of service card will be issued to sworn personnel who resign from the Department in good standing with a minimum of 10 years of service but not retiring.
D. Non-sworn personnel not in uniform and Chaplains will wear the identification card affixed to an outer garment when visiting or working in any restricted area in a police facility. Sworn personnel not in uniform will wear their badge or identification card on an outer garment while in restricted areas of a police facility.
E. Employees will not alter or duplicate any Department identification card.
F. Employees will promptly notify their immediate supervisor of a lost or stolen identification card in accordance with General Order Section 805.01. In order to replace the card, the employee will report to the Personnel and Development Division and present a copy of the Offense/Incident Report along with the memorandum from the Division Commander as to the requirement to pay or not pay for the replacement identification card. If a card is recovered after the replacement card has been issued, the recovered card will be turned in to the Personnel and Development Division and a supplement will be made to the Offense/Incident Report by the Officer’s assigned Division.
G. All employees terminating employment with the Department (to include transfers to other City Departments) will turn in their Department identification card to the Personnel and Development Division while out-processing as set forth in General Order Section 405.01.
H. Personnel retiring “Honorably” from the Department will receive a Retired identification card with “Honorably Retired” in red ink on the card face. An employee retiring under investigation will not receive a Retired identification card. The rank or classification on a Retired identification card will be that rank or classification held by the individual at the time of retirement.
I. Sworn Personnel retiring and applying for a License to Carry Handgun must meet the criteria as set forth in General Order Section 212.01 and will be issued the proper identification card.
J. Retired Personnel that lose their identification cards must file a lost or stolen report with the proper agency and pay for a replacement identification card. If the lost or stolen card is recovered the card must be returned to the Applicant Processing Unit immediately.
K. Sworn identification cards and Retiree identification cards will be replaced on a five year cycle to reflect physical changes in the officer’s / Retiree’s appearance per State Regulation. If a sworn officer / retiree has a major change in physical appearance before that time the identification card may be corrected before the five year mark.
L. Officers will be contacted by the Application Processing Unit by memo or electronic mail as to when and where the officer should report for the new card to be made. This process will be phased in over the five year cycle as required by the State Regulation or as mandated by changes in the State Regulation.

Dallas Police Department General Order

404.00 Leave from the Department

Revised 04/23/2021

404.01 Leave Without Pay for Sworn Personnel
A. Officers requesting leave without pay will:
1. Make their request in a memorandum to the Chief of Police stating the reason for the request, the effective dates requested, and how it will benefit the Department or City if it is educational leave.
2. Include the following statements in their request:
a. "I make this request with the full understanding that this leave, if granted, is given with the expectation that upon completion I will return to full time employment with the City of Dallas."
b. "I have reviewed my pension plan with pension personnel, and I understand the effects an absence will have on my benefits."
c. "I further understand that my absence will require that I undergo a fitness for duty evaluation, and if applicable, I will be required to take a polygraph examination upon my return to full duty covering my conduct during the absence and undergo a fitness for duty evaluation.” (Personnel whose absences are due to military duty or training will not be required to take the polygraph exam).
3. Forward the request through the chain-of-command for approval.
4. If the request is approved, the officer will be notified by a memorandum from the Commander of the Personnel and Development Division. The officer's weapon and badges will be turned in at the Quartermaster Unit. The officer's identification card and warrant of appointment will be turned in to the Personnel and Development Division. It will be at the officer's discretion to turn in other uniform items to the Quartermaster Unit.
B. Leave without pay will be granted within the following guidelines with the expectation that the officer will return to full time employment with the City of Dallas:
1. Leaves will be for a specific time period not to exceed 60 days except for education and training purposes that may not exceed one year.
2. Any absence that may require a longer period of time than initially authorized will require a new written request and approval.
3. Leave for education or training must meet the following requirements:
a. The results of any training or education should directly benefit the Department or City, and the officer must show how in the request. The following instances are examples of direct benefits.
i. The training will increase the officer's ability to perform a specific job that the officer currently holds or will hold upon return to duty.
ii. The training will directly relate to obtaining a position of higher responsibility, higher pay, or promotion.
b. Courses that would tend to lead officers into fields other than police work will not be authorized for leave. An exception to this would be where the officer could show that the training would result in the attainment of a different position within City government.
C. When returning to work after absences over 60 days, officers (except those returning from military leave) will be routinely given a polygraph examination. Polygraph examinations may be required for absences of a shorter period if the need indicates. Department policy requires returning sworn members of the Department to undergo a fitness for duty evaluation before being re-armed and reassigned to duty. Depending on the circumstances, these requirements may be applicable for extended absences due to Family Medical Leave.

404.02 Leaves of Absence for Employees on Military Duty or Training
A. Definitions
1. Regular Component of the Armed Forces: US Army, US Navy, US Air Force, US Marine Corps, US Coast Guard.
2. Reserve Component of the Armed Forces: US Army Reserve, US Navy Reserve, US Air Force Reserve, US Marine Corps Reserve, US Coast Guard Reserve, Army National Guard, Air National Guard.
3. Extended Active Duty (EAD): Full-time, exclusive employment with a Regular Component of the Armed Forces based upon induction under the Military Selective Service Act (or any subsequent corresponding law); or voluntary enlistment or commissioning into a Regular Component of the Armed Forces; or any voluntary or involuntary call to active duty of a member of a Reserve Component of the Armed Forces for an indefinite period which results in the individual being assigned to an active duty unit and accountability is charged against active force strength. Completed tours of EAD result in the issuance of a DD Form 214 (Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty) to the member.
4. Active Duty for Training (ADT): A temporary tour of active duty for reserve training under orders which provide for automatic return to non-active duty status when the period of active duty specified is completed. ADT tours are commonly classified as annual tours, school tours, or special tours.
5. Inactive Duty Training (IDT): Authorized training performed by a reservist/guardsman not on active duty or active duty for training. These days of training are commonly referred to as drill periods.
6. Military Leave Days (“M” Days): Employees of the Department who are members of the reserve components of the Armed Forces are entitled to 15 paid days of military leave (“M” days) per fiscal year (October 1 - September 30). Employees receive the 15-day entitlement regardless of whether they are assigned to a 10/4 or an 8/5-work schedule. The entitlement is based on number of days rather than number of hours. “M” days may be used in the completion of EAD, ADT, or IDT.
7. Military Liaison Officer (MLO): Officer assigned to the Personnel and Development Division to assist employees with administrative requirements concerning military service.
8. Applicant Processing Team (APT): Assigned to the Personnel and Development Division.
B. Training with a Reserve Component of the Armed Forces
1. Employees who are members of a Reserve Component of the Armed Forces and receive orders or drill schedules to perform Active Duty for Training (ADT) or Inactive Duty Training (IDT) should prepare a memo to the Bureau Commander, if the employee anticipates the use of any “M” days or Leave Without Pay (W) days, in order to complete the training. This memo should state the military unit to which the employee is assigned, the location where the individual is to report, the inclusive dates of the tour of duty (to include authorized travel time), the balance of “M” days left for that fiscal year prior to the start of the tour, and the number of “M” days to be used. If the employee chooses to use any Vacation, Holiday, Compensatory, or Off days in conjunction with “M” or “W” days in order to complete the training, the submitted memo should also state the number of days to be used in each category. The memo should be accompanied by a copy of the orders or drill schedule.
2. The original memo and tour orders/drill schedule will be filed in the individual’s unit personnel file after review by the Bureau Commander. One copy will be placed in the bureau administrative files, and a second copy will be forwarded to the Police Payroll Team Military Liaison Officer (MLO).
3. If the memo indicates the employee’s training period includes 31 or more consecutive days of Leave Without Pay status, the employee should report to the MLO in the Personnel Division with the original memo addressed to the Bureau Commander and EAD orders. A copy of both documents should be submitted to the employee’s Division Commander and a copy placed in the member’s personnel file. The MLO will assist the employee in meeting all necessary administrative requirements prior to the employee’s departure to active military service. The MLO will obtain the contact information of the member while deployed and be a link between the department, and the active duty employee to assist the employee with a wide variety of transitional issues. The MLO will maintain current and relevant information on all employees concerning their military status. This information will contain at a minimum, but not limited to branch of service, military rank and information regarding their current duty station and/or a point of contact via the military. The MLO will make all reasonable efforts to provide information regarding the status of the employee to the appropriate personnel via the chain of command.
The MLO will ensure copies of the memo and orders are distributed to: Bureau Commander
Applicant Processing Unit Payroll Unit
Human Resources
When members are deployed for EAD, the MLO will consult with the member concerning: the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA), Service Members Civil Relief Act of 2003.
4. The APT will complete TCOLE Form F5 for any sworn member whose absence includes 31 or more consecutive days of Leave without Pay status. The form will be submitted by the Personnel and Development Division on the 31st day of the absence. Upon return to City duty, the sworn member will report to the MLO to begin the in processing procedures. The returning employee should provide a copy of their DD214 and Release from Active Duty Letter.
5. The APT will complete the TCOLE Form L1.
6. Employees who intend to use only ordinary paid leave (V, H, C) or Off days in order to complete ADT or IDT are not required to submit a memo to the Bureau Commander, but will instead coordinate the training requirements with their immediate supervisor for scheduling the time off on the police unit’s monthly detail.
7. Employees who participate in ADT or IDT on a regularly scheduled Departmental work day may reschedule the work day as an Off day, as long as the switching of those Departmental work and Off days occur within the same two week pay period. The employee will make the orders or the drill schedule available to the immediate supervisor upon request.
8. Employees are encouraged to give advance notice to their immediate supervisor of ADT/IDT tours as soon as possible, in order for the supervisor to plan work schedules.
9. Employees performing ADT or IDT retain possession of all Departmental issued equipment.
10. Employees will not be required to undergo any testing or evaluation (such as would be given to new Departmental applicants) upon their return from ADT or IDT.
11. If the employee remains in normal Departmental pay status (i.e., no Leave Without Pay is charged on the Exception Payroll) throughout the period of ADT/IDT, then the employee continues to receive all normal employment benefits, to include accrual of vacation, holiday, and sick time. Accrual of vacation, holiday, and sick time ceases at the point an employee begins any Leave Without Pay status. Accrual resumes with the return of the employee to pay status.
12. Upon completing training and allowing time required for return travel, the employee must report back to the first regularly scheduled Departmental shift, unless the return travel is delayed by factors beyond the member’s control.
C. Duty with a Regular Component of the Armed Forces, or EAD with a Reserve Component of the Armed Forces
1. An employee who requests a leave of absence from the Department for the purpose of voluntarily or involuntarily entering a Regular Component, or EAD with a Reserve Component for an indefinite length of service, or for a four-year statutory tour, should submit a memo as described in paragraph 404.02.B.1. If the memo indicates the employee’s leave of absence will include 31 or more consecutive days of Leave Without Pay status, the MLO will ensure that a copy of the memo is forwarded to the APT and Payroll Unit.
2. A copy of the request for military leave memo and EAD order will be filed in the individual’s unit personnel file after review by the Bureau Commander. One copy will be placed in the bureau administrative files and the MLO will forwarded a copy to the Police Payroll Team.
3. The APT will complete TCOLE Form F5 for any sworn member whose absence includes 31 or more consecutive days of Leave Without Pay status. The form will be submitted by the Personnel and Development Division on the 31st day of the absence.
4. An employee entering EAD will have the option of receiving lump sum payment for accrued vacation, holiday, and compensatory leave; using a portion or all of it in conjunction with the absence; or leaving the balance intact for use upon return to the Department. Any sick time balance existing at the time the employee departs will be banked for the employee’s use upon return to the Department.
5. An employee who requests an unpaid leave of absence for entry into a Regular Component or EAD (indefinite or four year statutory tour) with a Reserve Component will turn in all issued equipment to the Quartermaster Unit and Personnel and Development Division as appropriate. The employee will be reissued the same or new equipment upon return. Reserve Component members activated under a 180-day Presidential call-up will retain possession of their issued equipment.
6. An employee’s right to return under Chapter 43 (Veterans’ Reemployment Rights) of Title 38 US Code is protected for an absence of up to four years, or up to five years if the fifth year is at the request and convenience of the US Government.
7. An employee who completes a tour as a member of a Regular Component, or a Reserve indefinite or four-year statutory tour of EAD, will:
a. Notify the Department in writing within 90 days of the employee’s discharge/separation from active duty of the employee’s desire for reinstatement. The employee will prepare a letter to the Commander of the Personnel Division giving name, employee number, first date of active duty, date of discharge/separation, and a statement that the member is returning for reinstatement.
b. Hand deliver the letter to the Personnel Division MLO. The MLO will conduct an after deployment interview. The member will then report to the APT, where TCOLE Form L1 will be prepared and submitted.
c. Furnish to the APT a copy of the employee’s DD Form 214 to verify that the member’s military service was characterized as Honorable or General (under Honorable conditions).
d. Undergo a psychological screening by a DPD staff psychologist before being rearmed and reassigned to duty. Based on the results of the screening, the employee will either be rearmed and reassigned to duty or, if necessary, referred to the chain of command for a fitness for duty evaluation, in accordance with General Order 432.01.
e. Receive instructions for obtaining equipment from the Quartermaster Unit and determine any need for weapons qualification at the Range and/or accelerated classroom training at the Academy.
D. General Provisions
1. An employee - who is normally eligible for a merit step increase but on EAD, ADT, or IDT during a portion of a merit step increase evaluation period - will be eligible for the increase if supervisors in the chain-of-command are able to fairly evaluate the employee’s performance for a majority of the evaluation period. The employee’s performance during the period must reflect performance that exceeds the minimum level of satisfactory performance.
2. A sworn member of the Department whose military absence from the Department is for one year or longer will, upon return, be temporarily assigned to the Training Section for accelerated retraining, the length of which will be determined by the Commander of the Training Section. The purpose of this retraining will be to ensure the member is updated on any changes in state or municipal law, the Code of Criminal Procedure, and/or significant Departmental policies.
3. Employees entering EAD (Regular or Reserve) or performing ADT or IDT retain their original dates of employment and dates of rank with no loss of seniority.
4. Employees who use Leave Without Pay (“W” days) in order to perform EAD, ADT, or IDT are eligible to maintain full pension credit covering the period of their absence by making payment of pension fund contributions (plus interest compounded annually) after their return to the Department. Payment of amount due must be made within one year from the date of calculation by the fund administrator. Details should be obtained from the Police and Fire Pension Board administrator.
5. Employees who remain on paid or unpaid leave status while on EAD, ADT, or IDT may retain the insurance coverage available to active employees. Employees who terminate may be eligible to maintain certain health and life insurance coverage under COBRA. Details about coverage and costs should be obtained from the Employee Benefits Division, Department of Human Resources.

Dallas Police Department General Order

405.00 Resignation, Retirement and Termination of Employees

Revised 08/23/2024

405.01 Responsibilities of Employees
A. All employees voluntarily terminating their employment with the Dallas Police Department will submit a memorandum to the Chief of Police through their chain-of-command. The memorandum will reflect the resigning or retiring individual’s last date of employment.
B. Employee Termination Checklist Form
1. An Employee Termination Checklist form, consisting of seven sections, will be completed for all terminating employees. This form documents the return of City of Dallas property at various Departmental offices. Applicable sections will be completed in the order listed. All employees will contact each of the six respective units listed on the Employee Termination Checklist form. Each section will be acknowledged with a signature from the terminating employee and a designee from the respective unit.
a. Section I documents the return of certain City equipment at the Division, Section, or Unit level and will be acknowledged with a signature by the terminating employee and his/her supervisor.
b. Section II documents the clearance of property and/or evidence logged in at the Property Unit during the terminating employee length of service with the Department. To ensure all terminating employees have completed their chain of custody clearance report for any and all property being held, this section will be acknowledged with a signature by the terminating employee and by a supervisor of the Property Unit.
c. Section III documents the return of all equipment (City-issued Cell Phone, Laptop, iPad, Webcam, CD/Blu- Ray Burner, Headset, Training Cord, Phone/Radio Amp, AIS Token(fob), etc.) assigned by the Operational Technology Unit. This section will be acknowledged with a signature by the terminating employee and by a supervisor of the Operational Technology Unit.
d. Section IV documents the return of the Body Worn Camera and will be acknowledged with a signature by the terminating employee and the Department BWC Administrator. In cases where the terminating employee was not issued a BWC, this section must still be acknowledged with a signature and be verified by the Department BWC Administrator. Quartermaster Section V must be signed and completed before Section IV can be reviewed.
e. Section V documents the clearance of the Quartermaster. If applicable, the terminating employee will call the Quartermaster Unit to request an equipment audit and schedule an appointment to return all issued items. At the time of the appointment, this section will be acknowledged with a signature by all terminating employees and a member of the Quartermaster.
f. Section VI documents the clearance of the Field Base Reporting/Records Management System (FBR/RMS). This section will be acknowledged with a signature by all terminating employees and by a member of the RMS Support Team.
g. Section VII documents the completion of the Exit Interview with the Police Personnel - Employee Relations Team. All employees leaving the Department will turn in their DPD Identification Card and Warrant of Appointment. The section will be acknowledged with a signature by all terminating employees and by a member of the Employee Relations Team.
2. The Personnel Division will retain the completed Employee Termination Checklist form.
C. Exit Interviews

The purpose of this interview is to discuss benefits, salaries, and reimbursements for which the terminating employee may be eligible. An Employee Exit Interview Checklist form will be completed for all employees resigning, retiring, or discharged from the Dallas Police Department. All employees will call and schedule an appointment prior to reporting to the Employee Relations Team for an Exit Interview.
2. Terminating employees wishing to receive a refund of pension contributions may complete the related paperwork in:
a. The office of the Police & Fire Pension Fund (sworn).
b. The office of the Employee Retirement Fund Pension Office (non-sworn).
D. Discharged employees must complete the Employee Termination Checklist and schedule an appointment for an Exit Interview with the Employee Relations Team. Discharged employees must be accompanied with a supervisor from their chain-of-command during the clearance portion from each respective unit listed on the Employee Termination Checklist.
1. Property Unit
2. Operational Technology Unit
3. Body Worn Camera Unit
4. Quartermaster
5. FBR/RMS Unit
6. Police Personnel – Employee Relations Team
E. Employees who wish to submit their Resignation while on Restricted Duty and/or on Administrative leave must be accompanied by a supervisor from their chain-of-command during the clearance portion from each respective unit listed on the Employee Termination Checklist and during the Exit Interview with the Employee Relations Team.
F. All retiring employees should advise the Employee Relations Team of the impending retirement at least 4 weeks prior to the close of the business date or retirement party date to allow sufficient time for ordering the service plaque. Sworn personnel, Non-sworn and Security Officers who are retiring “Honorably” will provide the Employee Relations Team with their badge(s) and/or those awards (on a solid backing) that will be placed on their service plaque. Prior to relinquishing these items to the Employee Relations Team, these employees will obtain a temporary badge from the Quartermaster Unit. The temporary badge must be returned to the Quartermaster Unit when Section II of the
Employee Termination Checklist form is completed.
G. Retiring employees should also confer with their Pension System administrators for an explanation of benefits prior to their retirement date.
H. All terminating employees will be given copies of the Employee Termination Checklist, Exit Interview, and any other forms completed during the termination process.
I. During the Exit Interview, a PIU/IAD check will be performed on all employees leaving the Department. The PIU/IAD check will be acknowledged with a signature by the terminating employee, a supervisor from PIU, and a supervisor from IAD. The PIU/IAD check indicates whether the employee has a pending investigation with PIU and/or IAD.

405.02 Responsibilities of Supervisors
A. To verify completion of Section I of the Employee Termination Checklist, the terminating employee’s supervisor will initial all applicable items. The supervisor will direct the employee to contact each respective Unit and take the original Employee Termination Checklist form to the Property Unit for a clearance of property being held, the Operational Technology Unit for clearance of assigned city equipment, the Body Worn Camera Unit for clearance of an issued of a BWC, the Quartermaster for clearance, the RMS Support Team for a clearance of outstanding reports, and to the Police Personnel - Employee Relations Team or Payroll Services Unit (as applicable), where Section VII will be completed and the Exit Interview conducted. Except for retiring employees, the Exit Interview and Section VII of the Employee Termination Checklist form may be completed in the Personnel Division at the same time.
B. Resignations or Retirements
1. The immediate supervisor will prepare a separate cover memorandum, addressed to the employee, accepting the employee's resignation or retirement in the name of the Chief of Police. The following information will be included in the cover memorandum:
a. The effective date of resignation or retirement.
b. An acknowledgment to be signed by the employee which will be placed below the supervisor's signature.
2. The employee will be given the original letter of acceptance. A copy of the letter of acceptance will be attached to the employee's letter of resignation or retirement.
3. The immediate supervisor will also prepare a cover memorandum to the Chief of Police stating the employee’s rehire eligibility. The supervisor should document the reasons for the recommendation, citing the employee’s performance and/or other factors in making the recommendation. Employees leaving service while under investigation or prior to the administration of any formal discipline, written reprimand or above, are not eligible for rehire.
4. The letters of resignation, acceptance, and eligibility for rehire will be forwarded through the chain-of-command to the Assistant Chief/Executive Assistant Director. Each level of supervision will note concurrence or non- concurrence on the letter of eligibility for rehire and will document any non-concurrence. The rehire recommendation of the highest-ranking supervisor will be the official position of the Department. The letters of resignation, acceptance, and eligibility for rehire will then be forwarded to the Personnel Division to be placed in the employee's personnel file.
C. If the retiring or resigning sworn or non-sworn employee meets the criteria in Section 405.04 regarding service plaques, it will be the responsibility of the unit/watch commander or section manager to:
1. Notify the Personnel Division Employee Relations Team by telephone at least ten days in advance of the planned retirement date, or as soon as possible, so arrangements can be made to order the service plaque.
2. Plan and coordinate a retirement reception if the employee desires one.
3. Notify the Office of the Chief of Police by telephone at least ten days in advance of the retirement date, or as soon as possible, confirming the Chief’s availability to attend the reception.
4. Prepare and distribute a memorandum Department-wide announcing the retirement and reception, if applicable.
5. Contact the Media Relations Unit to ensure announcement in the Police News.
D. Issuance of photographic ID Card
1. H.R. 218 – The Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act requires all local, State or Federal law enforcement agencies to issue photographic identification to officers who separate from the agency with an aggregate of ten years of service.
2. The stated purpose of the Act is to provide an exemption to qualified law enforcement officers from State laws that prohibit the carrying of concealed firearms.
3. The change in the Act requires the issuance of an I.D. card when an officer;
a. Separates in good standing with 10 or more years of service or is separated due to a service–connected disability.
b. Was authorized to prevent, detect, investigate, or incarcerate under the law.
c. Had statutory powers of arrest.
d. Is not under the influence of alcohol or hallucinatory drugs.
e. Is not prohibited by Federal law from possessing a firearm.
f. Sworn officers who separate from the Department in good standing after a total of 10 years or more service, but who are not eligible for retirement, will be issued an I.D. card with “Separated/Good Standing Years” in red print on the card face.

405.03 Phase Down Program
A. General Provisions
When a Police Officer enters the Phase Down Program, he or she is no longer actively employed by the City.
1. The Police Officer who participates in the Phase Down Program (“Phase Down Participant”) will not accrue any leave (vacation and sick leave) or be paid for City Holidays.
2. The Phase Down Participant is also not eligible for the Attendance Incentive Leave (AIL) programs.
3. The Phase Down Participant will have no rights to salary, Worker’s Compensation or other benefits afforded employees except as outlined in the Meet and Confer Agreement.
4. The Phase Down Participant is not an active employee once he or she enters Phase Down and will not pay pension contributions on Phase Down payments.
5. The Phase Down Participant cannot work part time at the City to supplement his or her lost hours. The Phase Down Participant must leave the City’s employment completely by the effective date of entering the Phase Down Program.
B. Minimum Requirements
1. A Police Officer must have at least 1000 hours of sick leave accrued before qualifying to enter the Phase Down Program, and at the time he or she enters the Phase Down Program.
2. The minimum balance is for sick leave only and cannot include a combination of other leave balances (i.e. Vacation, and AIL).
C. Applicable Leave Balances Subject to the restrictions on the appropriate amount of accrual of sick leave stated above, Phase Down Participants may use the following leave banks as the basis for compensation in the Phase Down Program:
1. Accrued Sick leave time (maximum of 720 hours for Police);
2. Accrued Vacation leave time;
3. Accrued AIL leave time; and
4. Accrued Compensatory time.
During the time he or she is in the Phase Down Program, the Phase Down Participant’s applicable leave balances shall be valued using an hourly rate of pay based on his or her total pay (applicable pay and all special pay items) or as required by law.
D. Payment Options
A Phase Down Participant has two options to receive payment of accrued leave balances per pay period:

DepartmentOptionHours Per Pay Period
PoliceA B



E. Beneficiary
If a Phase Down Participant dies during the PDP, the balance of his or her Phase Down bank shall be paid to his or her designated beneficiary (or beneficiaries). The value of the remaining leave shall be determined based upon the value assigned for Phase Down payment when the Phase Down Participant opted to enter the PDP.
1. The employee must designate a beneficiary (or beneficiaries) when filling out the application to enter the PDP.
2. The designated beneficiary (or beneficiaries) for the PDP applies to the Phase Down payments only.
F. Lump Sum Payments
1. Employees wishing to receive a lump-sum payment of their leave balances rather than entering phase-down will be allowed that option if they were hired at the City prior to October 1, 2003.
2. Employees hired on or after October 1, 2003 may receive lump-sum payments rather than entering the Phase Down Program, but will not receive any payment for unused sick leave balances.
3. Phase Down Participants who were rehired on or after October 1, 2003 and have already received a lump sum payment for their sick leave, will not be paid for sick leave in the Phase Down Program in accordance with Section 34-22 (t) (4) of the Dallas City Code.
G. Health Benefits
1. Phase Down Participants will be allowed to purchase health insurance at the active employee rate during the time they are in the Phase Down Program. This will include medical, dental, and vision. This does not include Basic Life Insurance, Accidental Death and Dismemberment, and other Voluntary Benefits (i.e. AFLAC or Colonial Life). Employees, who wish to continue receiving these benefits on their own, must contact the vendors who provide them.
2. Employees must currently be participating in one the City’s health insurance plan in order to purchase benefits during the Phase Down Program.
3. An employee must continue health insurance during the Phase Down Program if he or she wishes to elect the City’s insurance as a retiree.
4. Employee monthly premiums will be deducted from their bi-weekly Phase Down payment.
5. Phase Down Participants must schedule an appointment with the Benefits Administration Division in the Human Resources Department to determine their eligibility and set up benefits for Phase Down and retirement 30 days prior to each change in status (i.e. from active employee status to phase down status and from phase down status to retiree status).
6. Employees can schedule appointments by calling 1-888-752-9122, or in person at:
Dallas City Hall
Human Resource Department, 1DS 1500 Marilla Street
Dallas, TX 75201
7. Employees who want to elect Medicare Part A benefits must meet the eligibility requirements. The most important requirement is the employee must be age 65 or older. Employees should consult the Benefits Administration Division to determine eligibility and learn the procedures prior to choosing to elect the Phase Down Program.
H. Disqualification
Phase Down Participants who elect to participate in the Phase Down Program can be disqualified during the ninety (90) day period after they have submitted their application for the following reasons:
1. They do not meet the minimum sick leave balance requirements on the date they are to enter the Phase Down Program. In this circumstance, the employee would receive a lump sum payment in accordance with the Dallas City Code.
2. If the employee is terminated for cause, he or she cannot participate in the Phase Down Program and would receive a lump sum payment in accordance with the City of Dallas Personnel Rules in Chapter 34 of the Dallas City Code.
I. Procedures
If a Police Officer chooses to enter the Phase Down Program, he or she must complete the following steps:
1. A Police Officer must inform the Dallas Police Department of his or her intent to enter the Phase Down Program by reporting said intent to the Personnel Division of the officer’s respective department no less than 90 (ninety) calendar days prior to his or her intent to enter the Phase Down Program. The employee will receive the following information packet that includes:
a. Application and Irrevocable Election Statement
b. Terms and Conditions
c. Frequently Asked Questions
2. The Personnel Division will determine his or her eligibility. Once eligibility is determined, the employee’s Personnel Division will go over the Terms and Conditions of the Phase Down Program.
3. The employee will fill out the Application and Irrevocable Election Statement. The effective date (date they will enter Phase Down) will be established.
4. The Personnel Division will submit a copy of the Application and Irrevocable Election Statement to the City Controller’s Office – Payroll Division. The Benefits Administration Division and Payroll Division of the Human Resources Department will be copied. The employee shall retain a copy for his or her records.
5. The City Controller’s Office - Payroll Division will verify the employee’s leave balances to determine his or her eligibility; and will set up the payments in the system.
6. The City Controller’s Office – Payroll Division will also place the employee into a Phase Down (PD) Status.
7. The employee must schedule an appointment with the Benefits Administration Division of the Human Resources Department 30 days prior to their effective date.
a. The Benefits Administration Division of the Human Resources Department will determine the employee’s eligibility to continue purchasing health insurance at the active employee rate during participation in the Phase Down Program.
b. The Benefits Administration Division of the Human Resources Department will also inform the employee of the benefits process, and the procedures for retiree health insurance. An employee must continue health insurance during the Phase Down Program if he or she wishes to elect the City’s insurance as a retiree.
c. The Benefits Administration will inform the employee that he or she must schedule an appointment 30 days before their last Phase Down payment to convert over to retiree health insurance.
d. Benefits Administration will work with the City Controller’s Office – Payroll Division to make the necessary changes to ensure the employee will have the active employee benefit rate during Phase Down.
8. The City Controller’s Office - Payroll Division will mail out a final notice providing the employee his or her final balance and last payment in the Phase Down Program.
a. The notice will also confirm the employee’s eligibility (i.e. if they still have the required minimum sick leave balances).
b. If the employee is no longer eligible to participate in the Phase Down Program, the notice will explain to the employee that he or she will be required to leave the City on his or her effective date. The employee will receive a lump sum payment for the balance of his or her accrued leave accruals upon termination of employment in accordance with the City of Dallas Personnel Rules in Chapter 34 of the Dallas City Code.
c. The City Controller’s Office will also notify the Benefits Administration Division of the Human Resources Department that the employee’s status has been changed to PD.
9. Once the employee signs the Irrevocable Election Statement, he or she is committed to the program and must leave the City on their effective date.
10. If an employee decides to not participate in the Phase Down Program and return to work during the 90 day period, he or she will return as a P2, Step 1 (Police Officers). The employee will lose all certification and incentive pay. He or she will be allowed to keep their service pay.
J. Entering Phase Down
1. The employee must complete the exit interview process.
2. The department must complete employment termination checklist as part of the exit interview process.
3. In the event, the employee no longer meets the requirements for Phase Down on his or her effective date, the employee will receive a lump sum payment for the balance of his or her accrued leave upon termination of employment in accordance with the City of Dallas Personnel Rules in Chapter 34 of the Dallas City Code.
4. The employee’s status will change to Retiree Status after he or she has completed the Phase Down Program. The City Controller’s Office – Payroll Division will make the switch and coordinate with the Benefits Administration and Payroll Divisions of the Human Resources Department.
5. As previously mentioned, the employee must schedule an appointment with the Benefits Administration Division of the Human Resources Department at least 30 days before his or her last Phase Down Payment to switch over to retiree health insurance.

405.04 Re-employment Policy
It will be the general policy of the Dallas Police Department not to re-employ persons who have twice resigned from the organization. Exceptions to this policy may be made by the Chief of Police if the Department will benefit from the re- employment. Sworn personnel re-employed after a voluntary resignation, retirement, or other separation from police service will start at the rank of Police Officer. Any rank higher than Police Officer must be gained through the competitive promotion process. Employees entering military Extended Active Duty or performing Active Duty Training or Inactive Duty Training, however, retain their original date of employment, rank, and date of rank with no loss of seniority upon return.

405.05 Service Plaques
A. Service plaques will be presented to both sworn and non-sworn employees of the Police Department (or next-of-kin) under the following circumstances:
1. An employee retires and is eligible to start receiving retirement benefits.
2. An employee resigns, having completed at least 20 years of service to the Police Department.
3. An employee dies or is killed.
4. An employee receives a disability retirement.
5. An appointed, executive employee resigns.
B. Design of Service Plaques
1. Sworn service plaques will contain the breast badge or cap badge or both; awards; long service pin; employee name; and completed years of service.
2. Non-sworn service plaques will contain the Departmental three-badge logo; employee name; and completed years of service.
3. A sworn employee retiring while under investigation will not receive a sworn service plaque but may opt to receive a non-sworn service plaque.
C. Upon the death of an employee, it will be the responsibility of the employee’s unit/watch commander or section manager to coordinate the ordering of the plaque with the Employee Relations Team, Personnel and Development Division. Once the plaque is ready for presentation to the employee’s next-of-kin, the Employee Relations Team will coordinate with the Office of the Chief of Police and will notify the employee’s chain-of-command.

405.06 Reinstatement Policy
A. When the Civil Service Trial Board, District Court, an Administrative Law Judge, the Chief of Police, or the City Manager’s Office orders reinstatement of a discharged employee, the Employee Relations Team of the Personnel and Development Division will immediately contact the reinstated employee and provide reporting instructions.
B. The Chief of Police retains the right to assign a reinstated employee to any position in the Department that is the same classification and grade as his/her original position.
C. Reinstated sworn members of the Department are required to undergo a fitness for duty evaluation by the police psychologist before being re-armed and reassigned to duty.
1. In all cases the employee must report to the Personnel & Development Division for processing and then report to the Academy for required training prior to re-licensing.
2. Upon completion of the required training, the employee will be assigned to an administrative position by the Commander of the Administrative Services Bureau. Subsequent transfers will be in accordance with the departmental transfer policy.
D. Reinstated employees will be provided with necessary job training. A performance plan will be developed and reviewed according to the guidelines in Section 411.00 (Performance Reviews and Appraisals).
E. Reinstated employees will be assigned to their new duty assignment for a period of one year. However, they may request a voluntary transfer after six months following their actual return to duty. The request for transfer may be denied when in the best interest of the Department.
F. Reinstated employees will not be allowed to work off-duty police service jobs for a minimum of one year following their actual return to duty.

Dallas Police Department General Order

406.00 Seniority and Time in Grade

Revised 12/23/2021

406.01 Determining Seniority
A. General Provisions
1. The purpose of the Department's seniority system is to establish a method to assist supervisors in determining employees' days off, holidays, vacation days, and special event assignments (e.g., State Fair assignments). Establishment of a seniority system for this reason is within the purview of the Chief of Police.
2. An employee's service credit date (established by City directives) should not be confused with the Department's internally established seniority system. Section 34-10 of the City of Dallas Personnel Rules will be consulted to determine retrieving continuous full-time service when considering service-related benefits such as calculation of longevity pay and sick leave earnings. Credit for retirement and pension programs is defined in the governing documents establishing those programs.
3. Organizational Commanders will maintain a seniority roster of the personnel under their command for use in the assignment of vacations, days off, holidays, and special events (parades, State Fair, football games, etc.). The seniority roster will reflect any adjustments for time during which an employee was suspended (“Z”), Absent without Leave (“X”), or not employed by the Department, as stipulated in B.2 and B.3 below. Approved Leave Without Pay (“W”) will not be deducted from an employee's seniority.
4. The Personnel and Development Division’s records will be used to settle disputes of seniority or time in grade.
5. All seniority is retained, including all time away from the job, when the absence was the result of a military duty or training.
6. Any adjusted dates of rank or appointment for seniority due to suspension will be based only on the number of days ordered by the Chief of Police when the suspension totals five (5) or more days off and will not include any normally scheduled off days. Suspensions issued on or after December 23, 2021, that are one (1) to four (4) days, will not affect the seniority of an employee.
7. The Chief of Police will determine if the seniority of the employee will be affected on suspensions that result in more than five (5) days as a result of an accident.
B. Sworn Personnel
1. All officers’ seniority will begin the day they report for duty as sworn members of the Department. Time spent in another City Department or as a non-sworn employee within the Police Department will not be considered when determining seniority. Should two or more officers report on the same day and there are no adjustments for suspensions, AWOL, or periods when not employed by the Department, the officer with the lowest badge number will be senior.
2. Seniority for all officers promoted to Senior Corporal on May 1, 1988, will be determined by the appointment date of their previous rank. Any adjustments due to suspension will be made to their service date. Their promotion date remains May 1, 1988. Dates of rank will be adjusted to reflect AWOL and non-employment status as stipulated in Section A.3 above.
3. All other officers’ time in grade for those ranks above the classification of Police Officer will begin on the date of promotion to the rank. If two or more officers are promoted on the same day, the officer having the highest promotional test score will be senior. Dates of rank will be adjusted to reflect suspension, AWOL, and non- employment status as stipulated in Section A.3 above.
4. Seniority for officers having identical promotional test scores and promoted on the same day will be determined by their time in grade in the previous rank or classification.
5. Any sworn officer who resigns, retires, or otherwise terminates employment from the Department and is re- appointed into a sworn position will regain all seniority based on previous tenure. The adjusted date of appointment and date of rank will be based on total time employed as a sworn member of the Department. It will include the initial employment period and any subsequent re-employment period, but will exclude periods of suspension, AWOL, and time not employed by the Department.
6. When officers are demoted, they will retain all time spent in both higher and lower rank as time in grade in the lower rank.
7. All officers reinstated to a higher rank after a demotion will resume their time in grade in that rank forfeiting only time spent away from the higher position.
C. Table of Sworn Seniority Ranks

Exempt Employees

Non-Exempt Employees​



​Executive Assistant Chief


Assistant Chief​

Senior Corporal​

Deputy Chief​

Corporal/Police Officer​


Probationary Police Officer​


Apprentice Police Officer​

Trainee Police Officer

D. Non-Sworn Personnel
1. All non-sworn employees’ seniority will first be determined by grade level. When two or more employees have the same grade level, seniority will be determined by time in grade. If time in that grade level is the same, seniority will be determined by the initial date they reported for duty with the Police Department. Should two or more employees report on the same date, the beginning employment date with the City of Dallas will be used. If the beginning employment date is the same, the date the employee's name was posted to the Register of Eligibles will be used to determine seniority. An “Upgrade”, ”Downgrade”, or “Reclassification” of a position is not viewed as a promotion or demotion. An employee’s time in grade in their prior position will be factored into their seniority status.
2. Non-sworn personnel who retire, resign or promote to become sworn employees begin a new date for time in grade for seniority purposes and consideration for days off, holidays, vacation days, and special event assignments.
3. When employees are demoted, they will retain all of the time spent in both higher and lower grade as time in the lower grade.
4. All employees reinstated to a higher rank after a demotion resume their time in grade in that grade, forfeiting only the time spent away from the higher position.
5. An employee who resigns, retires, or otherwise terminates employment from the Department and is reappointed regains all non-sworn seniority based on previous tenure. The adjusted date of appointment and date of grade will be based on total time employed by the Department. It will include the initial employment period and any subsequent re-employment period, but will exclude periods of suspension, AWOL, and time not employed by the Department.
6. Sworn personnel who retire, resign, or demote to become non-sworn employees, and assume their non-sworn position on October 28, 1994 or later, will begin a new date in grade for seniority purposes as a non-sworn employee and consideration for days off, holidays, and vacation. Time spent as sworn personnel will not be considered for seniority purposes.
7. Sworn personnel who retired, resigned, or demoted to become non-sworn employees and assumed their non- sworn position prior to October 28, 1994, will be permitted to carry their previous sworn seniority into their non- sworn position.

406.02 Assignment of Days Off, Holidays, Vacation Days, and Special Events by Seniority or Time In Grade
A. Vacation and holiday leave will be granted at such time as will best serve the Department’s interest. For sworn personnel, preference will be given on the basis of seniority for Police Officers or time in grade for sworn personnel above the rank of Police Officer. For non-sworn personnel, preference will be given on the basis of grade level, time in that grade level, time with the Department, total employment time with the City, and date posted to the Register of Eligibles, in that order.
B. Days off will be assigned on the basis of seniority for Police Officers; time in grade for sworn personnel above the rank of Police Officer; and grade level and time in grade for non-sworn personnel only when all factors are equal, and the interests of the Department have been satisfied. Personnel transferring into a unit or higher departmental organizational level may be required to relinquish those seniority privileges for a maximum of six months to allow those being bumped to make personal accommodations. This does not prevent the acquisition of those privileges at an earlier time if it can be arranged.
C. Special event assignments will normally be based on seniority unless bona fide reasons exist as determined by an Assistant Chief or Assistant Director.
D. When non-supervisory sworn and non-sworn employees are performing similar tasks that require their time off to be considered together in the work setting, their seniority will be compared and based on time in grade.

Dallas Police Department General Order

407.00 Transfer Procedures

Revised 02/14/2025

A. The mission of the Police Department to provide for public safety on a 24-hour, 7 days a week basis requires that the needs of the Department and the community served is considered in regard to personnel assignments. The Chief of Police or their designee may take into consideration these special needs for the assignment of personnel. All assignments are the prerogative of the Chief of Police. No employee, sworn or professional staff, has a property right to a specific assignment within the Department. This transfer procedure is designed to serve the needs of the community, the Department, and to allow for individual growth and increased job knowledge of employees.
B. The transfer procedure of the Dallas Police Department (DPD) is outlined in this General Order for sworn and professional staff. This transfer procedure outlines the steps and process for assignment announcements, applying, transferring, maximum durations, exemptions, filling vacant positions, and reassignments. The following formal procedures are for department-wide transfers and only the Chief of Police may provide exceptions not outlined in this General Order.

407.01 Definitions
Alternate Assignments – Assignments not covered by this general order include both Special Assignment, Specialized Positions (such as federal task force officers), and drafted assignments. These are governed by the ‘Alternate Assignments’ General Order 408.
Beat Patrol – An assignment in patrol that functions as a beat officer, primarily in a call answering capacity. 
Interview Position – An assignment outside of beat patrol that requires the applicant to meet additional requirements or skills, express interest, and test/interview.
Assignment Continuation – Each unit commander will evaluate all employees in non-beat patrol assignments who have completed five (5) years in the unit on an annual basis. This will be completed during the annual performance evaluation process. A memo will be submitted thru the chain of command to the Executive Assistant Chief of Police listing all personnel that meet the evaluation requirements and recommending each employee for continuation in the unit or reassignment based on overall performance. 
Reassignment – The Chief of Police may reassign positions and staff within the department to provide for the best interest of the employee and the department. An employee may not grieve a reassignment, including situations in which the employee: (1) was involuntarily reassigned; or (2) applied for and was not selected for the reassignment.
Transfer – For the purposes of General Order 407.00, the word “transfer” refers to and means a “reassignment” as defined in Section 34-13 of the Personnel Rules, which states that a reassignment is not grievable. Refer to City of Dallas Personnel Rule 34-13(b).
Organizational Commander – is a Unit Commander or above.

407.02 General Provisions
A. Employees will not be allowed to work under the line of supervision of their spouse, mother, father, brother, sister, son, daughter, or any other relative. See City of Dallas Personnel Rule 34-5(d).
B. Requests for involuntary reassignments will be made by Organizational Commanders and forwarded to the Chief of Police through the respective Executive Assistant Chief. Written justification for the reassignment must be included in the request. The Chief of Police is not required to provide oral or written justification for the decision to approve or deny a request for an involuntary transfer.
1.    If the request is based on conduct or performance in the assignment: written justification must articulate the specific steps of progressive coaching and/or discipline given to an employee prior to a request for an involuntary reassignment, which may include:
(a) Documented violations of policy and/or procedures.
(b) Documented coaching sessions.
(c) Documented summary discipline. 
(d) Documented performance improvement plan.
(e) Formal Discipline. 
2. If the request is based on business needs of the department: written justification of the business reasons for the reassignment. 
C. The Chief of Police is not required to provide oral or written justification for the decision to approve or deny a request for an involuntary transfer reassignment.
1.   If circumstances prevent the employee from remaining in the current assignment pending an involuntary transfer reassignment, the employee will be placed on administrative leave with pay or special assignment until the effective date of reassignment. 
2.   Involuntary transfers reassignments will not become effective until at least seven calendar days after the employee is notified of the transfer reassignment.
D. Reassignments are sought to be made in the best interest of the department. Employees should not infer negative connotations or attach stigma to any employee who seeks a voluntary reassignment or who is involuntarily reassigned under this procedure. Employees shall not retaliate against an employee who seeks a voluntary reassignment or who is involuntarily reassigned.
E. Unless an overriding departmental need exists (as determined by the Chief of Police) before being allowed to reassign to an interview position, all sworn personnel will be required to serve:
1.     A minimum assignment of two (2) years in ‘beat patrol’ from the date of promotion to police officer rank.
2.   A minimum of one year in an assignment for which the employee volunteered. The one year minimum does not apply for an involuntary assignment, which includes assignments following a promotion.
F. All Executive, Captain, and Lieutenant assignments are not subject to a transfer procedure. The Executive Assistant Chief(s) of Police, Assistant Chief(s) or Assistant Director(s) may recommend specific assignments or reassignments, but the Chief of Police has final approval authority.
G. Sergeant assignments are governed by General Orders 407.08
H. Officers on temporary light duty may apply for an open vacancy. When the transfer procedure begins, the temporary light duty officer must submit a memorandum to the Commander of the Bureau where the officer wishes to transfer. The memorandum must describe the nature of the light duty and any information affecting the future status of the light duty and its potential effect on the transfer. The Bureau commander will make a recommendation to the Chief of Police whether to allow the officer to proceed with the transfer procedure. The Chief of Police will make the final decision.
I. All employee selection records must be maintained according to the city retention schedule.

407.03 Patrol Bid Procedures
A. The Patrol Bid is designed to allow officers the opportunity to select their station and shift based on their seniority. This allows officers the flexibility to select the best working conditions to meet their professional and personal goals.
B. The Chief of Police will review staffing levels and personnel distribution in the Patrol Bureau and determine if a Patrol Bid is required. At that time the following steps will be conducted:
1. A Chief’s Update will be published which will outline if a Patrol Bid will occur
2. The Patrol Bid Guidelines will be published and available for review; and
3. Dates and deadlines will be established for all steps of the process.
C. The Chief of Police may designate a number of positions to be exempted from the Patrol Bid to address a variety of issues including, but not limited to: experience, specialized programs, and strength distribution. All personnel withheld from the Bid will be placed into assignments based upon the needs of the Department.
D. The Patrol Bid Guidelines establish the procedures of each year’s Patrol Bid. At the conclusion of the Patrol Bid, employees can only be held for thirty (30) days after the effective date of the bid.

407.04 Police Officer/Senior Corporal Transfer Procedure
The following procedure applies to all sworn positions below the rank of Sergeant throughout the Department.

A. Senior Corporals must be off probation and immediately eligible for transfer to apply and interview for a vacant position. In addition, Senior Corporals must have completed field training officer school and have been evaluated by the field training officer board (regardless of whether they were selected to or worked as a principal field training officer).
B. Filling a Vacant Interview Position.
Transfer eligibility lists will start for assignments that had the posting close after June 8, 2022.
1. If an interview position opening exists, the Unit Commander will submit a memo thru the chain of command to the Chief of Police requesting to fill the position(s) along with a vacancy announcement addressed to the Commander of the Personnel Division. The vacancy announcement must include: 
a. The vacant assignment or anticipated date of vacancy for the assignment;
b. The specific assignment description, including but not limited to: exact job duties, working conditions, working hours, expectations, project requirements, etc;
c. Any specific job requirements for the position, such as the ability to speak a foreign language or perform a specific task;
d. Any special needs such as prior experience required, training requirements, seniority consideration, project skills, Knowledge/Skills/Abilities, preferences, etc; and
e. A contact person and contact information.
2. The Commander of the Personnel Division will have the memo posted on the Department’s Intranet Home Page and distribute the assignment announcement to members of the department via email.
3. Applicants interested in the assignment will have 10 calendar days from the date of Personnel Division’s announcement to respond directly in writing to the contact person listed on the announcement and request consideration for the assignment. 
4. Individuals applying for an assignment opening must hold the rank required for the position for which they are applying, be off probation, and immediately eligible to transfer.
5. All applicants meeting the minimum requirements stated in the advertisement are eligible for interview.
Possible disqualification factors may include, but are not limited to, the following:
a. Formal disciplinary action involving a written reprimand or higher (one-year limit following the date of the written reprimand or demotion, or the ending date of a suspension, excluding traffic collisions resulting from discipline).
b. Overall disciplinary record.
c. Documented abuse of sick time (documented by written corrective action).
d. Employee currently under an investigation, as an involved officer, by Internal Affairs or Public Integrity.
e. Currently on non-driving status if the position requires the employee to drive.
f. Residency or mileage radius requirement as applicable in Canine Squad or Tactical Unit assignment.
g. Unsatisfactory job performance in current assignment.
h. Physical test requirement (if applicable).
i. Special skill requirements (or test if applicable) including, for example, a pilot's license for Helicopter Unit or a polygraph operator's certification or computer operation skills.
j. Psychological evaluation (if required).
k. Lacking foreign language skills where a position requires it.
l. Lacking prior experience in dealing with a particular neighborhood or citizen group(s) that an assignment requires.
6. The Unit Commander will contact complete the Interview Panel Request Form found on the Personnel Division Departmental Unit’s page on the intranet requesting that an interview panel be compiled or a selected panel be approved for the designated assignment. The requester will enter the name of the person that is the immediate supervisor that will serve on the interview panel and during what watch the interviews will be conducted. The Personnel Division will designate or approve the requested two additional interview panel members who hold a rank at least one level above the level required for the assignment. The originating Division will be responsible for coordinating the dates and times of the interviews. Every effort will be made to ensure the diversity of the panel members. The originating Division will send the list of applicants to the panel members to ensure there are no conflicts that may result in a grievance. If a panel member needs to be excluded from the interviews, the Division must request an alternate panel member from the Personnel Division.
7. All eligible individuals who respond in writing to the announcement and meet the minimum advertised requirements will be interviewed by the panel.
8. Applicants who fail to appear for the interview or fail to get prior approval to reschedule an interview will forfeit the opportunity for an interview.
9. Every reasonable effort will be made to ensure that the same members of the interview panel interview each applicant. If this is not practical, the circumstances must be documented on the Transfer Check List for the Transfer Review Panel.
10. The immediate supervisor serving on the interview panel will compile all notes and paperwork from the interview process, and they will prepare the list of candidates that the interview panel considers qualified for the assignment in numerical order of first to last choice.
11. The Division Commander will be given the list of qualified candidates and make the final selection of the candidate and the numerical order of the list.
12. Bureau level concurrence is required prior to the immediate supervisor notifying applicant(s) of the selection.
13. All applicants will be notified by the immediate supervisor of their selection.
14. If the unit is approved to fill additional vacancy(ies) within 90 days of the interviews, the Division Commander may select applicant(s) from the previous interview with Bureau Commander approval.
15. The transfer cannot become effective prior to review by the Sworn Transfer Review Panel, unless ordered by the Chief of Police.
16. The gaining Division Commander will contact the losing Division Commander and agree on a date for transfer; however, a transfer may not be delayed for more than 30 days from the date of notification without approval from the Chief of Police.
17. Changes in assignment will be reported in accordance with G. O. Section 407.06. There will be no physical changes in assignment until notification is received from the Personnel Division.
D. Any special assignment which subsequently becomes a permanent assignment will immediately become subject to the sworn transfer procedure. The assignment will be filled according to this section. Any officer currently assigned in the special assignment must compete for the assignment according to the sworn transfer procedure, unless reassigned by the Chief of Police based on the needs of the Department.
E. Sworn Transfer Review Panel
1. The purpose of the panel is to review sworn transfers for adherence to procedures.
a. The Panel is composed of six primary members in the following grades: one Deputy Chief (non-voting chairperson except in the case of ties), one Major, one Lieutenant, one Sergeant, one Senior Corporal, and one Police Officer. An alternate will be appointed for each primary member. Each primary member and alternate will serve a one-year term. Alternate members will become primary members every January. The Chief of Police has the discretion to extend the assignment of any Panel member.
b. Appointments of the Chairperson and alternate Chairperson will be made by the Personnel Division Commander.
c. Appointments of the committee members and alternates will be made by the Chairperson.
d. The Panel will meet weekly, or as needed, at a location designated by the Chairperson.
e. If any member of the Panel is in the employee's chain-of-command, that member will be excused and replaced by the alternate member. Additionally, the Committee Chairperson will excuse a committee member from reviewing a transfer in which the member has a direct conflict of interest as defined in Dallas Police Department’s Code of Conduct, Chapter IX, Conflict of Interest. Further, the Committee Chairperson may excuse a committee member from reviewing a transfer if documented facts and circumstances exist to create a perception of a conflict of interest. If the alternate member is unavailable to serve, that seat will remain vacant during discussion by the committee.
f. The chairperson and three voting members will constitute a quorum.
2. The Panel has the following responsibilities:
a. Review all completed Sworn Transfer Check List Forms for adherence to the procedures. If the form is incorrect or incomplete:
i. The Panel shall send written instructions for correction or completion to the appropriate Bureau Commander.
ii. The Bureau Commander is responsible for making the correction/completion and submit the revised form to the Chairperson of the Panel for prompt review and approval. The correction/completion need not be reviewed by the entire Panel. If the Chairperson and the Bureau Commander do not reach agreement, the Chairperson may refer the matter back to the full Panel or directly to the Chief of Police who will make the final decision on the transfer.
iii. The transfer may not be made until the corrections/completions are concluded and/or resolved, unless directed by the Chief of Police.
b. Review all transfer lists provided by interview panels.
c. Hear sworn employees who believe that the transfer procedure has not been followed regarding the assignment they sought.
i. If the employee applied for a transfer and believes that the transfer procedure was not followed, the employee may request a hearing before the Sworn Transfer Review Panel. This request must be in writing and directed to the commander of the Personnel Division within five working days after the Panel has reviewed and approved the transfer procedure for the particular assignment the employee sought. An exception to the five-day requirement may be granted if the employee can prove to the commander of the Personnel Division that he could not reasonably have known about the Panel’s decision within the five-day limit.
ii. Only the involved employee will be allowed to discuss the matter with or address the Panel.
iii. The Panel will review the transfer procedure for adherence to the procedure only. The merits of the transfer or reasons for the non-selection of the employee will neither be heard nor acted upon by the Panel.
iv. If the Panel determines that the procedure was not followed, the Bureau Commander of the Bureau holding the vacancy will be contacted.
v. If the Panel and the Bureau Commander cannot resolve the issue(s) presented by the sworn employee, the Chief of Police will make the final decision.
3. No transfer will become effective until the Panel has reviewed the Sworn Transfer Check List form, unless directed by the Chief of Police.
4. At his or her discretion, the Chief of Police may require or authorize transfers outside the normal procedure, which are not subject to review by the Panel.

407.05 Procedures for Filling Professional Staff Positions
A. Ten days before (if possible) a professional staff position occurs or is anticipated, the affected Organizational Commander will consult with their Division Commander to determine if the position can be filled and then prepare a memorandum addressed to the Chief of Police. The Organizational Commander will contact the Personnel Division to determine current hiring procedures and restrictions for professional staff. After determining current guidelines, the Organizational Commander will:
1. Immediately forward a copy of the memorandum to the Personnel Division.
2. Forward the original memorandum through the chain-of-command to the Personnel Division
3. Complete other forms as required by current guidelines.
B. If appropriate, the Personnel Division will remove the person’s name from the payroll.
C. Organizational Commanders authorized to fill professional staff may:
1. Fill the position internally by reassignment of an employee already within their command and same Organizational Number. The Commander must first advertise the position by an intra-office memo for 14 calendar days so that eligible members from within that Organizational Number may apply for the position. The Commander may then select a person who responded by memo to the advertised position. When all internal transfers are completed, the Commander will follow the procedure in G.O. 407.06 C.2.
2. Notify the Personnel Division Commander by memorandum to announce the position department-wide. The memo will state:
a. The vacant position or anticipated position.
b. A brief job description.
c. Any job qualifications.
d. The anticipated working hours for the position.
e. A contact person and telephone number.
f. Any special needs (e.g., language requirement, technical skills, etc.).
3. Request the Personnel Division provide Civil Service eligibility lists from which the Organizational Commander may contact persons to schedule interviews.
D. Department-Wide Announcement
1. The Commander of the Personnel Division will post the announcement on the Department’s Intranet and distribute the assignment announcement to members of the department via email.
2. Applicants interested in the assignment will have 10 calendar days from the date of Personnel Division’s announcement to notify the Organizational Commander (or designee) in writing to request consideration for the assignment.
E. Applying For and Filling a Professional Staff Position
1. Professional Staff interested in a position may notify the Organizational Commander or designee where the position exists. Notification must be in writing. In order to be eligible for an opening, the employee must be of the same grade and classification or on the current Civil Service eligibility list.
2. The Organizational Commander or designee will interview all eligible departmental employees who responded in writing to the notification and may also elect to contact other persons on the eligibility list for the vacant position.
3. When Bureau Commanders make their final decision, any departmental employees who interviewed but were not selected will be notified in writing.
4. The Organizational Commander or designee will complete and submit an Employment Information Short Form and forward the Personnel Action Request on Intelligent Workforce Management (IWM) to the Personnel Division at least ten working days prior to the appointment date. The Personnel Division will determine a date and time for the person to complete the hiring process.
5. In all cases, Organizational Commanders will not make a selection until at least 21 calendar days after a position is posted by the Personnel Division to allow Departmental professional staff an opportunity to express interest in the job.
F. When the hiring process is completed, the Personnel Division will: enter personnel information into IWM .
G. The organizational level receiving the new personnel will:
1. Be responsible for making a unit personnel file and time card.
2. Maintain the employee’s unit personnel file. Upon termination, an employee’s personnel file will be sent to the Personnel Division for storage.

407.06 Sergeant Assignment Procedure
A. Sergeants represent the first level of management in the Dallas Police Department and are crucial to the development of officers. This Sergeant Assignment Procedure outlines the process for the movement of Sergeants within the Department and recognizes the need to align supervisory skills and abilities with core services in Patrol and other support areas while serving the public.
B. Sergeants may be assigned and reassigned throughout the Department at the discretion of the Chief of Police.
C. When vacancies occur or are anticipated, the affected Organizational Commanders or Watch Commander will consult their Division Commander to determine if it is appropriate to begin the process to fill the position immediately. The process of filling a sergeant position may be done either by the Chief of Police designating a Sergeant for the position or by advertising for the assignment. If the assignment is to be advertised, then the following steps will occur:
1. With Division Commander approval, Unit/Watch Commanders will submit a memo thru the chain of command to the Chief of Police requesting to fill the position(s) along with a vacancy announcement addressed to the Commander of the Personnel Division. The vacancy announcement must include:
a. The vacant Sergeant assignment or anticipated vacancy.
b. The specific description of the assignment, including but not limited to: exact job duties, working conditions, expectations, project requirements, etc.
c. Any specific job qualifications such as the requirement to speak a foreign language or ability to perform a specific task.
d. Any special needs such as prior experience required, training requirements, seniority consideration, project skills, Knowledge/Skills/Abilities preferences, etc.
e. The anticipated working hours of the assignment.
f. A contact person and contact information.
2. The Commander of the Personnel Division will have the memo posted on the Department’s Intranet Home Page and distribute the assignment announcement to members of the department via email.
3. Applicants interested in the assignment will have 10 calendar days from the date of Personnel Division’s announcement to respond directly in writing to the contact person listed on the announcement and request consideration for the assignment.
4. Individuals applying for a Sergeant assignment opening must hold the rank of Sergeant at the time of application, be off probation, and immediately eligible to transfer.
5. All applicants meeting the minimum requirements stated in the advertisement are eligible for selection. Possible disqualification factors include, but are not limited to, the following:
a. Formal disciplinary action involving a written reprimand or higher (one year limit following the date of the written reprimand, ending date of suspension, or demotion).
b. Overall disciplinary record.
c. Documented abuse of sick time (documented by written corrective action).
d. Employee currently under an internal investigation by Internal Affairs or Public Integrity.
e. Currently on non-driving status when the assignment requires the employee to drive.
f. Residency or mileage radius requirement as applicable in Canine Squad or Tactical Unit assignment.
g. Unsatisfactory job performance in current assignment.
h. Physical test requirement (if applicable).
i. Special skill requirements including, but not limited to, a pilot's license for Helicopter Unit or polygraph operator's certification or computer operation skills.
j. Psychological evaluation (if required).
k. Lacking foreign language skills where an assignment requires it.
l. Lacking prior experience in dealing with a particular neighborhood or citizen group(s) required for the assignment.
6. The Unit/Watch Commander will complete the Interview Panel Request Form found on the Personnel Division Departmental Unit’s page on the intranet requesting that an interview panel be compiled or a selected panel be approved for the designated assignment. The requester will enter the name of the immediate supervisor that will serve on the interview panel and during which watch the interviews will be conducted. The Personnel Division will designate or approve the requested two additional interview panel members who hold a rank at least one level above the level being selected. The originating Division will be responsible for coordinating the dates and times of the interviews. Every effort will be made to ensure the diversity of the panel members. The originating Division will send the list of applicants to the panel members to ensure there are no conflicts that may result in a grievance. If a panel member needs to be excluded from the interviews, the Division must request an alternate panel member from the Personnel Division.
7. All eligible individuals who responded in writing to the announcement and meet the minimum advertised requirements will be interviewed by the panel. Applicants who fail to appear or reschedule an interview will forfeit the opportunity for an interview.
8. Every reasonable effort will be made to ensure that the same members of the interview panel interview each applicant. If this is not practical or possible, the circumstances must be documented on the Transfer Check List for the Transfer Review Panel.
9. The immediate supervisor serving on the interview panel will compile all notes and paperwork from the interview process. The Division Commander will then meet as soon as possible with the interview panel to assess the applicants.
10. The Division Commander may request an interview with any of the applicant if he/she has any questions or concerns.
11. The Division Commander will make final selection of the candidate.
12. Bureau level concurrence is required prior to the Division Commander notifying applicants of the selection.
D. Seniority issues within Divisions will be determined by G.O. 406.01.
E. Any exceptions to the Sergeant Assignment Procedure for specialized units, specialized skills, restriction status, etc., must be approved by the Chief of Police. The Chief of Police reserves the right to reassign any employee to best meet the needs of the Dallas Police Department and the City of Dallas at any time, with or without notice.

407.07 Reporting Change of Assignment (Sworn and Professional Staff)
A. A Personnel Action Request in IWM will be completed by both the gaining and losing Commanders who are considering the transfer of an employee.
B. If the change in assignment involves an internal lateral transfer, the gaining Organizational Commander will enter the employee’s transfer information into IWM and forward it through the chain-of-command to the losing Bureau Commander (or Division Commander if there is no Bureau Commander). After review by the losing Bureau Commander, the Personnel Action Request in IWM will be updated and forwarded to the losing Organizational Commander for concurrence. After these approvals, the Personnel Action Request in IWM will be forwarded to the Personnel Division.
C. If the change in assignment involves a promotion, the Organizational Commander or designee will forward a memo to the Commander of the Personnel Division. The Personnel Action Request in IWM will not be completed until the Chief of Police approves the promotion.
D. Any supervisor not concurring in a proposed transfer will submit a memo outlining the reasons for non-concurrence and attach it to the form.
E. Difficulties encountered over proposed transfers will be resolved by the tentative losing and gaining Bureau Commanders, Group Commanders, or Division Commanders, as applicable.
F. The losing unit will send the employee's unit personnel file and time card to the gaining unit.
G. All Personnel Action Requests in IWM will be routed through the Personnel Division Commander to assure compliance with procedures outlined herein.
H. Scheduled changes that involve the rotating of entire watches will not be reported.
I. There will be no physical changes in assignment until notification is received from the Personnel Division.

407.08 Reporting Special Assignments (Sworn and Professional Staff)
A. The organizational level gaining personnel on any special assignment (five consecutive days or longer), will notify the Payroll Team by submitting a Personnel Action Request in IWM indicating Special Assignment Start. The Personnel Action Request in IWM must be forwarded from the gaining bureau to the losing bureau for approval. Once approved by both bureaus, it will be forwarded to the Payroll Team.
B. When the special assignment is completed, the organizational level regaining personnel will notify the Payroll Team by submitting a Personnel Action Request in IWM indicating Special Assignment Stop. The Personnel Action Request in IWM must be forwarded from the gaining bureau to the losing bureau for approval. Once approved by both bureaus, it will be forwarded to the Payroll Team.
C. The Personnel Division will conduct audits of Special Assignment time every six months to determine if the Special Assignment will continue.

407.09 Inter-Department Transfers (Sworn and Professional Staff)
A. Transfers to another City Department
1. Employees who are seeking a transfer to any other City of Dallas Department may complete the application instructions with the City of Dallas Civil Service Department or the Human Resources Department and complete a City of Dallas Request for Transfer form, or may follow the posted instructions for making application.
2. If the employee accepts a transfer to another City Department, the losing organizational level will:
a. Prepare a memorandum addressed to the Chief of Police stating the name of the person, effective date, and action occurring.
b. Prepare a Personnel Action Request in IWM.
c. Forward a copy of the memorandum immediately to the Personnel Division and send the original memo and the Personnel Action Request in IWM through the chain-of-command to the Personnel Division/Payroll Team.
d. Send the employee's unit personnel file and time card to the Personnel Division for storage.
3. The Personnel Division will:
a. Prepare the Form P-1
b. Notify the Department to which the employee is transferring of pertinent personnel data needed.
4. The City Department to which the employee is transferring will send a Form P-2B to the Personnel Division for its approval.
B. The Division receiving a professional staff employee from another City department will prepare a Personnel Action Request
in IWM and submit it to the Personnel Division at least ten working days prior to transfer date.

407.10 Initial Assignment of Officers Permanently Restricted from Performing Patrol Functions
A. Once a sworn officer is deemed permanently restricted from performing essential job functions of police officers (Ref. Civil Action No. 3-99-CV-1497-G), the Personnel Division will make the initial job assignment after consultation with the employee’s Bureau Commander and the involved Executive Assistant Chief of Police. Factors to be considered in the assignment include, but are not limited to:
1. Employee’s current assignment
2. Extent of restriction
3. Maintaining job experience
4. Needs of the Department
B. Positions made available to officers who have permanent restrictions are not “permanent light duty” positions. They are positions that are being made available to officers permanently restricted from the performance of patrol functions and/or the ability to affect an arrest. These positions require a full-time sworn officer to perform the position responsibilities.
C. Officers assigned to these positions are not guaranteed the ability to maintain prior shift/watch or days off.
D. If a position assignment results in an overage to the particular unit, the non-restricted officer will be subject to mobilization once another vacancy occurs in the Unit, Division, or Bureau, or to Patrol if no vacancy option is readily available.

407. 11  Filling Restricted Duty Vacancies with Existing Personnel
A. Vacancies for permanently restricted positions will be advertised in the same manner outlined in 407.04; however, the position announcement must state in the job description “This position vacancy advertisement is being made available only for those officers who are permanently restricted from performing full patrol duties”.
B. A Division Commander may select an officer who is not designated as permanently restricted if:
1. No officer who is permanently restricted applies for the position.
2. Permanently restricted applicants lack the identified skills and/or capabilities to successfully perform all required duties associated with the position.
C. If a position becomes available that is occupied by a restricted duty officer but the position itself is not designated as restricted duty position, then the Division Commander may fill the position by either a permanently restricted officer or a full duty officer. The position vacancy announcement must state in the job description “This position may be available for officers who are permanently restricted from performing full patrol duties”.

407. 12  Re-Allocation and Confidentiality
A. An Executive Assistant Chief of Police may allocate positions throughout the Department to be made available for officers designated as permanently restricted from performing full patrol duties to ensure the most efficient operation. However, once a position is so designated, the designation cannot be moved while the position is occupied by a permanently restricted officer. The Personnel Division must be notified prior to moving any designation.
B. Any recommendation by a Bureau Commander to eliminate or add a permanent restricted designation to a position must be approved by the affected Executive Assistant Chief of Police.
C. Due to the confidential nature of the information, only Bureau Commanders and above will be given a list of positions designated as permanently restricted that includes officer names. All other requests for position lists must be made by a Division Commander, or an employee who has been designated as permanently restricted, and the provided list will not include officer names.

Dallas Police Department General Order

408.00 Alternate Assignments

Revised 09/14/2020

408. 00 Alternate Assignments
A. This section covers the general guidelines for assignments that take place outside normal transfer procedures. These assignments consist of drafting personnel, special (temporary) assignment, or specialized positions. All assignments are the prerogative of the Chief of Police.
B. Definitions:
1. Drafting: A procedure to fill one or more positions quickly, possibly involuntarily, to meet an immediate need of the department.
2. Special Assignment: A temporary assignment lasting longer than five (5) consecutive work days.
3. Specialized Positions: Assignments of an indefinite length that require specialized training and approval beyond a normal assignment.
C. Any assignment which subsequently becomes a permanent position will immediately become subject to the transfer procedure. The position will be advertised, and any employee currently assigned in the special assignment position must compete for the permanent position according to the transfer procedure.

408.01 Drafting
A. Eligibility for drafting:
1. Only Police Officers who have at least two years of service after completing probation will be selected.
2. Other sworn ranks and non-sworn employees may not be in any probationary status to be eligible for drafting.
3. When feasible, the requesting assistant chief should give priority to volunteers.
B. The requesting assistant chief must receive written authorization from the Chief of Police to conduct a drafting procedure.
C. The Personnel Division will prepare a list of the ten candidates with the least amount of seniority in their rank.
D. The requesting assistant chief will select an employee (or multiple employees) from the list and notify the employee(s) and their chain-of-command that the employee’s name is being submitted for a draft.
E. The requesting assistant chief will prepare and submit a personnel action request (PAR) and forward it to the losing Org and then to the Personnel Division.
F. Drafted assignments may not be more than two years in length.
G. After serving in a drafted assignment, employees will be reassigned to a permanent opening within the department and all efforts will be made to return the employee to their prior Org if possible.
H. If drafted employees choose to remain in their new assignments, and a permanent opening is available, the employee will be given the option to interview for the position.
I. An employee may be released before the end of the draft period if another employee requests assignment to that organizational level and both the requesting assistant chief and losing assistant chief agree to the change.

408.02 Special Assignments
A. Special Assignments are temporary assignment changes lasting longer than five (5) consecutive working days.
B. All special assignments are considered temporary and are not meant to be an avenue to bypass transfer procedures. If any change in assignment is intended to last longer than six (6) months, the assignment should be filled according to general order 407.00 Transfer Procedures.
C. Examples of special assignments include (but are not limited to):
1. Changing an employee’s assignment due to hardship
2. Moving an employee into a different unit to undergo training or career enrichment
3. Filling a temporary need for personnel
D. Approval level required for special assignments:
1. Movement to a different sector within the same watch, when an employee’s days off do not change, is not considered a special assignment and may be done at the will of the Division Commander.
2. Any movement that affects changing an employee’s days off, work hours, or working location requires approval from all affected assistant chief(s).
E. To initiate a request for special assignment, the requesting supervisor will submit a written memo through their chain of command to the losing assistant chief.
The memo must include:
1. Purpose of the position;
2. A brief job description;
3. Any specialized needs (e.g., language requirement, technical skills, etc.);
4. Working Conditions;
5. Length of Special Assignment (up to six (6) months);
6. The employee to be transferred.
F. After approval, the requesting supervisor will submit a personnel action request (PAR) and forward it to the losing Org, and then to the Personnel Division. All special assignments must be documented via a personnel action request (PAR).
G. Personnel may be removed from any special assignment at the discretion of any affected assistant chief as staffing needs dictate, the objective of the special assignment is achieved, or because of the performance of the assigned officer.

408.03 Review of Special Assignments
A. Bureau commanders will conduct a review of all special assignments under their supervision on an annual basis and forward the review to all affected Assistant Chief(s) no later than August 1st of each year.
1. The purpose of the review will be to determine if the special assignments should be continued, revised, or eliminated. The review will include at a minimum:
a. A listing of all personnel on special assignment
b. The purpose of each special assignment
c. The length of each special assignment.
2. Special assignments lasting longer than six months will require approval by both affected assistant chiefs. Any special assignments absent from the review will be immediately ended.
B. Assistant Chiefs will forward a report of all special assignments that have been extended past six months to the Chief of Police prior to October 1st of each year. The review will include at a minimum:
1. A listing of all personnel on special assignment beyond six months
2. The purpose of each special assignment
3. The length of each special assignment.

408.04 Specialized Positions
A. Specialized positions are often characterized by increased levels of responsibility and specialized training, but within a given position classification. Examples of this type of position include, but are not limited to, the following:
1. Federal Task Force
2. State Task Force
3. Regional Task Force
B. Specialized position requests will be outlined in a memo to the Chief of Police through requester’s chain of command and shall include the following information:
1. Purpose of the position;
2. A brief job description;
3. Any specialized needs (e.g., language requirement, technical skills, etc.);
4. Working Conditions;
5. Length of specialized position.
6. List of current specialized positions and the personnel assigned to them.
C. Upon approval, a personnel action request (PAR) will be created to transfer the approved employee to the specialized position. Specialized positions will be documented as reassignments not special assignments.
D. Personnel may be removed from a specialized position at the discretion of the Chief of Police, or their designee, as staffing needs dictate.
E. The specialized position’s division commander may remove personnel from a specialized position if the objective of the assignment is achieved or not being addressed because of the performance of the assigned officer.

408.05 Review of Specialized Positions
A. Assistant Chiefs will conduct a review of all specialized positions under their supervision on an annual basis and forward the review to the Chief of Police no later than October 1st of each year.
B. The purpose of the review will be to determine if the specialized position should be continued, revised, or eliminated. The review will include at a minimum:
1. A listing of the department’s specialized positions,
2. A statement of the purpose for each listed position; and
3. The evaluation of the initial problem or condition that required the implementation of the specialized position.

Dallas Police Department General Order

409.00 Reserved

Revised 01/30/2007


Dallas Police Department General Order

410.00 Promotional Procedures

Revised 11/05/2021

As the Department director, the Chief of Police is authorized to implement the promotional procedures of the Dallas Police Department. The following procedure does not convey any property right to promotion nor limit the Chief of Police from considering other factors such as safety, supervisory recommendations, past performance, and cumulative discipline in determining whether to promote, delay, or deny a promotion.

410.01 Disciplinary Actions Affecting Consideration for Promotion
A. A career review of cumulative discipline will be used when promotion to any rank is being considered.
B. Candidates for promotion who have had disciplinary suspensions or demotions during the one-year period prior to the date of promotion will not be considered for promotion. Disciplinary suspensions based on collisions involving City Equipment shall not solely prevent a candidate from interviewing or being considered for promotion.
C. Candidates who are not promoted because of a suspension or demotion within the previous one-year period, may be considered for promotion at a later date if the promotional list is still current. The one-year period commences on one of the following:
1. The effective date of demotion;
2. The actual date of suspension time (or last date in multiple-day suspensions) as indicated by “Z” on the Exception Payroll and time card; or
3. The date of the violation if so determined by the Chief of Police.
D. The list of candidates for promotion is called the Register of Eligibles and will give the date of the exam and the Final Results date. The list will be valid from the Final Results date for the period indicated:
1. One year for promotion to the rank of Senior Corporal.
2. Eighteen months for supervisory grades in which a competitive assessment center is utilized.
E. Candidates may or may not be promoted during an active investigation, including investigations by Internal Affairs, Public Integrity, the Office of Community Police Oversight, or any other active investigation which, at the sole discretion of the Chief of Police, warrants delay or denial of promotion. The decision whether to delay or deny a promotion during an active investigation will be at the discretion of the Chief of Police.
F. Newly promoted employees may be subject to failing promotional probation during the six-month probationary period should an allegation be sustained, and the employee receives discipline of a Written Reprimand or higher.

410.02 Promotional Interview Boards for Senior Corporals, Sergeants, and Lieutenants
A. All candidates for promotion to the Civil Service ranks of Senior Corporal, Sergeant, and Lieutenant will participate in an oral Promotional Interview Board as part of the promotional process. The purpose of the Promotional Interview Board is to allow an opportunity for senior departmental officers to evaluate candidates eligible for promotion and make recommendations to the Chief of Police.
B. The promotional process will be initiated by the Chief of Police. The Chief of Police or their designee will decide the number of positions to be filled, the targeted promotion dates, and will notify the Commander of the Personnel Division who will:
1. Determine interview dates and location for the Promotional Interview Board and will immediately begin the selection process for representatives to serve on the board.
2. Notify the Special Research Unit to begin processing promotional profile packages.
3. Be responsible for notifying promotional candidates of the time and place of their scheduled appointments before the Promotional Interview Board.
C. The candidates for promotion will select 3 board members with 2 alternates from a pool consisting of the Assistant Chiefs, Deputy Chiefs, and Majors.
1. Selection of board members will be voted on by the candidates for promotion. The candidates for promotion will rank the Command Staff from highest to lowest on who they want on the interview board.
2. The chair of the Promotional Interview Board will be picked by the Chief of Police or will be the highest-ranking member of the board.
3. The board will have a minimum of three members.
D. The Commander of the Personnel Division will provide copies of the promotional profile package to the members of the Promotional Interview Board.
E. The Chief of Police or designated Chair will appoint a member of the board as recorder. The recorder is responsible for documenting the events of the Promotional Interview Board on a promotional interview form. Documentation should include:
1. Location and date of the Promotional Interview Board.
2. Name of Chair and board members.
3. Start and ending time of each candidate's interview.
4. Any other information deemed relevant by the board.
F. After the board is convened and introductions have been made, the Chair will provide the candidate with a brief overview of the interview process.
1. The promotional candidate will be asked to verbally present a brief statement of his or her professional background.
2. The board members may ask the candidate about material contained in the promotional profile package previously described.
G. At the conclusion of the interview, the candidate will be excused from the room.

H. After the candidate is excused from the room, the board will vote whether or not to recommend the candidate for promotion. Board recommendations will be based on a majority vote of the members using the below listed criteria but not limited to:
1. Communication skills
2. Adherence to rules and policies of the Department as demonstrated by the record of discipline listed in the Internal Affairs Resume/Concise History Report
3. Past job performance
4. Adherence to safety practices as demonstrated by the Vehicle Safety Record
5. Supervisory/Management potential as demonstrated by the candidate during the interview
I. The candidate will be called back into the interview room and informed of the recommendation. The final decision to promote or not to promote a candidate will be made by the Chief of Police.
J. A form documenting the decision and recommendation of the board will be sent to the Chief of Police. If the board recommends that a candidate not be promoted, the reasons for the recommendation should be listed.
K. A copy of the form will be forwarded to the Commander of the Personnel Division where a permanent file will be maintained.
L. The Chief of Police or his designee will personally notify the candidates of his decision to promote or not to promote. Candidates who will be promoted will be notified of their effective promotion date. Candidates who will not be promoted will be told the reason the Chief of Police decided not to promote.

410.03 Promotional Profiles
A. The Commander of the Personnel and Support Bureau will notify the Special Research Unit to begin processing promotional profile packages.
B. The Special Research Unit will prepare a promotional profile package on each candidate to be used in consideration for promotions and will forward the information to the Personnel and Support Bureau Commander. The promotional profile package will consist of the following information:
1. Copies of a candidate's Internal Affairs Resume/Concise History Report
2. Vehicle safety record
3. Recommendations from the candidate’s present and former supervisors and background information
4. The candidate’s performance evaluations for at least the past two evaluation periods
5. A promotional interview form for recording the decisions and comments of the Promotional Interview Board
C. Candidates will still be required to sign the respective rank Essential Functions memo which will be maintained in the candidate’s Personnel File.

410.04 Assignments of Newly Promoted Personnel
Assignments for newly promoted personnel will be determined by the Chief of Police.

Dallas Police Department General Order

411.00 Performance Management System

Revised 11/29/2010

The City of Dallas initiated the Performance Management System to provide Departments with a common approach to performance management. Based on a fiscal year cycle, the system provides a variety of standardized performance procedures for supervisors to record, evaluate, and address job performance for all employees throughout the year. It does not substitute for daily, ongoing supervision.

411.01 Performance Plans
There are four different types of performance processes utilized by the Dallas Police Department.
1. Patrol Response
2. Support, Administrative, Investigative, Deployment (all other Sworn – including Patrol supervision)
3. Civilian (plans/processes established by City of Dallas Human Resources)
4. Executive Sworn (plans/processes established by City of Dallas Human Resources)

411.02 Patrol Response
Patrol Response performance will be based on activity averages in the sector each officer works in, and Compliance issues. The sector average is the total activity daily average of all the officers working within the sector. Compliance Issues are basic performance requirements expected of all employees and rated as either (Yes) – Meets Standard, or (No) – Does Not Meet Standard.
1. A rating of less than 80% of sector average is considered below satisfactory performance for sector activity and is rated “Does Not Meet Standard”.
2. A rating of 80% or above of sector average is considered satisfactory performance and is rated “Meets Standard” for sector activity.
3. Three “NO” ratings at the end of the year assessment in the Compliance Issues Section will result in an overall job performance rating of “Does Not Meet Standard” regardless of the sector activity rating.
4. To be rated as “Meets Standard” in the final end of the year assessment, a Patrol Officer should have a “Meets Standard” in overall sector average and at least four “YES” ratings in the Compliance Issues Section.
5. Activity below satisfactory standards for two consecutive months should first be addressed between the supervisor and the employee through a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) process.
6. Notification of unsatisfactory performance should be made to the employee immediately, or as soon as is reasonably possible. The PIP should identify 1) the unsatisfactory performance, 2) define what actions are necessary to obtain a satisfactory level of performance, 3) time allowed for improvement, 4) actions to be taken if performance requirement is not met, and 5) any other pertinent information. Whenever possible, notification of unsatisfactory performance should be made prior to 90 days before the end of the performance year. Consult the Personnel Services Unit in the Personnel and Development Division for assistance.
7. Unsatisfactory performance may also be cause for referral to the Employee Support Program in accordance with General Order 433.00.
8. Late year performance problems (within 90 days of the end of the performance year) should still be addressed through the PIP process.
9. If performance standards are not met, the employee is subject to disciplinary action, up to and including discharge.

411.03 Patrol Response Performance Sessions/Scheduling
A. A new Patrol Officer Performance Evaluation Planning Form should be completed by the end of October each year and filed in the employee’s unit file. A performance year is a fiscal year (October through September).
B. Patrol Response activity is evaluated on a monthly basis, as such, a mid-year review is not necessary. Additional reviews (coaching sessions) may be conducted as needed throughout the performance year.
C. All documents become a permanent part of the employee’s Performance Plan and are maintained in the employee’s unit file.
D. The end-of-year overall performance assessment should be completed by the end of October for the preceding year. Signatures should be obtained. The employee and supervisor may make comments on the end-of-year assessment, and a copy provided for the employee, if desired. The original end-of-year assessment should be filed in the employee’s unit file.
E. Supervisors should recognize and reward exceptional or outstanding performance through supplemental award programs as outlined in General Orders 413.00 and 414.00.
F. The end-of-year assessment may also include career counseling issues such as training, advancement opportunities, or other related items.
G. A Divisional memo should be forwarded to the Personnel Services Unit in the Personnel and Development Division confirming that all ratings have been completed. Attach a copy of only those overall performance plans (signature/comments page included) of employees rated as “Does Not Meet Standard”.

411.04 Support, Administrative, Investigation, Deployment Sworn
A. All other non-patrol performance will be based on established Goals/Objectives, Behavioral Competencies, and Compliance Issues. Goals and Competencies will be rated as either M – Meets Standard, or D – Does Not Meet Standard. Compliance Issues are rated as either (Yes) – Meets Standard, or (No) – Does not Meet Standard.
B. The format of the performance plan can be a memo or any other document as best meets the needs of the individual operational unit. It must contain the 1) Goals and Objectives, 2) Behavioral Competencies, and 3) Compliance Issues. The performance plan must be communicated with the employee, signed by the employee and supervisor, with the original maintained in the employee unit file and a copy provided to the employee.
C. The performance plan should contain a minimum of 3-5 Goals/Objectives, 5-7 Behavioral Competencies (plus 5 Supervisory Behavioral Competencies when applicable), and all Compliance Issues.
D. Performance plans must also include applicable performance measures indicating what criteria will be utilized to assess an employee’s performance in all areas.
1. Three “NO” ratings in Compliance Issues Section will result in an overall job performance rating of “Does Not Meet” standard regardless of Goals/Objectives or Behavioral Competencies ratings.
2. Performance that falls below satisfactory standards during the year should first be addressed between the supervisor and the employee through a performance improvement plan (PIP) process. Consult the Personnel Services Unit in Personnel and Development Division for assistance.
3. Notification of unsatisfactory performance should be made to the employee immediately, or as soon as is reasonably possible. The PIP should 1) identify the unsatisfactory performance, 2) define what actions are necessary obtain a satisfactory level of performance, 3) time allowed for improvement, 4) actions to be taken if performance requirement is not met, 5) and any other pertinent information. Whenever possible, notification of unsatisfactory performance should be made prior to 90 days before the end of the performance year.
4. Unsatisfactory performance may also be cause for referral to the Employee Support Program in accordance with General Order 433.00.
5. Late year performance problems (within 90 days of the end of the performance year) should still be addressed through the PIP process.
6. If performance standards are not met, the employee is subject to disciplinary action, up to and including discharge.

411.05 Support, Administrative, Investigative, Deployment Performance Sessions/Scheduling
A. Performance plans for all other non-patrol sworn should be completed by the end of October of each year and filed in the employee’s unit file. A performance year is a fiscal year (October through September).
B. Supervisors must conduct a mid-year performance review before the end of April each year. Additional reviews (coaching sessions) may be conducted as needed throughout the performance year. The mid-year review should be signed by the employee and supervisor.
C. All documents become a permanent part of the employee’s Performance Plan and are maintained in the employee’s unit file.
D. The end-of-year overall assessment should be completed by the end of October for the preceding year. Signatures should be obtained. The employee and supervisor may make comments on the end-of-year assessment, and a copy provided for the employee, if desired. The original end-of-year assessment should be filed in the employee’s unit file.
E. Supervisors should recognize and reward exceptional or outstanding performance through supplemental award programs as outlined in General Orders 413.00 and 414.00.
F. The end-of-year assessment may also include career counseling issues such as training, advancement opportunities, or other related items.
G. A Divisional memo should be forwarded to the Personnel Services Unit in the Personnel and Development Division confirming that all ratings have been completed. Attach a copy of only those overall performance plans (signature/comments page included) of employees rated as “Does Not Meet Standard”.

411.06 Civilian Performance Plans
A. Civilian performance plans and processes are established by the City of Dallas Human Resources Department annually.
B. Performance categories are normally pre-defined but supervisors have the option of adding additional responsibilities and projects, if applicable.

411.07 Civilian Performance Sessions/Scheduling
A. The Personnel and Development Division, Personnel Services Unit, will communicate Civilian performance planning and processing requirements to the Dallas Police Department, as established by City of Dallas Human Resources. Generally, all performance evaluations for the prior fiscal year should be completed before the end of October, and new performance plans for the current year should be completed before the end of November.
B. Supervisors must conduct a mid-year performance review before the end of April each year. Additional reviews (coaching sessions) may be conducted as needed throughout the performance year. The mid-year review should be signed by the employee and supervisor.
C. All documents become part of the employee’s Performance Plan and are maintained in the employee’s unit file.
D. The end-of-year overall performance assessment should be completed in accordance with established guidelines. These normally include an initial overall assessment of performance rating as determined by the immediate supervisor (appraiser) and concurrence by the next level of supervision (reviewer) prior to the actual review with the employee.
E. The end-of-year assessment may also include career counseling issues such as training, advancement opportunities, or other related items.
F. The supervisor should then conduct the end-of-year final review with the employee and obtain the employee’s signature. The employee and supervisor may make comments on the end-of-year assessment, and the employee should be provided a copy of the final assessment, if desired.
G. The original, signed overall performance page must be forwarded to the Personnel and Development Division, Personnel Services Unit.
H. Employees rated as “Unacceptable” or with two consecutive (including mid-year) ratings of “Needs Improvement” or below, are considered below the satisfactory performance standard.
I. Unsatisfactory performance may also be cause for referral to the Employee Support Program in accordance with General Order 433.00.
J. Performance below satisfactory standards should first be addressed between the supervisor and the employee through a performance improvement plan (PIP) process. If standards are not met, the employee is subject to formal disciplinary action, up to and including discharge.

411.08 Executive Sworn
A. The Personnel and Development Division, Personnel Services Unit, will communicate Executive Sworn performance planning and processing requirements for Executive Sworn as established by City of Dallas Human Resources.
B. Supervisors must conduct a mid-year performance review before the end of April each year. Additional reviews (coaching sessions) may be conducted as needed throughout the performance year. The mid-year review should be signed by the employee and the supervisor.
C. All documents become part of the employee’s Performance Plan and are maintained in the employee’s unit file.
D. Once the end-of-year assessment has been completed, the employee should be provided a copy of the final assessment, if desired.
E. The original signed overall performance page must be forwarded to the Personnel and Development Division, Personnel Services Unit.
F. Performance deemed to be below satisfactory standards should be addressed between the supervisor and the employee through a performance improvement plan (PIP) process. Unsatisfactory performance may also be cause for referral to the Employee Support Program in accordance with General Order 433.00.
G. If standards are not met, the employee is subject to formal disciplinary action, up to and including discharge.

411.09 Final Overall Appraisal and Merit or Step Increase
A. Patrol Response and all other Non-Patrol Sworn – in order to be eligible for a merit step, the employee must receive an overall final rating of “Meets Standard”. Unless otherwise stipulated, merits become effective on the eligible employee’s anniversary date.
B. Civilian – merit amounts and effective dates are determined by City of Dallas Human Resources annually.
C. Executive Sworn – qualifications for merit steps are determined by City of Dallas Human Resources annually. Unless otherwise stipulated, merit steps become effective on the eligible employee’s anniversary date.
D. Sworn personnel receiving formal discipline (one day suspension or greater) will not be eligible for their next step increase for a period of one year after the discipline is imposed.
1. The date the discipline is imposed, rather than the date the rule violation occurred, will be used to determine which step increase will not be implemented.
2. The next step increase an officer is scheduled to receive after discipline is issued will be withheld regardless of the officer’s overall performance rating for the period in which the discipline is issued or for the period in which the incident occurred.
3. Sworn personnel who receive a final overall rating of “Does Not Meet” standard solely as the result of formal discipline will not be made ineligible for more than one step increase. In this circumstance, the next step increase following either a final performance rating of “Does Not Meet” standard or the issuance of formal discipline (reprimand or above) will be denied.
4. The fact that issued discipline is under appeal will not affect the denial of the step increase.
5. If the discipline is later reduced to a level below a one day suspension, the officer will be entitled to back pay and the implementation of the previously denied step, retroactive to the date the step increase would have been implemented.
6. Officers who have a step denied due to discipline and/or an overall performance rating of “Does Not Meet” standard, will not receive a double step increase during the next rating period to bring their pay to the level they would have been eligible for had they not received formal discipline.
E. IAD and/or the Safety Unit (vehicle accidents) will notify the Personnel Services Unit in Personnel of any formal discipline of a one day suspension or greater within three days of issuance.
F. IAD will notify Personnel and Development Division of disciplinary appeals that result in discipline being reduced to a level below that of a one day suspension.
G. Personnel and Development Division will issue a memo to all officers who receive formal discipline of a one day suspension or greater notifying them they are not eligible to receive their next scheduled step increase.
H. Personnel and Development Division will be responsible for notifying City of Dallas Human Resources of officers denied step increases and the date of the affected increase.

411.10 Rating/Appraising Supervisor
A. The employee should be rated by the supervisor they are assigned to when reviews come due. The rating/appraising supervisor should seek feedback from an employee’s prior supervisor(s) in order to arrive at a final overall assessment. If an employee changes performance plan format during the performance year, i.e., Patrol Response to a supervisory or non-Patrol Response assignment, the supervisor should use the format for the current assignment.
B. Departures or Reassignments
1. Supervisor – Prior to a supervisor’s permanent reassignment, the supervisor will make a performance assessment on each assigned employee reflecting whether or not the employee currently M – Meets standard, or D – Does Not Meet standard (Patrol Response and all other Non-Patrol Sworn). For Civilian and Executive Sworn, a current assessment will be made in accordance with applicable requirements. The second level supervisor will make the assessments in the event of a demotion, termination, or death.
2. Employee – prior to an employee’s permanent reassignment, transfer, promotion, or demotion, the supervisor will assess an employee’s overall performance reflecting whether or not the employee currently M – Meets standard, or D – Does Not Meet standard (for Patrol Response and all other Non-Patrol Sworn). For Civilian and Executive Sworn, a current assessment will be made in accordance with applicable requirements. The assessment, along with the employee’s existing Performance Plan, will be forwarded to the gaining organization.
C. Rating/Appraising Supervisors should send a memorandum to the Personnel and Development Division, Personnel Services Unit, listing only those employees who are “NOT” eligible for a merit anniversary step or a civilian merit due to:
1. Final overall performance rating;
2. Insufficient number of days worked to warrant a rating; or
3. Any other qualifying circumstance, i.e., reinstatement, military, etc.

411.11 Performance Appraisal Appeals
A performance appeal allows an employee to appeal their “Final Overall Appraisal” rating only. Individual category ratings may not be appealed, and the appeal process is not a part of General Order 430.00 (Grievance Procedure). Performance plans, mid-year reviews, and final end-of-year performance assessments are not grievable.
1. Patrol Response and all other Non-Patrol Sworn – An employee who wants to appeal their final overall rating must make a written request for a hearing with their second level supervisor. If not resolved, the employee may make a written request for a final appeal with the Division Commander. If the Division Commander is the second level supervisor, the employee may make a final appeal to one level higher. Time requests for employee appeal requests and supervisory responses are all ten working days (Monday – Friday excluding observed Holidays).
2. Civilian and Executive Sworn – An employee who wants to appeal their final overall rating will follow applicable appeal guidelines as established by City of Dallas Human Resources annually.

411.12 Required Probationary Reports and New Patrol Response Performance Plans
A. Monthly Performance Evaluation Following Promotion to Senior Corporal, Sergeant, or Lieutenant.
1. Immediate supervisors will submit monthly evaluations on all probationary Senior Corporals, Sergeants, and Lieutenants under their command.
a. The Police Department Monthly Probationary Performance Report form will be used for these evaluations.
b. All monthly evaluations will be routed through the Bureau Commander to the Personnel and Development Division.
2. If the overall performance for the six-month probationary period is below standard, a decision should be made on the retention status of the employee, and a memorandum prepared documenting the unsatisfactory performance and forwarded to the Personnel and Development Division through the Chief of Police.
B. Patrol officers who complete the Field Training segment of their overall training will have their performance measured by activity averages in the sector each officer works, and Compliance Issues, until the beginning of the next fiscal year cycle. The Personnel Services Unit of the Personnel and Development Division will contact supervisors as needed on anniversary year assessments.
C. Non-Sworn Employee Initial or Promotional Probation Reviews
1. Non-Sworn employees should have their performance reviewed on a quarterly basis during the six month probationary period (no less than a minimum of two times) during an initial or promotional probationary period. Supervisors may review performance at more frequent intervals during the probationary period, as necessary. Probationary reviews should be documented on the performance plan itself or on a separate memorandum maintained in the employee’s performance file.
2. If it is determined that an employee fails to successfully complete probation, the employee should be immediately notified of the failure and
a. terminated, if serving an initial probation;
b. given an opportunity to retreat, if serving a promotional probation and a right to retreat exists; or
c. terminated, if serving a promotional probation and no right to retreat exists.
3. Non-Sworn employees who reach the end of their initial or probationary period, including any applicable extensions, are deemed to have successfully completed probation. Supervisors should document the completion as part of the employee’s performance file, but there is no need to forward any documentation to the Personnel and Development Division.

411.13 Non-Performance Related End-of-Year Documentation
All employees will utilize the annual performance review process to update important file documents. These documents will be updated in November of each year during the open enrollment process. These include, but are not limited to:
1. Beneficiary Designation Form (under “Forms” on the DPD Intranet). Ensures your designated beneficiaries receive benefits in accordance with your wishes. Original kept in personnel file in Personnel and Development Division.
2. Beneficiary Form Group Life Insurance Form (under “Forms” on the DPD Intranet). Ensures your designated beneficiaries receive life insurance benefits in accordance with your wishes. Original sent to insurance company, and a copy maintained in personnel file in Personnel and Development Division.
3. Emergency Contact Information Form. Ensures the Department is able to contact those you have designated in the event of an emergency (See General Order 428.14). This form should be maintained in the employee’s unit file with a copy sent to the Special Records Team in Personnel and Development Division.

Dallas Police Department General Order

412.00 Written Commendations

Revised 01/17/2020

412.01 Personal Commendation Forms (External Commendations)
A. All supervisory officers and officers assigned to desk duty will be familiar with entering commendations in BlueTeam. This will be used to document commendations made in person or by telephone.
B. Supervisory officers and desk officers are responsible for completing a commendation incident in BlueTeam when they receive a commendation by telephone or in person. Multiple employees may be submitted on a single commendation.
C. The supervisory officer or desk officer accepting the commendation information will verify the employee’s identity, complete the commendation entry, attach any documents, and forward the entry and all pertinent information to the Unit Commander for approval.
D. Other officers (who are not supervisors or desk officers), when informed of a commendable act of another departmental employee, will report the information to their immediate supervisor. The supervisor will complete a commendation incident in BlueTeam and forward it to the Unit Commander.
E. Two copies will be made. The Unit Commander will give one to the commended employee, and place a copy in the employee’s unit personnel file. The entry will be forwarded to the Internal Affairs Division in BlueTeam.
F. Upon receipt of an external commendation, the Unit Commander will ensure a standard Thank You note card (DPD- 03914) is prepared and mailed to the citizen making the commendation. A copy of the note will be placed in the employee’s unit personnel file.

412.02 Internal Commendations
A. The supervisor noting the incident, act, or condition will complete a commendation incident in BlueTeam and forward it to the supervisor to which the employee is assigned.
B. The employee's immediate supervisor will approve and forward through the lieutenant to the Internal Affairs Division to be logged. A copy will be placed in the employee's unit file and a copy given to the employee. It is not necessary for the employee to sign the report when it is a commendation.
C. Performance reviews and appraisals and memoranda recognizing employees for taking no sick time will be documented in a memorandum and filed in the employee's unit file. Copies will not be sent to the Internal Affairs Division and will not be recorded as a commendation.

412.03 Personal Commendation Letters
A. Employees receiving personal commendation letters will forward a copy to their immediate supervisor. The supervisor will enter the commendation into BlueTeam and forward it to the Unit Commander. The Unit Commander will approve and forward the entry to the Program Administrator and place a copy in the employee’s personnel file.
B. Upon receipt of a personal commendation letter, the Unit Commander will ensure a standard Thank You note card (DPD-03914) is prepared and mailed to the citizen making the commendation. A copy of the note will be placed in the employee’s unit personnel file.

Dallas Police Department General Order

413.00 Awards and Recognition Programs

Revised 12/02/2022

413.01 The Meritorious Conduct Board
A. The purpose of the Meritorious Conduct Board is to review nominations involving particularly meritorious service and to make recommendations to the Chief of Police for proper recognition of outstanding acts performed by employees of the Department.
B. It receives nominations made by any Supervisory level employee of the Department for the presentation of awards.
C. It approves or disapproves nominations not previously approved per G.O. 414.01 and, if merited, decides what type of award is to be given.
D. Any supervisor who observes or receives information regarding the action of any sworn or non-sworn employee, which in the opinion of the supervisor would qualify the employee for an award, will submit a nomination to the Meritorious Conduct Board, Personnel Division, or the first Chief level officer in their chain of command if the award nomination is for a Certificate of Merit or Certificate of Civic Achievement.
1. Any Chief-level officer, by virtue of rank and duty position held, will have authority to approve Certificate of Merit and Certificate of Civic Achievement awards based upon a valid recommendation from the employee’s chain of command and/or personal observation. Once approved/denied by the Chief-level officer, the nomination will be forwarded to the Awards Recognition Coordinator for the issuance of a certificate and/or statistical tracking.
2. The nomination will include a complete account of the incident, the names of all individuals involved in the incident, and all actions taken by each individual involved.
3. The nomination will be submitted in a timely manner, except where there are internal investigations in progress, in which case the nomination will be submitted once the investigation is closed.
4. Supervisors will submit all pertinent documentation supporting the employee’s outstanding performance and action to receive the applicable meritorious award. Documentation includes police reports, internal affairs resume and references from citizens of their eyewitness reports.
5. Sworn and non-sworn personnel that have an active internal affairs investigation, public integrity investigation, or a Police Oversight Board investigation are not eligible to participate in departmental award ceremonies. However, personnel under investigation may receive their award at the discretion of the Chief of Police. The Employee Relations Team will be responsible for contacting the Internal Affairs Division and Public Integrity Unit to determine if a recipient of an award has an active investigation.
E. It is also the function of the board to approve recommendations and, in some cases, make the choice of sworn and non-sworn employees to receive awards from outside organizations or individuals.
F. The Awards Recognition Coordinator will notify the Media Relations Unit, when appropriate, for department wide announcements regarding awards ceremonies.
G. Composition of the Meritorious Conduct Board:
1. The board will consist of a chairperson, six Lieutenants, and four non-sworn employees, with Supervisory Pay Grade H or higher. Each of the six Lieutenants will have an alternate at the rank of Lieutenant. Each of the non- sworn employees will have an alternate with the Supervisory Pay Grade H or higher. All members and their alternates will be appointed by the chairperson of the Meritorious Conduct Board with the concurrence of the respective Bureau Commanders.
a. The Personnel Division Commander will serve as permanent chairperson.
b. One Lieutenant and one alternate will be appointed from the Office of the Chief of Police.
c. Two Lieutenants and two alternates will be appointed from the Office of the Assistant Chief of Investigations and Tactical.
d. One Lieutenant and one alternate will be appointed from the Office of the Assistant Chief of Administrative.
e. Two Lieutenants and two alternates will be appointed from the Office of the Assistant Chief of Patrol.
f. The non-sworn employees will be appointed to represent all non-sworn personnel.
2. Each member and each alternate will be appointed to a one-year term commencing January 15 each year.
3. Upon completion of one year's service on the board, the alternate will become a regular representative. The new alternate will be appointed to a one-year term commencing January 15 each year.
4. The chairperson of the Meritorious Conduct Board will make new appointments as needed to fill vacancies of sworn members created by promotions or transfers in order to ensure proper representation for the Offices.
5. The chairperson of the Meritorious Conduct Board will make new appointments as needed to fill vacancies of non- sworn members created by promotions or transfers.
H. The chairperson and six representatives or alternate representatives will constitute a quorum.
I. The chairperson of the board will serve as the presiding officer and will not have voting power except in the case of a tie vote.
J. It will be the responsibility of the chairperson to call special meetings when deemed necessary.
K. The employee assigned as the Awards Coordinator will serve as secretary to the board and will be a non-voting member.

413.02 Officer of the Year Award (presented by the Friends of the Dallas Police)
A. Supervisors may submit the nomination of an officer from their individual commands to be considered for the John T. McCarthy Officer of the Year Award. Nominations should be submitted to the Meritorious Conduct Board.
B. The Meritorious Conduct Board will review the nominations and place a vote. A selection for Bureau Officer of the Year will be made from nominations with the highest vote in each category. Each Bureau Officer of the Year will be forwarded to the Chief of Police for final review and selection of the Departmental Officer of the Year.
C. Letters of nomination should include:
1. Overall performance for the year
2. Commendations and Departmental awards
3. Specific incidents of exemplary performance
4. Work on special projects
5. Attendance record
6. Internal Affairs Resume
7. Civic activities (community involvement)
D. The officer must have completed two years of service prior to September of the year for which the award is being given.
E. The Officer of the Year will be awarded the Police Commendation. Bureau Awardees will receive a Certificate of Merit.
F. The awards will be presented at the annual Friends of the Dallas Police Awards Banquet.

413.03 Supervisor of the Year Award (presented by the Friends of the Dallas Police)
A. Organizational Commanders may submit the nomination for a sworn or non-sworn supervisor to be considered for the Marvin R. Bullard Supervisor of the Year Award. Nominations should be submitted to the Meritorious Conduct Board.
B. The board will review nominations and place a vote, and the three finalists will be selected from the nominations with the highest votes. Those names will be forwarded with nominating letters and supporting documentation to the Chief of Police for the final selection.
C. Letters of nomination should include:
1. Overall performance for the year
2. Commendations and Departmental awards
3. Specific incidents of exemplary performance
4. Work on special projects
5. Attendance record
6. Internal Affairs Resume
7. Civic activities (community involvement)
D. The supervisor must have completed two years of service prior to September of the year for which the award is being given.
E. The Supervisor of the Year will be awarded the Police Commendation. The runner-ups will receive a Certificate of Merit.
F. The awards will be presented at the annual Friends of the Dallas Police Awards Banquet.

413.04 Field Training Officer of the Year (presented by the Friends of the Dallas Police)
A. Patrol supervisors may submit nominations for Field Training Officers from their division to be considered for the Field Training Officer of the Year. Nominations should be submitted through the chain of command to the Meritorious Conduct Board.
B. The board will review nominations and place a vote, and the three finalists will be selected from the nominations with the highest votes. Those names will be forwarded with nominating letters and supporting documentation to the Chief of Police for the final selection.
C. Letters of nomination should include:
1. Overall performance for the year
2. Commendations and Departmental awards
3. Specific incidents of exemplary performance
4. Work on special projects
5. Attendance record
6. Internal Affairs Resume
7. Civic activities (community involvement)
D. The Field Training Officer of the Year must have held the title of Principal Field Training Officer for a minimum of two years prior to September of the year for which the award is being given. Nominees should have trained a minimum of four full rotations of basic training classes with three recruit officers in each rotation.
E. The Field Training Officer of the Year will be awarded the Police Commendation. The runners-up will receive a Certificate of Merit.
F. The awards will be presented at the annual Friends of the Dallas Police Awards Banquet.

413.05 The Non-Sworn Employee of the Year Award (presented by the Friends of the Dallas Police)
A. Supervisors may submit a non-sworn employee from their individual command to be considered for the James C. Taylor Non-Sworn Employee of the Year Award. Nominations should be submitted to the Meritorious Conduct Board.
B. The Meritorious Conduct Board will review the nominations, place a vote, and a selection for the Bureau Non-Sworn Employee of the Year will be made from nominations with the highest vote in each category. Each Bureau Non- Sworn Employee of the Year will be forwarded to the Chief of Police for final review and selection of the Departmental Non-Sworn Employee of the Year.
C. Letters of nomination should include:
1. Overall performance for the year
2. Commendations
3. Specific incidents of exemplary performance
4. Work on special projects
5. Attendance Records
6. Civic activities (community involvement)
7. Internal Affairs Resume
D. The employee must have completed one year of service prior to September of the year for which the award is being given.
E. The Non-Sworn Employee of the Year will receive a Police Commendation and the remaining Bureau Awardees will receive a Certificate of Merit.
F. The awards will be presented at the annual Friends of the Dallas Police Awards Banquet.

413.06 Reserve Officer of the Year
Nominations for the Joe C. Jones Reserve Officer of the Year Award are made by supervisors and submitted through the Reserve Coordinator to the Meritorious Conduct Board. The Board will select one Reserve Officer from nominations received to be honored as Reserve Officer of the Year at the annual Friends of the Dallas Police Awards Banquet. The Reserve Officer of the Year will be awarded the Certificate of Merit.

413.07 Rookie of the Year Award (presented by the Dallas Junior Chamber of Commerce)
A. Nominations for the Johnny Sides Rookie of the Year Award are made by supervisors. The nominations must be submitted through the chain-of-command to the Meritorious Conduct Board.
B. Letters of nomination should include:
1. Overall performance
2. Overall incidents of exemplary performance
3. Commendations and Departmental awards
4. Work on special projects
5. Attendance record
6. Civic activities (community involvement)
7. Internal Affairs Resume
C. The Board will review all nominations and place a vote. Three finalists will be selected from the nominations with the highest vote. The three finalists’ names will then be forwarded with the nominating letters to the Dallas Junior Chamber of Commerce (DJCC).
D. The Johnny Sides Rookie of the Year will be selected from the three finalists by the Dallas Junior Chamber of Commerce (DJCC). The Rookie of the Year and two runners-up will be recognized at the annual Johnny Sides Rookie of the Year Banquet.
E. The Rookie of the Year will be awarded the Police Commendation and the two runners-up will be awarded the Certificate of Merit by the Meritorious Conduct Board.

413.08 Citizen’s Certificate of Merit
A. All persons whose actions exemplify excellence in performance of civic responsibilities, show unselfish devotion to their fellow men and the community where they live, and/or bring honor to themselves and recognition to the City through their actions are eligible for this award.
B. Any employee who has knowledge of an incident involving a meritorious act by a citizen will submit, through channels to the Division Commander, a recommendation that the Citizen’s Certificate of Merit be awarded. The recommendation should include the home or business mailing address of the prospective recipient. The Division Commander will then forward the report to his/her Assistant Chief/Executive Assistant Director who will determine, through consultation with the Chief of Police, if such award is to be made.
C. The Employee Relations Team will coordinate with the nominating Division, to determine whether the citizen is willing to accept the award and will arrange with the administrative aide of the Chief of Police a suitable time for the presentation ceremony.

413.09 Officer of the Month Award (Dallas Community Police Awards Committee)
A. The Officer of the Month Award is to recognize sworn employees whose duty performance over a period of time has been exemplary and outstanding in the areas of community and civic activities, or overall duty performance as a Dallas Police Officer.
1. Nomination letters for civic activities and community involvement should cite and detail the impact the officer’s involvement has had on the community. This should include a description of the activity, number of volunteer hours, out of pocket costs, the specific impact on the community and citizens benefitting, and any recognition to the City of Dallas, Dallas Police Department, and officer involved as an example.
2. Nomination letters for overall duty performance or specific projects and assignments should cite and detail how these activities went above and beyond the expectations, requirements, or duty description for the officer, benefitted the community through crime reduction or quality of life issue(s), and any recognition by the City of Dallas, Dallas Police Department, citizens impacted or the local media as an example.
3. Nominations must include Internal Affairs Resume
B. Supervisors may submit nominations through their Organizational Commanders to the Personnel Division.
C. The Dallas Community Police Awards Committee is comprised of twelve organizations from the community who meet during the even months of the year and make the selection for the Officer of the Month. The nominations are presented to the committee from the Awards Liaison in the Personnel Division who will be available to answer questions.
D. Once the committee makes the selection, the Awards Liaison will notify the recipient, the officer’s Chain of Command, and the Chief of Police.
E. The officer will be honored at a ceremony with a plaque, an Officer of the Month Bar, and any other awards. The officer will have his/her name on display in the Police Library located on the 2nd Floor of Jack Evans Police Headquarters for the month chosen.
F. Any officer not selected by the committee for the first month submitted will be eligible for consideration of the award during each of the following five months.
G. At the beginning of each year, the twelve officers selected the previous year are voted on by the Dallas Community Police Awards Committee, to determine which officer will be recognized as the committee’s Officer of the Year. The officer will be honored at the Prestonwood Country Club and they will receive a plaque, Officer of the Year Bar, and any other awards that are presented.

413.10 Non-Sworn Employee of the Month Award
A. The Non-Sworn Employee of the Month Award is intended to recognize non-sworn employees whose duty performance over a period of time has been exemplary and outstanding. Letters of nomination may cite overall duty performance, specific projects and assignments, attendance, commendations, Internal Affairs Resume, and civic activities/community involvement.
B. The employee must have completed one year of service in the Department.
C. Supervisors may submit nominations through their Organizational Commanders to the Meritorious Conduct Board. Nomination memos must reach the Meritorious Conduct Board by the 15th of the month preceding the month for which the employee has been nominated.
D. The Meritorious Conduct Board will make the selection of the Non-Sworn Employee of the Month.
E. Once the board makes the selection, the board secretary will notify the Chief of Police and the employee's Organizational Commander.
F. The employee selected will be honored by presentation of a plaque during a ceremony.
G. An employee not selected by the board for the first month submitted will be eligible for consideration of the award during each of the following five months.

413.11 Detective of the Year (presented by the Friends of the Dallas Police)
A. Supervisors may submit the nomination of a Detective from their individual commands to be considered for the James R. Leavelle Detective of the Year Award. Nominations should be submitted to the Meritorious Conduct Board.
B. The Meritorious Conduct Board will review the nominations, place a vote, and the three finalists will be selected from the nominations with the highest votes. Those names will then be forwarded with nominating letters and supporting documentation to the Chief of Police for the final selection.
C. Letters of Nomination should include:
1. Overall performance for the year
2. Commendations and Departmental awards
3. Specific Incidents of exemplary performance
4. Work on special projects
5. Attendance Records
6. Internal Affairs Resume
7. Civic Activities (community involvement)
D. The Detective must be responsible for criminal investigations and must have completed two years of service in their position prior to September of the year which the award is being given.
E. The Detective of the Year will be awarded the Police Commendation. The two runners-up will receive a Certificate of Merit.
F. The awards will be presented at the annual Friends of the Dallas Police Awards Banquet.

Dallas Police Department General Order

414.00 Departmental Decorations

Revised 12/02/2022

414.01 Presentation and Issuance of Awards
The first 10 of the Department's overall 30 decorations (from The Police Medal of Honor to The Theodore Roosevelt Award) are listed in the order of precedence that follows, and will be presented by the level of command as indicated below:
A. The Chief of Police may personally direct the issuance of awards as warranted.
B. The Police Medal of Honor, The Police Cross, and The Police Medal of Valor will be presented by the Chief of Police.
C. The Meritorious Conduct Bar and the Police Commendation Bar can be immediately approved by any Assistant Chief for circumstances that meet the criteria of such award. These awards will be presented by any Assistant Chief or during an awards ceremony by the Chief of Police.
D. The Lifesaving Bar, The Police Shield, The Certificate of Merit, and The Certificate of Achievement can be immediately approved by any Chief-level officer. These awards will be presented by any Chief-level officer or during an awards ceremony by the Chief of Police.
E. All remaining Departmental Decorations will not be listed in order of precedence, but are specific to the proficiency, category, or achievement as described in the applicable criteria. These awards may be presented by the recipient’s Division or Section Commander or during an awards ceremony by the Chief of Police.
F. For an award that is being considered for approval by a Chief-level officer, the Meritorious Conduct Board will be available to answer any questions and provide recommendations to ensure that approval of the nominated award is consistent with similar awards given in the past.
G. Any award that is immediately issued outside the normal guidelines of the Meritorious Conduct Board will be reported to the Personnel and Support Division for issuance of a certificate and statistical tracking.

414.02 Wearing of Awards
The wearing of awards by uniformed personnel is depicted in Section 802.29.

414.03 Eligibility of Reserve Officers
Each member of the Dallas Police Reserve is eligible for all awards, while on assigned duty under supervision of the Dallas Police Department.

414.04 The Police Medal of Honor
A. The highest award in the Department.
B. To be awarded to an officer who voluntarily distinguishes himself/herself conspicuously by gallantry and extraordinary heroism. The act must be in excess of normal demands and of such a nature that the officer was fully aware of the imminent threat to his or her personal safety, and acted above and beyond the call of duty at the risk of his or her life.
C. The term above and beyond the call of duty in the qualifications for the Police Medal of Honor disqualifies all acts of courage, no matter how great, performed in the course of carrying out verbal or written orders.

414.05 The Police Cross
A. Ranked next in prominence to the Police Medal of Honor.
B. To be awarded where an officer loses his/her life in performance of duty under honorable circumstances. The Police Cross may be awarded in addition to any other award the officer may be entitled to in making the supreme sacrifice.

414.06 The Police Medal for Valor
A. Ranked next in prominence to the Police Cross.
B. To be awarded for exceptional bravery at imminent risk of serious bodily injury, with the recipient having demonstrated exceptional courage by performing a voluntary course of action in an extremely dangerous situation.
C. The term voluntary course of action in the qualification for the Police Medal for Valor disqualifies all acts of courage, no matter how great, performed in the course of carrying out verbal or written orders.

414.07 The Meritorious Conduct Bar
A. Ranked next in prominence to the Police Medal for Valor.
B. To be awarded for a heroic deed and exceptional meritorious conduct involving exemplary courage, risk and danger to an officer's personal safety.
C. May be awarded to an officer for meritorious service in a duty of great responsibility, the duty reflecting excellence in such performance, and whereby the officer distinguishes himself or herself and the Department in carrying out such performance.

414.08 The Police Commendation Bar
A. Ranked next in prominence to the Meritorious Conduct Bar.
B. To be awarded to an officer for outstanding performance involving great risk to his or her personal safety while performing his duties.
C. May be awarded to any officer for outstanding contributions to law enforcement through the success of difficult police projects, programs or situations, with such contributions being made in a highly professional degree of accomplishment.
D. The Police Commendation Bar may be awarded to any officer, upon recommendation of his or her supervisor, who has received three or more Certificates of Merit or three or more Certificates of Civic Achievement. One year must have elapsed after the awarding of the third such award before an officer is eligible, and recommendations must justify such continuous performance before the award will be made.

414.09 The Life Saving Bar
A. Ranked next in prominence to the Police Commendation Bar.
B. To be awarded to any officer directly responsible for the saving of a human life.
C. This award may also be made where evidence indicates an officer’s actions prolonged a human life at least six hours following the release of the victim into the care of medical authorities, even though the victim expires at a later time.
D. The saving or prolonging of a human life must occur under one of the following circumstances in which:
1. The victim has sustained a life-threatening injury or is experiencing life-threatening medical distress.
2. The individual is in a life-threatening situation and is rescued by an officer who has placed him or herself in imminent physical danger.
E. Nomination letters must include documentation and supporting evidence to substantiate the award, such as statements from witnesses, physicians, paramedics, or supervisors.
F. The award may be approved in addition to the awarding of a higher medal where the facts show the recipient is entitled to such award.
G. Meritorious actions not meeting the criteria outlined above may be considered for the award of a Certificate of Merit.

414.10 The Police Shield
A. Ranked next in prominence to the Life Saving Bar.
B. To be awarded to any Police Officer or other uniformed employee of this Department who is seriously injured in the line-of-duty due to an assault.
C. May be awarded to any Police Officer or other uniformed employee of this Department who is seriously injured in the line of duty as a result of fires, explosions, etc.
D. May be awarded in addition to the awarding of a higher award where the facts show the recipient is entitled to such award.
E. The injury must not be the result of or concurrent with any conduct of the recipient that is less than acceptable by all standards.
F. The board may not consider injuries sustained from falls on ice, motor vehicle accidents and the like, unless the evidence clearly indicates the employee had exhausted all reasonable safety precautions and had no control over the circumstances.

414.11 The Certificate of Merit
A. Ranked next in prominence to the Police Shield.
B. For excellence in police work. Also a bar for police personnel who receive such award.
C. To be awarded to Police Officers of any rank for outstanding performance of duties under unusual, complicated, or hazardous conditions over any period of time.
D. To be awarded to non-sworn police personnel, as well as officers, for outstanding or superior performance of any assignment over a prolonged period of time, but such performance to be clearly defined as exceptional, placing them well above other officers or civilians of equal rank or grade.
E. May be awarded to field officers assigned to patrol or traffic duties who permit Law Enforcement Explorers to participate in ride-along activities as outlined in Section 426.02, and the field officer accumulates 200 hours of participation time.
1. The hours of ride-along time will be tracked for each occasion on a form submitted by the participating officer to the Explorer Advisor on the watch or at the Division where the officer works.
2. The form will be filed and maintained by the Advisor who will log the hours earned onto a summary sheet.
3. When an officer has accumulated 200 hours, the Advisor will prepare a memo for the signature of the officer's immediate supervisor for submission to the Division Commander. The summary sheet for the officer being nominated will be attached as the supporting document.
4. Only one Certificate of Merit may be earned per officer through participation in the Explorer Ride-Along program.
F. May be awarded (without bar) to any Police Officer from another law enforcement agency qualifying under the above mentioned conditions if earned while aiding, assisting, or working with any officer of the Dallas Police Department.
G. Under no circumstances will the Certificate of Merit be awarded in conjunction with another award for the same service or deed.
H. May be awarded to any distinct work group of employees when the actions of the group as a whole meet the qualifications. One certificate will be awarded and it will remain with the unit. Individual employees will not receive a certificate or bar. However, an employee may be recommended for a separate Certificate of Merit based on his or her individual merit.

414.12 The Certificate of Civic Achievement
A. Ranked next in prominence to the Certificate of Merit.
B. To be presented to sworn and non-sworn employees of the Department who bring favorable recognition to the Department through their involvement in civic affairs while acting in the capacity of an employee and representative of the Dallas Police Department.
C. May be awarded as a one-time presentation to sworn and non-sworn employees who were employed by the Department and:
1. Activated by the Governor to “State Active Duty” in response to natural or man-made disasters or Homeland Defense missions or:
2. Activated under Title 32 orders “Full-time National Guard Duty” by the Governor with the approval of the President or Secretary of Defense under 32 USC (US Code) 502 (f), 091, or 902.
D. To be eligible for the one-time presentation of the Certificate of Civic Achievement under Subsection C, the employee must provide documentation verifying activation to the Military Liaison.

414.13 The Theodore Roosevelt Award
A. Ranked next in prominence to the Certificate of Civic Achievement.
B. Awarded by the Theodore Roosevelt Association to the Police Officer of any rank who has overcome an adversity whether injury, illness or other disability, and who have rendered, and continue to render, outstanding and praiseworthy service to the Dallas Police Department.

414.14 The FBI National Academy Bar
A. To be awarded to sworn supervisors (Lieutenants and above) who have successfully graduated from the FBI National Academy.
B. The sworn officer will notify the Personnel and Support Division that they have graduated, and present the graduation certificate.

414.15 The Caruth Police Institute Bar
A. To be awarded to sworn personnel who have successfully completed a Caruth Police Institute (CPI) supervisory or leadership series.
This bar will not be awarded to sworn personnel who have completed various CPI sponsored seminars only.
B. CPI will notify the Personnel and Support Division by memo of which DPD sworn personnel have successfully completed the series and have been presented the bar by CPI.

414.16 The Institute for Law Enforcement Administration (ILEA) Bar
A. To be awarded to sworn personnel who have successfully completed the Management College series. This bar will not be awarded to sworn officers who have only attended the course and not received a passing grade under TCOLE regulations.
B. The sworn officer will notify the Personnel and Support Division that they have completed the courses and produce the certificate awarded at graduation. The bar will be provided by ILEA.

414.17 The Leadership Command College Bar
A. To be awarded to sworn supervisors who have successfully graduated from the Bill Blackwood Law Enforcement Management Institute of Texas (LEMIT).
B. The sworn supervisor will notify the Personnel and Support Division that they have completed three separate training modules and produce a certificate of graduation. The bar will be provided by LEMIT.

414.18 The Field Training Officer Bar
A. All officers of the Department who are designated Field Training Officers will be authorized to wear this bar.
B. The bar can be worn if the officer has ever been designated as principal or primary FTO by the Division Commander. Division Commanders will be responsible for certification of an officer's FTO status. This award procedure will be retroactive to May 1, 1982.
C. Issuance of the Field Training Bar will be accomplished via a memorandum sent by the Division Commander to the Commander of the Personnel and Development Division. Officers who are awarded the Field Training Bar but have less than 5 years as a Field Training Officer will be authorized a bar with a green and gold background with F.T.O. in the center. Any officer who has been a Field Training Officer for 5 years but less than 10 years will be authorized to wear the Senior FTO bar which is a blue and gray bar with two gold vertical stripes and F.T.O. in the center. Any officer who has been a Field Training Officer for 10 or more years will be authorized to wear the Master FTO bar which is a light blue bar with two gold stripes and F.T.O. in the center. A copy of each issuance of the award will be placed in the officer's personnel file.
D. An officer’s time in the Field Training Oversight Unit will be counted towards Field Training Status Time.
E. It is the responsibility of the FTO's Division Commander to ensure that officers holding FTO status are issued the appropriate bar.
F. Time of Field Training Status will be determined by payroll code. Officers who receive Field Training pay will be considered a designated Field Training Officer. Time of service as a Field Training Officer does not have to be consecutive and will be calculated as one sum.
G. The Field Training Bar will not be worn and will be revoked if an officer is removed from training status due to discipline or for failure to train.

414.19 The Officer of the Month Bar
A. To be awarded to a Police Officer of any rank who is selected by the Dallas Community Police Awards Committee as its Officer of the Month.
B. Criteria for nomination and selection as the Officer of the Month are contained in Section 413.08.
C. Award of this bar is retroactive to February 1972 for active members of the Department.
D. The officer selected as the Officer of the Year is authorized to wear a gold-colored, five-point star centered on the original bar awarded.

414.20 The Safe Driver Award
A. All members of the Department, who are currently or have been assigned to a position which requires driving City vehicles or vehicles on City business as part of the daily function of the position, are eligible for this award. An employee may be assigned to a position wherein he or she does not actually drive a City vehicle each day, yet the responsibilities will require frequent use of a City vehicle during the period of assignment as directed by the supervisor or commanding officer. In such instances, the assignment will not render the employee ineligible to accumulate time toward this award.
B. The method for calculation of an award will be based upon the following guidelines:
1. The date of appointment is the initial starting date for all employees.
2. This award is based upon five-year increments. The years are to be consecutive, that is, to receive a five-year award, a person must have five consecutive years without a preventable accident. To receive a ten-year award, a person must have ten consecutive years without a preventable accident. To receive a fifteen-year award, a person must have fifteen consecutive years without a preventable accident, etc. No previously issued award will be canceled. When an employee has been charged with an accident, the day following the accident a new increment is begun.
3. The following times will be deducted from the timeframe used to calculate eligibility dates:
a. Time spent on non-driving status
b. Suspensions
c. Leave without pay
d. Time that the employee was not in compliance with Administrative Directive 3-3.
C. Records of each employee's driving record will be maintained by the Safety Team. When an employee becomes eligible for a Safe Driving Award, the award will be processed and the recipient’s Division will be notified when it is ready for pick-up. All awards recognizing 20 or more years of safe driving will be presented at a Departmental Award Ceremony unless the recipient requests other arrangements. All awards must be picked up and signed for in the Safety Team office unless presented at an awards ceremony, where the recipient would sign for the Award after the presentation.
D. To be eligible for the Safe Driver Award, an employee must be currently in compliance with Administrative Directive 3-3, which requires Primary Drivers to have a physical once every two years. All drivers must complete a Defensive Driving Class once every three years.

414.21 The Marksmanship Award
A. The Marksmanship Award will be awarded automatically to officers who distinguish themselves as outstanding marksmen by obtaining a firearm proficiency score of 90 or better for three consecutive times during their scheduled firearms training and proficiency qualification.
B. An officer who qualifies for the Marksmanship Award more than once will be issued a suitable gold numeral to denote the number of times the award has been earned. The numeral will be affixed in the center of the bar.
C. The Training Section is responsible for maintaining a firearms proficiency record system and forwarding the Marksmanship Award to the recipient's commanding officer for presentation.

414.22 The Patrol Rifle Bar
A. The Patrol Rifle Bar will be awarded automatically to officers who distinguish themselves by passing the Dallas Police Department’s Patrol Rifle School and are active patrol rifle officers.
B. The Firearms Training Center is responsible for maintaining the list of active patrol rifle officers and will issue the bar at the conclusion of each patrol rifle school.
C. Once an officer becomes inactive, the Patrol Rifle bar will be returned to the Firearms Training Center.

414.23 The Public Safety Diver Bar
A. The Public Safety Diver Bar will be awarded to members of the Dallas Underwater Recovery Team (DURT) who have attained the ranking of Public Safety Diver through the International Association of Nitrox and Technical Divers (IANTD) or equivalent certification.
B. If this bar is being worn on an officer’s uniform, then the Dallas Underwater Recovery Unit Member Bar will not be worn.

414.24 The Dallas Underwater Recovery Team Member Bar
A. The Dallas Underwater Recovery Unit Member Bar will be awarded to any certified member of the Dallas Underwater Recovery Team (DURT).
B. If this bar is being worn on an officer’s uniform, then the Public Safety Diver Bar will not be worn.

414.25 The Fitness Bar
A. The Dallas Police Department encourages everyone to maintain a level of fitness that is necessary to perform the essential needs of their job function. There are voluntary fitness programs for all personnel which include Commitment to Fitness, functional training and group workouts. These programs are coordinated by trained professionals and address fitness education, goal setting, support, and evaluation. Personnel are encouraged to obtain medical advice from their physician prior to participating in any fitness program.
B. The Fitness Bar will be awarded to any officer who has completed the Commitment to Fitness program and has passed the Fit Force test by the third attempt.

414.26 The Drug Recognition Expert Bar
A. All officers of the Department who are designated Drug Recognition Experts will be required to wear this bar. The bar will have a blue and gold background with D.R.E. in the center.
B. The DRE Bar will be worn as long as the officer is designated as a DRE officer by the Division Commander. The DRE Bar will become a permanent award for any officer who remains certified for any consecutive five-year period. The Department DRE Coordinator will be responsible for certification of an officer's DRE status over the required time period for purposes of making the DRE Bar a permanent award. This award procedure will be retroactive to November 1, 1990.
C. Permanent award of the Drug Recognition Expert Bar will be accomplished via a memorandum sent by the DRE Coordinator through the individual's Division Commander to the Commander of the Personnel and Development Division. The memo will document the five consecutive years of service as a DRE officer. A copy will be placed in the officer's personnel file.
D. It is the responsibility of the Department DRE Coordinator to ensure that officers holding DRE status are issued a bar; and that the bar is returned to the DRE Coordinator should the officer be removed from DRE status either voluntarily or by the DRE Coordinator or the individual's Division Commander.

414.27 The Perfect Attendance Award
A. The Perfect Attendance Award will be awarded to all sworn and non-sworn employees of the Police Department who distinguish themselves by perfect attendance. A bar will be awarded to sworn personnel and uniformed non-sworn personnel.
B. This award is based upon five-year increments. The years are to be consecutive; that is, to receive a five-year award, an employee must have five consecutive years without taking any sick leave. To receive a ten-year award, an employee must have ten consecutive years without taking any sick leave, etc. No previously issued award will be canceled. When an employee has taken sick leave, the day following the sick leave begins a new increment.
C. Any break in service or leave without pay will require the employee to begin a new increment.
D. Annually in February, the Personnel and Support Division will conduct a review of sworn and non-sworn time cards. Organizational Commanders will be notified of those employees who will become eligible for the Perfect Attendance Award in the coming year. Upon the date of the employee's eligibility for the award, the immediate supervisor will forward a copy of the employee's time card to the Personnel and Support Division with a memo indicating the dates and number of years of perfect attendance the employee has completed. The Personnel and Support Division will then forward the award to the Division or Section Commander for presentation.
E. To be eligible for the Perfect Attendance Award (with bar), Reserve Officers are required to work at least 300 hours each year for five consecutive years. Additional awards for 10, 15, 20 years, etc. are earned by working the 300- hour minimum each year.
1. The Reserve Coordinator will review the activity hours of those Reserve Officers eligible for the Perfect Attendance Bar and submit the information to the Personnel and Support Division upon the date of the officer's eligibility for the award.
2. Reserve Officers and Supervisors may not count more than 100 hours of administrative or other non-field work toward each year's minimum activity requirement for this award.

414.28 The Explorer Advisor Bar
A. All officers of the Department who are designated Explorer Advisors or Associate Advisors will be authorized to wear this bar. The bar will have a blue field with one gold vertical stripe near each end and the Explorer emblem in the center.
B. The bar will be worn as long as the officer is designated as an Advisor by the Division Commander. Appointment and termination of Advisor status will be by the Division Commander in a memo to the officer. The Explorer Advisor Bar will become a permanent award for any officer who trains for any consecutive five-year period. Division Commanders will be responsible for certification of an officer's Advisor status over the required time period for purposes of making the Advisor Bar a permanent award. This award procedure was retroactive to January 1, 1990.
C. Permanent award of the Explorer Advisor Bar will be accomplished via a memorandum sent by the Division Commander to the Commander of the Personnel and Support Division. The memo will document the five consecutive years of service as an Advisor. A copy will be placed in the officer's personnel file.
D. It is the responsibility of the Advisor's Division Commander to ensure that officers holding Advisor or Associate Advisor status are issued a bar; and that the bar is returned to the Division Commander should the officer be removed from Advisor or Associate Advisor status either voluntarily or by the Division Commander.

414.29 The Choir Bar
The Dallas Police Choir Bar will be awarded to members of the Dallas Police Choir who:
A. Are choir members in good standing for two years.
B. Attended at least 33% of all Choir functions during that time.

414.30 The L.E.T.S. Instructor Bar (Currently in Suspension)
A. All officers of the Department who are designated active L.E.T.S. instructors will be authorized to wear this bar. The bar will have a red field with the letters L.E.T.S. in gold in the center.
B. The bar will be worn as long as the officer is designated as an active L.E.T.S. instructor by the L.E.T.S. program supervisor. Certification as a L.E.T.S. instructor will be awarded as a result of successful completion of a L.E.T.S. instructor course. The L.E.T.S. Instructor Bar will become a permanent award for any officer who teaches a minimum of two classes per session for a minimum of three years. The L.E.T.S. program supervisor will be responsible for certification of an officer’s instructor status over the required time period for purposes of making the
L.E.T.S. Instructor Bar a permanent award. This award procedure was retroactive to September 1, 1996.
C. Permanent award of the L.E.T.S. Instructor Bar will be accomplished via notice to the Commander of the Personnel and Development Division. The notice will document three years of service as a L.E.T.S. instructor. A copy will be placed in the officer’s personnel file.
D. The L.E.T.S. supervisor is responsible for ensuring that officers certified as active L.E.T.S. instructors are issued the bar, and that the bar is returned to him/her should the officer be removed from active L.E.T.S. instructor status.

414.31 The Kids and Cops Trading Cards Bar
A. The Kids and Cops Trading Cards Bar will be awarded to members of the Department who:
1. Are selected as participants in the annual Kids and Cops trading cards program; and
2. Who attend at least 50% of the scheduled card-signing events during the calendar year for which they were selected.
B. Award of this bar is retroactive to the program’s inception with the 1st Edition.

414.32 The State Fair Bar
A. All sworn or non-sworn police personnel who complete three years of satisfactory assignment to the State Fair of Texas will be authorized to wear this bar.
B. Satisfactory assignment is achieved by working the State Fair Police Detail for the complete operational time period (excluding any normally assigned days or approved absences for exigent circumstances).
C. Award of the State Fair Bar will be accomplished via memorandum sent by the employee to the Field Services Division Commander thru the Tactical Support Unit. The memorandum will document the three years worked by the employee. Once approved, the Field Services Division Commander, or designee, will forward the approved memo and award to the employee’s Division Commander. The awarded employee’s chain of command will ensure a copy of the approved memorandum is placed both in the employee’s personnel file and submitted to the Internal Affairs Division for inclusion in the employee’s IAD resume.
D. Award of this bar is retroactive to September 1999.

414.33 The Honor Guard Bar
A. All officers of the Department who are active members of the honor guard will be authorized to wear this bar. The bar will be blue with a gold stripe in the middle. ‘HONOR GUARD’ will be displayed in black writing within the gold stripe.
B. The bar will be authorized for wear as long as the officer is designated a member of the Dallas Police Honor Guard by the Honor Guard Commander. The Honor Guard Bar will become a permanent award for any officer who is a member of the Dallas Police Honor Guard for any consecutive five (5) year period.
C. The award of this bar is retroactive since the Honor Guard’s inception in 2008.
D. Permanent award of the Honor Guard Bar will be accomplished via memorandum sent by the Honor Guard Commander to the Commander of the Personnel and Support Division.
E. It is the responsibility of the Honor Guard Commander to ensure that officers in the Honor Guard are issued a bar; and that the bar is returned to the Honor Guard Commander should the officer be removed from the Honor Guard either voluntarily or by the Honor Guard Commander.

414.34.  The United States Military Veteran Award
A. Awarded to any sworn or non-sworn employee who has been honorably discharged from any branch of the United States Armed Forces.
B. To be eligible for the one-time presentation of the United States Military Veteran Award, the employee must provide a copy of a DD214 verifying service. Approval and verification of this award is through the Department’s Military Liaison Officer.
C. Employees who were previously or currently in a Reserve Component of the Armed Forces and who were/are subsequently deployed while employed by the Department under “Active Duty” orders under 10 USC (US Code) 12301, 12302, 12304, or 12406 will be awarded and authorized to wear the gold-colored, five-point star centered on the original bar awarded.
D. This award is retroactive to all personnel sworn and non-sworn who are currently employed by the Dallas Police Department.

414.35 The Recruiting Award
A. Awarded to any sworn or non-sworn employee who is assigned to the Recruiting Unit for 3 years.
B. Awarded to any sworn or non-sworn employee that is not assigned to the Recruiting Unit that meets the following criteria:
1. Recommends three people to join the Dallas Police Department; and
2. The individual puts the officer’s name on their City of Dallas Civil Service application; and
3. The individual completes the hiring process and starts the Basic Training Academy
C. The Applicant Processing Sergeant will maintain the list of officers that have successfully recommended someone who joined the Dallas Police Department. The award will be issued by the Employee Relations Unit.
D. The bar will be black with gold trim with gold “RECRUITER” in the center.
E. This award will be effective January 1, 2020 and is not retroactive.

414.36 The Active Bystandership in Law Enforcement (ABLE) Bar
A. The ABLE bar will be awarded to sworn officers who successfully complete the eight-hour block of Active Bystandership in Law Enforcement instruction.
B. This bar will be effective immediately and is retroactive to all sworn officers, who have completed the Active Bystandership in Law Enforcement Training.
C. The In-Service Training Academy is responsible for maintaining the records for officers completing ABLE training and will issue the bar upon successful completion of training.

Dallas Police Department General Order

415.00 Training Advisory Board

Revised 01/30/2007

A. In compliance with Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) guidelines, the Chief of Police will appoint a minimum of three individuals to the Training Advisory Board to advise on the development of curriculum. The Chief of Police may remove an appointed member at any time; however, appointments will normally be for a three-year period.
B. Law enforcement personnel may be assigned to the Training Advisory Board; however, at least one-third of the members must be private citizens. The Chief of Police and the Police Training Manager will be ex-officio, non-voting members. Decisions will be made by a majority vote.
C. The Police Academy will furnish a stenographer to keep minutes of the meetings and records of the membership.
D. The Training Advisory Board is generally responsible for advising on curriculum development and must:
1. Effectively discharge its responsibilities and otherwise comply with TCOLE rules.
2. Provide information concerning needs for training, advise on the type of training courses to be offered and the effectiveness of training, and provide other information that may be useful to the Academy or the Police Training Manager.
3. Meet at least once each calendar year. More frequent meetings may be called by its chairperson, the Chief of Police, or the Police Training Manager.
4. Comply with the Open Meetings law and keep written minutes of all meetings. The minutes must be retained for a period of five years at the Academy. Copies of the minutes will be distributed as follows:
a. One copy placed on file at the Academy.
b. One copy to Board members.
c. One copy to the Commission (TCOLE).

Dallas Police Department General Order

416.00 Field Training

Revised 04/19/2024

416.01 Field Training Officer
A. The main responsibility of a Field Training Officer (FTO) is to train a police officer who can work in a safe, skillful, and professional manner through on-the-job training and evaluation.
B. Field Training Officers will also be expected to assist with In-Service and Basic Academy training when required.
C. Qualifications to become a Principal FTO or a relief FTO are outlined in the Field Training Program Manual.
D. The minimum allocation of Principal FTO positions at each division are set by the Field Training Oversight Unit.
E. Compensation for FTOs is addressed in General Order 206.14.
F. Field Training Officer, Senior Field Training Officer, and the Master Field Training Officer bars are addressed in General Order 414.

416.02 Recruit Officer Training and Probationary Period
A. Length of Training
1. The standard length of the field-training program will be 24 weeks. The length of training may be extended based upon need.
2. Lateral Police Officer Trainee IIs (Lateral Recruit Officers) will start with the standard-length Field Training Program but may be accelerated as detailed in Patrol SOP 110.
3. Recruit officers who commit a gross violation of Departmental rules of conduct may be recommended for termination at any time.
4. The Personnel and Development Division will be notified of any change in the status of a recruit officer.
B. Length of Probationary Period
1. There will be a probationary period of six months after a recruit officer is removed from training status. Two months of the six-month probation will require the probationary officer to be assigned with a senior officer. The two-month assignment may be waived upon recommendation of the First Assistant Chief or a Patrol Bureau Commander.
2. Under no circumstances will the probationary period end less than one year from the recruit officer's date of appointment.
C. Recruit officers will not be eligible for vacation or sick leave until six months from their date of appointment however, they are eligible for sick leave with approval from a Training Section Supervisor.
D. Appeal Procedure
1. Although a recruit officer has no right of appeal (as stated in the Civil Service Rules), any recruit officer recommended for termination for failure of field training may discuss the termination recommendation with anyone in the chain-of-command up to the level of Bureau Commander.
2. All recommendations to terminate a recruit while on field training will be fully documented and forwarded through their Division Commander to the Patrol Bureau Commander. The Patrol Bureau Commander will conduct a review and forward his/her recommendation to the Chief of Police who will make the final decision whether to terminate the recruit.

Dallas Police Department General Order

417.00 In-Service Training

Revised 08/23/2024

417.01 Assignment to Advanced Training Courses
A. Policy - Organizational Commanders will be responsible for the continuing training of personnel under their command, to include:
1. Identifying advanced training needs so that all personnel may receive adequate specialized training to effectively carry out their respective assignments.
2. Staying informed as to upcoming schools that may satisfy training needs.
3. Effectively assigning personnel to attend training.
4. Ensuring personnel under their command meet training requirements through the use of periodic reports furnished by the Training Section.
B. Procedures
1. The Training Section will be responsible for providing staff assistance to Organizational Commanders in carrying out their continuing training responsibilities. This includes but is not limited to:
a. Identifying and evaluating schools that may satisfy Departmental advanced training needs and developing advanced training unavailable through established schools.
b. Keeping Organizational Commanders informed of upcoming schools.
c. Coordinating all requests for assignment to schools.
d. Announcing, via memorandum, the starting and ending dates for TCOLE training cycles at the beginning of the two-year cycle.
2. At the midpoint and six months before the end of the TCOLE cycle, the Training Section will forward to each Organizational Commander a list of officers under their command who are not in compliance.

417.02 In-Service Training Order Procedures
A. Thirty days prior to an in-service course, the Training Section will issue a Training Order announcing the course. This Training Order will include:
1. A brief synopsis of course content.
2. Specific dates, times, and locations.
3. A suspense date for the return of personnel nominations.
4. An organizational allocation sheet listing the maximum attendees allowed per organizational number.
B. Final selection of personnel to attend courses will be determined by the In-Service Training Team. Two weeks prior to a course, the Training Section will issue a Training Order supplement announcing course attendees. Organizational Commanders and their Training Coordinators will receive copies of the Training Order and will be responsible for notifying the affected personnel:
1. Course attendance is a duty assignment, and classes are held from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., unless otherwise specified. Employees scheduled to attend training courses are required to be on time. An employee who is tardy will document the reason for being late on a form supplied by Training Section personnel. This form will be forwarded to the employee’s supervisor for further consideration and a copy placed with the training records for the class attended. Any employee who is more than 30 minutes late for class will be considered absent and may not be allowed to remain in class. The employee will be advised to contact an on-duty supervisor at the organizational level for reporting assignments. Any adjustments to schedules and personal leave will be handled at the organizational level.
2. Personnel are required to attend all hours of training. Personnel leaving the class for any reason, temporarily or otherwise, while class is in session, must inform the class instructor, training class coordinator or training supervisor Personnel will be required to sign out upon their departure on the In-Service Training roster where indicated, citing the reason. They will be required to sign in upon their return. Failure to do so will result in the individual’s chain of command being contacted and could result in possible disciplinary action.
3. With approval of an In-Service Training Coordinator, an employee who misses part of the class may receive credit for the course if: the employee misses no more that 10% of the class course, is not tardy, and completes all performance evaluation measures. Failure to successfully complete required hours or to demonstrate written or skills proficiency in courses requiring a certain competence will result in a recommendation that the officer repeat the course before credit may be awarded.
4. All training courses are considered duty assignments. Personnel are expected to dress in a professional manner. (Personnel will not be permitted to wear shorts, mini-skirts, excessively revealing clothing or sloppy, torn, or dirty clothing.) Exceptions to wearing shorts and T-shirts will be made for classes that require physical activity, defensive tactics training, or firearms training. Personnel who arrive for training courses dressed inappropriately will be subject to being sent home to change or being returned to their duty assignment.
5. All personnel attending classes at the Training Section must display an authorized badge or identification card on their outer clothing.
6. Personnel unable to attend a course should notify their immediate supervisor as soon as possible. The immediate supervisor will notify the Organizational Training Coordinator. If time permits, the Organizational Training Coordinator will submit a memorandum to the Training Section stating that the employee will be unable to attend the course and include the name of any substitute, if substitutions are permitted. If there is insufficient time to submit a memorandum, the Organizational Training Coordinator will notify the In-Service Training Team by telephone. Substitutions may be determined by Training Section personnel based upon available seating and course nominations. The reason for failure to attend must be documented in memo form and be forwarded to the Training Section; In-Service Training Unit, stating the reasons and who was contacted at the Training Section.
7. Personnel, arriving to attend a class for which they are not scheduled, will be subject to being returned to their duty assignments. Any adjustments to schedules and personal leave time will be handled at the organizational level.
8. To ensure proper TCOLE and/or Departmental credit, each person must sign their initials on the attendance roster each day of the course.
C. Officers attending courses sponsored by other agencies should notify their Organizational Training Coordinator to ensure proper credit is received. In order to receive TCOLE credit for training provided by a non-TCOLE licensed provider, a copy of the certificate of completion of training, showing the dates, times and course name, must be submitted to the Training Section within 15 days of the completion of the training. Information received after the TCOLE deadline will be eligible for Department credit only and will not be reported to TCOLE. It will not count toward satisfying the 40-hour in-service training requirements. Outside agency courses will be credited for in-service training on a case-by-case basis.
D. Failure of a TCOLE licensed employee to attend the required training in a two-year cycle will be documented at the end of the training cycle. The documentation will be forwarded to the Chief of Police for further action.
E. Failure of TCOLE licensed employees to attend mandated training within the two-year cycle of training will subject the employee to appropriate disciplinary action, up to, but not limited to, the suspension or revocation of the TCOLE License.

417.03 Organizational Training Coordinators
A. To facilitate training record documentation, each Organizational Commander shall appoint a Training Coordinator for liaison with the In-Service Training Team of the Training Section.
B. The responsibilities and procedures to be followed by the Organizational Training Coordinators are incorporated in the Standard Operating Procedures of the Training Section. Each appointed Training Coordinator will be issued a copy of job duties and responsibilities from the Training Section. Training Coordinators will be held accountable to the procedures established for the position.
C. It shall be the responsibility of the In-Service Training Team Supervisor to schedule quarterly meetings with the Organizational Training Coordinators to ensure good working relationships and to provide information that will assist them in carrying out their job duties.

417.04 Defensive Tactics In-Service Training
A. The Training Section will conduct Defensive Tactics In-Service Training on a continuing basis. No Defensive Tactics Training will be conducted by Dallas Police Department personnel outside of the Training Section program outlined below.
1. All sworn personnel are required to attend this training.
2. Other uniformed non-sworn personnel may be assigned at the discretion of their Division Commander to the Empty Hand Course (No Baton).
3. Required Defensive Tactics In-Service Training courses for each TCOLE training cycle are one of the following:
a. Defensive Tactics with Straight Baton/Expandable Baton Course - 8 hours
b. Defensive Tactics with PR24 Baton Course - 8 hours
c. Defensive Tactics - Empty Hand Course (No Baton) - 8 hours
d. Defensive Tactics - Administrator Course (Lieutenants and above) - 4 hours.
4. Employees with medical conditions, certified by a Physician’s Statement, that prohibit them from engaging in defensive tactics training may be exempted until they return to full duty status. Organizational Commanders or Organizational Training Coordinators will ensure personnel returning from light duty receive the required training.
B. Assignment of Defensive Tactics Instructors
1. Any Certified Defensive Tactics Instructor may be temporarily assigned, on a rotating basis, to assist the Training Section.
2. The Training Section will maintain a roster of certified Defensive Tactics Instructors and will request their assistance through the instructor’s Organizational Commander. Every effort will be made to assign Defensive Tactics Instructors when requested.

417.05 Employee Responsibilities for TCOLE Certification
A. All sworn employees, including Reserve Officers, are required to attend in-service training classes in order to satisfy the 40-hour training requirement mandated by TCOLE.
B. All personnel will attend, within the stated time frames, those departmentally mandated courses that directly affect their job duties and responsibilities.
C. Sworn employees, including Reserve Officers, who due to extraordinary circumstances are unable to attend and satisfactorily complete the required 40-hours of training within a two-year cycle, must request a waiver from TCOLE in order to maintain their certification. The waiver will be initiated by the employee in a Special Report addressed to the Chief of Police outlining the circumstances that prevented the employee from obtaining the required training. The Chief of Police will make the final determination as to what disciplinary action or administrative action will be taken and whether to endorse the request for waiver. 

417.06 Adjunct Instructors
The Basic and In-Service Academies depend on the use of Adjunct Instructors to facilitate training. Instructors are only to be requested by the Class Coordinators through official documentation. These Instructor requests are duty assignments. Due to staffing needs of the Department, the following rules apply for Adjunct Instructors:
A. Divisions should recognize the importance of training and shall assist the Academy in providing instructors as they are requested.
B. Instructors below the rank of sergeant must obtain approval from their 2nd level supervisor in order to teach. Division Commanders will be notified by the training section when their personnel are requested to teach.
C. Instructor requests must be returned to the training section whether approved or denied
D. If denied, the reason for denial will be explained on the instructor request.
E. Compensation for those instructors that work on their off days will be at the discretion of the instructor’s division.
F. Instructors that are on their regular workday will be required to return to their regular duty assignment and complete their tour of duty for that day if the block of instruction is less than eight hours.
G. Specific permission must be obtained from the instructor’s Watch Commander, ahead of the date of instruction, to use personal time off for the remainder of the shift, if the instructor does not wish to stay at work. This will allow the Watch Commander to effectively manage manpower.

417.07 Departmental Training
A. In addition to the State legislative requirements, which all employees must comply with, the Department will provide annual training for employees as it relates to their required job functions.
B. All employees of the Dallas Police Department are required to attend training to which they have been assigned.
C. This training will be completed according to the time frame set forth by state law and Departmental need.
D. The Departmental training may include the following courses that directly affect the employee’s job function, but are not limited to:
1. Use of Force
2. Bias Based Policing, Cultural Diversity
3. Legal Updates
4. Ethics and Integrity
5. Departmental policies and procedures to include updates
6. Review of case law affecting law enforcement operations
7. Report writing and records management
8. Emergency operation plans
9. New investigative techniques or methods.
10. Accreditation Process
11. Other such subjects as required or needed.

417.08 Non-Sworn Orientation Training
A. All new non-sworn employees are required to attend the 2-day City of Dallas New Employee Orientation prior to reporting to the Dallas Police Department. This does not apply to those who are transferring from one Department to another Department in the City of Dallas. This training includes but is not limited to:
1. Payroll Processing AD 3-01
2. Sexual Harassment AD 3-61
3. Workplace Violence AD 3-63
4. Current Environmental Management Consent Decree
5. Customer Service Training
6. Personnel Rules and Benefits
B. Public Service Officers (PSO’s) are required to attend and successfully complete the Public Service Officer class within one year of employment.
C. The immediate supervisor of a new non-sworn employee to the Police Department is responsible for the employee’s training to an acceptable level of competency in the assigned position.
D. The immediate supervisor of a new non-sworn employee shall provide training to include:
1. The assigned office’s role, purpose, goals, policies, and procedures
2. Working conditions and regulations
3. Responsibilities and rights of the employee
E. The employee shall be provided a current copy or provided access to:
1. Unit’s Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)
2. Departmental General Orders
3. Code of Ethics.
F. The immediate supervisor will make sure that the new employee is provided the information for the following items within thirty days of hiring:
1. Code of Conduct
2. Rank and Structure
3. Purpose of the Accreditation Process
G. All non-sworn employees regardless of assignment will take at a minimum the 8-hour NCIC/TCIC training class and recertify every two years or as mandated by State Law.
H. Upon completion of the orientation training of the new non-sworn employee, a form titled Non-Sworn Orientation will be signed by the non-sworn employee and the immediate supervisor and forwarded to the Division Commander for approval and a copy placed into the employee’s Unit file. The original will be forwarded to the Employee Records and Special Research Unit of the Personnel and Development Division. The form can be located on the N:\Drive – Forms - Personnel\Non-Sworn Orientation.

417.09 Non-Sworn Required Training
A. The non-sworn positions requiring specialized training include:
1. Academy Training Instructor (TCOLE Instructor Training)
2. AFIS Analyst
3. Crime Scene Analyst
4. Crime Scene Technician
5. Detention Officer
6. Digital Forensics
7. Firearm and Toolmark Examiner
8. Forensic Fingerprint Expert
9. NIBIN Analyst
10. Open Records
11. Public Safety Officer
12. Telecommunicator Training and Licensing
13. Traffic Enforcement
14. Volunteers
15. Promotion to any First Line Supervisory Capacity
B. The specialized pre-service and/or in-service training should include the development and advancement of skills, knowledge, abilities, and performance standards of the area of specialization. Departmental policy, procedures, rules, and regulations should be addressed as they pertain to that specialty. This includes, but not limited to, the management, administration, supervision, and support services of that function.
C. Non-Sworn positions not requiring specialized training shall be given documented, on-the-job training within the first 6 months of hiring or promotion.

Dallas Police Department General Order

418.00 Weapons Training and Safety

Revised 10/04/2024

418.01 Primary Weapons, Specialty Weapons, and Ammunition
A. The Glock 9mm semi-automatic pistol is the primary duty weapon issued by the Department. Approved Glock semi- automatic pistols to include MOS (Modular Optic System) pistols may be purchased by officers at their own expense and carried as a primary duty weapon if:
1. The specific Glock model MOS (Modular Optic System) is included on the current list of authorized weapons maintained in the Firearms Training Center (FTC).
2. The officer purchases and maintains the approved holsters, magazine pouch, and necessary leather gear under Section 802.21 to carry the weapon as a primary duty weapon.
3. The officer attends and passes a Pistol Red Dot weapon transition course at the Firearms Training Center.
B. Glock pistols purchased by the City of Dallas will be issued to the officer with the City retaining ownership of the pistol.
C. A current list of all makes and specific models of weapons authorized by the Chief of Police for carry as a primary weapon will be maintained in the Firearms Training Center and submitted to the Chief of Police no later than October 1 of each fiscal year. Specialized units utilizing weapons other than those authorized in the Firearms Training Center will submit their list of approved weapons and ammunition to the Chief of Police no later than October 1 of each fiscal year.
D. Only factory ammunition issued by the Firearms Training Center or the same type ammunition purchased by an officer will be carried in the primary weapon.
1. The duty ammunition will be the 9mm
2. 357 ammunition is no longer authorized
E. No modification, alteration, or changes of parts may be made to any weapon carried by any member of the Department without prior approval of the Rangemaster. This includes the installation of after-market grips. Approval of any changes to the weapon will be generally limited to optional accessories approved by the weapon manufacturer.
F. All repairs, modifications, or alterations of weapons will be performed by or coordinated through the Firearms Training Center. Weapons not repaired on-site will be referred to a warranty repair station authorized by the weapon manufacturer. After repairs are completed and the weapon is returned, it must be inspected and test-fired by Firearms Training Center personnel.
G. Officers who choose to use a pistol-mounted light on their primary weapon may do so only if the following criteria are met:
1. It is an approved light, authorized by the Rangemaster, which are Streamlight, Surefire, and Insight Technology.
2. The pistol must be specifically designed to accommodate the light.
3. The officer has attended a pistol low light class with the light mounted on the weapon, utilizing an approved holster that accommodates the weapon with the light mounted at the FTC.
4. Pistol-mounted light will NOT be controlled (activated or deactivated) with any part of the firing hand.
5. Pistol-mounted lights will remain affixed to the weapon at all times. Officers will not remove the light from the weapon for any reason other than routine cleaning and maintenance and only after the weapon has been rendered safe (unloaded).
6. Pistol-mounted lights will not be used for general illumination purposes. Pistol-mounted lights will ONLY
be deployed when an officer is justified in deploying his or her weapon.
7. Pistol-mounted lights will have the following characteristics:
a. Constant off.
b. Be controlled by a switch that is actuated by the off-hand thumb with the following modes:
I. Constant off.
II. Constant on.
III. Momentary on.
c. The switch is located to the rear of the light so that it is just forward of the trigger guard when mounted to the weapon.
d. All lights will have a black housing.
8. The following features are PROHIBITED on a pistol-mounted light system:
a. Any type of pressure switch, pressure pad, or similar device such as the Surefire DG pressure switch.
b. Laser sighting capability.
c. Colored lenses or filters.

418.02 Firearms Proficiency
A. Firearms proficiency will be scheduled no less than once each year. All firearms will be inspected annually by a designated and certified armorer for proper functioning. All personnel required to carry a firearm must attend. Deadly Force Training will be included during scheduled annual firearms proficiency training. Firearms Training Center Staff will include a review of the departmental deadly force policy prior to each Spring Pistol Qualification Relay. The review of the departmental deadly force policy will include a review of the force continuum. TCOLE requires all officers to be qualified with any weapon carried in an official capacity while on or off duty.
1. Weapons include primary-duty handguns, backup/off-duty handguns, shotguns, and patrol rifles. Officers electing not to carry a shotgun may sign a waiver at the Firearms Training Center exempting them from qualifying with a shotgun. Once the waiver is signed the officer may not carry or deploy a shotgun under any circumstances. This waiver may be rescinded at any time by contacting the Firearms Training Center and qualifying with the shotgun.
2. Qualification and record keeping for specialized weapons, such as MP5s and rifles, will be the responsibility of the individual units who use these weapons (i.e.: Tactical and Narcotics).
B. Qualification requirements will be established by the Rangemaster and approved by the Training Commander. These requirements will be continually updated to reflect the needs of the Department regarding deadly force situations.
C. Should any member of the Department fail to meet the minimum standards during a standard qualification period, the following steps will be taken:
1. First failure to qualify - Officers will be scheduled to qualify on the next relay or the next qualification day. If an officer has to be scheduled for the next qualification day, his or her Division will be notified by telephone and faxed a memorandum from the Rangemaster. The original memorandum will be given to the individual officer to hand deliver to his or her Division.
2. Second failure to qualify
a. Officers who fail to qualify on their second attempt will take the “second failure” memo to a supervisor on their watch.
b. The supervisor receiving the “second failure” memo will immediately disarm the officer and notify the officer's Organizational Commander. Remedial training will be scheduled by the Firearms Training Center.
c. The Firearms Training Center will notify a supervisor on the officer's watch by telephone immediately after an officer fails to qualify on the second attempt or during remedial training. Additionally, the officer's Organizational Commander will be notified by memo on the next workday. This memo will include the date, time, and name of the supervisor contacted by the Firearms Training Center.
3. When an officer fails to qualify after their second attempt they will be disarmed and placed into a handgun remedial training program. The officer will be given intensive remedial training for a period of four hours and then be given two additional attempts to qualify. If the officer is still unable to qualify the officer will be given a second four-hour block of intensive remedial instruction. The officer will then be given two additional opportunities to qualify. If the officer is still unable to qualify after eight hours of remedial training and six qualification attempts, then a recommendation for disciplinary action up to termination will be made by the officer’s chain of command. This recommendation will be based on the officer’s prior qualification history and disciplinary action.
D. All officers successfully completing remedial training will be placed into a Firearms Proficiency Improvement Program.
1. Officers must report to the Firearms Training Center monthly, draw 50 rounds of ammunition, and practice with the assistance of a FTC Firearms Instructor.
2. Officers will remain in the program until the next qualification period.
E. While on duty, each sworn member of the Department will carry a sidearm with which he or she has qualified. The authority to carry a specific sidearm extends from the date of qualification for one calendar year or until the end of the next scheduled Department qualification.
F. The Training Section will notify the officer’s Organizational Commander when an officer qualifies.
G. Department Scheduled Qualification
1. The Qualification Training Order will be sent to each of the Bureau Commanders with a 30-day suspense date.
2. Each unit will supply names of officers with the dates and times that they have been assigned according to the training order.
3. If an officer is unable to attend for any reason, the officer’s supervisor will contact the Firearms Training Center to set up another qualification date. If the officer fails to attend the second scheduled qualification, a memo will be sent to the officer’s chain of command. It will be up to each officer’s chain of command to determine what form of discipline is warranted for failing to show up for their assigned qualification.
4. If an officer fails to qualify during spring qualifications and does not have an approved exemption on file with the Firearms Training Center, a memo of non-compliance will be sent to the officer’s chain of command. The supervisor receiving the non-compliance memo will immediately disarm the officer and notify the officer's Organizational Commander.
5. During primary weapon qualifications, officers will be scheduled to qualify with only one primary weapon.
6. TCOLE requires that officers qualify with fifty rounds for each handgun used. All qualifications will be fired using approved factory-loaded ammunition. The only ammunition that will be approved is the duty ammunition issued by the Firearms Training Center during the previous departmental qualification. No reloaded or custom-loaded ammunition will be permitted. During primary weapons qualification, ammunition for one primary weapon will be furnished. Fifty rounds per weapon of approved ammunition will be provided by the officer for backup/off-duty weapons. Officers will call the Firearms Training Center for an updated list of all duty and off-duty ammunition.
7. Officers, who due to job assignment need to qualify with a weapon in addition to their departmental primary weapon, must contact the Rangemaster to get approval for weapon and schedule qualification. In these instances, officers must supply their own ammunition, and it must be of the same type as issued by the Firearms Training Center.
8. Officers who have transitioned to semi-automatic pistols may not qualify with a primary weapon of a different brand unless permission is obtained from the Rangemaster, and the officer attends and passes a weapon transition course at the Firearms Training Center.
9. Officers qualifying with backup/off-duty weapons must provide appropriate equipment such as holsters and magazines or reloaders.
10. When an officer’s non-qualification status due to a short-term illness or injury exceeds one calendar year qualification period, the officer’s supervisor will schedule a make-up qualification and verify that the officer qualified before the officer is allowed to return to full duty status.
11. Officers must notify their supervisor when they become aware that they will not be able to attend a qualification period for any reason (i.e. medical or injury). The supervisor will, upon notification, submit a memorandum documenting the reason to the Firearms Training Center through their Assistant Chief/Executive Assistant Director. This documentation is necessary at the beginning of the qualification period and for each qualification period not attended.
12. Computerized records shall be maintained in all cases to record who has qualified along with the weapons/ammunition that were utilized during qualification by the FTC. 

418.03 Weapons, Ammunition, and Proficiency Guidelines for Officers in Specialized Units
A. Officers assigned to covert operations or specialized assignments may carry weapons and ammunition other than those listed in the Firearms Training S.O.P. only if one of the conditions below is met:
1. It is not practical to carry an approved weapon.
2. The Chief of Police approves in writing.
3. The officer qualifies with the weapon.
4. The Firearms Training Center is made aware of the approved weapon/ammunition.
B. Nothing in this order will prohibit officers engaged in tactical operations from using specialty weapons as delineated in their divisional S.O.P.
C. Officers in specialized units that utilize additional or specialized weapons shall qualify with those weapons as required by the unit’s standard operating procedures. In all cases, every officer in a specialized unit shall qualify at least once a year with every weapon an officer intends on using while on duty. Remedial training procedures for officers assigned to specialized units that fail to qualify will be outlined within the unit’s standard operating procedures.
D. The regular maintenance and annual inspection of weapons utilized by specialized units will be the responsibility of the individual unit.
418.04 The Johnnie T. Hartwell Firearms Training Center
A. The primary mission of the Johnnie T. Hartwell Firearms Training Center is the training and qualifying of members of the Dallas Police Department in the safe and effective use of authorized firearms.
1. No person, including members of the Dallas Police Department, will use the Firearms Training Center except in the presence or with the permission of qualified Firearms Training Center personnel.
2. Other governmental law enforcement agencies may use the Firearms Training Center. Such scheduling, however, will be secondary to the firearms training program of the Dallas Police Department.
3. Citizen and private law enforcement agency use of the Firearms Training Center may be authorized by the Training Commander.
B. All weapons fired or equipment used at the Firearms Training Center must be approved by the Rangemaster.
C. All safety measures and instructions of the Department or the Rangemaster concerning use of the Firearms Training Center will be strictly obeyed.

418.05 Weapons Prohibited In Restricted Areas
A. Weapons will not be carried into a prisoner-processing area, jail facility, or jail elevator. Where provided, officers will secure their weapons in lockers or with security personnel.
B. Prior to testifying in federal court, officers will give their weapons to the U.S. Marshall's office in R16E1 at 1100 Commerce Street.

418.06 Firearms Safety
A. Officers are responsible for the proper maintenance, operation, storage, and safe handling of all weapons they are assigned to use. The following basic safety rules will be strictly observed when handling any firearm:
1. Always assume the firearm is loaded.
2. Keep the muzzle pointed in a safe direction so that no human injury will occur, and only minor property damage would result if the weapon discharged.
3. Keep your finger off the trigger and outside the trigger guard until you are on target and intend to fire.
4. Be sure of your target and background.
B. Weapons will not be loaded or unloaded in or around any police building except at a designated area, i.e. clearing barrels. Maintenance, repairs, cleaning, and inspections will be conducted with unloaded weapons. Loaded weapons, other than officers’ sidearms, will not be carried into any police facility.
C. Non-uniformed officers will carry their sidearms in a holster when on duty, except when working an undercover assignment, and then only with permission of the Division Commander.
D. Officers are responsible for the safe and proper storage of any weapon they are qualified to carry – both on-duty and off-duty. The following guidelines should be considered when determining the proper way to store any weapon:
1. All firearms should be stored in an area that is not openly accessible and be kept under locked conditions to protect its unauthorized use or theft.
2. Never leave a firearm unattended if there is a possibility that someone other than the officer could handle the firearm.
3. Secure all weapons in the home. Rifles, handguns, shotguns, and ammunition should be secured in a locked safe, cabinet, closet, or drawer.

418.07 Shotguns, Shells, and Cleaning Schedules
A. Shotguns
1. Only officers who have qualified with the departmental shotgun will be allowed to carry a shotgun while on duty.
2. Shotguns will not be loaded or unloaded inside any building or vehicle.
B. Personally Owned Shotguns
1. Officers may purchase their own shotgun for on-duty carry if it meets the following criteria:
a. Must be a Remington Model 870 “Police Magnum” 12-gauge shotgun, Benelli M4, or Beretta 1301 Tactical Gen 2.
b. The barrel length must be 18” or 20”.
c. Must have a standard 4-round magazine tube. Factory-extended tubes are authorized.
d. The officer’s shotgun must be inspected by the Firearms Training Center Staff and approved for duty carry by the Rangemaster. Each officer must attend a familiarization class at the FTC
e. The officer must qualify with the personally owned shotgun prior to carrying the shotgun in an on-duty capacity.
2. The following accessories will be approved for the officer’s personally owned shotgun:
a. Surefire Forend, Streamlight Rackerlight kit, or any approved weapon-mounted light.
b. V-Tac Sling
c. Collapsible stock manufactured specifically for use on the Remington 870 Police Magnum Shotgun or any approved semi-automatic shotgun.
3. All modifications to the shotguns or installation of accessories must be done by the Firearms Training Center Staff.
4. Officers will qualify with their personally owned shotgun and have it inspected each year during annual shotgun qualifications.
C. Shotgun Shells
1. Only duty ammunition authorized by the Firearms Training Center will be carried in the personally owned shotguns.
2. Shotgun shells will be examined before each tour of duty.
3. Shells in need of replacement will be turned in to the appropriate supervisor or logistics officer for exchange.
4. The supervisor or logistics officer will forward the returned shells to the Firearms Training Center for examination and disposition.
D. Cleaning Schedules
1 The Firearms Training Center will be responsible for scheduling shotgun cleaning for the uniformed Operations Divisions and the Traffic Section.
2. All other divisions and sections will be responsible for scheduling shotgun cleaning on an as-needed basis with the Firearms Training Center.

418.08.1 Secondary Weapons
A. Secondary weapons, both off-duty and backup, must meet a serviceability inspection by Firearms Training Center personnel and are limited to departmentally approved Glock 9mm weapons.
B. Officers wishing to carry a secondary weapon other than the one with which they have qualified for on-duty use under Section 419.02 must first qualify with the weapon.
C. Each officer must qualify with the secondary weapon at least once each year in a manner prescribed by the Rangemaster.

Dallas Police Department General Order

419.00 Driving and Vehicle Safety

Revised 05/14/2019

419.01 Policy
A. The purpose of this order is to initiate an organized effort, involving the participation of all personnel, to reduce the events of motor vehicle accidents and personal injuries. Legality will not be the sole determinant in assigning responsibility. All incidents of City equipment collisions will be reviewed and responsibility assigned according to their preventability. Furthermore, corrective measures may be introduced whenever an employee’s safety record or actions justify concern. It should be pointed out, however, that the major thrust of this order is directed toward preventing the occurrence of future collisions by motivation and training rather than by punitive action for those that have already occurred.
B. The Dallas Police Department is dedicated to the principle that injury and damage reduction is an essential part of efficient and effective police operations. It will be Departmental policy to conduct all operations with a minimum of hazard to people, vehicles and other property, and support comprehensive programs designed to prevent or reduce injuries and property damage.
C. The reduction of personal injuries and vehicle damage is recognized as a command responsibility. Commanding officers will put forth every effort to ensure that Departmental goals regarding the reduction of injury and damage are met. The commander who abandons his or her responsibilities in the injury and damage reduction effort will not fulfill that obligation to the Department or subordinates.
D. The Department will place on non-driving status all Primary and Non-Primary drivers who have not taken or renewed the basic driver safety training (Defensive Driving Course, every three years) and/or, if a primary driver, a driver physical (every two years). All drivers will remain on non-driving status until DDC is completed. A primary driver who fails any portion of the driver physical is immediately on non-driving status. Failure of the driver physical includes being placed on a “medical hold status” and asked to return at a later date for retesting. The primary driver will notify his/her supervisor of the non-driving status, and if the primary driver was operating a city vehicle at the time of the driver physical, request assistance in transporting the city vehicle back to the assigned unit. A primary driver will remain on non-driving status until a Driver Safety Program physical is taken and passed at the City’s Medical Provider.
E. An employee must attend a departmental Remedial Driver-Training course, if within the preceding 24 month period, the employee accumulates either three non-preventable collisions or two preventable collisions.
F. An employee who does not successfully complete the Remedial Driving Training course will be placed on non-driving status until the course is successfully completed.

419.02 Definitions
A. COLLISION is an unplanned event definite as to time and place involving the operation of City equipment in which contact is made. This also includes cargo or objects falling from City equipment.
B. CITY EQUIPMENT is a licensed or unlicensed apparatus, vehicle, or machine, which is:
1. owned by, leased, rented, loaned, or donated to the City;
2. Driven, ridden, operated or controlled by an employee, reserve police officer, or reserve specialist;
3. privately owned vehicles driven in the course and scope of City business.
C. PREVENTABLE COLLISIONS are collisions in which the driver or other employee:
1. Failed to take reasonable action which could have avoided or prevented the collision;
2. Violated a City or Departmental rule, policy, or procedure, which contributed to the collision and/or,
3. Committed moving traffic violation(s), whether cited or not.
D. NON-PREVENTABLE COLLISIONS are collisions which occur despite the driver having taken reasonable action to avoid or prevent the collision or which do not meet any part of the definition of a preventable collision.
E. INCIDENT is an event in which City equipment:
1. Makes contact with another person, object, or vehicle and results in no bodily injury or property damage. If upon later investigation, damage or injury is reported, the incident will be reclassified accordingly.
2. Sustains damage from vandalism, acts of nature or unavoidable road hazards.
3. Sustains superficial damage from unforeseen or uncontrollable hazards that are not caused by driver inattention, faulty driving, evasive maneuvers, or violations of state traffic laws and which does not result in bodily injury or property damage.
4. Sustains damage while legally parked according to state traffic laws or parked in accordance with the Department’s standard operating procedures.
5. Properly equipped for police or fire department use, sustains damage or causes damage to another vehicle while in the act of utilizing push bumpers to push a vehicle from the roadway in accordance with General Orders. In the interest of public safety, police and fire department drivers are not required to get authorization before moving a vehicle in the roadway.
F. EMPLOYEE SAFETY RECORD is a database that reflects an employee’s involvement in any collision, as defined in General Order 419.02 A, regardless of whether the employee is acting as a driver, passenger, pedestrian, cyclist, or equestrian. 

419.03 Point Value and Disciplinary Procedure
A. In an effort to make employees and their chain-of-command aware of an employee’s driving status, the following point value system applies for assessment of disciplinary action related to vehicle collisions on-duty or in City equipment.
1. In accordance with departmental policy, the point value thus assigned will be cumulative for a 24 month period following the vehicle collision. Each subsequent preventable or serious major preventable vehicle collision adds to the cumulative point total. Points will be assigned as follows:
a. One point for preventable collisions where the City driver failed to take reasonable action to avoid the collision. This classification includes collisions involving violations of Departmental procedures, City Standard Operating Procedures and collisions involving minor traffic violations which are not likely to result in serious injury or major property damage.
b. Two points for minor preventable collisions where the City driver failed to take reasonable action to avoid a collision. This classification includes collisions that involve moving violations which usually result in moderate to serious vehicle and/or property damage.
c. Three points for major preventable collisions where the City driver failed to take reasonable action to avoid a collision. This classification includes collisions involving major moving violations of a serious nature which normally result in severe bodily injury and major vehicle and/or property damage.
d. Four Points for serious major preventable collisions where the City driver failed to take reasonable action to avoid a collision. This classification includes collisions involving major moving violations that normally result in severe bodily injury and/or property damage. This classification also includes collisions involving a positive alcohol or drug test or a fatality. Collisions where the driver is determined to have shown disregard for others including road rage incidents.
e. One additional point will be added if the employee, who was involved in a City equipment collision, is not qualified to drive at the time of the collision. Speeding violations by the City driver which contribute to the collision will be assessed one additional point.
f. Points will be assessed based on the following Collision Classification Example Violation Table:

Violation Type
(whether cited or not)
​Assault and Aggravated Assault with a Motor Vehicle
​Serious Major Preventable
Negligent Homicide by Vehicle
​Serious Major Preventable
Driving Under the Influence (DUI) for Drugs On/Off Duty
​Serious Major Preventable
Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) On Duty
​Serious Major Preventable
Failure to Stop and Render Aid
​Serious Major Preventable
Involuntary Manslaughter with Motor Vehicle 
​Serious Major Preventable
Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) Off Duty
​Serious Major Preventable
Driving on Wrong Side of Road
​Major Preventable
Improper or Illegal Passing
​Major Preventable
Lane Violation
​Major Preventable
Ran Red Light
​Major Preventable
Ran Stop Sign
​Major Preventable
Reckless Driving
​Major Preventable
Failed to Stop for School Bus
​Major Preventable
Wrong Way One-Way Road
​Major Preventable
Failure to Yield Right-of-Way
​Major Preventable
Following Too Close
​Minor Preventable
Improper or Illegal Backing
​Minor Preventable
Passing in No-Passing Zone
​Minor Preventable
Improper Right Turn
Improper “U” Turn
Improper Left Turn
Other qualified moving violations not listed

2. Points assigned are cumulative for a period of twenty-four consecutive months following the City equipment collision. Each subsequent preventable City equipment collision adds to the cumulative point total. Employees accumulating a total of four (4) points within a 24 month period will be placed on restricted driving status. A driver placed on restricted driving may not drive a City vehicle except in an emergency. Employees accumulating a total of five (5) points or higher, within a 24 month period will be placed on non-driving status. Employees may be removed from driving when the Chief of Police determines the employee poses a safety hazard. The City Safety Manager may recommend an employee be restricted from driving due to safety or liability exposure concerns.
3. The Department shall be consistent when administering discipline resulting from preventable collisions. Disciplinary action issued by the department to the employee should be in accordance with the Personnel Rules of the City of Dallas. Employees found to be operating city equipment after they have lost driving privileges are subject to immediate disciplinary action as per the Personnel Rules of the City of Dallas. The Department must use the Disciplinary Action Table to assign discipline:

Accumulated Points for 24 months
Disciplinary Action
With 3 or more Non-Preventable’s in 24 months requires Remedial Driving
Verbal Counseling (Advise and Instruction)
Written Counseling (Supervisors Report)
Written Reprimand
1 Day Suspension
 3 Day Suspension
5 Day Suspension
10 Day Suspension

a. Once preventability has been established, any departmental disciplinary action must be reported to and maintained by the Safety Team. An INCIDENT classification will not be assigned points or recorded on an employee’s safety record.
b. If a policy violation contributes to a collision, the Safety Team will rule on the violation, and it will be considered in determining the point value of the collision.
c. If the employee’s chain-of-command determines that a policy violation warrants an Internal Affairs investigation, the point value will not be assessed until the Internal Affairs findings and recommendations are returned to the employee’s chain-of-command.
d. A policy violation that does not contribute to the collision will not be considered in assessing the point value of the collision.
e. After the 3rd preventable collision, employees will be placed on non-driving status for a minimum of twenty-four months or until the preventable collision points are removed.
4. Collisions Involving Parked Vehicles
a. Collisions involving legally parked City vehicles will be classified as INCIDENTS per General Order
419.02 E, providing the employee was not negligent or unsafe in the manner of securing the vehicle. If the parked City vehicle collision is classified as an incident, the Collision Report (P8) entry for City Driver should state Incident. Entries for Employee number and SSN will be left blank.
b. The following types of collisions will be handled as any other collision involving negligence:
i. Those involving illegally parked City vehicles.
ii. Those involving City vehicles that were legally parked, but parked in an unsafe or unsecured manner not required in the performance of the employee’s job duties.
c. If the supervisory investigation determines that an employee was negligent, the employee’s name and other pertinent information will be placed in the appropriate blanks on the Collision Report (P8) and the Supervisor’s Investigation of Motor Vehicle Accident report.

419.04 Command Responsibility
A. Bureau Commanders are responsible for:
1. Developing and implementing effective safety programs within their Bureaus.
2. Establishing sufficient controls to assure that maximum command effort is expended toward supporting, implementing, and enforcing all programs designed to reduce accidents and injuries within their Bureaus.
B. Organizational Commanders below the Bureau Commander level are responsible for:
1. Setting an example in accord with the Department’s and their Bureau’s safety efforts.
2. Reviewing reports of motor vehicle collisions and personal injuries that occur within that organizational level, to include determining their seriousness and preventability.
3. Ensuring that all collisions under their command are investigated by the employee’s supervisor and that the completed collision packet is forwarded to the Safety Team within five working days from the receipt of the Accident Investigators (City Collision) report.
4. Reviewing the Supervisor’s Investigation of Accident Reports.
5. Ensuring that the employee's chain of command has viewed the in-car video of the incident, when applicable.
6. Preparing a memorandum advising the involved employee of the accident’s classification. A memorandum is not required when the collision is classified as Incident and no negligence is assigned to the driver.
7. Personally presenting the memorandum to the involved employee and also advising the employee of the classification of the accident and their rights and procedures necessary to appeal the classification. The employee will be required to sign the memorandum, acknowledging the classification and appeal procedures.
8. Forwarding a copy of the signed memorandum with the accident packet to the Safety Team. (The original memorandum will be given to the employee.)
9. Periodically reviewing injury and damage records of supervisors and the personnel under their command.
10. Designing programs to reduce the event of accident or injury within their organizational level.
C. Supervisors or Acting Supervisors are responsible for:
1. Setting an example in accordance with the Department’s and their Bureau’s safety efforts.
2. The immediate investigation and reporting of motor vehicle accidents or personal injuries.
3. Ensuring in-car video is preserved and forwarded for review by the Safety Team and investigators.
4. Completing a Supervisor’s Investigation of Accident Report, and forwarding it as the routing sequence on the form indicates. Note:The Safety Team is to receive the report and will classify the collision and assign points.
5. Injury and damage reduction to the same extent that they are responsible for the efficient accomplishment of crime prevention.
6. Adequate inspection and prompt maintenance of equipment and facilities.
7. Detection and prompt correction of hazardous conditions and unsafe practices.
8. Vigorous and continual training toward injury and damage reduction through individual employee contacts.
9. Ensuring the Collision Report (P8) is properly completed by the driver or employee responsible for the City equipment.
10. The driver’s supervisor will respond to the scene of a city equipment accident. If the driver’s supervisor is not available, a supervisor from the driver’s org number will respond to the scene. If a supervisor from the driver’s org number in not available, then a supervisor from the driver’s bureau must respond to the scene. The supervisor will be responsible for the removal of all equipment from the vehicle if it is going to be towed. This will include but not be limited to the following:
a. Removable Air Card
b. Gate Opener
c. Body Microphone
d. Cell Phones
e. Fire Extinguisher
f. Family Violence Camera
g. Cones
h. Shields
i. Air Masks
j. Stop Sticks
k. ETS control head from dash
l. ETS control box from the trunk
D. All Departmental employees will:
1. Wear safety belts or other restraint devices when the vehicle is in motion and require all occupants of the vehicle to do the same.
2. Report in writing to their supervisor any moving citations or DWI arrests received on or off the job.
3. Be subject to disciplinary action for failing to notify or concealing the subsequent suspension, revocation, or withdrawal of Texas driving privileges.
4. Be responsible for immediately removing any City vehicle from service if it appears to be unsafe to operate.
5. Report to their immediate supervisor any changes in health status or medication being taken that may affect the ability to safely operate City equipment.
6. Ensure that the video camera, if available, is operable and has recording time available. Record the time available on the equipment check sheet.
7. Download video daily.
8. Immediately report all City equipment collisions that occur while driving on duty or while driving City equipment (with or without apparent damage), to an immediate supervisor and an accident investigator.
9. Complete a Collision Report (P8) for collisions/incidents that occur while the City equipment is under the employee’s control.

419.05 Safety Team
The Safety Team will assist the Bureau and subordinate Organizational Commanders in fulfilling their safety responsibilities by coordinating and directing the safety activities of the Department. Their duties are:
A. Receiving, maintaining, and reviewing collision reports, statistics and damage events. These records are maintained in order to ensure consistency when classifying accidents.
B. Informing command personnel of safety problems within the Department.
C. Assisting in the development of departmental safety training.
D. Promoting voluntary compliance to departmental safety regulations.
E. Ensuring that a collision’s classification is consistent with other departmental collisions.
F. Maintaining a database to record disciplinary action administered by the Department to an employee once preventability has been established.
G. Ensuring that all personnel are in compliance with Administrative Directive 3-3 and departmental policy regarding defensive driving training, mandatory physical, and remedial driving training, when applicable.
H. Maintaining a safety record on each employee.
I. The departmental Safety Officer is the Safety Team Sergeant, and it is the Safety Officer’s responsibility for classification of collisions, representing the Department at City Collision Review Committee appeals to the City Manager, or employee appeals to the City-Wide Vehicle Collision Appeal Board.

419.06 Police Equipment Collision Guidelines
A. After the collision is investigated by a Traffic Section investigator, the employee’s immediate supervisor or acting supervisor will forward a completed collision packet to the second line supervisor. The immediate supervisor or acting supervisor will have five calendar days, from the receipt of the Accident Investigator’s Report, to complete the investigation of the accident. The packet will include, but is not limited to:
1. Supervisor’s Investigation of Motor Vehicle Accident;
2. State Accident Report or MIR;
3. Accident Investigator’s Report (City Accident Report) with witness statement;
4. Collision Report (P8);
5. Vehicle Damage Estimate (if available).
B. The second line supervisor will review the packet to ensure the packet is complete. If the second line supervisor does not agree with the findings of the first line supervisor they may note their objections on the Supervisor’s Investigation of Motor Vehicle Accident before forwarding the packet to the Safety Team.
C. The Collision Packet will be forwarded to the Safety Officer to be reviewed for consistency and point classification. A copy of the Collision Packet will then be forwarded to the City Collision Review Committee for review.
D. The departmental Safety Officer will make the point assessment and preventability classification decision. Each Collision Packet will be reviewed by the Safety Team for consistency prior to the Safety Officer’s decision. The Safety Team will then forward the Collision Packet to the City Collision Review Committee for review. If the City Collision Review Committee concurs with the departmental Safety Officer’s classification, the City Collision Review Committee will notify the Department Safety Team of the point assessment and preventability classification within five (5) working days from the date of the ruling. The Safety Team will notify in writing the involved employee’s chain of command of the point assessment and preventability classification and request the employee acknowledgement memo from the employee’s Organizational Commander. If the City Collision Review Committee does not concur with the departmental Safety Officer’s point assessment and preventability classification decision, they will request an appeal to the City Manager’s office. The decision of the City Manager’s office will be the final point assessment and preventability classification prior to employee notification.
E. An employee must submit a request for an appeal of the Collision Review Committee’s decision within ten (10) working days from the date of such notification to request an appeal with the City-wide Vehicle Collision Appeal Board (CVCAB). This appeal should be heard within thirty (30) calendar days from the date the employee received the initial notification from the Collision Review Committee. Decisions of the CVCAB shall be final; however, the City Manager may remand decisions of the CVCAB.

419.07 Reporting City Vehicle Collisions
A. All incidents or collisions involving City vehicles must be investigated and the Collision Packet forwarded to the Safety Team within five calendar days from the receipt of the Accident Investigator’s Report.
B. It is the involved employee’s supervisor’s responsibility to make a copy of the in-car video on CD to be included with the Collision Packet.
C. All in-car video from City Vehicle crashes will be preserved on the network P: drive, MDC Video folder.
D. All damage of City equipment must be reported using the City Equipment Collision Report form (P8). A copy of the
State Accident Report or the MIR describing the vehicle and the damage must accompany the P8.
E. A damage estimate must be performed on the City-owned vehicle at the Southeast Service Center (refer to G.O. 302.06 E). Other vehicles, such as lease cars, motorcycles, etc., should be taken to the appropriate locations for estimates.

419.08 City-wide Vehicle Collision Appeal Board
A. All City drivers shall have the right to appeal a preventable collision classification ruling by submitting a request in writing to the Assistant Director of Human Resources, Risk Management Division, City Hall, Room 6AS, within ten
(10) working days after having received, in writing, the ruling from the Collision Review Committee. It is recommended that the appellant hand-deliver the request. No appeals will be accepted after the deadline.
B. The City-wide Collision Appeal Board (CVCAB) will hear appeals from City drivers who do not agree with the Collision Review Committee ruling. CVCAB decisions are final.
C. Appeals for the discipline assigned to the collision should follow departmental policy and the process designated in Article VI (Discipline, Grievance and Appeal Procedures) of the Personnel Rules.

419.09 Non-Driving Status
A. By Departmental policy, when an employee accumulates five or more points within a 24 month period, the employee will be placed on non-driving status for a minimum of 12 months or until the accumulated point total drops below five, whichever is longer.
1. When a collision occurs that is believed to place the employee at five or more points, his or her supervisor will immediately place the employee on non-driving status and prepare a memorandum to the employee that includes the following:
a. A statement instructing the employee not to operate a motor vehicle for the City of Dallas until removed from non-driving status.
b. A statement instructing the employee to inform any departmental personnel of the non-driving status when requested or ordered to operate a motor vehicle for the City of Dallas.
2. The supervisor will file a copy of the memorandum in the employee’s unit personnel file and forward a copy to the Safety Team.
B. Per AD 3-3, 7.4, Points assigned are cumulative for a period of twenty-four consecutive months following the City Equipment collision. Each subsequent preventable City equipment collision adds to the cumulative point total. Employees may be restricted from driving status, regardless of accumulated safety points, and may be removed from driving when the department director determines the employee poses a safety hazard. The City Safety Manager may recommend an employee be restricted from driving due to safety or liability exposure concerns.
C. A Commander may reclassify an employee to non-driving status or place the employee in an assignment where the operation of a motor vehicle for the City of Dallas is not required. A change in driving status or assignment may involve the employee remaining at the present organizational level or transferring to another unit, section, or division.
1. If the Commander allows the employee to remain in the Bureau, a memorandum to this effect will be directed to the Safety Team. The memorandum will state that the employee is to remain at the same Bureau, and it will identify the employee’s assignment.  The Safety Team will reclassify the employee’s assigned Position Identification Number as non-driving. The non-driving position will not prevent the employee from riding as a passenger in a motor vehicle for the City of Dallas.
2. If the Commander transfers the employee to a position designated as non-driving outside the employee’s Bureau, a memorandum documenting this change will be directed to the Safety Team from the losing Bureau. A Change of Assignment form will also be submitted by the losing Bureau.
D. Prior to the employee’s non-driving status expiring, the Safety Team will direct a memorandum to the employee through the employee’s chain-of-command, informing the employee of the time and location of his or her mandatory remedial driving training (Refer to G.O. 419.12). Once the remedial driving training is successfully completed, the employee may return to a driving status.

419.10 Non-Driving Status Due to Medical Reasons
A. The Safety Team will be notified in writing by the City Medical Provider, that the employee has a medical condition which prohibits the employee from operating a motor vehicle for the City of Dallas.
B. The Safety Team will notify the employee’s chain-of-command in writing that the employee is to be placed on non- driving status pending further medical review.
C. The employee’s immediate supervisor will order the employee by memorandum not to drive until the employee’s medical condition is resolved.
D. Any correspondence received by the Safety Team from the City Medical Provider regarding the employee’s medical condition will be forwarded for inclusion in the employee’s unit medical records. The Safety Team will make a note in the Officer’s Safety Record that the Officer is on “non-driving status due to medical reasons, see Officer’s Medical File.
E. Any employee on non-driving status for medical reasons will be required to undergo a driver’s physical biennially to determine if the medical condition still exists. If the employee’s condition has not been resolved, the employee will remain on non-driving status.

419.11 Discipline Related to Motor Vehicle Accidents
Discipline assessed to employees involved in motor vehicle accidents will be within the guidelines set out in General Order 419.03 A.3. The Department’s Internal Affairs Division will not conduct any investigations related to motor vehicle accidents (G.O. 505.05 A.6). When the accident is classified as preventable, minor preventable, major preventable or serious major preventable, Division Commanders will utilize the following procedures when recommending discipline:
A. The Safety Officer will classify the accident. A memorandum by the Organization Commander will be directed to the employee advising the classification. The employee will be required to sign the memo, acknowledging the classification and the procedure for appeal. The original memo will be given to the employee, and a copy of the memo, along with the Collision Packet, will be sent to the Safety Team.
B. The employee has ten (10) working days to request an appeal of the classification through the City’s Risk Management.
1. If the employee does not request an appeal, the appropriate discipline may then be administered following the guidelines in Section C below.
2. Should the employee request an appeal of the classification within the ten (10) working day deadline, the discipline recommendation will be placed on hold until all departmental appeal processes have been completed. Once a final classification has been assigned by the Departmental Accident Appeal Board, the Safety Team will notify the Division Commander of the final classification. The Commander will then follow the procedures set out in section C below.
C. The Safety Team will provide the Division Commander the Request for Discipline Packet to be completed with the Commander’s recommended discipline. The Commander will then forward the completed form to the Bureau Commander. If the discipline is going to be a Written Reprimand or higher, the Bureau Commander will forward the Discipline Packet to the Internal Affairs Division. Internal Affairs will prepare all Letters of Reprimand. Internal Affairs will forward the Letter of Reprimand to the Division Commander for the employee’s signature. In cases of suspension, demotion, or termination G. O. 511.05 and Personnel Rules Article VI (Discipline, Grievance and Appeal Procedures) will apply. Once the appeal process is exhausted and the discipline is final, Internal Affairs will forward a copy of the Discipline Packet to the Safety Team.
D. Once the Chief of Police, or their designate, assigns discipline in accordance with General Order 419.03 A.3, the Safety Team will be notified of such discipline and record the discipline.
E. Nothing in this policy will prohibit any supervisor from requesting a control number from the Internal Affairs Division to investigate any allegation of a violation of a rule or policy by the employee that did not directly affect the classification of the accident. The Internal Affairs Division will investigate such allegations in the normal manner as any other investigation.

419.12 Remedial Driving Training
In compliance with Administrative Directive 3-3, the Safety Team will provide and document Remedial Driving Training. This training is mandatory for all departmental employees who accumulate any of the following:
A. Three Non-Preventable collisions within the preceding 24 month period;
B. Two Preventable collisions.

419.13 Safety/Risk Management Committee
A. The primary goal of the Safety/Risk Management Committee will be the reduction of risk and injury to employees and the citizens of Dallas. The purpose of the committee will be to examine the adequacy of Departmental policy, training, procedures, and equipment. The Safety/Risk Management Committee will meet on at least a monthly basis. 
The committee will be chaired by a Deputy Chief, assigned to a patrol division, selected by the First Assistant Chief of Police. Each patrol division will assign the following personnel to the committee:
1. One Lieutenant and an alternate as a voting member
2. The FTO/Training sergeant as a voting member
3. The division Vehicle Coordinator as a voting member
4. One non-supervisory rank officer who is concerned with officer safety in an advisory capacity
B. The committee will also include but not be limited to the following members:
1. The Safety Team Sergeant who will act as the committee facilitator and be a voting member.
2. The Lieutenant over the Safety Team as a voting member.
3. Safety Team personnel, as designated by the Safety Team Sergeant, as advisors.
4. The Fleet Manager or their designated representative as a voting member.
5. The supervisor or designated member from Workers Comp Team as an advisor.
6. One designated member of each employee association may attend as advisors.
C. The committee will actively seek risk complaints which may arise from an employee, employee association, supervision, equipment manufacturer or Fleet. The committee will only consider identifiable risks that can be reduced through committee action. When it is necessary and based on critical need the committee will be called together within 24 hours notice, at the discretion of the committee chairperson. The committee is to be customer service oriented and will be tasked with problem solving, and developing policies and procedures that have a direct impact on the following areas:
1. Reduction of motor vehicle collisions
2. Reduction of on the job injuries.
3. Reduction in identifiable risks or hazards to employees and citizens.
4. Reduction of departmental risk through critical incident assessment.

Dallas Police Department General Order

4420.00 Court Attendance

Revised 09/30/2019

420.01 Subpoenaed and Requested Court Appearance in Criminal Cases
A. Definitions
1. Subpoenas are legal summonses directly issued by a court or attorney as set forth in the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure or Texas Rules of Civil Procedure. Legal subpoenas must be served in person to the individual named and honored as directed.
a. An instanter subpoena requires a person's immediate appearance. If the court day is over, the person reports at the start of the next court day.
b. A Duces Tecum subpoena requires the person named to appear in court and bring any document or evidence specified in the subpoena.
2. Court Notices are requests for employees to appear in court. Court notices will be transmitted by the Court Notification System (CNS), telephone, or inter-office mail. Employees will honor court notices.
3. Court Attendance Documents are all subpoenas, notices, ledgers, details, time cards, comp/overtime cards, check-in sheets, Court Attendance Receipts and other documents that might bear on court notification or attendance.
4. Inspection of Employee’s Compliance with Court Attendance Procedures requires the review of all documents related to court attendance.
5. A Motion for Continuance Request Form is used to request a motion for continuance in a Municipal Court case. If the motion is approved, Court Services will generate another court notice advising the officer of the new date.
6. An Emergency Situation is a situation deemed such by a Lieutenant, Civilian Manager equivalent or above.
7. A Critical Assignment is an assignment deemed such by a Lieutenant, Civilian Manager equivalent or above which depends on specific employees for its success. Removal of these employees for court would jeopardize the critical assignment.
B. Basic Responsibilities
1. The Legal Services Unit will:
a. Monitor CNS and serve as liaison with the District Attorney’s Office and Court Services.
b. Upon notification that an employee has received a subpoena/notice outside of normal process, will:
i. Create a CNS docket.
ii. Contact the issuing party when a subpoenaed person or record is unavailable.
c. Issue an Inspection of Employee’s Compliance with Court Attendance Procedures to investigate possible non-compliance.
d. Issue Motion for Continuance Request (MCR) numbers.
e. Prepare Audit Reports identifying:
i. officers who fail to appear,
ii. officers who appear in court without a court notice/subpoena,
iii. total time spent in court,
iv. reporting late to court, and
v. other management reports as directed.
2. Employees will:
a. Open their DPD electronic mail each calendar day they are in an on-duty status and acknowledge all messages received via CNS.
b. Keep track of their notices and ensure that requested leave does not conflict with scheduled court.
c. Ensure that all requested leave is entered in CNS.
d. Ensure that Municipal Court is notified by memo of all approved leave.
i. Leave may be scheduled after receiving a Municipal Court subpoena if the request is made within seven calendar days of receiving the subpoena.
ii. The employee must deliver a Motion for Continuance Request Form within this seven calendar day period to the Legal Services Unit.
e. Appear in court or be on authorized standby, unless disregarded, when they receive:
i. A legally processed subpoena formally served in person. Only the person named in the subpoena will accept it.
ii. A court notice as defined in Section 420.01 A.2.
f. When receiving a court notice or subpoena outside of CNS for any court or hearing other than Municipal Court:
i. Immediately notify their supervisor.
ii. Hand deliver or fax a copy to the Legal Services Unit and the Criminal Law and Police Unit within eight hours of receipt or before the hearing, whichever is earlier.
g. Comply with Frank Crowley Courts Building Check-in / Check-out procedures.
i. Employees will report to the 10th floor Officer Waiting Area to check in. The employee’s identification card will be used to swipe into the Subpoena Management Program.
ii. Employees will note the court(s) they are called to, report to the court prosecutor and follow the prosecutor’s instructions. In the event of multiple court settings, the court with the highest pending charge (felony, appeals, misdemeanor, preliminary hearing, etc.) will be primary.
(1) Employees who are allowed to leave their primary court without being formally dismissed by the prosecutor or court personnel, must return to their primary court or the 10th Floor Officer Waiting Area within one hour of listed court time and remain there.
(2) Dismissal notifications will be received at one of these two locations.
iii. Employees will check out for lunch and check in upon return.
iv. Employees will check out in the 10th Floor Officer Waiting Area upon dismissal from court. The employee will use his/her identification card to enter the check-out information in the database. Court Attendance Receipt information is electronically recorded showing the date and times of check- in/check-out and the primary court the officer attended. This receipt, also available on line, along with the court notice or subpoena, will serve as the basis for the comp/overtime calculation.
h. Comply with Municipal Court Check-in / Check-out Procedures
i. Employees will report to the Subpoena Administrator. The employee’s department identification card will be used to swipe into the Subpoena Management Program.
ii. Employees will note the court(s) they are called to, report to the court’s prosecutor and follow the prosecutor’s or court’s instructions.
iii. Employees who are allowed to leave a court without being formally dismissed by the prosecutor or court personnel will return to the court within thirty minutes, or as soon as possible, to obtain further instruction.
iv. Employees will check out for lunch and check in upon return.
v. Employees will check out with the Subpoena Administrator upon dismissal from court. The employee will use their identification card to enter the check-out information in the database. Court Attendance Receipt information is electronically recorded showing the date and times of check-in/check-out and the primary court the officer attended. This receipt, also available on-line, along with the court notice or subpoena will serve as the basis for the comp/overtime calculation.
i. Correctly annotate lunch breaks when requesting earned comp/overtime. For comp/overtime calculation, the standard lunch break is one hour, unless reduced by court direction (signed documentation required), regardless of Court Attendance Receipt inscription.
j. Comply with Section 420.04 if unable to attend county or city court.
k. Not communicate directly with anyone from the county courts or the District Attorney’s Office regarding a court appearance unless the court or D.A.’s office initiates contact. Employees notified to appear in court who feel their presence is not needed may ask their supervisor to contact the court and request that the court disregard them or place them on standby. The change to disregard or standby is not official until the court changes the employee’s ‘request type’ in CNS.
l. Not honor verbal requests to appear. All verbal requests to appear will be referred to the Legal Services Unit.
3. Supervisors will:
a. Keep CNS chain-of-command listings current and adopt new subordinates within three working days of reassignment.
b. Approve or disapprove all leave requests. Leave will not be approved if a prior obligation exists.
c. Ensure that the Legal Services Unit is notified when an employee receives a notice or subpoena outside normal process.
d. Review all court attendance related documents and complete an Inspection of Employee’s Compliance with Court Attendance Procedures when requested by the Legal Services Unit. This includes:
i. Comparison of comp/overtime application to actual court notice or subpoena and Court Attendance receipt.
ii. Examination of standby information for accuracy.
iii. Investigating reports of failure to appear in court, failure to properly check in/check out, appearing in court without court notice/subpoena, reporting late to court and other reports requested by Legal Services.
e. Forward the completed Inspection of Employee’s Compliance with Court Attendance Procedures report through their Bureau Commander to the Legal Services Unit within 10 days of the initial request.
f. Compare all court related applications for comp/overtime with Court Attendance Receipts and court notices or subpoenas before approval.
g. Comply with responsibilities outlined in Section 420.04 for employees unable to attend county or municipal court.
h. Ensure that employees acknowledge court notices, making personal acknowledgement or acknowledgement with exception when necessary.
4. Organizational Commanders will:
a. Keep CNS chain of command listings current by ensuring that all organizational supervisors adopt new subordinates within three working days of reassignment.
b. Designate and notify the Legal Services Unit Commander of a supervisor and alternate with administrative hours to act as liaison for court-related problems.
c. Ensure that employees acknowledge court notices.
d. Ensure follow-up investigation on all Inspection of Employee’s Compliance with Court Attendance Procedures reports, and taking appropriate corrective action when necessary.

420.02 County Court Standby System
A. CNS notices list request types as:
1. Not set
2. Appear
3. Standby
4. Disregard
B. Appear notices require court attendance. Employees will not attend court if the request type is not set or disregard.
C. Employees will respond to legally processed and served subpoenas. Standby is not allowed.
D. On-Duty Standby
1. On-duty employees will be on standby unless the CNS request type states Appear or they are otherwise informed.
2. The District Attorney’s Office will notify the Legal Services Unit of the personnel needed. The Legal Services Unit will call the employee’s work location and have the employee report to court.
3. Employees will report to court within 90 minutes of notification.
4. Duration of Standby
a. Court notices set before noon will automatically terminate at 12:00 noon unless otherwise notified.
b. Court notices set after noon will automatically terminate three hours after the time indicated on the notice unless otherwise notified.
c. Special provisions imposed by the court pertaining to standby status will be noted on the court notice. Employees will abide by such provisions.
5. Employees who receive court notices that extend standby status from on-duty to off-duty will either continue standby or report to court.
6. If a trial continues into the following day and the court has not excused the officer, the District Attorney’s office will notify the officer that he/she needs to appear or be on standby. An original notice binds employees for five business days, excluding the initial appearance date
E. Off-Duty Standby
1. Off-duty employees will report to court or be on standby.
2. Employees desiring standby will, prior to the court setting, list a telephone number in CNS, phone position #1, where they can be personally contacted by the Legal Services Unit. Employees may use the time as they desire provided they can appear in court within time and in compliance with the General Orders and Code of Conduct.
3. After notification from the court, the Legal Services Unit will call phone #1 twice and alternate #’s 2 and 3 once in a fifteen-minute period. If contact cannot be made, the Legal Services Unit will notify a supervisor at the employee's work location. The supervisor has five minutes to notify the employee. The supervisor will immediately notify the Legal Services Unit of the results. An employee will be listed as “no-show” if contact cannot be made during this time period. The Legal Services Unit will note the contact results in the CNS comments section and make a return call to the requesting court advising the court of the results.
4. Employees will report to court within 90 minutes of notification.
5. Duration of Standby
a. Court notices set before noon will automatically terminate at 12:00 noon unless otherwise notified.
b. Court notices set after noon will automatically terminate three hours after the time indicated on the notice unless otherwise notified.
c. Special provisions imposed by the court pertaining to standby status will be noted on the court notice. Employees will abide by such provisions.
6. If a trial continues into the following day and the court has not excused the officer, the District Attorney’s office will notify the employee that he/she needs to appear or be on standby. An original notice binds employees for five business days, excluding the initial appearance date.

420.03 Municipal Court Standby System
There is no Standby system for Municipal Court. All on-duty and off-duty officers are required to attend their Municipal Court assignments as mandated in their subpoena.

420.04 Employees Unable to Attend County or Municipal Court
A. Employees enroute to court who become delayed will notify a divisional supervisor who, if agreeing the delay is necessary, will notify the affected court(s) of the delay. The employee will continue to court as soon as possible.
B. Employees unable to attend court due to illness, emergency situation, critical assignment, or other exigent circumstances, will notify a divisional supervisor who will:
1. For legally processed subpoenas - Personally notify the involved court and abide by the court's instructions.
2. For CNS notices - Notify the involved court and document the circumstances in a memo to the employee’s Division Commander by the next business day.
3. For Municipal Court notices: - Notify the Municipal Court Subpoena Administrator and document the circumstances in a memo to the employee’s Division Commander by the next business day.

420.05 Evidence Related to Court Appearances
A. An officer receiving a legal subpoena or court notice requesting that evidence be brought to court is responsible for
1. Picking up the evidence at the Property Unit and transporting it to court.
2. Maintaining custody of the evidence until the Court Reporter or Assistant District Attorney signs for it.
3. Returning the evidence or a signed property receipt form to the Property Unit. The receipt form must be returned to the Property Unit the same day that the court retains the evidence.
B. Evidence not retained by the court in a continuing trial will be returned to the Property Unit daily and subsequently brought back to court until otherwise instructed.

420.06 Court Appearances in Counties in Which the City of Dallas Is Located Other than Dallas County
A. The City of Dallas extends into Collin, Denton, Kaufman, and Rockwall Counties.
B. All courts in these counties are no standby.

420.07 Verbal or Written Recommendations for Case Dismissal
Employees will not make verbal or written recommendations to judicial or prosecutorial employees regarding case dismissal or suspension of penalty except as follows:
A. Detention Services Unit and Legal Services Unit supervisors may recommend dismissal of charges in conjunction with mental illness cases, errors in booking, insufficient evidence, and other unusual cases that reflect the best interests of the Department.
B. Other employees may make written recommendations as follows:
1. The employee’s Division Commander will prepare a memo to either the District Attorney’s Office or the Chief Prosecutor of the Municipal Court giving: the arrest number, name of the arrestee, type of offense, location and date of offense, name of arresting officer, and reason for recommending dismissal.
2. The Division Commander will transmit the request to the D.A.’s Office or the Chief Prosecutor of the Municipal Court at least five working days prior to the court setting. The request must be walked through if less than five working days remain prior to the court setting.

420.08 Voiding or Dismissing Citations
A. Voiding Citations
1. This general order establishes uniform guidelines for recommending a dismissal of a citation prior to a judicial hearing and submitting voided citations to Court and Detention Services for record keeping purposes. Only division commanders or higher have the authority to request dismissal of a citation from the Prosecutor’s office if warranted.
B. Reasons for requesting voids/dismissals
1. The charge cited by the issuing officer does not exist.
2. The charge cited by the issuing officer is incorrect.
3. The name, location, or date on the citation is incorrect.
4. The violator has died.
5. The dismissal is in the best interest of justice and the Department.
C. Citations will be voided for the following reasons:
1. The cited person was placed in jail for the charge on the citation and all four copies of the citation were retrieved.
2. The citation was defective in original production (insufficient number of copies, print job, etc.).
3. The citation book was lost. A Lost/Stolen Property report must be made for a lost citation book.
4. An officer will retrieve all four copies and void a citation if a person being cited for No Proof of Liability Issuance or No Operator’s License is able to produce the proper document while still detained.
5. A request to void a citation must be approved by a supervisor.
D. The supervisor will address a void memo to the Data Entry Supervisor of Court Services. The signature will be of a watch commander or higher rank. The memo will contain the following:
1. Citation number(s).
2. Name of the violator (when applicable).
3. Type of offense (when applicable).
4. Location of the offense (when applicable).
5. Name of the involved officer.
6. Reason for recommending that the citation(s) be voided.
7. Arrest number (when applicable).
8. VOID will be written across the original citation. All four copies will be stapled to the memorandum and forwarded to the Department of Court Services.
9. The originating Unit/Watch will retain a copy of the memo.
10. In circumstances other than described in this section, division commanders or higher may void citations when in the best interest of justice and the Department. They must sign the voiding memorandum.
E. A divisional supervisor will prepare a dismissal memo for the signature of a divisional commander or higher, addressed to the Chief Prosecutor of the Municipal Court. The memo will contain the following:
1. Citation Number.
2. Name of the violator.
3. Type of violation or offense.
4. Location of the violation or offense.
5. Name of issuing officer.
6. Reason for recommending that the citation not be prosecuted.
7. The original citation, if available, will be stapled to the memorandum and forwarded to the Department of Court Services.
8. A copy of the memo will be retained in the files of the Division Commander.
F. The Officer/PSO will complete the Void/Dismissal Citation Memo or the Parking Citation Disposition memo as appropriate and attach the original citation within 1 business day.
1. If the citation is voided prior to issuance, the Officer/PSO shall write “VOID” across the entire front of the citations.
2. The Officer/PSO shall submit the appropriate memo and original citation to the Supervisor for review and approval.
3. The Supervisor shall sign the Void/Dismissal Citation Memo or the Parking Citation Disposition Memo, if approved. If denied, the memo will be given back to the requestor to provide additional information, justification or proceed with enforcement on the case.
4. The supervisor shall send the Void/Dismissal Citation Memo or the Parking Citation Disposition Memo and original citation to the second/watch station sergeant for review and approval.
5. The Void/Dismissal Citation Memo or the Parking Citation Disposition Memo shall not be forwarded directly to Court and Detention Services without the appropriate review and approval from the Division Commander.
6. The second watch station sergeant reporting to the Division Commander shall send the Void/Dismissal Citation Memo, or the Parking Citation Disposition Memo and original citation to the Chief Prosecutor or his/her designee in Court and Detention Services for further processing.
7. The second watch station sergeant reporting to the Division Commander shall make a copy of the Void/Dismissal Citation Memo or the Parking Citation Disposition Memo for tracking and record keeping purposes.
8. In the event that an unissued citations or citation books must be destroyed, a Void/Dismissal Citation Memo shall be completed by the second watch station sergeant. The sergeant will ensure that this is documented in InCode and the memorandum.
Note: The officer/PSO is responsible for all citations in their book.
G. All criminal and v-ticket citation books will be tracked in InCode. It is the officer’s/PSO’s responsibility to ensure that all citations are turned in (voided, dismissed, or issued) in a timely manner. A copy of the citation shall also be forwarded to Court and Detention Services. A monthly audit of the ticket books issued will be conducted by the second watch station sergeant.

420.09 Accountability of Citation Books
A. This general order establishes a uniform policy for control and distribution of Citation books (criminal, v-ticket and parking) and provides uniform guidelines for the tracking and auditing of all citations issued by the Dallas Police Department.
Distribution Personnel: Includes station sergeants, Training Sergeants, Public Service Officers or station personnel assigned to provide front desk coverage at a patrol station during normal business hours.
 Incode: A computer database that holds citation information and records the status of a citation.
 Designated staff: Consists of the second watch station sergeant at each patrol division and the Field Training Sergeant.
EXCEPTION: Extra Citation Books may be obtained due to enforcement initiatives, special projects, etc. A memo or an email must be given at least two (2) days in advance to the Division Commander. The memo must include the date and type of event (sweep, special project, etc.), the officer’s name and badge number and the number of Citation Books requested. The memo and/or email must be signed by the Division Commander.
B. Distribution Personnel shall issue Citation Books 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at any patrol station.
1. One (1) criminal. One (1) parking citation and /or one (1) V-Ticket book shall be issued to sworn police officers and one (1) parking citation book shall be issued to Public Service Officers.
2. Each Officer/PSO must personally sign the Criminal, V-Ticket, and/or Parking Citation Book Distribution Log for Citation Books issued and returned.
C. The Distribution Personal shall:
1. Maintain the Criminal, V-Ticket, and Parking Citation Book Distribution Log of all Citation Books to be distributed. All logs are kept on file at each station.
2. Ensure that all Criminal, and V-Ticket Books are entered into Incode for tracking purposes.
3. Store all Criminal, V-Ticket, and Parking Citation Books in a secured file cabinet at each patrol station.
4. Maintain a file of all Police Reports of lost or stolen books for future audits. A copy of the Police Report will also be filed in place of the lost/stolen citation book. If the lost book is recovered, the Distribution Personnel shall document on the Police Report that the book was recovered/found. Employees shall refer to General Order
805.00 for the lost/stolen city-property procedure.
5. The station sergeant shall prepare a memo to void out all remaining citations in the lost or stolen book.
6. All Criminal, V-Ticket, and Parking Citation books will be kept for a minimum of 1 year by the individual officer.
7. It will be the responsibility of each patrol station sergeant on each watch to ensure that E-Citation device updates are properly downloaded and e-citations are uploaded. This is accomplished by ensuring that the device is properly synced immediately after being turned in by an officer and on a weekly basis if the device has not been used.
D. For lost or stolen Citation Books and retrieval of Citation Books from employees terminated or resigned the Division Commander shall:
1. Ensure that a Police Report is made by the Officer/PSO when a Citation Book is lost or stolen. A copy of the Police Report is to be delivered to the Station Sergeant within 10 days of completion of the Police Report.
2. Retrieve, sign, date and return all completed and/or incomplete Citation Books to the Distribution Personnel due to the resignations, terminations, etc. of an officer or PSO. (These Citation Books shall never be reissued).
3. Officers/PSOs leaving the department shall return all Citation Books to the respective station sergeants and sign/date the Criminal, V-Ticket or Parking Citation Book Distribution Log. The individual stations will keep the physical citation book until the appropriate records retention time period has been met and subsequently destroyed when applicable laws permit.
4. The Distribution Personnel shall confirm all Citation Books issued have been returned and shall complete the Citation Book Return Checklist form, obtain the officer’s/PSO’s signature, sign the form, make a copy for the officer/PSO and obtain a copy for their records. This form shall be kept with the Citation Distribution Logs and updated in Incode.
5. A memo shall be created to “VOID” any remaining citations that are in the book.
6. The officer/PSO shall return the Citation Book Return Checklist to his or her Supervisor as proof that all Citation Books have been returned.
7. If a book is lost or stolen, refer to General Order 805.00
Note: The officer/PSO are responsible for all citations in their book.
E. Ordering of Criminal Citations
1. It is the Distribution Personnel’s responsibility:
a. Request criminal citation books from the Dallas Police Quartermaster.
F. Ordering of V-Ticket Citations
1. It is the Distribution Personnel’s responsibility when the supply is at 50 to inform designated staff to pick books up from Community Courts located at:
a. South Oak Cliff Community Court (South Central) 2111 South Corinth Street Dallas, TX 75203
b. West Dallas Community Court (South West) 2828 Fish Trap Rd.
Dallas, TX 75212
c. South Dallas Community Court (South East) 2922 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd
Dallas, TX 75215
d. Northeast Dallas Community Court (Northeast/Northwest & North Central) 9451 LBJ Freeway, Ste. 125
Dallas, TX 75243
e. Night Community Court (Central) 2014 Main Street Dallas, TX

Auditing of Citation Books
G. Designated staff approved by a Division Commander shall contact the Director of Court Services or their designee to request a Security Authorization Request form (SAR) to gain access to Incode.
H. Designated staff within the Dallas Police Department shall only be granted access to book track profile for the entering and tracking of citations and running missing citations reports.
I. A Missing Citation Report (Computer Generated from InCode) for all criminal and V-tickets will be generated on a monthly basis by the second watch station sergeant. This report will be completed and forwarded to the Patrol Bureau Commander on a monthly basis.
J. The second watch station sergeant or his or her designee shall review the Missing Citation Report for missing citations and notate any missing citations from completed or currently assigned books on the Citation Accountability Spreadsheet.
K. If citations are found to be missing from the Missing Citation Report, the second watch station sergeant or his or her designee shall contact the respective officer’s supervisor if a memo is pending final review and approval.
L. If a memo is awaiting signature, the second watch station sergeant or his or her designee shall make a notation on the Citation Accountability Spreadsheet and follow-up within 7 business days to determine if the Citation Void/Dismissal Memo was approved or denied.
M. If citations are missing from the Missing Citation Report and a Citation Void/Dismissal Memo is not pending, the second watch station sergeant or his or her designee shall contact the sergeant and/or watch commander via email for a response within 10 working days.
N. If a response is not received on the 10th working day, the Citation Accountability Spreadsheet shall be escalated to the Division Commander and Bureau Commander for resolution.
O. The Division Commander and or Bureau Commander shall take appropriate action and forward a response to second watch station sergeant or his or her designee.
P. If a response is received, the second watch station sergeant shall notate the response on the Citation Accountability Spreadsheet for tracking purposes.
1. If the employee indicates that the citation is currently being reviewed by his or her chain of command, a notation is made on the Citation Accountability Spreadsheet and follow-up is conducted within 10 business days to determine if the citation has been submitted to Court Services.
2. If a citation was voided and remains in the citation book (active or completed), the officer/PSO shall be directed to complete a Citation Void/Dismissal memo for review and approval by the Division Commander. A notation shall be made on the Citation Accountability Spreadsheet and follow-up is conducted within 10 days to determine the status.
3. All Citation Void/Dismissal (Criminal) memos must be signed by the Division Commander.
Q. Citation Void/Dismissal shall not be forwarded to Court Services prior to the Division Commander’s review and approval. Memos without the appropriate signatures will be returned to the department by Court Services.
1. If the citations cannot be accounted for, the second watch station sergeant shall immediately notify the Division Commander to take the appropriate action.
2. If a citation has been issued at large and needs to be voided, the officer shall provide the second watch station sergeant with a copy of the citation and forward to Court Services for processing.
R. The Missing Citation Report (Computer Generated from Incode) and Audit Accountability Spreadsheet shall be maintained in a locked file cabinet for a period of three (3) years until the City of Dallas’ retention period has expired.
1. Police officers and public service officers leaving the department shall return all citation books to a patrol station and sign/date the Criminal and V-Ticket Citation Book or Parking Distribution Log.
2. Distribution Personnel shall complete the Citation Book Checklist form, obtain the officer’s/PSO’s signature, sign the form, make a copy for the employee’s records and obtain a copy of the form with the citation book for audit and records retention purposes.
3. The officer or PSO shall return the Citation Book Checklist to his or her supervisor as proof that all citation books have been returned.
4. If an officer or PSO leaves the department and leaves blank citations in his or her book, the officer’s supervisor or the second watch station sergeant shall prepare a memo to void out all the remaining citations in the book. Documentation of the destruction of remaining citations will be included in the Void Citation Memo if allowed by the records retention schedule.
a. The memo and the voided citations shall be submitted to the Division Commander for review and approval.
b. Upon approval, the memo shall be delivered to Court and Detention Services (Records Division) for processing. The citations will be maintained or destroyed by the respective division.
c. The second watch station sergeant or his or her designee can confirm that all citations have been processed via the next month’s citation accountability report or www.municipalrecordsearch.com/dallastx.
S. On a bi-annual basis or as needed, the second watch station sergeant or his or her designee shall request a report from CIS listing all active police officers and public service officers in InCode. .
T. The second watch station sergeant or his or her designee shall review the list and compare it to the departments Personnel Roster to determine if access is still needed.
U. Officers or Public Service Officers whose names no longer appear on the departments Personnel Roster shall be highlighted on the spreadsheet provided by CIS and returned to be placed in an inactive status in Incode.

420.10 Requests from Criminal Defense Attorneys
A. No employee will give any statement, affidavit, or deposition to any criminal defense attorney except by permission of the Chief of Police or court order. Depositions may be given to military officials, either trial counsel or defense counsel, upon request.
B. Employees will notify the Criminal Law and Police Unit by memo when they receive subpoenas to give depositions to criminal defense attorneys. This memo will be submitted through the employee's Division Commander. A city attorney will determine whether it is necessary to file a motion or accompany the employee to the deposition.
C. Employees who receive Duces Tecum subpoenas must notify the Criminal Law and Police Unit of the subpoena by memo before releasing any documents. An attorney may file a motion to quash or modify the subpoena to prevent the release of police documents.

420.11 Civil Court Cases and Civil Suits
A. The Dallas Police Department has jurisdiction in criminal cases only. No employee of the Department will render aid or assistance in civil cases except to prevent an immediate breach of the peace or to quell a disturbance actually occurring.
1. This rule is not intended to prevent an employee from informing any citizen of the steps necessary to institute a civil suit.
2. Citizens requesting information regarding attorneys will be referred to the Dallas Bar Association Lawyer Referral Service, (214) 220-7444. Employees will not recommend specific attorneys to citizens they contact through official duties.
B. Employees will not file a civil suit regarding any police incident without first notifying the Chief of Police in writing.
C. Employees will submit a written report to the Chief of Police when they become involved in any criminal or civil action, other than divorce or adoption proceedings, not arising out of their official duties.
D. Civil Cases Arising from Departmental Duties:
1. Employees will respond to all CNS court notices.
2. Employees will respond to legally processed and personally served subpoenas in civil cases and only the person named in the subpoena will accept the subpoena.
3. No employee will give any statement, affidavit, or deposition to any insurance adjuster, investigator, or attorney in any civil case pertaining to any police matter except by permission of the Chief of Police or court order.
a. Employees will notify the Criminal Law and Police Unit by memo when they receive subpoenas to give depositions to attorneys in civil cases. This memo will be submitted through the employee's Division Commander. An attorney will determine whether it is necessary to file a motion or accompany the employee to the deposition.
b. Employees who receive Duces Tecum subpoenas must notify the Criminal Law and Police Unit of the subpoena by memo before releasing any documents. An attorney may file a motion to quash or modify the subpoena to prevent the release of police documents.
4. Officers receiving notice of civil action pending against them arising from their official duties will report to the Criminal Law and Police Unit upon receipt of Service of Process. They will report at 8:30 a.m. on the next regular working day with any papers served on the weekend or after 5:00 p.m. The Criminal Law and Police Unit will prepare the paperwork requesting representation for the officer by the City Attorney's Office.

Dallas Police Department General Order

421.00 Secondary Employment

Revised 11/03/2024

Working Secondary Employment is a privilege and not a right. Employees working Secondary Employment are held to the same standards of conduct and performance that apply during on duty hours. Employees must adhere to all department rules and procedures including those related to the use of force general orders. The employee is ultimately responsible for all things related to Secondary Employment. All employees need to understand and review the rules and regulations related to Secondary Employment on a regular basis.

421.01 Purpose
The purpose of this procedure is to establish guidelines to manage Secondary Employment for both Sworn and Professional Staff members of the department. It is to help the department and its employees track and maintain a work life balance and minimize risk while adhering to industry best practices and City of Dallas Audit requirements. Employees can only work Secondary Employment jobs in accordance with this General Order.

421.02 Definitions
A. Accrued Leave: Approved paid leave from the department including, but not limited to, Vacation leave, Attendance Incentive Leave, and Compensatory Leave.
B. Employment: The provision of a function or service in exchange for a fee or compensation.
C. Extra-Duty Employment: A type of Secondary Employment that is conditioned on the actual or potential use of law enforcement powers by the sworn employee that includes both paid and unpaid services.
D. Free or Reduced Rent: A type of Secondary Employment in which the employee is compensated with a free or reduced-cost rental residence. This residence includes, but is not limited to, a rental home, an apartment, or a townhome. This is also the employee’s primary residence.
E. Non-Recurring Secondary Job: A job that the employee works for a client that does not repeat in a pattern on a consistent basis.
F. Off-Duty Employment: A type of Secondary Employment, which includes self- employment, that does not require the use or potential use of law enforcement powers by the employee.
G. On-Duty: For purposes of General Order 421.00, on-duty means an officer’s compensable work performed for the City of Dallas, including assistance performed to other City departments, and does not include Secondary Employment.
H. On-Duty and Secondary Hours: A combination of all hours worked for the city while on-duty and all hours worked in Secondary Employment. This includes overtime/compensatory hours and any hours worked for another city employee.
I. Outside Client Employee: Any person not employed by DPD that can coordinate or work a secondary job through the department’s approved Secondary Employment application.
J. Primary Residence: The primary location that the DPD employee resides, also known as the principal residence. This is determined by spending most of one’s personal time at this location. Each employee may only have one (1) primary residence at any given time.
K. Records Retention Schedule: Is the length of time that records have to be kept based on the record type. This is set by the City of Dallas and can be found on the City of Dallas Intranet.
L. Request for Permission for Outside Employment, Other than Police Duty form: A form to be completed for off-duty employment requests.
M. RollKall: The department’s approved Secondary Employment application program used to submit Secondary Employment requests.
N. Secondary Employment: Any employment, including self-employment, outside of an employee’s regularly scheduled duty assignment. Secondary Employment and Secondary Jobs are synonymous with each other.
O. Secondary Employment Coordinator: A person who schedules personnel to work Secondary Employment. This can be a DPD employee or outside client employee.
P. Secondary Employment Team (SET): Located in the Personnel Division under the Special Projects Unit which will be the departments’ team that oversees the Secondary Employment system.
Q. Secondary Job Request: The electronic method for requesting Secondary Employment in the department’s approved Secondary Employment application program.
R. Special Events Jobs: A type of Secondary Employment that is permitted under Chapter 42A of the Dallas City Code (“Special Events Ordinance”) that will be.
S. Split Workday: Prohibited practice of using accrued leave to work Secondary Employment in the middle of an on-duty workday.
T. Traffic Control Employment: A type of Secondary Employment that Sworn and Professional Staff employees may perform under certain circumstances.

421.03 RollKall
This is the Dallas Police Department’s approved Secondary Employment application that will be used for all extra-duty/traffic control Secondary Employment opportunities.
A. Definitions
1. Client: A client, in the context of RollKall, refers to the paying businesses that are in need of Secondary Employment employees. They are a required element when creating a job.
2. Coordinator: A Coordinator, in RollKall, is a user role that manages jobs. They can view upcoming jobs, assign employees, review the time and date of shifts, and see where the job is located. They can also add additional coordinators to a job and manage future scheduled jobs.
3. Flex: is a label used in RollKall to indicate a specific type of job. In a 'Flex' job, the employee can clock in when they get to the job site, complete the minimum number of hours required at the job site, and then clock out. A Flex job allows the employee to arrive at the job site any time during the time window of the job.
4. Group: A Group in RollKall is a specific set of employees that you can post jobs to. Groups can be created by Administrator and Coordinator Users. This feature is useful if you want to post jobs to a specific group of employees, delay the viewing of jobs to the rest of the Agency, or create internal groups.
5. Job: In the context of RollKall, a job refers to an assignment or event that requires the services of off-duty employees. Jobs can be created, posted, and managed within the RollKall platform. They can be one-time or recurring and can encompass a multi-day event schedule with multiple shifts.
6. Location: A location in RollKall refers to the physical place where a job or task is to be performed by the employees. Locations are associated with jobs and projects. Administrators have the ability to approve or deny job locations, which affects whether employees can see job opportunities at those locations.
7. Project: A Project in RollKall is a way to segment different tasks that employees work for a Client. Projects can be created, edited, or deleted as needed. They are a required element when entering a new job in the RollKall platform. For example, a school may need employees at Graduation, Homecoming, Friday Football, Basketball games, and Daily Security. Each one of these can be their own Projects.
B. RollKall can be accessed through any cell phone (personal or issued city cell phone) through the RollKall application. The following items need to be completed.
1. A profile needs to be created by all Sworn Employees and all Professional Staff employees that work extra-duty/traffic control jobs.
2. You will list your direct supervisor in the supervisor information tab with all their correct information.
3. Under the Department Information
a. The Police ID Number will be your employee number.
b. State will be Texas.
c. County will be Dallas.
d. Current Department will be Dallas Police Department.
e. Department Start Date will be the current date.
f. Rank will be your current Rank and will be updated each time you are promoted.
4. You can use a personal email or city email address for the job application, unless you are a supervisor or a coordinator.
5. For the Supervisor/Coordinator application you must use your city email address.
6. You must upload your departmental identification card, front and back.
C. Secondary Employment Team (SET) will be the department’s team that oversees the Secondary Employment system. They can be reached at RollKall@dallaspolice.gov.
D. In the RollKall application you can go to the Help Center located in the menu. Select the menu by clicking your profile picture.
E. RollKall is the only department approved Secondary Employment application.
F. The 'Call Off' button is a feature in the RollKall mobile app that an employee can use if they need to call off from a job. The response of the 'Call Off' button depends on the features the coordinator selected during the job setup.
G. The Agency setting for ‘Call Off’ is set to 24 hours. Employees will only be able to be used with more than 24-hours before the job through the RollKall mobile app. ‘Call Off’s’ with less than 24-hours employees must notify the Coordinator to find a replacement. The Coordinator will be responsible for the decision if a replacement is needed and can be found.

421.04 Texas Occupations Code – Title 10 – Chapter 1702 Private Security
A. Definitions
1. “Extra Job Coordinator” means a peace officer who:
a. Is employed full-time by the state or a political subdivision of the state; and
b. Schedules other peace officer to provide guard, patrolman, or watchman services in a private capacity who are:
i. Employed full-time by the state or a political subdivision of the state; and
ii. Not employed by the extra job coordinator.
2. “Peace Officer” means a person who is a peace officer under Article 2A.001, Code of Criminal Procedure.
B. Section 1702.322 Law Enforcement Personnel. This chapter does not apply to:
1. A person who has full time employment as a peace officer and who receives compensation for private employment on an individual or independent contractor basis as a patrolman, guard, extra job coordinator, or watchman if the officer:
a. Is employed in an employee-employer relationship or employed on an individual contractual basis:
i. Directly by the recipient of the services; or
ii. By a company licensed under this chapter;
b. Is not in the employ of another peace officer;
c. Is not a reserve peace officer; and
d. Works as a peace officer on the average of at least 32 hours a week, is compensated by the state or a political subdivision of the state at least at the minimum wage, and is entitled to all employee benefits offered to a peace officer by the state or political subdivisions;
2. A reserve peace officer while the reserve officer is performing guard, patrolman, or watchman duties for a county and is being compensated solely by that county;
3. A peace officer acting in an official capacity in responding to a burglar alarm or detection device; or
4. A person engaged in the business of electronic monitoring of an individual as a condition of that individual’s community supervision, parole, mandatory supervision, or release on bail, if the person does not perform any other services that require a license under this chapter.

421.05 Secondary Employment Team (SET)
A. SET will maintain a secondary job hotline and email (RollKall@dallaspolice.gov). Employers or contract companies may contact SET and request an event be placed on the department’s approved Secondary Employment application.
B. Any employee wishing to work a Secondary Employment may review and apply within the Secondary Employment application.
C. SET will create jobs for one-time jobs if there is only one or two officers needed otherwise the job will need to be built by a coordinator. SET will need 24 hours’ notice not including weekends to build these jobs. The exception to this is for emergency jobs. Emergency jobs are defined as jobs that need immediate officers on site to secure a location. For example, locations with busted pipes with flooding, locations needing secured due to fire, etc.) All other jobs not classified as emergencies will be built during regular working hours.
D. SET will conduct monthly random compliance audits of the department’s approved Secondary Employment application to ensure employees’ compliance with this General Order.
E. Maintain a list of all locations/businesses that have been suspended from having Secondary Employment jobs at that location/business.
1. This list will detail who suspended the location (Division Commander, Special Investigations Unit, or Nuisance Abatement Squad)
2. Will review the list each month to determine if the location should be brought up for review by the suspending authority.
a. Suspended Locations/Businesses will be reviewed every six months by the suspending authority to determine if they can be reinstated.
b. If the suspending authority removes the restrictions for the location before the review period comes up, they will notify SET that the location can be reinstated for Secondary Jobs.
F. Will maintain the Request for Permission for Outside Employment, Other Than Police Duty form applications according to the Records Retention Schedule.
G. Will conduct training related to Secondary Employment as needed and determined by the Special Projects Unit Commander. This includes but not limited to new coordinator training.

421.06 Secondary Employment Information
A. Secondary Employment includes:
1. Extra-duty (police-related duties)
2. Off-duty (non-police related duties)
3. Traffic Control
4. Non-recurring Secondary Employment
5. Special Events
B. For purposes of this section, Secondary Employment may be any of the following:
1. Irregularly scheduled employment by an employer for the duration of a single event or series of related events that are performed at a single work location.
2. Employment regularly scheduled by an employer that is performed at a single work location.
C. Approved Secondary Employment can be performed on or off City of Dallas premises but is always performed for the benefit of an outside employer.
D. All extra-duty employment, traffic control jobs, non-recurring secondary jobs, and special events will be requested through the department’s approved Secondary Employment application.
E. Off-duty employment will be requested by:
1. Completing the Request for Permission for Outside Employment, Other Than Police Duty form to be submitted to SET through their chain of command.
2. A copy of the approved or denied form will be kept by the Division Commander, SET, and the employee according to the Records Retention Schedule.
F. Total on-duty and Secondary Employment hours are limited to a maximum of 16 hours in any consecutive (rolling) 24-hour period and may not exceed 80 hours in a single work week (Wednesday-Tuesday).
Exceptions are:
1. As directed by the Chief of Police, an Executive Assistant Chief of Police, or an Assistant Chief of Police; or
2. Non-standby court and regular work hours combined may exceed the total work hours permitted in a day; or
3. Late relief (any unplanned overtime) and regular work hours combined may exceed the total work hours permitted in a day.
G. An employee must immediately report to the Chief of Police in writing through their chain of command any incident arising from Secondary Employment that might adversely affect the police department or the City of Dallas. This can include any incident that would require the presence of a supervisor if it had occurred while the employee was on duty. The on-duty supervisor will make the determination if there is a need send a notification up to the Chief of Police.
H. When two (2) or more employees are working a Secondary Employment, the highest-ranking employee will be in charge. If the highest rank is held by more than one employee, the most senior employee will be in charge.
I. All employees are required to notify a supervisor whenever they learn, through personal observation or report, of any violation of the Secondary Employment procedure by any departmental employee this includes but limited to all coordinators with jobs built through the department Secondary Employment application.
J. If an employee is unable to work a Secondary Employment, the employee will be responsible for finding a replacement, notifying the coordinator, and notifying the employer of the replacement. The employee will use the “Call Off” button. These settings can be augmented by the coordinator to choose the best option for the client. Overall department settings are determined by Special Projects Unit. If the Coordinator has questions, they should reach out to SET.
K. Secondary Employment Job “Call Offs” are not subject to corrective action by the department. These issues should be managed by the Secondary Employment Coordinator who is responsible for the Secondary Employment Job/Project.

421.07 Prohibitions Applicable To All Secondary Employment
The prohibitions below are determined by the Chief of Police. Any challenges to these prohibitions need to be sent by the Division Commander to the Chief of Police to be reviewed. Any location challenges can be made by the Patrol Division Commander in partnership with the Tactical Investigations Division and/or the Community Operations Division Commander.
A. Employees are prohibited from working any Secondary Employment within 24 hours from the beginning of the shift in which they fail to report for duty due to personal illness, injury, any other use of sick time, or leave taken pursuant to the Family Medical leave Act (FMLA). This includes FMLA, paid parental leave, or sick leave used to care for a third party, as well as preventive care such as physicals, routine check-ups, dental care, etc. This also includes situations in which an employee is using vacation leave, AIL, compensatory time, or any other paid or unpaid leave because the employee has used all of their accrued sick leave. An employee that has approved intermittent FMLA may work Secondary Employment outside of their duty hours and after the 24-hour period in which the leave was taken.
B. Supervisors are prohibited from working in any Secondary Employment capacity where they report directly to a departmental subordinate, they are the direct supervisor of or are placed in a position of working for any lower-ranking employee. This does not include if the lower ranking employee is just a coordinator. The term supervisor does not include senior corporals.
C. Police Officer Trainees (including POT I, POT II, POT III) are not authorized to work Secondary Employment. Upon being promoted to Police Officer and being removed from probation, the officer needs to reach out to SET to be approved in the department’s Secondary Employment application.
D. Professional Staff employees are not allowed to work Secondary Employment until they are off their initial probation. Upon being removed from probation, the employee needs to contact SET to be approved in the department’s Secondary Employment application.
E. At no time will an employee solicit Extra-Duty Employment from any private citizen or organization.
F. No member of the department shall engage in any Secondary Employment or serve in a voluntary capacity as an expert witness for a litigant in a civil case or for a criminal defense attorney or defendant in a criminal case in any jurisdiction without approval from the Chief of Police.
G. No member of the department will engage in any Secondary Employment where his/her official position might be used to advance private interests or damage the department’s credibility.
H. Secondary Employment requests will be denied if any of the following apply:
1. The procedures listed in this General Order are not met or followed.
2. The work involves collecting bills or checks.
3. The work involves domestic difficulties.
4. The Secondary Employment (Extra-Duty or Traffic Control) is outside the city limits of Dallas, unless approved by the Chief of Police in writing. The request will be submitted by memorandum, through the employee’s Chain of Command to the Chief of Police. The response will be document with an approval or denial sent back through the chain to the submitting employee. A copy of the decision will be sent to SET by the memorandum’s addressee’s Division Commander.
5. The employee is on limited-duty status (exceptions to this prohibition will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis and may be granted at the discretion of the Chief of Police).
6. The number of on-duty and secondary work hours would exceed the total number of hours permitted by this General Order.
7. The work would interfere with the employee’s assigned duties within the police department.
8. The employee’s on-duty performance falls below satisfactory standards and/or is adversely affected.
9. The location of the Secondary Employment is frequently visited by convicted felons. See Hazardous Locations for exceptions.
10. There is a suspicion of illegal activity being conducted at the location of the Secondary Employment. See Hazardous Locations for exceptions.
11. The nature of the activity at the place of the Secondary Employment has a tendency to bring discredit to the police department.
12. The Secondary Employment request is during the employee’s lunch hour while working an administrative workday.
13. The Secondary Employment is with a person or entity engaged in a labor dispute or in a political or ideological controversy where the employee’s Secondary Employment may reasonably be construed as an endorsement or condemnation by the department of a position taken by either party to the dispute or controversy.
14. The Secondary Employment would require a member of the department to work directly or indirectly for any public utility corporation holding a franchise with the City of Dallas, except as authorized by City Ordinance No. 16388.
15. The Secondary Employment conflicts with previously scheduled court or grant overtime.
16. The Secondary Employment is at a Sexual Oriented Business (SOB), as defined by the City of Dallas City Ordinance, or the surrounding area including the parking lot.
I. Employees are prohibited from owning, operating, or working inside a place of business in any Secondary Employment capacity where the principal purpose or activity is the dispensing or sale of alcoholic beverages.
J. An employee shall not use his/her employment with the City of Dallas to obtain or provide any secondary employer any information to which the general public would not have access or for which the general public would be required to make a formal request through appropriate City of Dallas channels. Should a secondary employer request a member of the department provide information or services described in this subsection, or which could reasonably be construed to create the appearance of a conflict of interest, the employee shall:
1. Advise the employer of the potential conflict and that he/she cannot provide the information or services requested;
2. Refer the requestor to the employee’s Division Commander; and
3. Refer the requestor to the proper office (Open Records Unit, Legal Services/Records Unit, etc.) within the department to make a formal request.
K. An employee shall not enforce company policies or house rules of the Extra- Duty or Traffic Control employer unless the enforcement constitutes a law enforcement activity.
L. An employee shall not drink alcoholic beverages or other refreshments, which may appear to be alcoholic beverages while working extra-duty police related jobs.
M. An employee shall not remain present when a private security and/or a private investigative agency or a private individual is conducting a civil or criminal investigation.
N. An employee shall not assist in an investigation by a private security or private investigative agency or a private individual.
O. An employee shall not use departmental identification/forms which include, but are not limited to, departmental letterhead, records, insignia, badges, and logos to seek Secondary Employment unless approved by the Chief of Police. This does not prevent an employee from stating he/she is a Dallas Police Officer/Dallas Police employee and providing his/her curriculum vitae to a prospective employer.
P. An employee shall not use accrued leave to work Secondary Employment when the Secondary Employment is on a regularly scheduled daily, weekly, or monthly basis or anytime it splits the workday. An employee may use accrued leave to work a non-recurring, one-time only Secondary Employment at the discretion of the employees’ supervisor.
Q. An employee shall not accept any compensation from a secondary employer to testify in court. The employee will be compensated by the City of Dallas pursuant to General Order 206.10.
R. An employee shall not engage in any work involving surveillance for any private business or agency, any private investigative or security company, or any private individual.
1. In this context, surveillance means the act of following a person(s) or vehicle(s) for the purpose of tracking or recording their movement, for a possible criminal or civil case or matter. Surveillance as used here does not prohibit:
a. An employee monitoring, either personally or via television camera, an individual’s movement within a place of business where the employee has been hired to provide theft, burglary, robbery, or vandalism protection.
b. An employee hired to house sit a residence by a private individual by monitoring any movement on the grounds of the residence.
S. No member of the department will own or accept employment with any private investigative or security company which is, or would be, governed by the Private Investigators and Private Security Agencies Act, except that employees may accept Secondary Employment:
1. With those private security companies contracted with the City of Dallas to provide security and traffic control at city facilities; or
2. To work at businesses to prevent theft, burglary, robbery, vandalism, or to provide traffic control services; or
3. With approval from their Assistant Chief of Police/Assistant Director.
T. Employees shall not wear the uniform of any private security company.
U. Employees shall not assist in any manner, for pay or gratis, in an investigation, interrogation of witnesses or suspects, or in the recording of any conversations by private investigative agencies, except as expressly authorized by the employee’s Assistant Chief of Police/Assistant Director.
V. Employees shall not be present, either on-duty or off-duty, when any private investigator or private investigative agency is conducting any criminal or civil investigation, interrogating any witnesses or suspects, or recording any conversations unless serving as representative of the Dallas Police Department.
W. Professional Staff will not engage in any Secondary Employment that is a police-related service that would typically be performed by sworn personnel of this department, except for traffic control services.

421.08 Hazardous Locations
A. Division Commanders may designate within their geographic Patrol Division that an extra-duty employment location is a mandatory two (2) employee job site.
B. Division Commanders will notify SET of these locations by memorandum so that it will be notated for anyone reviewing the job requests.
C. Set will maintain the list for these locations’ city wide.
D. Extra-duty jobs at locations where a threat of violence has been expressed or is believed imminent by the extra-duty employer (workplace violence) will require a minimum of two (2) employees.
E. In cases involving a hazardous location or where an expressed threat of violence exists, should an employee arrive at a location and the second employee fails to show, the first employee may not work the job without a replacement for the absent employee. In this incident, the employee will:
1. Notify the on-duty watch commander in that geographic division that no employee will be working at the location; and
2. Make every reasonable effort to notify the extra-duty employer that there will be no extra-duty employees at the location.
F. The Division Commander will review these locations twice a year to determine if they need to remain with the Hazardous Location designation and will notify SET of their determination.

421.09 Secondary Employment Coordination or Scheduling
A. This section will talk about the Coordinators for Secondary Employment and the scheduling of employment. With RollKall the Coordinator position is taking on more responsibility than had been previously asked of the position. The Coordinator position is a liaison for the department to the businesses of Dallas who are asking for officers to provide a service.
B. Coordinators Responsibilities
1. Maintain the invoices for the department used Police Equipment on the Secondary Employment Jobs, including submitting them to the departments Fleet Squad for processing, if the job used Police Equipment.
a. Invoices for the Police Equipment will be submitted by the 15th day of the following month the Secondary Employment Job was worked.
b. If for any reason the invoicing cannot be completed by this deadline, the Coordinator needs written approval from the departments Fleet Squad Sergeant allowing the Coordinator to submit the invoice at a later listed date.
c. Second extensions for the same set of invoices will not be given.
i. Repeat offenders within a six-month period will be reported to SET for training and education.
ii. If a Coordinator fails to submit invoices again within that same six- month period from the original date, they will be reported to SET, and the Special Projects Unit Commander and the Coordinators next level supervisor will determine if the Coordinator needs additional training or to be removed from the Coordinating of that Secondary Employment Job.
2. Schedule Secondary Employment Jobs for a Client in the Secondary Employment System.
3. Find officers to fill the Secondary Employment Jobs;
a. Either by assigning them through the Secondary Employment system; or
b. Sending it out to the department/officers in the Secondary Employment system.
4. Only Section B (1) can be used for corrective action in this section. Training is the preferred method of corrective unless deemed necessary by the Special Project Unit Commander and the Coordinator’s Chain of Command.
C. Secondary Employment Coordinators will ONLY coordinate or schedule Secondary Employment while on-duty for immediate circumstances which require minimum effort. All other coordinating and scheduling will occur off-duty so that the coordination fee applies. It is encouraged to have a Co-Coordinator for large or complex Secondary Employment Jobs.
D. Secondary Employment Coordinators will be paid either:
1. A flat rate in which a Secondary Employment job will be created as a coordinator job which will detail the amount of time that the coordinator spends on coordinating for that job.
a. If the coordinator has multiple companies (clients) that they coordinate for, the coordinator will need to have at least one coordinator job created for each company (client).
b. The coordinator can decide how they want to create these jobs on the Secondary Employment system. It can one of several ways.
i. A block of time in one day to cover all their coordinating time (can be a flex job); or
ii. Several coordinating jobs spread out throughout the week/month to cover all their coordinating time (can be a flex job).
Example: A Coordinator coordinates several companies with multiple jobs.

The first company is a small job with only one location and only a few jobs throughout the week. The coordinator has decided it takes 4 hours to coordinate this job. The coordinator builds a secondary coordinator job in the system in one 4-hour flex job.

The second company, since it has multiple locations, with each location having several jobs and it takes a significant time to coordinate each location, the coordinator has decided to build several coordinator jobs. Each job reflects the time it takes the coordinator to work on each location.
Location 1 has a coordinator job for 4-hours from 4p-8p every Monday.
Location 2 has a coordinator job for 3-hours from 4p-7p every Tuesday.
Location 3 has a coordinator job for 5-hours with flex from 8a-8p on every Saturday.
Having the three different coordinator jobs allows the coordinator to accurately track their hours spent coordinating on each job, showing their client what is being spent on the coordinator, while tracking their fatigue hours by clocking in and out of the coordinator job.
; or
2. At a higher rate during a shift that they work for the extra job they are coordinating.
a. You must work at this job at least once a month. This is to accomplish several things.
i. This should allow you time to do the bulk of your coordinator duties at the job that is being coordinated.
ii. This will allow you to fully understand what is needed for the job. Example: A Coordinator coordinates several jobs for several companies.

The first client only has one location with multiple jobs through the week. The coordinator will have to work at this location once a month at the higher pay rate to earn their coordinator fee. This is when the coordinator should be doing the bulk of their coordinating duties.

The second client they coordinate for has three locations. Each of the locations has multiple jobs throughout the week. The coordinator must work at one of the jobs at any of the three locations each month at their higher pay rate to earn their coordinator fee. The coordinator does not need to work at each job location. This is when the coordinator should be doing the bulk of their coordinating duties.

The coordinator determines how often then need to work a job for each client to accomplish the coordinating duties required for each client.

3. If the Coordinator works as the coordinator for more than 10 hours a week for any combination of coordinating (This does not include the time working at the higher pay rate job) the coordinator will have to use coordinating job option to track the amount of time that the coordinator is spending on coordinator duties for fatigue purposes.
E. Coordinators are prohibited from taking a portion of an employee’s assigned pay rate from the employer as part of their coordinator fee.
F. Only the extra-duty employment employer is allowed to pay any employee for extra-duty jobs. At no time will an employee directly issue paychecks or distribute in-hand cash to another employee for extra-duty employment. This does not include distribution of paychecks issued to a specific employee by the extra-duty employer or cash payment sealed in an envelope by the extra-duty employer.
G. Coordinators will not schedule their direct supervisor to work where their supervisor would report to their immediate subordinates. Coordinators can schedule their direct supervisor any other hours in which they would report to another employee if it is not their direct subordinate.
H. Reserve officers are prohibited from coordinating Secondary Employment.
I. For house-moving escort duties, coordinating supervisors will be allowed to collect City overtime based only on the amount of extra-duty time they spend coordinating the activity. Only supervisors will perform coordination duty for house-moving escort duties on a voluntary basis.

421.10 Reserve Officers
A. A reserve officer or applicant to the Reserve Battalion whose primary employment is governed by the Private Security Agencies Act is allowed, as a condition of his/her employment, to work at businesses to prevent theft, burglary, robbery, vandalism, or to provide traffic control.
B. A reserve officer or applicant is prohibited from conducting private investigations or engaging in any work as a means of primary employment outlined above (G.O. 421.04.R) such as following a person(s) or vehicle(s) for the purpose of tracking or recording their movement, for a possible criminal or civil case or matter.
C. Reserve officers who are licensed peace officers are permitted to work secondary 3rd party traffic control employment only.
D. Reserve officers are prohibited from coordinating any Extra-Duty Police related Employment per the Private Investigators and Private Security Agencies Act.

421.11 Responsibilities For Requesting Extra-Duty Or Traffic Control Employment
A. All extra-duty and traffic control employment will be requested through the department’s approved Secondary Employment application.
B. RollKall is the department’s approved Secondary Employment application program. Employees must download and create an account to be able to create, coordinate, and/or apply for extra-duty and/or traffic control employments.
C. All jobs need to be in the department’s Secondary Employment application within 24 hours of the job. SET will be on-call for emergency jobs.
D. The employee shall:
1. Complete all required sections of the Secondary Employment application request.
2. Review the department’s approved Secondary Employment application help center for further instructions.
3. Monitor their total hours worked in a day, including the combination of on- duty and Secondary Employment, ensuring not to exceed 16 hours in any consecutive 24-hour period and 80 hours in a single work week (Wednesday-Tuesday). (See 421.03. for exceptions)
4. Ensure the request does not conflict with any scheduled to appear court and/or granted (pre-planned) overtime.
5. Non-standby court and regular work hours combined may exceed the total work hours permitted in a day.
E. Under no circumstances may an employee work an extra-duty and/or traffic related job if they have not:
1. Downloaded the department’s approved Secondary Employment application,
2. Have their account verified, and
3. Selected an employment through the Secondary Employment application.
F. An employee shall not drink alcoholic beverages or other refreshments, which may appear to be alcoholic beverages.
G. If an employee is required to remain beyond the hours listed on the approved Secondary Employment application request, the employee must document in the secondary job application system why they remained late when clocking out.
H. Recurring or Permanent Extra-Duty/Traffic Control Employment
1. Requests must be submitted on or before the first day of the month during which the employment is to be worked.
2. If an employee will work dates not listed on the original request submitted, he/she must submit another request for the additional dates to be approved.
I. Plain Clothes Extra-Duty Employment
1. Employees must submit a memorandum to their Assistant Chief of Police/Assistant Director for approval. The employee will describe, in detail, the type of extra-duty employment to be performed. 
2. A copy of the memorandum (showing approval or denial) will be retained by the requesting employee, the Bureau Commander, and the Special Projects Unit (Secondary Job Team) as required by the Records Retention Schedule.
J. Sexually Oriented Businesses
1. No member of the department will be allowed to perform extra-duty and/or traffic control services inside, on the parking lot, or in the proximity of establishments that are regulated by the Sexually Oriented Business City Ordinance #19196.

421.12 Employee’s Duties While Working Extra-Duty and/or Traffic Control
A. A police radio will be utilized for an extra-duty or traffic control job to:
1. Mark-out at the start of shift with dispatch of the Patrol Division where the job is located, provide badge number/employee number, the address of the employment, and the end of employment time.
2. Continuously monitor the police radio channel the employment is located.
3. Provide immediate assistance to emergency calls or assist officer calls in proximity to the employment when possible.
4. Notify dispatch at the end of shift, that you are ending your shift.
B. Employees are required to track their hours in the RollKall system. This can be done by:
1. Clocking in and clocking out.
2. The Employee/Coordinator filling out, correcting, and submitting a time sheet.
3. Employees will not be issued corrective action for failing to clock in and out unless a time sheet is never entered by either the employee or coordinator.
C. Employees are required to take immediate action to protect life and property at the employment location and all areas within the employee’s view, when objectively reasonable. Sworn personnel must respond to crimes in progress, vehicle collisions, or breaches of the peace. If time allows, this may be done after ensuring on-duty officers are called for assistance. Professional Staff must call for an officer on the radio to respond to the incident or call 911.
D. Sworn personnel will wear the proper uniform, have access to their citation book, and a flashlight.
E. When an employee receives a request for assistance concerning a non- emergency situation occurring away from the employment location, the employee will provide assistance by the most practical means available and reasonable for their job position, whether it is assisting the citizen in calling 9- 1-1, personally investigating the incident, completing a collision report, etc. An employee’s guiding principle in any situation will be to ensure the citizen receives proper and prompt assistance.
F. Employees providing traffic control services must wear their reflective vest and may wear city-issued police headgear or other approved headgear per General Order 802.00.
G. Employees working an extra-duty/traffic control employment are responsible for completing all reports associated with the employment before the end of each instance of the employment, unless otherwise directed by an on-duty supervisor.
H. If an arrest is made, the arresting officer will complete an arrest report and contact a Detention Services supervisor for review and approval. On-duty officers will transport prisoners.
I. Whenever an employee performs an extra-duty/traffic control employment, the employee will ask the employer to submit a Tax Form 1099 or a W-2 Form to the U.S. Internal Revenue Service for the duty performed.

421.13 Extra-Duty Employment At A Business Whose Principal Purpose Or Activity Is To Dispense/Sell Alcoholic Beverages
A. A coordinator will submit a completed Application for Extra-Duty Employment at Business Whose Principal Specialty is Dispensing/Selling Alcoholic Beverages Form (‘Long Form’) through their Division Commander to the Division Commander of the Patrol Division this business is located in.
B. This request will be reviewed by the Special Investigations Division and the Nuisance Abatement Unit.
C. A coordinator will submit a completed and signed Application for Extra-Duty Employment at Business Whose Principal Specialty is Dispensing/Selling Alcoholic Beverages Form (‘Long Form’) to SET in the Personnel Division for approval. (Follow the directions on the form).
D. A copy of this form (showing approval or denial) will be retained by the Division Commander, SET, and the requesting employee as required by the Records Retention Schedule.
E. The request for extra-duty employment at the location can be suspended, revoked, or denied at any time if SET or the Division Commander of the Patrol Division this business is located in determines any of the following apply:
1. Such employment is not in the best interest of the department; or
2. There are overriding safety considerations; or
3. There is an investigation by the department for the improper operation or management of the business as required by law in connection with the business, management, or owner; or
4. Charges are pending in connection with the business, management, or owner; or
5. There is a conviction on any such charges in connection with the business, management, or owner.
F. Extra-Duty Requirements for approved establishments:
1. Two (2) officers will work at each approved location. If the second officer fails to show, the first officer may not work the job without a replacement for the absent officer.
2. The officers may only patrol the parking lot area associated with the establishment if it has one. This is the area utilized for the parking of vehicles for patrons of an alcohol dispensing business. These lots are usually adjacent to the business’ physical structure and must be owned or leased by the business. If a business does not have a parking lot, the officers will stand 15 feet away from the door.
3. The officers may enter the establishment only if immediate police action is required. After which, they will return to the parking lot.
4. The officers may enter the establishment to notify the extra-duty employer that they have reported for work or ended work.
5. All alcohol related violations will be strictly enforced, and intoxicated individuals will be prevented from driving.
6. The officers will adhere to uniform regulations in General Order 800.00.
G. Extra-Duty Restrictions for approved establishments:
1. Officers will not stand at or near the entrance to the establishment (including any location where it gives the appearance that the officers are “working the door”) unless immediate police action is required. The officers should devote attention to the security of the parking lot area.
2. The officers will not enter the establishment to eat (signal 50) or take breaks (signal 51). (The intent here is that officers are not congregating inside the location.)

421.14 Extra-Duty/Traffic Control Employment Requiring Five (5) Or More Employees
A. The employee submitting such a request must indicate on the application request the type of duties to be performed.
B. The ratio of supervisors needed at events requiring five (5) or more employees are as follows:
1. At least one (1) sergeant or higher-level supervisor must be assigned, (5:1 ratio)
2. For every additional ten (10) employees, at least one (1) additional sergeant or higher-level supervisor must be assigned, (10:2 ratio)
3. For every three (3) supervisors, at least one (1) lieutenant or higher-level must be assigned, (15:3:1 ratio)
4. For every two (2) lieutenants, at least one (1) captain/major/chief must be assigned. (30:6:2:1 ratio)
(This is designed to ensure officer safety and adequate span of control.)
C. At least 24-hours prior to working the event, the employee coordinating the extra-duty/traffic control job must submit an assignment detail through their Division Commander. This can be done by pulling a report out of the Secondary Employment application and emailing to the appropriate supervisors. A file of these applications will be maintained in the division office, a copy retained by the employee, and SET in accordance with the Records Retention Schedule. A copy will be forwarded to the geographic Division Commander in whose area the event is occurring. Each employee will also have a request submitted through the department’s approved Secondary Employment application. This is done for Division Commander awareness, so they know what is happening on their Division and can ensure that the proper amount of resources are being utilized.
D. The Division Commander must be notified of any job in their division that requires five (5) or more employees.
E. The coordinator submitting the request will determine through the Special Events Team if the event requires a permit and if one has been issued. If no permit exists when required, no employees will be approved to work the event.
F. In incidents related to performance of extra-duty activities, the coordinator is responsible and in charge. In police-related incidents where police action is required, the command reverts to the ranking Sworn supervisor at the scene. If no supervisor is present and if the officers on scene are all the same rank, the senior Sworn employee at the scene, regardless of whether the Sworn is in an on-duty or extra-duty status, is responsible for ensuring that all departmental required reports and activities are completed.

421.15 Extra-Duty Employment Requiring Police Equipment
A. Vehicles (Including Motorcycles and Bicycles)
1. Departmental vehicles will not be used for extra-duty jobs unless equipment payment will be received. The equipment payment also extends to motorcycles and bicycles.
2. Departmental vehicles cannot be used for extra-duty jobs without prior approval from the commander of the division providing the vehicle.
3. When completing the extra-duty job request, the employee will notate the specific type of departmental vehicle to be used.
4. An employee utilizing a vehicle for extra-duty employment will enter the required information into the correct designated areas in the department’s approved Secondary Employment application.
5. Divisions authorizing vehicles for extra-duty jobs will perform a monthly audit of the billing statement prepared by the Quartermaster Unit for accuracy and completeness.
6. All extra-duty jobs where bicycles are used will:
a. Be mandatory two (2) employee assignments. Both employees will ride together.
b. Require the employees have received training through the Central Business District bicycle-training program and be currently assigned to a bicycle position. (The geographic Division Commander can override this. A memorandum to SET will be provided, so they can document it in the job.)
c. Require employees wear the approved bicycle assignment uniform.
d. Only use bicycles owned by the department.
7. Bicycles will be limited to the following assignments:
a. Central Business District
b. Entertainment Districts
c. Parking Lots
d. Special Events
e. Apartment Complexes
f. Extended Neighborhood Patrol (ENP)
8. Safety equipment such as vests, flashlights, and traffic cones may be used at no charge when not needed by on-duty employees.
9. Mounted Unit
a. Uniformed officers assigned to the Mounted Unit may be approved to work extra-duty jobs with horses at only those events occurring inside Fair Park.
b. Vehicles will not be used to transport the horses to the job site.
c. All requests for extra-duty use of horses will be referred to the Mounted Unit supervisors for approval consideration.
d. All extra-duty jobs where horses are requested will be a minimum of two (2) officer assignments unless otherwise designated by a Mounted supervisor.
10. Canines will not be used for Secondary Employment.

421.16 Extra-Duty Employment At City-Owned Facilities / Overtime Funded Special Event Jobs
A. Extra-duty employment at city-owned facilities, events where a city permit is issued, or events/initiatives involving city overtime will be regulated in the same manner as any other extra-duty employment for private employers.
B. Employees may not use accrued leave to work any overtime assignment during their normal on-duty hours.
C. Employees may act as coordinators but must also be working the job coordinated, which will be notated on the Secondary Employment request.
D. Public streets around city facilities are not considered city facilities; therefore, traffic direction and control on public streets near a city facility is not an on-duty or special events assignment and will have to be requested and approved according to this General Order as extra-duty/traffic control employment.
E. When an event occurs at a city facility and a supervisor is required due to the number of police personnel working extra-duty per this General Order, the supervisor will submit a memorandum to the Division Commander in whose division the event is to occur, describing the details of the event.

421.17 Special Events Employment Procedure
A. The City of Dallas hires Dallas Police Department employees to provide security, traffic control, and crowd control during permitted Special Events in the City of Dallas.
B. All special events will be available through the department’s approved Secondary Employment application.
C. Employees approved to work a special event must:
1. Report on time to their assigned detail location.
2. Report in the appropriate uniform for their assignment in accordance with General Order 802.00 and 803.00. Class B uniforms are not allowed unless stated otherwise by the Special Events Coordinators.
3. Have an appearance in accordance with General Order 804.00.
4. Notify the event coordinator at least 24 hours prior to the beginning of their assigned shift if they are going to be absent from the event.
5. Notify the event coordinator at least one (1) hour prior to the start of their assigned shift if missing due to exigent circumstances (i.e., sick, late call, etc.)
D. Failure to report for special event duty violations.
1. Any employee who fails to report for their special event Secondary Employment assigned will be suspended from working permitted Special Events according to the matrix below:
a. First Violation: 30-day suspension
b. Second Violation: 60-day suspension
c. Third & Subsequent Violations: 90-day suspension
2. A period of twenty-four (24) months, beginning at the date of the violation or infraction, will be used in determining the appropriate corrective action.
3. Employees who arrive late without notifying the Special Event coordinator of their tardiness are subject to:
a. Being replaced by a standby employee and sent home.
b. A 30-day suspension from working Special Events if there are three (3) or more tardy incidents within twenty-four (24) months.

421.18 Professional Staff Employment Services
A. Professional Staff not certified as peace officers, who are assigned to unarmed positions, may be authorized to provide traffic control employment services under the following circumstances, provided:
1. Completion of current approved training in traffic direction duties by appointed personnel in Special Events;
2. Eligibility to be issued a uniform (as authorized by their bureau commander); and
3. Adherence to pertinent procedures applicable to sworn personnel in Section 421.06 Prohibitions Applicable to all Secondary Employment, included but not limited to:
a. Request through the department’s approved Secondary Employment application
b. Completion of probation
c. Restrictions on number of hours to be worked daily and weekly are followed.
d. Requirements for presence of a supervisor listed in this General Order based on number of personnel working are followed.
e. Traffic direction duties are performed within the Dallas City limits.
f. Professional Staff will notify sworn personnel of crimes in progress and will render citizen assistance in non-emergency situations.
4. Employee’s immediate supervisor has the discretion to deny the traffic control employment if the supervisor believes the assignment may require performance of duties beyond the employee’s skill level. 
5. Professional Staff will not be eligible to receive workers compensation benefits for injuries sustained while performing traffic control employment that is not staffed by Special Events.
6. Traffic control services is the only permitted extra-duty police-related service that is authorized for Professional Staff members of the department. Professional Staff will not engage in any other Secondary Employment that is a police-related service that would typically be performed by sworn personnel of this department.

421.19 Supervisor Secondary Employment Audits
A. All first line supervisors shall utilize the Secondary Employment supervisor application to audit every Secondary Employment entered and worked by their direct subordinates, unless otherwise directed by the Chief of Police in a Chief’s Update.
B. An audit will be conducted every month and provide an explanation for any discrepancies.
C. In Compliance audit forms will be routed through the chain of command to the Division Commander. These forms will be stored at the division level and a copy will be retained by the reviewing supervisor and the Division Compliance or Division Administrative Sergeant in accordance with the Records Retention Schedule. A copy of the forms will be placed in the SharePoint folder for their respective Bureau.
D. Not In Compliance audit forms will be placed in the SharePoint folder for their respective Bureau and provide a memorandum to the Bureau Commander listing any violations that were identified and the actions take to change the behavior.

421.20 Off-Duty Employment – Non-Police Job
A. Any member of the Dallas Police Department who owns or operates any private business, works on a commission, percentage, salary, or receives compensation of any kind from any person, firm, or corporation other than the City of Dallas, which includes self-employment, that does not require the use or potential use of law enforcement powers by the employee, will submit a request to engage in the business by:
1. Completing the Request for Permission for Outside Employment, Other Than Police Duty form to be submitted through their Division Commander to SET for approval to conduct that work. 
B. The request must be approved or denied, and a copy of the form will be retained by the Division Commander, SET, and the employee according to the Records Retention Schedule.
C. The requests will be approved prior to entering such business and must be renewed each January 1 and July 1.
D. If the employee no longer works the job for which they submitted a request, the employee will send a Request for Permission for Outside Employment, Other Than Police Duty form showing they no longer work that particular job through their chain of command to SET.
E. Any employee who teaches law enforcement courses in an off-duty capacity will give a verbal disclaimer prior to any instruction that “the subject matter being taught does not necessarily constitute the views and opinions of the Dallas Police Department but is based on the opinion and experience of the instructor.”
F. Off-duty employers are permitted to provide employees biographical information on official correspondence as it relates to a law enforcement course of instruction. This information can contain the employee’s name, title, and position on the department.
G. If there are any questions about what type of work falls under this category, the employee can partner with their Chain of Command and SET to get clarification.

421.21 Free or Reduced Rent Secondary Employment
A. All free or reduced rent will be Secondary Employment when in exchange for either extra-duty police-related services and/or off-duty non-police related services.
B. Employees working a Secondary Employment in exchange for a free or reduced rent may do so only if the residence is their primary residence.
C. Employees are required to notify their supervisor immediately if the location where they have been approved to work ceases to be their primary residence.
D. Employees may only work one (1) Secondary Employment in exchange for free or reduced rent at any given time. In other words, no employee may enter into any Secondary Employment for free or reduced rent with more than one residential housing complex, apartment complex, landlord, townhome complex, or any other residential housing facility at any given time.
E. Under no circumstances will a sworn employee be employed as both a non- uniformed managerial employee and a uniformed security officer at the same time. 
F. If an employee works as a non-uniformed managerial employee (e.g., a manager, assistant manager, or night manager), then the following limitations apply:
1. This work will be considered to be an Off-Duty Non-Police Employment and the request for approval shall be submitted as directed in this General Order.
2. While working in these roles, Sworn personnel WILL NOT:
a. Enforce Class C misdemeanors or become involved in family disputes or minor disturbances, unless loss of property or bodily injury appears imminent,
b. Address on-premise traffic violations.
3. While working these roles, employees WILL:
a. Report those minor infractions and breaches of the peace (not involving bodily injury) that require police action to on-duty police personnel by calling 9-1-1.
4. Employees may enforce property management policies (house rules) acting in their capacity as property managers only and will never enforce management policies acting under the color of law by using their badge, uniform, or authority as given by the Dallas Police Department.
5. Sworn personnel working as managers, assistant managers, or night managers, or while performing an extra-duty police related job, will take action against felony offenders to prevent burglaries, auto thefts, thefts, sexual assaults, and any other crimes against the person which, by their very nature and appearance, are a threat to society.
G. Sworn Personnel working as uniformed security at a residential housing complex or facility must:
1. Request the extra-duty police related employment according to this General Order, by following all the roles assigned to coordinators and employees of this section.
2. Notify the geographic Division Commander in writing over the employment’s location, who will review the location and notify the employee if any foreseeable conflicts or problems exist through the employment application request.
3. If clarification is needed, contact SET.

421.22 Violations of Secondary Employment Procedure
A. Employees are required to notify a supervisor whenever they learn, through personal observation or report, of any violation of the Secondary Employment procedure by any department employee.
B. The notified supervisor will immediately:
1. Conduct a review of the circumstances.
2. Initiate an inquiry into the alleged violation.
3. If necessary, complete a Blue Team entry and forward it through the chain of command to the Internal Affairs Division.
C. Supervisors personally observing a violation will:
1. Take the appropriate action to address the infraction.
2. Determine if the employee needs to immediately discontinue the Secondary Employment.
3. If necessary, complete a Blue Team entry and forward it through the chain of command to the Internal Affairs Division.
D. The Chief of Police may suspend an employee’s Secondary Employment privilege due to the employee being suspended or demoted, or for any other reason as determined by the Chief of Police.
E. The Division Commander may suspend a subordinate’s Secondary Employment privilege for 15 days for failure to comply with this General Order or for poor performance of duties.
a. Any longer time frame needs to be approved by the Group Commander or higher. Every extension needs to keep moving up the chain of command till it gets to the Chief of Police.
b. A notification will be sent to the employee in writing detailing the reasons for the suspension.
c. Before the privilege is reinstated, the employee will be reviewed to determine if they are able to start working secondary jobs again. The review needs to be completed by the last day of the suspension.
i. If the privilege is reinstated, the employee will be notified in writing with a date of when they can start working Secondary Employment again. The reinstatement can be no longer than the 3rd day after the suspension ended.
ii. If reinstatement is denied, the next level supervisor, of the most recent suspension, will review and determine the next course of action.
iii. A copy of the determination will be sent to SET, the employee, and the Division Commander and will be retained in accordance with the Records Retention Schedule.
F. Poor performance indicators include, but are not limited to:
1. Errors due to inattention or poor judgement.
2. Fluctuations in performance.
3. Confusion and increasing difficulty in handling assignments.
4. Absent without discretionary leave being available.
5. Absence from work without notice or authorization.
6. Excessive tardiness or attendance problems.
7. Early departure from work without permission.
8. Aggressive and/or belligerent behavior toward coworkers and supervisors.
9. Excessive personal phone calls.
10. Refusal to follow instructions from a supervisor.
11. Complaints of sexual harassment or other types of offensive behavior.
12. Disparaging remarks, jokes, or humor inappropriate to the workplace.

421.23 Division Commander Responsibilities
The Division Commanders are responsible for the wellbeing of their employees and the citizens of Dallas. When allowing their subordinates to work Secondary Employment, the Division Commanders will consider all factors to ensure the well-being of their employees and the safety of the public. The Division Commanders will use the following points to help in their decision to allow or deny any subordinate to work Secondary Employment.
1. The Division Commander determines that participating in the Secondary Employment would limit the employee’s effectiveness in discharging his/her official duties, negatively impact their health or well-being, or adversely affect the department.
2. The Division Commander of the Patrol Division in which requests for extra- duty employment at a business whose principal purpose or activity is to dispense/sell alcoholic beverages will review those requests and can suspend, revoke, or deny at any time if it is determined that any of the following apply:
a. Such employment is not in the best interest of the department; or
b. There are overriding safety considerations; or
c. There is an investigation by the department for the improper operation or management of the business as required by law in connection with the business, management, or owner; or
d. Charges are pending in connection with the business, management, or owner; or
e. There is a conviction on any such charges in connection with the business, management, or owner.
3. Notify the Chief of Police, all Command Staff, and SET in writing of any locations where employment has been suspended as well as notifying when the suspensions have been lifted. The notification to the Command Staff and SET does not need to state why this location has been suspended, unless the Chief of Police deems necessary.
4. Notify SET in writing of any employee’s status change that would affect the employee’s eligibility for Secondary Employment, including but not limited to:
a. Suspensions
b. Light Duty
c. Administrative Leave
d. Military Leave
f. Any other leave types that may impact Secondary Employment.
5. Ensure a copy of the monthly Secondary Employment audits are placed in the SharePoint folder for their respective Bureau and provide a memorandum to the Bureau Commander listing any violations that were identified and the actions take to change the behavior.
6. For all extra-duty/traffic control employment requiring five (5) or more employees, the geographic Division Commander must approve operational plan which includes the locations of the employees and the number employees needed to be used. (If it is a Special Events Job, the Special Operations Division Commander will approve the plan in partnership with the geographic Division Commander the job is taking place.)
7. Division Commanders may designate within their geographic Patrol Division that any Secondary Employment location is a mandatory two (2) employee job site and will notify SET of these locations by memorandum through their Bureau Commander, so that it will be notated for anyone reviewing the job requests.
8. The geographic Division Commander will be notified in writing by the sworn personnel working as uniformed security at a residential housing complex or facility the employment’s location and the Division Commander will review the location. Notification to the employee and SET will be made detailing one of the following responses:
a. If any foreseeable conflicts or problems exist at that location and the job is being denied.
b. If the job is approved for the officer to work it.
9. The Division Commander may suspend a subordinate’s Secondary Employment privilege for 15 days for failure to comply with this General Order or for poor performance of duties.
a. Any longer time frame needs to be approved by the Group Commander or higher. Every extension needs to keep moving up the chain of command till it gets to the Chief of Police.
b. A notification will be sent to the employee in writing detailing the reasons for the suspension.
c. Before the privilege is reinstated, the employee will be reviewed to determine if they are able to start working secondary jobs again. The review needs to be completed by the last day of the suspension.
i. If the privilege is reinstated, the employee will be notified in writing with a date of when they can start working Secondary Employment again. The reinstatement can be no longer than the 3rd day after the suspension ended.
ii. If reinstatement is denied, the next level supervisor, of the most recent suspension, will review and determine the next course of action.
iii. A copy of the determination will be sent to SET, the employee, and the Division Commander and will be retained in accordance with the Records Retention Schedule. 

Dallas Police Department General Order

422.00 Request for Special Assignment

Revised 10/24/2014

422.01 Employee Association Request for Special Assignment Time to Attend a Conference or Training for other than Association Business
A. The Chief of Police may grant on-duty, special assignment status to representatives of an employee association/union to attend a conference or training that is directly related to Departmental business. The procedure for requests by an employee association/union for a representative to attend a conference, symposium or training to conduct association/union business is outlined in General Order 206.21.
B. For the purpose of this order, an employee association/union is defined as a formal organization of employees which is recognized by the Department and addresses, advises or acts on behalf of its members on labor related issues.
C. No more than two persons from any association/union may attend the same conference on special assignment. A maximum of 48 special assignment hours per calendar year will be allotted to each association/union for attendance at conferences or symposiums, if the request is approved. The association/union may use the allotted special assignment time in 8-hour increments per attendee (per day), not to exceed the association/union's total of 48 hours per year.
D. The following procedure will be utilized for Employee Associations to request special assignment:
1. The president of the association or union will prepare a request memo and attach it to a completed “Travel Request and Approval” form. The memo and form will be forwarded through the affected employee’s chain of command to the level below the Bureau Commander. If the employee to attend has not been determined, the memo should be sent directly to the Safety Team, Personnel and Development Division. In each instance, the request must be sent 60 days in advance of the conference or event and contain the following information:
a. The location of the conference or training.
b. The duration of the special assignment requested.
c. A description of the conference or training.
d. The name and duty location of all employees requested to attend the conference or training.
e. Specifically how the employee’s participation in the conference or training will benefit the Department.
f. A statement that the employee(s) attending the conference or training understands and agrees that he/she will not be reimbursed for any costs associated with attending the conference (lodging, meals, transportation, etc.) unless recommended by the Bureau Commander and approved by the Chief of Police.
g. The number of special assignment hours that have been previously requested and approved by the employee association/union and any outstanding requests.
2. The first supervisor below the level of the Bureau Commander will forward the request to the Safety Team, Personnel and Development Division.
3. The Safety Team will review all association/union applications. The review will be conducted for consistency with precedent as well as for compliance with General Orders. The Safety Team will document its findings in a cover memo and will forward it, as well as the original request memo and the “Travel Request and Approval” form, as follows:
a. When an association/union is requesting special assignment for a certain number of attendees but the individual names have not yet been identified, the Safety Team will forward the packet to the Commander of the Administrative and Support Bureau. If the application is disapproved by the Administrative and Support Bureau Commander, a copy will be returned to the association/union by the Safety Team. If the application is approved by the Bureau Commander, the packet will be forwarded to the Chief of Police for final approval. If the application is approved by the Chief of Police, the Safety Team will return a copy to the association/union with instructions that a list of attendees must be provided to the Safety Team not later than ten days prior to the conference or event. Upon receipt, the Safety Team will notify affected Bureau Commanders of the personnel under their command who will be attending. Bureau Commanders may ask the Chief of Police to reconsider particular names based upon unit workload, manpower shortages, etc.
b. When an association/union is requesting special assignment and the names of the attendees are known, the Safety Team will forward the request packet to the affected Bureau Commanders for review. The Bureau Commander will forward the original application with Bureau Commander’s recommendation to the Chief of Police for consideration. Whether approved or disapproved, a copy of the application indicating the Chief's decision will be returned to the association/union. A copy will also be furnished to affected Bureau Commanders for notification to subordinate commanders.
4. Attendance by any other individuals not approved by the Chief of Police will require the use of off-duty, vacation, or compensatory time, if staffing levels allow.
5. Attendees will not be reimbursed for any costs associated with attending the conference (lodging, meals, transportation, etc.) unless recommended by the Bureau Commander and approved by the Chief of Police. Compensatory time or overtime will not be earned for travel to or from the conference.
6. Within 14 days of return, attendees must submit a written report to the Chief of Police, over viewing the conference or event with particular focus on emerging issues and concerns identified at the conference, or results of participation by individuals. After review by the Office of the Chief of Police, the report will be forwarded to the Safety Team.
7. The Safety Team will maintain files on all applications, the number of hours granted to each association/union and the written reports provided to the Chief of Police. 

422.02 Employee Association Business Conducted During Assigned Duty Hours
A. Members of the Department are prohibited from attending or participating in an employee association/union meeting during on-duty hours unless on an unpaid meal period. This includes the elected members of an association/union's organizational representatives, the board of directors, and all other members.
B. Employees wishing to attend association/union meetings or conduct association business during their normal working hours should request approval of vacation or compensatory time from their first line supervisor at least 24 hours in advance. The request should include travel time to and from the meeting location when applicable. This is to ensure any necessary adjustments in scheduling or assignments can be made.
C. Only employees with unpaid lunch periods may attend an employee association/union meeting during their lunch period. The serving of food during an employee/union meeting can not be used as justification for attendance during a paid lunch period.
D. No employee, regardless of paid or unpaid lunch period, may use a city vehicle for transportation to or from an association/union meeting.
E. Every effort will be made to accommodate the representatives, directors, or members. Attendance at such meetings, however, will not take priority over an assigned police incident, a court assignment, or other departmental needs.
F. Representatives, directors, or members who receive any type of compensation for their association/union must submit a “Request for Permission for Outside Employment, Other than Police Duty” as required by General Order 421.02.
G. It is not a violation of this policy for the director or representatives of an employee association/union to participate in a meeting held by the Chief of Police or other members of the command staff to discuss employee issues during on- duty hours. This includes telephone conversations to discuss specific employee issues. However, overtime is not authorized for this purpose.

422.03 Individual Employee Request for Special Assignment
A. The Department recognizes the importance of allowing its members to attend outside training and conferences. However, it is imperative that the granting of special assignment time is handled in a fair and impartial manner and consistent with the Department’s overall goals and objectives.
B. The purpose of this order is to designate the procedure to request and approve the placement of employees on special assignment to participate in and/or coordinate functions that are outside of their normal scope of duties but are for the benefit of the Department.
C. This order does not include employees placed on special assignment in other organizational units to meet the needs of the Department. That procedure is covered in General Order 407.06.
D. Special Assignment can be requested for the following types of activities:
1. Participation in training offered outside of the Department.
2. Participation in a law enforcement conference or on a law enforcement related committee.
3. Coordination of training offered by the Department for outside agencies.
4. Coordination of conferences or committees held by the Department in which outside agencies are invited and expected to attend.
5. To coordinate, participate in or attend any training, conference, or committee that is in the best interest of the Department.
E. The following procedure will be utilized to request special assignment for one of the above listed activities:
1. Employees requesting permission to participate in an activity that requires the expenditures of funds will submit a request memo attached to a completed “Travel Request and Approval” form. The memo and form will be forwarded through the employee’s chain of command to the level of Bureau Commander for approval. The following information should be included in the request memo:
a. The location of the conference or training.
b. The duration of the special assignment requested.
c. A description of the conference or training.
d. The number of special assignment hours that have been previously requested and approved by the employee for the current calendar year and any outstanding requests.
e. How the employee’s participation in the conference or training will benefit the Department. This should also include, specifically, how this activity will benefit the employee in his or her current work assignment.
f. If the employee has attended the same or similar training or conference in the last 2 years.
g. The amount of City funds needed to participate in the requested activity. This includes funds for meals, travel and lodging.
h. If a city vehicle or other city equipment will be used.
2. An employee requesting permission to participate in an activity that does not require an expenditure of funds but requires the employee to be absent from his or her primary job assignment for a period of one work day or more, will submit a request memo to the Bureau Commander through the employee’s chain of command. The request memo should include the same information as outlined by General Order 422.03 E. 1. This includes requests for special assignment to attend an activity that the employee has agreed to pay all associated expenses. Employees attending non-training or non-conference/committee type events (e.g. Police Olympics, Baker to Vegas Run, etc.) will be limited to a maximum of three special assignment days per calendar year. The employee may elect to use discretionary leave in conjunction with those days if approved by the employee’s chain of command. Events that benefit a third party such as Special Olympics, Carry the Load, etc., are exempted from this provision. Additionally, special assignment time will not be granted for an employee’s regular day off.
3. An employee requesting permission to coordinate a conference or training that would require the employee to be absent from their primary work assignment for a period of one work day or more, will submit a memo to the Bureau Commander through the employee’s chain of command. The following information should be included in the request:
a. The nature of the proposed conference or training.
b. A description of the employee’s responsibilities in coordinating the conference or training.
c. The proposed location of the event if known.
d. Who will be invited to attend.
e. How this conference or training will benefit the Department or further advancements in law enforcement.
f. If City funds, equipment or facilities to be used during the conference or training.
g. The expected cost of the event if City funds are needed.
h. How many other Department personnel will be involved in the coordination of the event.
4. Supervisors below the level of Bureau Commander should review any request for special assignment and make a recommendation to approve or deny the request. The following factors will be taken into consideration when making this recommendation:
a. Staffing levels of the affected unit or division.
b. Overall cost of the request.
c. The amount of special assignment time requested.
d. The nature of the training or conference.
e. How many times the employee has attended the conference or training in the last 2 years.
f. The benefit to the Department by approving the employee’s request.
g. The relevance of the training or conference to the employee’s current assignment.
F. All requests should be forwarded through the employee’s Division Commander. Each supervisor in the employee’s chain of command will indicate their recommendation for approval or denial of the request. If the employee’s Division Commander determines the request should be denied, then the request will be considered denied and not proceed to the Bureau Commander. In organizational levels without a Division Commander, the request will be forwarded to the Bureau Commander.
G. The division or unit training coordinator is responsible for maintaining the number of special assignment hours granted to each employee during the calendar year.
H. Denial of special assignment time does not prevent an employee from requesting vacation or compensatory time. This request will be treated as any other request for leave.
I. Employees who decide to become an official within a professional law enforcement organization are not guaranteed special assignment to attend a function of that organization.
J. This order does not apply to events sponsored by the Department where employees are requested to volunteer to participate in a special assignment capacity. For these events, the procedures outlined in the request for volunteers should be followed.
K. Each Bureau is limited to sending no more than 5 employees to attend a conference or training held outside of the metroplex which requires the expenditure of funds for other than conference or registration fees. Examples of other expenditures include, but not limited to, funds for travel, lodging and meals. It is the Bureau Commander’s responsibility to monitor the number of employees within the Bureau approved to attend a conference or training to ensure this limit is not exceeded. A request can be made to the Chief of Police to exceed the established limit if it is for the good of the Department. The limit of 5 employees per Bureau does not include individuals who have been approved by the Chief of Police as the result of a request by an employee association/union as outlined in General Order 422.01.
L. The Chief of Police may disregard or suspend the above order for events of such a magnitude that it requires multiple members of the Department to coordinate or to meet the overriding needs of the Department.
Request for business leave by a representative of an employee organization is not covered by this order. The guidelines for requesting business leave are outlined by General Order 206.21.

Dallas Police Department General Order

423.00 Membership in Professional Organizations

and Police Associations

Revised 02/07/2008

423.01 Professional Organizations
A. Personnel requesting Departmental sponsored membership in a professional organization will forward a cover memorandum from their immediate supervisor to Financial and Contract Management Division along with the completed membership application or renewal form. The memorandum will include:
1. The number of employees in the division who already belong to the organization. Each division will be responsible for maintaining this information for its personnel.
2. An explanation of how the Department will benefit from the applicant's membership in the organization.
B. The cover memorandum requires the approval of a Division Commander or above.
C. In most cases, the Division Commander or other ranking supervisor will serve as the Department's representative for departmental sponsored memberships. Information obtained by the representative may then be disseminated to other personnel.

423.02 Police Associations
Any assistance that an employee seeks from a police association, regarding work related issues, shall remain confidential. The employee's chain of command will not question the employee regarding the communication with the police association, or retaliate against any employee for seeking assistance or advice from a police association.

Dallas Police Department General Order

424.00 Police Reserves

Revised 05/04/2020

424.01 Qualifications and Standards of Training of Reserve Division
A. Qualifications and standards of training for sworn officers of the Police Reserve Division will not be less than the minimum set by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement.
B. Reserve Officer Classifications
1. Basic Peace Officer - given to a Reserve Officer who has completed Basic Peace Officer course. This officer holds a Texas Peace Officer license.
2. Reserve Specialist – non-sworn officer with specialized training such as a medical doctor or performs only in support roles such as a Public Service Officer.
C. Qualifications for Reserve Applicants
1. All reserve officer applicants will go through the same employment process as police officer applicants. The only exception for reserve officer applicants is there is no requirement to take the Civil Service Exam.
2. Reserve officer applicants will be held to the same hiring standard as police officer applicants and will complete the entire process administered by the Personnel Division.
a. Retirees and resignations that are transitioning into the Reserve Battalion without a break in service will not have to go through the hiring process.
b. Any break in service due to resignation or retirement will follow the same hiring standards as a new police officer applicant.
c. Any reserve officer that wants to transition to police officer will be required to complete the entire process as a new police officer applicant with or without a break in service.
3. The Chief of Police is the final authority to determine a Reserve Officer’s acceptance, retention, training, or expulsion.
D. Training
1. All training will be conducted by the Training Section or other licensed training providers, with approval of the Police Training Section Manager. The Training Section will certify that each Reserve Officer is adequately trained before graduation.
2. After completion of the classroom training, each Reserve Officer will be assigned by the Police Reserve Commander to a bureau in accordance with Department needs.
a. Each Reservist will be assigned to 30 days of field training with a Field Training Officer or Senior Corporal who has completed the Training Section’s Officer Field Training Course. The Reservist will be evaluated daily on the same form as apprentice Police Officers. Details regarding the documentation of training will be outlined in the Field Training Officer Manual. Upon completion of the training, the training records will be forwarded to the Field Training Coordinator.
b. At any time during training, a Reserve Officer may be referred to his or her chain-of-command due to documented unsatisfactory performance for review.
3. All Reserve Officers holding Texas Peace Officer certification must complete all in-service training required by the state and Department to maintain their peace officer license.

424.02 Membership of Reserve Division
A. Sworn members of the Police Reserve Division will serve as peace officers at all times.
B. Members of the Police Reserve Division serve at the discretion of the Chief of Police and may be called to serve at any time the Chief of Police considers it necessary to preserve the peace and enforce the law.
C. Members of the Police Reserve Division may serve without compensation, but the City Council shall provide their uniforms and equipment.
D. All promotions, demotions, policy statements or other acts affecting the efficient operation of the Police Reserve Division will be subject to administrative review by the Chief of Police.

424.03 Organization of Reserve Division
The Reserve Division will be commanded by the Reserve Coordinator, who will be a regular Police Officer in the rank of Sergeant or above. There will be a Reserve Commander, who will report directly to the Reserve Coordinator and serve as the highest-ranking Reserve Officer.

Reserve Division

A. The Reserve Commander may establish additional sections, units and positions of rank as the needs of the Department and Reserve Division arise.

424.04 Duties of Reserve Officers
A. Field Operations Duties - While on or off duty, all reserve officers certified by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) to carry weapons shall have the same authority and perform the same duties as full-time police officers.
1. Individual assignments of reserve officers will be made by the Reserve Division Commander. Supervision of reserve officers while working patrol will be exercised by a patrol supervisor.
2. An armed reserve officer may work as a one-man patrol officer if the following requirements are met:
a. The reserve officer has peace officer certification.
b. The reserve officer has completed 40 hours of In Service Training in the previous training cycle.
c. The reserve officer has worked in patrol the previous 6 months.
d. The reserve officer agrees to work 2 days a month in patrol; a total of 16 hours.
e. The reserve officer has been evaluated by a field supervisor designated by the Reserve Division Commander. The supervisor will make recommendation to the Reserve Commander.
f. The reserve officer’s chain of command approve the one-man status.
g. The reserve officer has completed 2 years with the Dallas Police Department Reserve Unit.
h. The reserve officer has no disciplinary problems in the previous 2 years.
i. The reserve officer continuously meets all minimum hourly requirements.
3. Reserve Specialists will be given assignments by the Reserve Division Commander to meet the needs of the Department and the Reserve Division.

424.05 Uniforms and Equipment for Reserves
A. Reserve Officers and Reserve Specialists will be issued all the necessary uniforms and equipment to complete their assignment made by the Reserve Division Commander.
B. The Reserve staff will notify the Reserve Coordinator when a Reserve Officer meets all of the qualifications necessary to obtain new uniforms.
C. The Reserve Coordinator will issue the Dallas Police Department Uniform Order Form for the Reserve Officer to take to the Quartermaster Unit.
D. A billfold size identification card with a photograph attached will be issued to all Reserve Officers.
E. Reserve Officers qualified to be armed will be placed under the same Departmental rules as regular officers with regard to weapon type and caliber for both sidearms and secondary weapons. The issue sidearm will be the same for Reserve Officers as for regular officers, subject to availability.
1. A Reserve Officer may carry a personal weapon if it has been approved by the Department and inspected by the Firearms Training Center.
2. A Reserve Officer must qualify with his or her sidearm in the same manner as a regular officer.

Dallas Police Department General Order

425.00 Cadet and Internship Program

Revised 08/27/2021

425.01 Cadet Program
A. The mission of the Dallas Police Department’s Cadet Program is to attract young, well-qualified men and women of all walks of life to participate in an organized on-the-job training program, which includes instructions in the duties, responsibilities, and expectations of police officers. The goal is to prepare motivated, knowledgeable individuals for entry into a full-time police officer position.
B. Cadets are paid employees (temporary part-time) and governed by the General Orders as well as the Cadet Standard Operating Procedures.

425.02 Cadet Program Definitions
A. Cadet Coordinator - Is a sworn member of the Department in the rank of sergeant or above that is assigned to the Personnel and Development Division. The Cadet Coordinator is the supervisor over the program.
B. Divisional Cadet Coordinator/Supervisor - Is a sworn member of the Department in the rank of sergeant or above that is assigned to a division or section of the Department that utilizes cadets. The Divisional Cadet Coordinator serves as the immediate supervisor of the cadet while assigned to their respective division
C. Cadet Evaluation Form
1. Form used by the Cadet Coordinator and Divisional Cadet Coordinators to evaluate the cadet’s progress through the program.
2. Located on the N: Drive under N:\CADETS\Evaluations folder.
3. Must be completed weekly by the Divisional Cadet Coordinator and forwarded to the Cadet Coordinator in the Personnel and Development Division.

425.03 Requirements for Entry into the Cadet Program
A. At least 17 but not older than 22 years of age.
B. Enrolled in a minimum of 12 semester hours at an accredited college or university or full-time high school student.
C. Maintain a GPA of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale.
D. Pass the same hiring standards as a Dallas Police Officer with the exception of the physical fitness test and Civil Service test.

425.04 Cadet Assignments
A. All assignments are made by the Cadet Coordinator in the Personnel and Development Division.
B. Assignments will rotate every three months unless a special need exists.
C. Cadets will work the hours between 7am and 11pm. No first watch assignments will be made.
D. Work hours will be adjusted as not to conflict with the Cadet’s school or study hours. Actual work hours will be determined by the Divisional Cadet Coordinator where the Cadet is assigned after a discussion with the Cadet on what hours will not inhibit school responsibilities.

425.05 Divisional Responsibilities
A. Appoint a Divisional Coordinator who will:
1. Act as the Cadet’s first line supervisor.
2. Schedule the Cadet’s work week.
3. Enter the Cadet’s time into the Payroll System. Cadets’ time entries must be done on a daily basis and each hour worked must be entered into the Payroll System.
4. Ensure that the Cadet follows all Departmental rules and regulations.
5. Ensure that the Cadet is being utilized properly and conducting job duties that enable them to learn about police work.
6. Conduct weekly meetings with the Cadet to address any questions or concerns. These meetings should be documented on the Cadet Evaluation Form.
B. Report any violations or problems to the Departmental Cadet Coordinator.

425.06 Cadet Duties
A. Cadets can perform the following duties BEFORE attending the three-week Cadet School:
1. Work the front desk.
2. Answer telephones.
3. Assist in the Investigative Unit while inside of the station.
4. General clerical duties.
5. Assist officers at community outreach events such as safety and health fairs.
6. Process prisoners at the station or jail.
7. Assist in training at the Academy.
8. Assist sworn members with special programs such as Explorers, LETS, and NPO activities.
9. Staff Lake Ray Hubbard Storefront (with sworn supervision at all times).
10. Work at service desk or expeditor unit.
11. Work inside at the Firearms Training Center.
B. Cadets can perform the following duties AFTER attending the three-week Cadet School:
1. Any of the above duties.
2. Process prisoners in the field.
3. Provide high visibility foot patrols in public areas when accompanied by a sworn officer.
4. Assist in responding to Priority 3 or 4 type calls, must be accompanied by a Public Safety Officer or sworn officer.
5. May assist officers in the field on a ride along only with a letter of approval from Cadet Coordinator.
6. Assist in traffic control for special events.
7. Issue handicap parking citations.
8. Accompany Crime Scene Response Section detectives to crime scenes. Cadet’s assistance at crime scenes should be limited to duties that will not require a court appearance.
9. Assist traffic elements at accident scenes.
a. If Cadet has taken traffic direction class, then they may direct traffic.
b. Cadet must wear reflective vest.
10. Help investigators in the field.
11. Assist at the Firearms Training Center with repairs and target preparation.
12. Conduct subject checks for elements in the field if they have attended and passed a NCIC/TCIC class.
13. Conduct surveillance in sky towers or from other fixed positions and report suspicious activity to officers.

425.07 Off-Duty and Outside Employment
A. Cadets are not authorized to work any police related off-duty jobs, including traffic direction.
B. Cadets may not have any outside work that requires the use of the Cadet uniform or relates in any way to the duties of a Cadet.
C. Cadets may be employed by another institution as long as it does not constitute a conflict of interest, a violation of General Order 421.05, or conflicts with the above provisions of this order.
D. Any Cadet that is employed other than by the City of Dallas, must report that employment to the Cadet Coordinator.

425.08 Cadet Uniforms and Appearance
A. Cadets will adhere to General Orders Section 800.00 regarding personal appearance.
B. The cadet uniform will consist of:
1. Khaki shirt and pants with a Dallas Police Department patch on the left shoulder.
2. Nametag
3. Duty belt
4. Handcuff case and handcuffs
5. O/C spray and holder (if successfully completed O/C spray class and authorized by Coordinator)
C. If a uniform is not yet available, then the Cadet should wear business casual clothes.
D. The Cadet uniform will not be worn off-duty unless the Cadet is going to or from his/her place of assignment. At no time will a Cadet wear unapproved portions of their uniform or partial pieces.

425.09 Internship Program
A. All requests from outside agencies regarding participating in an internship program will be referred to the Personnel and Development Division.
B. All internships must be approved by the Commander of the Personnel and Development Division.
C. Interns will be limited to high school and college students.
D. Participants must adhere to a set work schedule that will be established by the Dallas Police Department.
E. Interns will be required to conform to the Departmental dress code (does not include hairstyle regulations).
F. Prior to assignment of an intern to a bureau or division, approval will be obtained from the appropriate Bureau or Division Commander.
G. Interns will be limited to participating in the program for one semester only.
H. Participation in an internship program must be approved by the sponsoring college, university, or high school and must fulfill academic requirements.

Dallas Police Department General Order

426.00 Law Enforcement Explorer Program

Revised 08/23/2024

426.01 Program Description
A. The Dallas Police Department Explorer Program is an official departmental program. Although each Explorer Post is chartered by the Boy Scouts of America, the Chief of Police is the final authority on all matters pertaining to the operating procedures of the Law Enforcement Explorer Program.
B. The program is designed to acquaint eligible young people with the nature and complexity of law enforcement. It encourages them to seek careers as Police Officers and at the same time affords the Department an additional opportunity to evaluate each Explorer, at little expense, prior to application for employment as a Police Officer.
C. The Chief of Police will appoint a chief-level officer as coordinator for all Law Enforcement Explorer Posts within the Department. Each Explorer Post will be organized and operated as set forth in the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) Manual for Explorers to be maintained by the Explorer Coordinator.
D. Explorers are volunteers, who range in age from 14-21, and are not to be considered sworn officers.

426.02 Assignment Responsibilities
A. Legal Services Section
1. Perform any office work when instructed by Legal Services Section personnel.
2. Perform any other duties as directed.
B. Investigations Bureau
1. Supervisors may request Explorers to assist in any duties that will benefit the Department.
2. Under the supervision of designated personnel, the Explorer may work assignments in civilian clothes.
3. Explorers are prohibited from performing any covert law enforcement function such as surveillance or undercover purchase of alcohol by a minor.
C. Patrol Bureau and Traffic Section
1. Direct traffic at the scenes of fires, explosions, collisions, etc. Explorers must not make measurements since the officer has to testify that the measurements were made by the officer.
2. Assist regular officers assigned to Parkland Memorial Hospital.
3. Use the radio as instructed by the officer.
4. Assist in filling out routine paperwork when the paper will not be used in any court action.
5. The Explorer's name will not be included in the paperwork of any arrest unless the Explorer's testimony is necessary in court to secure a conviction. If the Explorer's testimony is necessary, the Explorer will be listed as a witness.
6. Assist in community relations projects such as marking property, distributing crime prevention literature, or acting as McGruff, Crime Dog.
7. Perform other duties as directed.
D. Special Events - Explorers work in policing special events and/or operations needing more manpower than is readily available in the Department. Explorers may assist with:
1. Traffic and crowd control during special events such as parades and Cotton Bowl activities.
2. Events such as the Texas-OU pre-game activities.
3. Activities such as Operation Extra Eyes.
4. Natural or civil disasters. (Explorers may report in uniform to the division station nearest their home for assignment when ordered to do so by a Post Advisor.)

426.03 Uniforms and Equipment for Explorers
A. The Dallas Police Department will issue used, serviceable equipment, and partial uniform items to assist Explorers in fulfilling their responsibilities. The following uniform items will be issued:
1. One (1) pair of police uniform Class A trousers and one (1) uniform Class C marine blue shirt.
2. One (1) waist belt.
3. One (1) regulation police raincoat (without police label on back).
4. One (1) regulation police winter jacket (without Police Department shoulder patches).
5. One (1) regulation Sam Browne with three (3) belt keepers.
6. One (1) handcuff case with serviceable handcuffs (if requested).
B. The assigned coordinator of the Explorer Program will be responsible for the inventory of all uniforms and equipment issued to the Explorers by the Quartermaster and report this inventory quarterly to the Quartermaster’s Warehouse Supervisor to account for items assigned to the Explorer members and returned to the program coordinator upon termination of the Explorer’s membership in the program.

426.04 Explorer Training Program
A. The Department will make available its training aids, material, personnel, and equipment for proper training of the Explorers.
B. All probationary Explorers will be required to successfully complete the prescribed course of training as established by the Explorer Program of the Dallas Police Department prior to being promoted to the rank of Explorer and participating in Explorer Ride Along activities.

426.05 Explorer Post Advisors
A. The Department will provide advisors and other personnel on a volunteer basis to work in the program.
B. Post advisors are volunteer officers, approved by the commanding officer of the Patrol Division geographic area where the Post is located. When practical, the post advisor should be assigned to the Patrol Division.
C. Each post will have an assistant post advisor of the opposite sex when possible (except that a female officer must be available when there are female Explorers in the post).
D. Post advisors will receive compensatory time (rate of one and one-half times the hours worked) as outlined in the
S.O.P. Manual for Explorers.
E. Post advisors will be placed on special assignment duty status when activities in the program exceed four hours duration.

Dallas Police Department General Order

427.00 Reserved for Future Use

Revised 10/28/11


Dallas Police Department General Order

428.00 Police Family Support Team

Revised 11/11/2021

428.01 Purpose
A. This order recognizes that the spirit of the Dallas Police Department is one of helping people and providing assistance at every opportunity. This includes our assistance to the Department’s Police Family and especially during the time when an active or retired member of the Department suffers a serious injury/illness or death.
B. The purpose of this order is to offer impartial assistance to all members of the Department’s Police Family. It must be understood that services provided to the Police Family are dependent upon a number of factors. These include such things as the availability of the Department’s resources and the Department’s primary role of providing public safety to our community. The Chief of Police may approve deviations from this order depending upon those factors.

428.02 Definitions
A. Active Peace Officer and Non-Sworn Injury, Illness, or Death in the Line-of-Duty
1. Departmental Peace Officer Injury, Illness, or Death in the Line-of-Duty: A Departmental peace officer who is actively employed or in an authorized volunteer service, who suffers a serious or fatal injury or illness which is the direct and proximate result of taking any lawful and reasonable enforcement action or emergency response that the officer is authorized or obligated to perform by law, rule, regulation, or condition of employment, appointment or service, whether on or off duty. It also includes indirect results attributed to line-of-duty incidents, and direct results of felonious assaults perpetrated against the officer because of his or her status as a Texas peace officer.
2. Employee Accidental Injury, Illness, or Accidental Death in the Line-of-Duty: A member of the Department who is actively employed or in an authorized volunteer service who, while on-duty, suffers a serious or fatal injury or illness that is the direct and proximate result of an accident or criminal act committed against the employee.
B. Active Member Injury, Illness, or Death Not in the Line-of-Duty: A sworn/non-sworn member of the Department who is actively employed or is in an authorized volunteer service who suffers either of the following:
1. A serious or fatal injury, illness, or accidental or natural death, while off-duty and which is non-police related.
2. A serious or fatal illness or natural death while on duty. This is intended to include those illnesses and deaths that were not the direct and proximate result of an accident or criminal act committed against the employee, such as deaths caused by chronic, progressive, or congenital disease (e.g., heart or pulmonary disease).
C. Retired Member Death:
1. The death of a retired member who is in good standing and fully separated through retirement from the Department.
2. A retiree is defined as one of the following:
a. Any sworn or non-sworn member who resigns, having completed at least 20 years of service, regardless of age.
b. Any sworn or non-sworn member who resigns and is eligible to begin receiving pension benefits.
c. Any former sworn or non-sworn member who is receiving a City disability pension.
D. Death of Another Law Enforcement Agency Member: - A member of an agency, which is involved in crime and juvenile delinquency control or reduction, or enforcement of criminal laws, who dies while taking any action that the member is authorized or obligated to perform by law, rule, regulation, or condition of employment or service, whether on or off duty.
E. Full Departmental Honors
1. Full Departmental Honors are the rendering of honors at the funeral of a sworn member of the Department who died in the line-of-duty.
2. The following Full Departmental Honors will be rendered, upon approval of the family:
a. All flags at police facilities will be flown at half-mast for the period of time from the death, until immediately following the committal service.
b. All Departmental members with badges will cover their badge per General Order 802.07.
c. All members of the Department without badges, who wish, may cover the right vertical edge (opposite edge from where the employee’s picture is located) of their identification card with a black elastic banding, a mourning badge band or black tape for the period of time from first being informed of the member’s death until immediately following the committal service. The tape or mourning band will not be placed in a manner that covers the picture or any information on the identification card.
d. Two uniformed officers will be assigned to the deceased member for the period of time from death of the member until burial
e. A Departmental uniform will be provided for burial of the deceased, if the deceased was eligible to wear a uniform, and will consist of the following:
i. Long sleeve uniform shirt with appropriate identification loops and sleeve patches.
ii. Uniform trousers.
iii. Waist belt.
iv. Sam Browne belt, keepers, empty handcuff case, and empty holster.
v. Uniform black tie.
vi. DPD collar insignia or insignia of rank for Lieutenants and above.
vii. Temporary badge, which will be returned to the Department.
f. The Dallas Police Choir may sing at the memorial or funeral service, if available.
g. A United States or Texas burial flag will be provided to drape the casket.
h. Colors will be presented by the Honor Guard at the committal service.
i. A riderless horse will be stationed in a place of prominence.
j. Flag folding ceremonies will be conducted by the Honor Guard
k. The flag will be presented to the family by the Chief of Police or his designee.
l. A 21-gun salute will be performed by the Honor Guard Firing Party.
m. Taps will be played at the committal service.
n. The Departmental bagpiper may play at the committal service, if available.
o. A police motorcycle escort will be provided for the funeral service.
F. Departmental Honors
1. Departmental Honors are the rendering of honors at the funeral of a sworn/non-sworn member of the Department where the cause of death was not in the course or scope of the member’s employment.
2. Departmental Honors are the rendering of honors at the funeral of a retired member of the Department.
3. The following Departmental Honors will be rendered, upon request of the family:
a. Active Member.
i. All members of the Department will cover their badges or identification cards, per General Order 802.07, or 428.02. E.2.c., while attending funeral services and until immediately following the committal service.
ii. A Departmental uniform will be provided for burial of the deceased, if the deceased was eligible to wear a uniform, and will consist of the following:
(1) Long sleeve uniform shirt with appropriate identification loops and sleeve patches.
(2) Uniform trousers.
(3) Waist belt.
(4) Sam Browne belt, keepers, empty handcuff case, and empty holster.
(5) Uniform black tie.
(6) DPD collar insignia or insignia of rank for Lieutenants and above.
(7) Temporary badge, which will be returned to the Department.
iii. A United States or Texas burial flag will be provided to drape the casket.
iv. A flag folding ceremony will be conducted by the Honor Guard.
v. The flag will be presented to the family by the Chief of Police or their designee.
vi. Taps will be played at the committal service.
vii. A police motorcycle escort will be provided for funeral services that occur within the Metroplex or as approved by the Chief of Police.
b. Retired Member
i. All members of the Department attending funeral services for deceased retired members will cover their badges or identification cards, per General Order 802.07, or 428.02.E.2.c., during the funeral services and until immediately following the committal service.
ii. A Departmental uniform will be provided for burial of the deceased, if the deceased was eligible to wear a uniform, and will consist of the following:
(1) Long sleeve uniform shirt with appropriate identification loops and sleeve patches.
(2) Uniform trousers.
(3) Waist belt.
(4) Sam Browne belt, keepers, empty handcuff case, and empty holster.
(5) Uniform black tie.
(6) DPD collar insignia or insignia of rank for lieutenants and above.
(7) Temporary badge, which will be returned to the Department.
iii. A United States or Texas burial flag will be provided to drape the casket.
iv. A flag folding ceremony will be conducted.
v. The flag will be presented to the family.
vi. Taps will be played at the committal service.
vii. A ceremonial police motorcycle escort will be provided for the funeral services, if the services are held within the Metroplex
G. Ceremonial Honors
1. Ceremonial Honors are the rendering of honors on, but not limited to, the following occasions:
a. The funeral of a member of another Law Enforcement Agency, where the death of the other Law Enforcement Agency employee took place in the line of duty and the death occurred in Dallas and/or the funeral or committal service will take place in Dallas.
b. The funeral of a person who the Department wishes to honor.
c. National Police Week and Police Officer Memorial Day ceremonies.
d. Parades or other ceremonies in which the Department participates at the direction of the Chief of Police.
2. Ceremonial Honors can include some or all of the honors rendered as part of the Full Departmental Honors or Departmental Honors.
3. All Ceremonial Honors must have prior approval of the Chief of Police.
H. Official Departmental Burial Flags - The United States flag or the State of Texas flag are the only flags permitted to drape the casket at a service where the Department is rendering Full Departmental Honors, Departmental Honors, or Ceremonial Honors. This does not limit the use of a pall by the Roman Catholic Church or other churches, but nothing may be placed on top of the flag. The flag must be removed before the casket is covered with the pall.
I. Police Family Members - The term Police Family Members refers to the immediate surviving family members.
J. Metroplex - The term Metroplex will be considered to include the City of Dallas, Dallas County, and also include any destination within 100 miles of the closest border to the City of Dallas. 

428.03 Composition and Responsibilities of the Police Family Support Team
A. The Police Family Support Team will consist of the following personnel:
1. Executive Liaison - The Personnel and Support Division Commander will provide liaison between the Police Family Support Team, the Chief of Police, and the Dallas Blue Foundation.
2. Family Services Officer - A member of the Employee Relations Team, Personnel and Support Division, who will be responsible for the coordination of the overall operation of the Police Family Support Team.
3. Benefits Coordinator - The Personnel and Support Division Commander or a designated subordinate will be responsible for coordinating all benefits for which the member and his or her family are eligible. The Benefits Coordinator will contact the member's family as soon as appropriate and maintain contact with the member's family throughout the benefits process. The Benefits Coordinator will be responsible for tracking all required benefits documents.
4. Travel and Financial Coordinator - The Personnel and Support Division Commander or designated representative will be responsible for coordinating any financial and/or travel arrangements, whether local or away from Dallas, for Police Family Members and/or Department Ceremonial and Coordination personnel in connection with the serious or fatal injury, illness or death of a Department member.
5. Accommodations Coordinator - The Personnel and Support Division Commander or designated representative will be responsible for coordinating any lodging, locally or away from Dallas, for Police Family Members and/or Department Ceremonial and Coordination personnel in connection with the serious or fatal injury, illness, or death of a Department member.
6. Media Coordinator - A member of the Public Information Office who will be responsible for coordinating the release of personal or departmental information, and for arranging media coverage of memorial or funeral services in connection with the serious or fatal injury, illness, or death of a Department member.
7. Traffic Coordinator - The Traffic Unit Commander will be responsible for coordinating and conducting any and all movements of vehicles involved in a funeral operation.
8. Commander of the Honor Guard will be responsible for all ceremonial rites involved in a funeral operation.
9. Department Chaplain - The Department Chaplain will be responsible for meeting the spiritual needs of the surviving family and the Department’s members.
10. Family Liaison Officers - Officers from the injured/deceased member’s division or bureau (one or two per 8-hour shift) who will provide security, liaison, and escort for Police Family Members in connection with the serious or fatal injury, illness, or death of a Department member. Although this is not a command or coordination position, it does provide the role of facilitator between the family and Department.
11. Division Liaison Officer - A supervisor from the injured/deceased member’s bureau who will provide liaison between the Police Family Support Team and the bureau. This supervisor will be designated by the Commander of the injured/deceased member’s bureau and will be placed on special assignment to the Personnel and Support Division.
B. The Police Family Support Team will be activated by the Personnel and Support Division Commander, when needed.
C. The Police Family Support Team will provide coordination and communication to both the Dallas Police Department and the Police Family during a time of crisis and grief.
D. When activated the Police Family Support Team will meet at least once a day until deactivation is ordered by the Personnel and Support Division Commander.

428.04 Notification of the Police Family Support Team
A. Communications Services Section
1. The Communications Services Section, upon receiving information of a life threatening or fatal injury or illness of any member of the Department, while on or off-duty, will immediately notify the following members of the Police Family Support Team:
a. Executive Liaison.
b. Family Services Officer or the Supervisor of the Employee Relations Unit.
c. The Department Chaplain.
2. The Communications Services Section, upon receiving information on the situations listed below, will notify the Family Services Officer or the Supervisor of the Employee Relations Team by 8:15 a.m.:
a. Death of any retired member of the Department.
b. Notification of the death in the line-of-duty of any Texas law enforcement agency employee.
c. Notification of the death in the line-of-duty of any law enforcement agency employee occurring in Dallas.
d. Notification of the intention of any law enforcement agency to bring to Dallas a law enforcement employee killed in the line-of-duty for funeral or committal services.
B. Records Section
1. The Records Section will immediately fax to the Communications Services Section a copy of any teletype containing information of:
a. A life threatening or fatal injury or illness of any member of the Department, while on or off-duty.
b. Notification of the death in the line-of-duty of any Texas law enforcement agency employee.
c. Notification of the death in the line-of-duty of any law enforcement agency employee occurring in Dallas.
d. Notification of the intention of any law enforcement agency to bring to Dallas a law enforcement employee, killed in the line-of-duty, for funeral or committal services.
2. A Records Section supervisor will contact a Communications Services Section supervisor by telephone to confirm receipt of the fax. The Communications Section will then carry out notification responsibilities as outlined in paragraph 428.04 A. 

428.05 Notification of the Police Family Members
A. General procedures for divisions/bureaus regarding notification of deaths and life-threatening injuries.
1. In all situations where a member of the Department is seriously or fatally injured, the Police Family Members and their needs must be given first priority and consideration.
2. The name of the seriously or fatally injured member must not be released to the media before the Police Family Members are notified, whether they live in the Metroplex or outside the Metroplex.
3. If the Police Family Members reside outside the Metroplex, the informing officer shall request a prompt and personal notification from the jurisdictional law enforcement agency in the area in which the surviving family resides.
4. If the Dallas Police Department is requested by another law enforcement agency to perform a personal notification of a serious injury or death of one of their members to a Police Family Member who resides within the City of Dallas, the same courtesy and procedures shall be afforded to the agency as that which would be done for our own Police Family Member’s notification.
5. A supervisor at the member’s division/bureau should obtain necessary information from the Emergency Contact Form in the employee’s personnel file. If the form indicates medical conditions or medication allergies, etc., this information should be sent to the receiving hospital.
B. Notification Team Composition and Responsibilities
1. The notification team should be made up of a supervisor, an officer known by the injured employee’s family (when possible), a female officer to assist female family members, and at least one uniformed officer.
2. The Family Services Officer, the Departmental Chaplain, or a Volunteer Police Chaplain are available for any related purposes and can serve on the notification team, if desired.
3. Employees outside the official notification team are prohibited from making contact with Police Family Members prior to official notification.
4. At least two vehicles should be used by the notification team.
5. The following Police Family Members should receive immediate notification, based upon the member’s specifications in the emergency contact form:
a. Spouse and children.
b. Parents.
c. Others, as requested by family.
6. Prior to arrival of the notification team, accurate and up-to-date information should be secured. The notification team’s goal should be to make a timely notification before Police Family Members learn through other means.
7. If a member immediately notifies his or her spouse of the serious injury or death of a co-worker, the member’s spouse should be told to not call the injured or deceased member’s spouse. This lessens the possibility of a premature notification.

428.06 Response to Life Threatening Injuries and Death in the Line-of-Duty
A. The Police Family Members will be considered to be:
1. Spouse.
2. Sons and daughters, and guardian if the child is under 18 years of age.
3. Spouses of the sons and daughters.
4. Father, mother, stepfather, and stepmother.
5. Brothers and sisters, if under 18 years of age.
B. When a member of the Department suffers a life-threatening injury or illness or is killed in the line-of-duty in the Metroplex, the following will be provided for the Police Family Members by the Department:
1. Personal notification of Police Family Members in the Metroplex.
2. When Police Family Members are not in the Metroplex, notification to the jurisdictional law enforcement agency in which the surviving family resides will be made.
3. Transportation to the medical facility or other location of local Police Family Members.
4. If requested, a uniformed officer will be posted at the family residence while the family is taken to the medical facility or other location and will remain until replaced by the Family Liaison Officers.
5. Family Liaison Officers will be available 24 hours per day to assist the Police Family Members.
6. If the Police Family Members reside outside the Metroplex, they will be picked up upon their arrival in Dallas and will be provided transportation during their length of stay.
7. All departmental members will guard against making any promises to the family and will not make additions to this list without prior consent of the Chief of Police through the Police Family Support Team.
8. The above supportive measures will be provided from the time of serious injury, until the member’s life is no longer threatened, or in the event of death, 24 hours after the committal services.
9. Full Departmental Honors will be rendered.
C. The following cannot be provided for the Police Family Members:
1. The expense of any phone calls.
2. Pay-for-view movies at the place of accommodation.
3. Meals and/or food.
4. Room service of any kind.
5. Any alcoholic beverages.
6. Any other personal expenses.
D. When a member of the Department suffers a life-threatening injury or illness in the line-of-duty outside the Metroplex, the following will be provided for the Police Family Members by the Department:
1. If requested, a uniformed officer will be posted at the local family’s residence while the family is absent and will remain until the family returns home.
2. When a member is hospitalized outside the Metroplex, the Family Services Officer will serve as the Family Liaison Officer.
3. Arrangements for transportation of Police Family Members will be made with the jurisdictional law enforcement agency in the area where the member is hospitalized.
4. The above will be provided from the time of serious injury until the member’s life is no longer threatened. This time may be extended when approved by the Chief of Police.
E. When a member of the Department is killed in the line-of-duty outside the Metroplex, the Department will provide the following for the Police Family Members:
1. The Family Services Officer will be sent to the location where the Department member has been killed to handle the logistical details and provide escort for the remains.
2. All other details as provided for a member of the Department being killed in the line-of-duty in the Metroplex.

428.07 Response to Life Threatening Injury or Illness and Death Not in the Line-of-Duty
A. The Department will provide the following for the Police Family Members:
1. When the Police Family Members reside in the Metroplex:
a. Personal notification of Police Family Members.
b. Transportation to the medical facility or other location of the Police Family Members.
c. If requested, a uniformed officer will be posted at the family residence while the family is taken to the medical facility or other location and will remain until replaced by the Family Liaison Officers.
d. Family Liaison Officers will be available, as needed or requested, 24 hours per day, from the time of notification, until the member’s life is no longer threatened, or if death occurs, until burial. This time period may be extended when approved by the Chief of Police
e. Departmental Honors will be rendered.
2. When the Police Family Members reside outside of the Metroplex:
a. Notification will be made to the jurisdictional law enforcement agency in which the immediate surviving family member resides.
b. Out of town Police Family Members will be picked up at the airport or other location by personnel of the division to which the member was assigned.
c. Departmental Honors will be rendered with approval of the Chief of Police.
B. The Department cannot provide for any expenses incurred by the Police Family Members.

428.08 Response to the Death of a Retiree
A. The Department will provide the following for the Police Family Members, if the funeral, memorial, and/or committal service is held in the Metroplex:
1. Family Services Officer will be available to assist with the funeral service.
2. If requested, the Departmental Chaplain will be available to conduct the funeral service.
3. If requested, Departmental Honors will be rendered.
B. The Department cannot provide for any expenses incurred by Police Family Members.

428.09 Departmental Representation at Out of Town Funeral Services (DPD Line-of-Duty Deaths)
A. The following departmental persons will accompany the family and remains, when applicable, to out of town funerals:
1. Executive Liaison or his/her designee.
2. Family Services Officer.
3. The Department Chaplain.
4. Honor Detail [Pallbearers] (maximum 8 members).
B. When transportation to out of town funerals is made available through the Department, the following departmental persons may travel to the funeral:
1. Executive Staff (unless other transportation is available for them).
2. Public Information Officer (1 member, or approval required for more than 1).
3. Honor Guard
a. Supervisor and/or Assistant (2 Members)
b. Rifle Team (8 members)
c. Casket Team (8 members)
d. Color Team (5 members)
4. Usher Detail (Honor Guard can also serve as Ushers)
5. Motorcycle detail.
C. The Department will provide vehicles for the above listed personnel if the funeral and burial location is within the Metroplex as defined in G.O. 428.02 J. Funerals and/or burials that occur outside the Metroplex will be handled congruent with existing City of Dallas travel regulations for housing, meals and means of travel.
D. Additional personnel and vehicles may be authorized by the Chief of Police.

428.10 Departmental Representation at Funerals of Other Law Enforcement Agency Members (Line-of-Duty Deaths)
A. Within the Metroplex.
1. A supervisory officer will be designated by the Commander of the Honor Guard as the Officer-In-Charge of the Department’s official representation at the funeral.
2. The Honor Guard will send a minimum of two officers and one vehicle; however more may be authorized by the Chief of Police or their designee The department will be monetarily responsible for travel expenses incurred during each trip to include; fuel, lodging, and per diem (per Chief Of Police approval).
3. The commanders of each of the seven geographic Patrol Bureau divisions shall designate at least one representative from their respective divisions to serve as official representatives of the Department. The representatives will be provided with marked police vehicles for their transportation.
4. Station representatives will wear their class-A dress uniform, to include long sleeve shirt, black tie and police hat.
5. The Traffic Unit Commander may send escort motorcycles subject to manpower considerations at the time of the funeral.
6. The duties of the official representation team will be considered an on-duty assignment.
B. Outside the Metroplex.
1. The Honor Guard will be the official representation team for funerals for law enforcement personnel killed in the line of duty outside the Metroplex. The Honor Guard will send no less than two representatives to outside the Metroplex services.
2. An official representation team for funerals for law enforcement personnel killed in the line of duty may be sent anywhere in Texas. If the funeral is held outside Texas, travel will be limited to 300 miles from the closest Dallas city limit to the service location. The Chief of Police may approve sending an official representation team to a funeral being held outside of Texas and beyond the 300-mile radius. Means of travel to any service is subject to time, distance, manpower needs and Department policy.
3. This guideline does not prohibit attendance at other law enforcement agency funerals by those officers who wish to travel by private transportation, off-duty, nor does it prohibit the use of other police vehicles, if approved by the Chief of Police.
4. The Personnel and Support Division Commander or designated representative is responsible for notifying the Honor Guard of other law enforcement agency funerals.
5. After notification, the Honor Guard Commander will:
a. Determine the availability of the Honor Guard
b. Notify the Traffic Unit Motorcycles supervisor who will:
i. Determine the availability of motorcycles for funeral representation.
ii. If motorcycles are available, a Traffic Unit supervisor will be designated and up to three motorcycle officers (total of four) will be assigned to the Honor Detail.
6. All members of the official representation team will be considered on-duty for the duration of their service in that capacity and may be authorized to stay overnight by the Commander of the Honor Guard. The normal travel policy of the Department will cover the expenses incurred.

428.11 Demeanor of Officers (Other Than the Ceremonial Personnel) at Memorial, Funeral, and Committal Services
A. Memorial and Funeral Services
1. The word chapel is interpreted to include the church, funeral home, or other inside location where a memorial or funeral service is held, other than the committal service.
2. The word casket is interpreted to include any receptacle containing the remains of the deceased, including cremated remains.
3. Appropriate attire for uniformed personnel will be a long sleeve uniform shirt, uniform trousers, black tie, and uniform hat. Majors and Chiefs will wear the double-breasted executive dress uniform and hat.
4. The words cover and uncover are interpreted to be the placing of a hat and the removing of a hat from one’s head.
5. When inside the chapel, the following will apply:
a. Honor Guard members posted at the casket will remain covered.
b. The Police Chaplain will be covered or uncovered as circumstances dictate throughout the service.
c. All other personnel with hats will remain uncovered and carry the hat under the non-gun side when not seated.
d. All personnel, while passing in review, will remain uncovered.
6. When outside the chapel, all personnel wearing hats will remain covered at all times.
B. Committal Services
1. At a law enforcement funeral, persons in uniform will come to ATTENTION and execute the hand salute at the command, PRESENT ARMS, which will be given:
a. Any time the flag is being moved.
b. When the casket is moved from the site of the funeral/memorial service to the hearse, or from the hearse to the site of the committal service.
c. During the firing of volleys.
d. While Taps is being played.
2. At a law enforcement funeral, law enforcement personnel not in uniform, will place the right hand over the heart at the command, PRESENT ARMS, which will be given:
a. Any time the flag is being moved.
b. During the firing of volleys.
c. While Taps is being played.
3. The hand salute or the right hand over the heart will be held until the command, ORDER ARMS, is given.
4. In accordance with military custom, hats will not be removed for prayers, but all personnel will bow their heads as a sign of respect.
5. Uniformed personnel, when not at ATTENTION, will remain in the position of PARADE REST during the outdoor committal service.
428.12 Explanation of Benefits and Police Family Support Team Operations
A. To avoid misunderstandings by Police Family Members, only personnel of the Employee Relations Team are authorized to discuss:
1. What benefits the family may be eligible to receive.
2. Funeral operations and procedures.
3. Police Family Support Team operations and procedures.
B. The Benefits Coordinator will contact the family as soon as practicable to answer questions the family may have regarding the above items.
C. Employee Relations Team personnel will file for survivor benefits on behalf of the police family members. Determination of benefits will rest with the issuing organization or agency.

428.13 Police Officer Memorial Day Services
A. Purpose - The purpose of this order is to establish procedures for conducting a Police Memorial Day Service in honor of law enforcement officers slain in the line-of-duty. This nationally recognized holiday which occurs on May 15th every year, will be celebrated by the City of Dallas and the Dallas Police Department on the Wednesday in which the Police Memorial Week occurs.
B. Procedure
1. The Public Information Office will:
a. Seek news stories in the local media and publish a story in the Police News regarding the Police Officer Memorial Day and ceremony.
b. Contact every other law enforcement agency in Dallas County to request their participation by sending one uniformed officer to the ceremony described below.
c. Contact Police Family Members of Departmental members who will be memorialized at the Police Officer Memorial Day Ceremony.
d. Draft and seek passage of a proclamation from the City Council for both National Police Week and Police Officer Memorial Day. Such proclamation would direct that flags on all City installations be flown at half- mast on the designated Police Officer Memorial Day.
2. The Honor Guard will conduct a ceremony at the site of the Police Memorial Monument located at May Triangle at the southwest corner of Young St. and Akard St. at 12:00 noon on the designated Police Officer Memorial Day. The ceremony will include:
a. Lowering of flags to half-mast.
b. Stationing nearby a riderless horse from the Mounted Squad.
c. Calling the names of those Department officers who died in the line-of-duty.
d. Laying a wreath at base of the memorial by the Chief of Police.
e. Giving a benediction by a Police Chaplain.
f. Firing of a 21-gun salute
g. Playing of taps.
h. Flying over of a police helicopter.
i. Closing melody by Departmental bagpiper.
j. All other Organizational Commanders will assign representatives to the ceremony. These assignments will be made in writing to the Commander of the Honor Guard by May 1 each year. These representatives will serve as the Salute Team for the Memorial Day Ceremony. This assignment will be a full 8-hour assignment and will include training and participation in the service.
k. In addition, all Department personnel and their families are invited and encouraged to attend.
3. The Personnel and Support Division will provide a floral wreath for the Police Officer Memorial Day Service.
4. All members of the Department will cover their badges or identification cards, per General Order 802.07, or 428.02.E.2.c., on the designated Police Officer Memorial Day.

428.14 Police Employee’s Emergency Contact Form
A. All members of the Department will be required to complete an Emergency Contact Form.
B. Organizational Commanders will ensure employees update their Emergency Contact Form during November of each year.
C. Emergency Contact Forms will be maintained by each organizational unit in the employee’s personnel file.
D. All Emergency Contact Forms and the information contained in the form are confidential and will be treated as such.

428.15 Final Salary Benefit Check Authorization Form
A. Final Paycheck or Final Salary Benefit.
1. The member’s final paycheck or final salary benefit will be considered to be all accrued and unpaid salary benefits.
2. The member’s final paycheck will consist of all accrued and unpaid:
a. Salary pay
b. Vacation pay
c. Compensatory pay
d. Sick pay
e. Service incentive pay
f. Any other salary benefit the member is entitled to
3. If the member had earned a holiday that had not yet been taken at the time of death, the Organizational Commander should forward a memo to that effect to the Payroll Team. A separate check will be issued for the Holiday leave.
B. City of Dallas-Disposition of Deceased Employee’s Final Salary Benefit Check Authorization forms may be obtained from and will be kept on file with the Employee Relations Team of Police Personnel.

The Final Salary Benefit Authorization form is intended to expedite payment of salary benefits to the family or other designated beneficiary in the event of a member’s death. The completion and signing of this form can save legal costs associated with heir verification procedures. If a signed copy of this form is not on file, distribution of final salary benefits will be made according to Texas Probate Laws at the beneficiary’s expense.
428.16 Memorial Accounts and Donations

Any member of the Department receiving a donation for the family of a member of the Department who has died will immediately forward the donation to the Employee Relations Team of Police Personnel.

428.17 Eligibility of Officers for Memorial Recognition
A. A deceased Dallas Police Department peace officer who is killed or dies in the line-of-duty will be eligible for recognition in the roll call of names on Police Memorial Day, on the Chief's Office memorial wall plaque, and in the form of a portrait displayed at the Police Academy.
B. Departmental peace officers must be licensed by TCOLE and include:
1. Police Officers
2. Reserve Officers
3. Security Officers
C. Line-of-duty means any lawful and reasonable enforcement action or emergency response which a Department peace officer is obligated or authorized by law, rule, regulation, or condition of employment, appointment or service to perform.
D. Line-of-duty for these purposes includes any fatal incident that was:
1. A direct result of a line-of-duty, on-duty incident.
2. An indirect result but directly attributed to a line-of-duty, on-duty incident.
3. A direct result of an on-duty accident, or an on-duty criminal act committed against the officer.
4. A direct result of a line-of-duty, off-duty incident, except for Security Officers.
5. An indirect result of but directly attributed to a lawful line-of-duty, off-duty incident, except for Security Officers.
6. A direct result of a felonious assault on the peace officer, perpetrated because of the status as a Texas peace officer regardless of duty status.
E. Deaths Not Included
1. A Department peace officer whose death is attributed to natural causes is not eligible for inclusion, except when either of the following apply:
a. A medical condition arises out of a specific response to a violation of law or an emergency situation causing the officer's death during or after a period of hospitalization following the specific response.
b. There is a supported finding that the officer died as a result of infectious disease contracted while lawfully performing official duties, or by exposure to hazardous materials or conditions while lawfully performing official duties.
2. A Department peace officer whose death is attributed to any of the following is not eligible for memorial recognition:
a. When caused as a result of or during the officer's commission of a crime.
b. As a direct result of the officer's voluntary alcohol or controlled substance abuse.
c. When caused by the officer's intent to bring about his or her own death.

428.18 The Dallas Police Memorial
A. The Chief of Police has the sole authority to request the name and badge number of any officer deemed to have died in the line-of-duty to be added to the Dallas Police Memorial at May Triangle, located at the corner of Akard and Young Streets.
B. The Commander of the Administrative Support Bureau will act as liaison between the Police Department and the Dallas Police Foundation, Inc. and will be responsible for briefing the Chief of Police on all matters related to the Police Memorial.
C. For purposes of determining whether an Officer’s death is to be regarded as In The Line of Duty, the definition set out in the Public Safety Officers Benefits Act Summary as amended in 1990, or as may be amended in the future, will be utilized.
1. If a death is deemed to be In The Line of Duty, the Commander of the Personnel and Support Division will forward to the Chief of Police, through the Commander of the Administrative Support Bureau, a form requesting the addition of the officer’s name to the Dallas Police Memorial Wall.
2. This form will reflect a brief description of the circumstances of the officer’s death and request the Chief’s signature authorizing placement of the officer’s name and badge number on the Police Memorial.
3. If in agreement with those findings, the Chief of Police will sign the form authorizing such placement. The form will be routed back to the Commander of the Personnel and Support Division through the Commander of the Administrative Support Bureau.
4. The Commander of the Administrative Support Bureau will contact the Dallas Police Foundation, Inc., in writing, advising them of the decision of the Chief of Police. The Foundation will be responsible for insuring proper placement of the officer’s name and badge number on the Police Memorial.
D. The Central Patrol Division Commander shall have the responsibility of providing security for the Dallas Police Memorial and will ensure that regular maintenance inspections of the Memorial are conducted.
1. In the event the Memorials’ infrastructure or landscaping needs to be repaired, replaced or improved, the Central Patrol Division Commander will forward that information to the Commander of the Administrative Support Bureau who will contact the Dallas Police Foundation, Inc. to advise them of the change(s) requested at the Memorial site.
2. The Foundation will consider the proposed change(s) and act upon it/them as expeditiously as it deems appropriate.
E. The Dallas Police Foundation, Inc. is a private, non-profit corporation and is responsible for overseeing a fund established to schedule and provide for repairs, upkeep and periodic infrastructure improvements to the Memorial.

428.19 Police Officer Memorial Wall Plaque
The names of all officers deemed to have died in the line-of-duty will be affixed to the memorial wall plaque in the office of the Chief of Police.

428.20 Police Officer Memorial Portraits
A. The portraits of all officers deemed to have died in the line-of-duty will be displayed at the Police Academy.
B. Organizational Commanders will have the option of displaying portraits or photographs or plaques commemorating employees from that organizational unit who died on or off-duty, irrespective of whether the employee's death was in the line-of-duty, as long as the employee's conduct at the time of death was honorable.

428.21 Rendering Honors to the Flag and National Anthem
A. The United States flag is symbolic of the United States and the ideals for which it stands. The national anthem is a declaration of reverence and loyalty to the United States with the flag as an emblem. The manner of rendering honors to the flag or national anthem during ceremonial functions varies depending on the type of clothing worn and whether the member is indoors or outdoors.
B. Indoors - Salutes are not rendered indoors to the flag or national anthem, regardless of the type of clothing worn.
1. Members in uniform will come to the standing position of attention and place the right hand over the heart. They will face the flag if it is visible; otherwise, the music is faced. The hat will not be worn indoors unless the member is assigned to the honor guard detail. During the national anthem, the hat may be set down, or if held, will be tucked under the left arm while the right hand covers the heart.
2. Members in civilian clothing will come to the standing position of attention and place the right hand over the heart. Males with hats will have already removed the hat upon entering the facility. During the national anthem, the hat may be set down, or if held, will be placed near the left shoulder while the right hand covers the heart. Females in civilian attire are not required to remove their hats.
C. Outdoors
1. Members in uniform will come to the standing position of attention and render the military hand salute to the flag. If the flag is not visible, the music is faced and saluted. Hats, if available, will be worn outdoors while rendering the salute.
2. Members in civilian clothing will come to the standing position of attention and will place the right hand over the heart. During the national anthem, males wearing hats will remove the hat. The hat may be set down, or if held, will be placed near the left shoulder while the right hand covers the heart. Females in civilian attire are not required to remove their hats.
D. Sworn employees assigned to dignitary protective service details are exempted from the provisions of this order.
E. At events where it is known that the national anthem will be played, supervisors will review this order at roll call briefing to remind employees of ceremonial protocol.

428.22 Children of the Fallen Program
A. Purpose - To stand in for fallen officers, during major life events, for the children they leave behind. Officers assigned to this detail will attend life events such as first day of school, graduations, daddy-daughter dances, award ceremonies, or other important events requested by the family until the child graduates high school. This is a voluntary “opt-in” program for families of fallen officers. Officers will not attend any function, or make any social media posts regarding a function, unless it is requested by the family.
B. Selection - Details assigned to these events will be comprised of at least 1 Honor Guard member and up to 4 other officers selected from a list of volunteers. The Honor Guard will maintain a list of officers who have volunteered to be part of this program and assign these officers on a “first come” basis. Officers wanting to volunteer for this program should contact the Honor Guard liaison via city email and request to be placed on the volunteer list for the specific officer’s family they wish to support. Event scheduling will take place through city email.
C. Selected Member Responsibilities
1. Arrive at the event location requested by the family at least 20 minutes prior to start time.
2. The dress code for these events will be long sleeve, class A uniform (hat optional). Tie will be worn for events that are considered formal. Officers will not be permitted to attend wearing class B or BDU type uniforms nor civilian clothing. When appropriate, Honor Guard officers will wear their Honor Guard uniform.
3. Attend the event in its entirety. This means that volunteers may be at an event for extended periods for occasions such as graduations or award ceremonies.
4. Officers are attending these events in order to support these families and remind them they have a larger support group in the police family. Those attending will conduct themselves in a respectful and professional man
5. Officers attending will notify their immediate supervisor of any events they are attending to ensure the integrity of the program.
6. Officers will not post, or request family permission to post, any pictures or videos regarding the event on any social platform. Publication of any media to any forum will be initiated by the families at their discretion.
D. Departmental Responsibilities
1. The Commander of the Honor Guard will approve or disapprove requested events, along with setting the guidelines for each event.
2. The Department will provide the selected officers special assignment when attending approved events.
3. These events will be at no monetary cost to the Department.
4. The Honor Guard Member assigned as the Children of the Fallen Program Director will send out emails to the selected officers’ supervisors within 1 day of selecting officers attending an event.

Dallas Police Department General Order

429.00 Death or Injury of an Employee

Revised 01/30/2007

429.01 Death of a Member
A. When a member is killed or dies while working, the Watch Commander will:
1. Notify the Communications Section to mobilize the Police Family Support Team.
2. Notify the member’s section/division commander.
3. Notify the Media Relations Unit.
4. Notify the Departmental Safety Officer, Personnel and Development Division.
5. Notify the City Safety Director (670-3589).
6. Complete appropriate forms per General Order 207.00.
B. When a member is killed or dies while off-duty and the death is not duty-related, the Watch or Section Commander will:
1. Notify the Communications Section to mobilize the Police Family Support Team.
2. Notify the member’s section/division commander.
3. Notify the Media Relations Unit.
C. When a member is killed or dies whether on or off-duty, the Organizational Commander will:
1. Be responsible for having the member’s police-issued equipment and personal belongings collected and inventoried.
2. See that the member’s police-issued equipment is delivered to and signed for by a Quartermaster Unit employee.
3. See that the member’s personal belongings are delivered to and signed for by the spouse, parents, nearest responsible relative, or by the executor of the estate. If any questions arise concerning who should be given possession of the personal belongings, an attorney of the Criminal Law and Police Unit or the City Attorney’s Office will be consulted.
4. Forward the two inventory lists and the signed receipts to the Employee Relations Team, Personnel and Development Division.
D. When a member is killed or dies while working, the Records Section will send a teletype concerning the incident to the other law enforcement agencies. When funeral arrangements are set, this information will also be transmitted.
E. Responsibilities of the Employee Relations Team
1. Upon notification of the death of an active member, arrangements will be made for flowers to be sent to the funeral services.
2. Upon notification of the death of a retired member, a funeral notice will be issued to all Bureau and Division Commanders and arrangements will be made to send flowers to the funeral services.

429.02 Injury of a Member
A. When a member is seriously or critically injured while working, the Watch or Section Commander will:
1. Notify the Communications Section to mobilize the Police Family Support Team.
2. Notify the member’s section/division commander.
3. Notify the Media Relations Unit.
4. Notify the Departmental Safety Officer, Personnel and Development Division.
5. Notify the City Safety Director (670-3589).
6. Complete appropriate forms per General Order 207.00.
B. When a member is seriously or critically injured while off-duty and not duty-related, the Watch or Section Commander will:
1. Notify the Communications Section to mobilize the Police Family Support Team.
2. Notify the member’s section/division commander.
3. Notify the Media Relations Unit.

429.03 Reporting Employees on Limited Duty Status
A. Administrative Directive 3-31, Section 3.2, defines Limited Duty as “Days of restricted work activity. Restricted work activity means the employee was assigned to another job on a temporary basis or the employee worked a permanently assigned job but could not perform all duties normally connected with it.” Any employee requesting this status must have full documentation from a physician or psychologist justifying or requiring limited or restricted duty. All limited duty personnel will be reported regardless of the cause of the status or where it occurred (on or off-duty). Refer to Administrative Directive 3-55, Limited Duty Policy.
B. Any employee scheduled to go on limited or restricted duty for a period of five or more working days will be reported to the Workers’ Compensation Coordinator in the Personnel and Development Division by memo as soon as possible before the beginning of the limited duty status. All limited duty personnel will be reported regardless of the cause of the status or where it occurred (on or off-duty).
C. Procedures for completing limited duty status reports are in G.O. 207.00.

429.04 Personal Injuries
The Supervisor's Injury Investigation Report is intended to report all the circumstances surrounding an incident in which an employee was injured. The report is to be used to investigate, collect, and analyze the information with the goal of preventing such injuries in the future. The majority of the form is for description and recommendation on training, policy, and any other information useful in prevention. The classification of Preventable or Non-preventable will not be used.

Dallas Police Department General Order

430.00 Grievance Procedure

Revised 06/25/2021

430.01 Grievance - Definition
A. Grievance - an employee's claim concerning his/her working conditions that he/she contends have been adversely affected by a violation, misinterpretation, or misapplication of a specific law, ordinance, policy, rule, resolution, or regulation. In order for any complaint to be considered a grievance, it must be in writing and contain:
1. A brief explanation of the incident causing the grievance, including the date of occurrence;
2. A brief statement showing how the employee’s working conditions were adversely affected by the incident;
3. The specific violation, misinterpretation, or misapplication of the specific law, ordinance, resolution, policy, rule, or regulation of which the employee is complaining;
4. The remedy or solution sought; and
5. The signature of the aggrieved employee.
B. Class Grievance - may be brought by more than one employee when the grieved work situation affects more than one employee of a specific group or rank. Individual employees must sign and be named as a party to the initial class grievance file. Grievances affecting only one employee will not be considered a class grievance.
C. Bureau Commander – when the term Bureau Commander is used, and the grieving employee reports to a division without a Bureau Commander (or grieves the actions of an employee or an occurrence outside of the employee’s chain of command), then the applicable Division Commander will fill the role of the Bureau Commander, for purposes of General Order 430 only.
Note: All sworn grievances, class or individual, will be processed according to General Order Section 430.05.

430.02 General Provisions for All Employees
A. Terms and Conditions
1. The grievance procedures outlined herein apply to all employees of the Dallas Police Department.
a. Appeals concerning disciplinary action taken by the Chief of Police will be heard in accordance with General Order Section 500.00.
b. Appeals concerning Performance Reviews and Appraisals will be heard in accordance with General Order Section 411.00.
c. Involuntary transfers (reassignments) are non-appealable and not grievable. Involuntary transfers (reassignments) are non-appealable and not grievable regardless of whether the employee is seeking the assignment, and it is denied, or reassigned involuntarily to a different assignment.
2. A grievance may be heard during regularly scheduled working hours without loss of pay to the employee, providing the privilege is not abused.
3. Preparation of a grievance, except for seeking assistance from the Department of Human Resources, the Police Department’s Employee Relations Team, or similar Departmental unit of the City, is not permitted during the employee's working hours.
4. A grievance hearing under the procedures described herein is an informal discussion without the taking of a written record. An employee must be willing to discuss the evidence and answer questions concerning the grievance at each step. Failure to discuss the facts of the case at any level of these procedures will constitute withdrawal of the grievance and will cause the last decision rendered to become final.
5. An employee may seek assistance or representation in presenting a grievance at any step. Guidance and assistance may be obtained from the Department of Human Resources. If another employee is selected to provide assistance or representation, that employee is not eligible for regular pay but may elect to take vacation leave or leave without pay if the hearing is held during that person's work hours. Only one representative will be permitted to attend a Grievance and/or Class Grievance hearing, and the representative for a class grievance must be designated on the grievance form. The supervisor may also obtain assistance or representation.
6. The days used to establish time limits in this section are working days unless otherwise specified. Working days means Monday through Friday, excluding official holidays observed by the city of Dallas. Time limits begin to run the working day following the incident, event, hearing, or notice.
7. Unless due to reasons beyond the employee's control, if an employee fails to file a grievance within the time limits prescribed or fails to appear at a hearing, the matter will be considered as having been accepted and the last decision rendered will be non-appealable.
a. For a grievance to be timely, it must be filed within 10 working days from the date of the occurrence that caused the grievance, or from the date the employee first had knowledge of the occurrence.
8. If a grievance is not answered within the specified time limit, the employee may proceed to the next step.
9. Any time limit specified in the procedures under this section may be extended by mutual agreement between the employee and the appropriate supervisory representative at each step.
a. It is recommended that, in situations in which the subject matter of the underlying grievance is currently under investigation, the employee and the grievance hearing officer (or, if applicable, the Grievance Coordinator), agree to abate hearing the grievance until such time as the investigation is concluded.
i. Failure to abate a grievance hearing when the underlying subject matter is under investigation may restrict the hearing officer from fully investigating the grievance.
ii. Note that the employee must timely file the initial grievance; however, the hearing of the grievance may be abated by mutual consent of the parties.
10. A grievance filed against a Department other than the employee's own Department must be brought in accordance with the City’s Personnel Rules. See Personnel Rules, Section 34-38(c)(12).
11. A grievance regarding a decision of Chief of Police must be initiated at Step 2. As set forth in 430.04(C), for non- sworn employees, and in 430.05(D), for sworn employees.
12. A grievance regarding a decision made outside of an employee’s chain of command must be filed with the Bureau Commander in the chain of command over the individual alleged to have made the decision giving rise to the grievance.
13. Once a grievance has been initiated, the basis of the grievance cannot be amended.
14. An employee will not be subject to retaliation for using the grievance procedure. All persons involved in the grievance process will comply with the Code of Conduct.
B. Unless otherwise noted:
1. A hearing with the Chief of Police is the final step of hearing for grievances brought by sworn members of the Department, subject to the exceptions outlines in the City’s Personnel Rules, Chapter 34-38(i)(1).
2. A hearing with the Assistant City Manager is the final step of hearing for grievances brought by non-sworn members of the Department, subject to the exceptions outlines in the City’s Personnel Rules, Chapter 34-38(i)(1).
C. Class Grievances
1. When a work situation affects more than one employee of a specific group or rank, the employees may choose to file a class grievance, provided the situation being grieved is common to all members of the class.
a. When employees choose to file a class grievance, each employee wishing to join the class grievance must sign the grievance at the time that it is filed, indicating that they agree the grievance will be heard as a class.
b. A class grievance must designate one representative, who will speak on behalf of all class members.
c. For sworn employees, a class grievance will bypass chain of command review, and proceed directly to Step .
d. For non-sworn employees, a class grievance will bypass chain of command review, and will be heard by the lowest ranking hearing officer common to all employees in the class.
2. When the Grievance Coordinator identifies two or more grievances that fit the criteria for a class grievance, but one or more of the employees declines to file their grievance as part of the class, then the identified grievances will bypass chain of command review and proceed directly to Step 1 (in the case of sworn), or to the lowest ranking hearing officers common to all employees who filed similar grievances (in the case of non-sworn), to ensure consistency in decision-making, although the grievances will be heard separately.

430.03 Grievance Coordinator
The Grievance Coordinator is the Sergeant of the Employee Relations Team, or other suitable personnel designated by the Division Commander is assigned to the Personnel Division and is responsible for administration of the grievance procedure. Responsibilities include:
A. Issuing Grievance Tracking Forms and maintaining complete records for all grievances to include their status, suspense dates, and the names of personnel responsible for their resolution.
B. Serving as Secretary for the Grievance Committee to include making notification of meetings and any other administrative needs.
C. Maintaining the Grievance Committee’s procedures and duties in the Standard Operating Procedures established for the Grievance Coordinator’s office.
D. Keeping the Chief of Police informed of the status of all grievances and reporting unjustifiable violations of time constraints to the Chief for their action.
E. Preparing reports for the Commander of the Personnel Division listing grievance appeal dates, the Assistant City Manager scheduled to hear each appeal, and the supervisor assigned to represent the Department.
F. Preparing for the Chief of Police reports of grievances and their status and resolutions (if applicable).
G. Analyzing all grievances for patterns of behavior. If the Grievance Coordinator determines that grievances of a similar nature are being filed from different assignments within the Department without the collective knowledge of the aggrieved employees, the Grievance Coordinator will inform the Grievance Committee Chairperson. The Chairperson will then review the information and determine if these grievances should be grouped together as a Class Grievance or left as Individual Grievances.
H. Notifying an employee in writing when time limits have expired and that the employee's failure to make an appeal has resulted in the determination that the matter is considered as having been accepted by the employee.

430.04 Grievance and Appeal Procedures for Non-Sworn Employees
A. Grievance Initiation. An employee who has a grievance will contact the Grievance Coordinator and obtain a Chain-of- Command Review form and, within ten working days from the date of the occurrence that caused the grievance or from the date the employee first had knowledge of the occurrence, submit their written grievance packet, addressed to the applicable Bureau Commander, to their immediate supervisor. The grievance packet will proceed up the employee’s chain-of-command with each applicable level/rank signing the Chain-of-Command Review form and attaching any pertinent documentation. A grievance outside of the employee’s chain-of-command will be delivered to the applicable Division Commander who may also obtain pertinent documentation from the chain. A review of the complaint and evidence or of the action or omission will be conducted. The Bureau Commander will meet with the employee within ten working days of receipt of the grievance packet and provide the employee with a written response to the grievance, stating the disposition of the grievance.
1. If the grievance is resolved, the Bureau Commander will mark “Resolved” on the grievance packet and return the packet to the Grievance Coordinator.
a. The Bureau Commander should mark a grievance resolved if:
i. The employee receives the relief sought in the grievance to the extent permissible; or
ii. The employee does not receive the relief sought, but agrees that the grievance is “resolved” based on the Bureau Commander’s response.
2. If the grievance is not resolved, the procedures in Step 1 will be followed.
B. Step 1. If a grievance is not resolved, and the employee wishes to appeal, he or she must, within ten working days of receipt of the Commander’s written disposition, submit a written request for an appeal hearing to the Assistant Chief of employee’s chain-of-command. A grievance filed outside of the employee’s chain of command that is not resolved, will be routed to the applicable Assistant Chief. A hearing shall be conducted within a reasonable time of receipt of the request and a written disposition issued within ten working days of the date of the hearing.
1. If the grievance is resolved, the applicable Assistant Chief will mark “Resolved” on the grievance packet and return the packet to the Grievance Coordinator.
a. The Assistant Chief should mark a grievance resolved if:
i. The employee receives the relief sought in the grievance to the extent permissible; or
ii. The employee does not receive the relief sought, but agrees that the grievance is “resolved” based on the Assistant Chief’s response.
2. If the grievance is not resolved, procedures in Step 2 will be followed.
C. Step 2. If the grievance is not resolved and the employee wishes to proceed to the next step, he or she must, within ten working days of receipt of the disposition in the previous step, submit a written request for a hearing with the Chief of Police. The hearing will be conducted by the Chief of Police. A hearing will be conducted within a reasonable time of receipt of the request and a written disposition issued within ten working days of the date of the hearing.
1. If the grievance is resolved, the Chief of Police will mark “Resolved” on the grievance packet and return the packet to the Grievance Coordinator.
2. If the grievance is not resolved, the procedures in Step 3 will be followed.
D. Step 3. If a grievance is not resolved and the employee wishes to proceed to Step 3, he or she must, within ten working days of receipt of the disposition in the previous step, submit a written request for a hearing to the Assistant City Manager in care of the Director of Human Resources. A hearing must be conducted within a reasonable time after receipt of the request. The employee’s division commander, or designee, and the Grievance Committee chair, or designee, must be notified of the hearing date and be present at the hearing.
E. The Assistant City Manager has the following options:
1. Affirm the action of the Chief of Police.
2. Set aside the action of the Chief of Police.
3. Direct the Chief of Police to enter a new order that the Assistant City Manager deems is just and equitable.
F. The disposition of a grievance by the Assistant City Manager for non-sworn personnel is non-appealable except when the grievance involves either of the following:
1. A discrimination charge described in Section 34-39(a)(1) of the Personnel Rules that may be appealed to the Civil Service Board.
2. A Civil Service rule challenge that may be appealed to the Civil Service Board.
G. Appeals to the Civil Service Board
1. An appeal to the Civil Service Board for one of the two reasons stated in paragraph F above must be made in writing within ten working days of receipt of the Assistant City Manager’s disposition of the grievance.
2. Further procedures on the appeal process are contained in the Personnel Rules, Section 34-39(b).
H. Notifying an employee in writing when time limits to appeal have expired and that the employee's failure to make an appeal has resulted in the determination that the matter is considered as having been accepted by the employee.

430.05 Complaint and Grievance Appeal Procedure for Sworn Employees
A. Complaint/Grievance Initiation - A sworn employee who wishes to file an alleged grievance will contact the Grievance Coordinator and obtain a Chain-of-Command Review form and, within ten working days from the date of the occurrence that caused the grievance or from the date the employee first had knowledge of the occurrence that caused the grievance, submit their written complaint, addressed to the applicable Bureau Commander, through their immediate supervisor. The complaint packet will proceed up the employee’s chain-of-command with each applicable level/rank signing the Chain-of-Command Review form and attaching any pertinent documentation. A complaint outside of the employee’s chain-of-command will be delivered to the Bureau Commander with responsibility for the employee or the occurrence giving rise to the grievance. The Bureau Commander will meet with the employee within ten working days of receipt of the complaint packet and provide the employee with a written response.
1. If Resolved - the Bureau Commander with mark “Resolved” on the Chain-of-Command Review form and return the packet to the Grievance Coordinator.
a. The Bureau Commander should mark a grievance resolved if:
i. The employee receives the relief sought in the grievance to the extent permissible; or
ii. The employee does not receive the relief sought but agrees that the grievance is “resolved” based on the Bureau Commander’s response.
2. If Not Resolved – the procedures in Step 1 will be followed.
B. Step 1. A sworn employee who wishes to appeal must, within ten working days of receipt of the Bureau Commander’s written disposition, submit a written request, addressed to the applicable Assistant Chief through the Bureau Commander. The Bureau Commander will forward the original packet to the Grievance Coordinator.
C. Grievance Committee Review
1. The Grievance Coordinator will officially record and assign a Log-In number to the Chain-of-Command Review form and then forward it to the Grievance Committee Chairperson for review by the Grievance Committee.
2. The sworn employee may appear before the Grievance Review Committee to orally present the issues contained in their written complaint.
3. The Grievance Committee will vote whether the complaint fits the definition of a grievance as defined in General Order 430.01 and whether the grievance was timely filed in accordance with General Order 430.02(A)(8).
a. If it Does not Fit the definition of a grievance or the grievance was not timely filed, the Chairperson will sign, date and forward the packet to the Grievance Coordinator to record, process, and forward copies to the affected employee and the applicable Assistant Chief. The Grievance Committee’s decision is non- appealable.
b. If it Fits the definition of a grievance and the grievance was timely filed, the Chairperson will sign, date, and forward the packet to the Grievance Coordinator to process (record and forward copies of the decision to the employee and the Bureau Commander).
c. Within a reasonable time of receipt of the Grievance Review Committee’s decision that the complaint fits the definition of a grievance and was timely filed, the applicable Assistant Chief shall meet with the employee and provide a written disposition within ten working days of the hearing.
4. If the grievance is resolved, the applicable Assistant Chief will mark “Resolved” on the Chain-of-Command Review for and return the grievance packet to the Grievance Review Coordinator.
5. If the grievance is not resolved, procedures in Step 2 will be followed. a.
i. The employee receives the relief sought in the grievance to the extent permissible; or
ii. The employee does not receive the relief sought, but agrees that the grievance is “resolved” based on the Assistant Chief’s response.
D. Step 2 - Chief of Police Hearing. If the grievance is not resolved and the employee wishes to proceed to the next step, the employee must, within ten working days of receipt of the disposition in the previous step, submit a written request for a hearing to the Chief of Police. A hearing must be conducted within a reasonable time after receipt of the request, and a written disposition must be issued within ten working days after the hearing. A copy of the written disposition will be forwarded to the Grievance Coordinator. The disposition by the Chief of Police will be non-appealable unless the grievance involves one of the following:
1. A discrimination charge described in Section 34-39(a) (1) of the City of Dallas Personnel Rules (which may be appealed to the Civil Service Board).
2. A Civil Service rule challenge (which may be appealed to the Civil Service Board).
E. Step 3 - Assistant City Manager Hearing (if applicable) - An appeal to the Assistant City Manager (listed in City of Dallas Personnel Rules as Step 4), will be conducted in accordance with City of Dallas Personnel Rules, Section 34- 38(f)(4).
F. Step 4 - Civil Service Board Appeal (if applicable) - An applicable appeal to the Civil Service Board must be conducted in accordance with City of Dallas Personnel Rules, Section 34-39.

430.06 Sworn Grievance Committee - Composition and Purpose
A. The sworn Grievance Committee is composed of six primary members in the following grades: one Deputy Chief (non- voting chairperson except in the case of ties), one Major, one Lieutenant, one Sergeant, one Senior Corporal, and one Police Officer. An alternate will be appointed for each primary member. Each primary member and alternate will serve a one-year term. Alternate members will become primary members every January. The Chief of Police has the discretion to extend the assignment of any Grievance Committee member.
B. Appointments of the Chairperson and alternate Chairperson will be made by the Personnel Division Commander.
C. Appointments of the committee members and alternates will be made by the Chairperson.
D. The Grievance Committee will meet monthly, or as needed, at a location designated by the Chairperson.
E. If any member of the Grievance Committee is in the employee's chain-of-command, that member will be excused and replaced by the alternate member. Additionally, the Committee Chairperson will excuse a committee member from hearing a grievance in which the member has a direct conflict of interest as defined in Dallas Police Department’s Code of Conduct, Chapter IX, Conflict of Interest. Further, the Committee Chairperson may excuse a committee member from hearing a grievance if documented facts and circumstances exist to create a perception of a conflict of interest. If the alternate member is unavailable to serve, that seat will remain vacant during discussion by the committee.
F. The chairperson and three voting members will constitute a quorum.
G. The purpose of the Grievance Committee is to review any sworn employee’s complaint not resolved by the Bureau Commander. The Grievance Committee will first review the complaint to determine if it meets the criteria of a grievance as defined in General Order Section 430.01, and if the grievance was timely filed pursuant to General Order 430.02(A)(8).
1. If the Committee determines the complaint constitutes a valid, timely grievance, the Committee may make a written recommendation to the next level of appeal authority as to possible resolution of the grievance, including recommending that the grievance be denied, if appropriate
2. If the Committee determines the complaint does not meet the definition of a grievance or was not timely filed, the chairperson will provide the Chain-of-Command Review form and a written summary of the Committee's decision to the Grievance Coordinator. Copies of this documentation will be sent to the complaining employee and to the applicable Assistant Chief. The decision of the Committee in determining that a complaint is not a grievance is non-appealable.
H. The Grievance Committee does not have jurisdiction to review grievances filed opposing a direct decision made by the Chief of Police. Sworn grievances regarding the decision of the Chief of Police will be initiated at Step 2 as set forth in 430.05(D).

Dallas Police Department General Order

431.00 Discrimination and Sexual Harrassment

Revised 04/12/2022

431.01 Discrimination
A. The Dallas Police Department is committed to ensuring that no person shall knowingly be discriminated against with regards to recruitment, selection, appointment, training, promotion, retention, discipline or other aspects of employment because of race, color, national origin, creed, religion, gender or gender identity, age, physical or mental disability, political beliefs, organizational affiliation, sexual orientation, marital status, or any other legally protected status in accordance with federal, state and local statutes and law.
B. Any complaints of discrimination will be handled in accordance with General Order 401.00 EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY PROGRAM.

431.02 Inappropriate Comments/Display of Inappropriate Material
A. The Dallas Police Department is committed to promoting a work environment that is free of harassment.
B. Harassment is abusive, obscene, or threatening conduct or communication that is intended to harass, annoy, alarm, torment, embarrass, degrade, demean, or injure another.
C. The following conduct will not be tolerated while on-duty or on City premises. Employees will not:
1. Use obscene or abusive language or offensive gestures in their communication with co-workers or members of the public.
2. By oral, written, electronic, or other means of communication, threaten or intimidate co-workers or members of the public.
3. Physically endanger, intimidate, or injure co-workers or members of the public.
4. Display or wear inappropriate items in the work place that he/she knows another person could reasonably consider offensive.
D. Employees who engage in such conduct while on duty or on City premises will be subject to immediate discipline.
E. Supervisors are expected to take immediate action, including removal of any offensive material, to resolve complaints. Any complaints related to inappropriate comments or the display of inappropriate items will be processed as grievances. (Refer to General Order 430.00 GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE.)

431.03 Sexual Harassment
A. Sexual harassment is strictly prohibited. The Dallas Police Department is committed to providing all employees a work environment that is free from any form of sexual harassment or any hostile or retaliatory action against an individual reporting such behavior. Sexual Harassment is a direct violation of City of Dallas Personnel Rule 34-36 (b)
(12) (f) and the Dallas Police Department General Orders and will not be tolerated in the work place.
B. Administrative Directive 3-61 Sexual Harassment defines sexual harassment in the work place and sets out responsibilities in preventing such conduct. Pursuant to the City Charter, Chapter XII, Section 2, any complaints of harassment will be handled in accordance with General Orders 431.04 and 431.05.
C. Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct constitute sexual harassment when:
1. Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual's employment.
2. Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment decisions affecting such individual.
3. Such conduct creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment that is so severe or pervasive that it alters the conditions of employment.
D. Incidents of sexual harassment can involve members of the same gender, as well as members of the opposite gender.
E. There are two types of sexual harassment:
1. Quid Pro Quo (this for that): Only a person having authority over another individual can commit quid pro quo harassment. This type of harassment exists when a person in authority states or implies that an employee must consent to unwelcome sexual advances in exchange for some economic benefit such as promotions, merits, job offers, job retention, etc. Also, quid pro quo sexual harassment occurs when rejection of sexual advances would result in adverse decisions affecting an employee's job status: for example, demotion, termination, denial of employment, etc.
2. Hostile Work Environment: Anyone in the work place can commit this type of harassment. A hostile work environment exists where sexual harassment is so severe or pervasive that it creates an intimidating, offensive work place and alters the conditions of employment.
F. Inappropriate conduct that may contribute to sexual harassment includes, but is not limited to, the following:
1. Touching another person's body in a manner that may be regarded as offensive, for example, unwelcome neck massages, or rubbing another person's hands or arms.
2. Touching another person's breasts, buttocks, or genitals.
3. Exposing or touching one's self in a manner that may be regarded as offensive.
4. Threatening retaliation for reporting sexual harassment.
5. Displaying sexually oriented or suggestive photos, videos, magazines, posters, drawings, and literature that may be regarded as offensive.
6. Alluding to another person's or one's own anatomy and/or genitals.
7. Telling sexually oriented jokes or making references or inquiries into someone's sexual preferences.
8. Alluding to another person's or one's own mode of dress in a sexually oriented or suggestive manner.
9. Making degrading comments based upon a person’s gender or gender identity.

431.04 Employee Responsibilities Regarding Sexual Harassment
A. Employees shall take the initiative in preventing sexual harassment in the work place by:
1. Conducting themselves in a professional manner, maintaining a professional attitude, and dressing appropriately for the work place.
2. Avoiding any type of act or discussion that may be regarded as offensive.
3. Ceasing immediately any behavior or discussion if told that such conduct is offensive.
4. Responding immediately, verbally or in writing, to offensive conduct or behavior by communicating to the individual that such conduct is unwelcome.
B. Employees will immediately report any allegations of sexual harassment to any supervisor, anyone acting in a supervisory capacity, or to the Internal Affairs Division. When reporting sexual harassment allegations, employees must provide the names of witnesses and the time, place, and date of the incident. Supervisory notification may be either written or verbal.
1. If the accused employee and complaining employee are of the same or equal rank, the sexual harassment allegation should be reported immediately to the complaining employee's supervisor.
2. If the complaining employee's supervisor is the accused individual, the complaining employee may contact the next supervisor in the chain-of-command or any other supervisor. Female employees may contact a female supervisor to initiate a complaint.

431.05 Responsibilities for Preventing and Investigating Sexual Harassment
A. All written and verbal charges of sexual harassment will be taken seriously and dealt with in a prompt and effective manner. All supervisors and anyone acting in a supervisory capacity will:
1. Take initiative in preventing sexual harassment in the work place by setting good examples, demonstrating courteous and professional behavior at all times, and actively monitoring the work environment.
2. Ensure that employees do not suffer reprisal or retaliatory actions for presenting allegations of sexual harassment.
3. Immediately forward to the Internal Affairs Division (IAD) for investigation any allegations of sexual harassment, and take immediate and positive steps to eliminate any form of sexual harassment when it comes to their attention. This may include reassignment of the individuals involved.
B. If directly notified by an employee of a sexual harassment allegation, the Internal Affairs Division will notify the complaining employee’s Organizational Commander to take prompt remedial action. Any action taken is temporary pending completion of the IAD investigation.
C. Organizational Commanders will assess all complaints alleging sexual harassment to determine if immediate action is required prior to completion of the IAD investigation.
D. Failure of a supervisor or anyone acting in a supervisory capacity to take prompt remedial action on a sexual harassment complaint should be reported to IAD.

431.06 Police/Citizen Sexual Harassment
No officer or non-sworn employee will subject any citizen to any form of sexual harassment as defined in the Texas Penal Code (Section 39.03), City of Dallas Personnel Rules, and the Code of Conduct.

431.07 Biased Policing
A. Definitions:
1. “Biased Policing” is defined as the application of police authority based on a protected status rather than on an individual’s behavior or on information identifying the individual as having engaged in criminal activity.
2. “Protected Status” includes, race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, age, gender, gender identity/expression, sexual orientation, disability, or any other legally protected status.
3. “Racial Profiling” is defined as biased policing based on an individual’s race, ethnicity, or national origin.
4. “Race or Ethnicity” is defined as a person’s particular descent, including Caucasian, African, Hispanic, Asian, or Native American descent.
B. Examples of biased policing include, but are not limited to:
1. Initiating a traffic stop on a particular vehicle because of the protected status of the driver or of a passenger in a vehicle.
2. Stopping or detaining the driver of a vehicle or passenger in a vehicle based on the determination that a person or that protected status is unlikely to own or possess that specific make or model of vehicle.
3. Stopping or detaining an individual based upon the determination that a person of that protected status is unlikely to be in that place or part of town.
4. Stopping a driver when looking for a suspect if the only commonality between the suspect and the driver or a passenger is their protected status.
5. Singling out an individual for enforcement who is part of a group of individuals exhibiting similar behavior (for example, a group of drivers exceeding the speed limit) because of the individual’s protected status.
6. The unlawful seizure and/or forfeiture of a person's assets based on protected status.
C. Biased policing and profiling are strictly prohibited. At no time will a sworn employee rely upon an individual’s protected status in any probable cause or reasonable suspicion determination.
D. Acceptance and investigation of racial profiling and biased policing complaints:
1. Complaints will be handled in accordance with Texas Government Code, Section 614.021-614.023, as interpreted by the City Attorney.
2. Procedures for accepting complaints from citizens are described in General Order 505.02 Externally Originated Complaints. Procedures include complaints made by telephone, in writing, and in person.
3. The Police Department will be responsible for providing public education relating to the process for filing “Racial Profiling” complaints. This includes:
a. Internal Affairs Division pamphlets;
b. Public service announcements on local radio stations, television stations, and newspaper; and
c. New/press releases.
4. An allegation of racial profiling or biased policing against any officer will be investigated in the manner described in General Order 507.00 COMPLAINT PROCESSING AND INVESTIGATION. A sustained complaint for racial profiling or biased policing will result in corrective action described in General Order 510.00 TYPES OF CORRECTIVE ACTION from summary discipline to discharge.
E. Data Collection
1. Any officer conducting a traffic stop shall collect information required by Articles 2.132 and 2.133 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, outlined in General Order 302.13.
2. In accordance with Article 2.134 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, the information collected will be compiled, analyzed, and submitted to the governing body of the City of Dallas and the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement no later than March 1 of each year.
3. An annual administrative review of biased policing complaints, and their disposition, will be to the Chief of Police no later than March 1 of each year.
F. Training
1. All officers will receive formal, yearly, documented training in biased policing policy, procedures, or legal aspects.
2. Training will be included in basic and in-service classes for all sworn personnel and will include examples of biased policing.
3. All new and current officers must complete training by September 1, 2003.
G. Supervisors have the responsibility of monitoring the activities of subordinates to ensure that neither biased policing nor racial profiling are being practiced. Supervisors will take immediate corrective action if these practices are observed and will document the infraction accordingly.

Dallas Police Department General Order

432.00 Biased Policing and Racial Profiling

Revised 02/24/2023

432.00 Biased Policing and Racial Profiling
432.01 Purpose
The purpose of this General Order is to reaffirm the Dallas Police Department’s commitment to unbiased policing in all its encounters between an officer and any person; to reinforce procedures that serve to ensure public confidence and mutual trust through the provision of services in a fair and equitable fashion, and to protect officers from unwarranted accusations of misconduct when acting within the dictates of departmental policy and the law. Biased policing and Racial Profiling are strictly prohibited. At no time will a sworn employee rely upon an individual’s protected status in any reasonable suspicion or probable cause determination.

432.02 Definitions:
A. “Biased Policing” is defined as the application of police authority based on a protected status rather than on an individual’s behavior or on information identifying the individual as having engaged in criminal activity.
B. “Motor Vehicle Stop” means an occasion in which a peace officer stops a motor vehicle for an alleged violation of a law or ordinance.
C. “Protected Status” includes race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, age, gender, gender identity/expression, sexual orientation, disability, or any other legally protected status.
D. “Racial Profiling” is defined as a law enforcement-initiated action based on an individual’s race, ethnicity, or national origin rather than on the individual’s behavior or on information identifying the individual as having engaged in criminal activity
E. “Race or Ethnicity” is defined as a person’s particular descent, including White, Black, Hispanic or Latino, Asian or Pacifica Islander, or Alaska Native or American Indian descent.

432.03 Examples of biased policing include, but are not limited to:
A. Initiating a traffic stop on a particular vehicle because of the protected status of the driver or of a passenger in a vehicle.
B. Stopping or detaining the driver of a vehicle or passenger in a vehicle based on the determination that a person or that protected status is unlikely to own or possess that specific make or model of vehicle.
C. Stopping or detaining an individual based upon the determination that a person of that protected status is unlikely to be in that place or part of town.
D. Stopping a driver when looking for a suspect if the only commonality between the suspect and the driver or a passenger is their protected status.
E. Singling out an individual for enforcement who is part of a group of individuals exhibiting similar behavior (for example, a group of drivers exceeding the speed limit) because of the individual’s protected status.
F. The unlawful seizure and/or forfeiture of a person's assets based on protected status.

432.04 Biased Policing and Racial Profiling Complaints and Investigations
A. The department shall accept complaints from any person who believes they have been stopped or searched based on racial, ethnic, or national origin profiling. No person shall be discouraged, intimidated, or coerced from filing a complaint, nor discriminated against because he or she filed such a complaint.
B. If an officer initiating a stop receives an allegation of racial profiling, the officer shall provide their name and badge number to the individual with information on how to contact Internal Affairs or the officer's supervisor. Any employee contacted shall provide that person with information on the department's process for filing a complaint. All employees will report any allegation of racial profiling to their supervisor before the end of their shift.
1. Officers shall provide information, including telephone number, mailing address, and email address for contacting Internal Affairs to any individual who inquiries about reporting an incident perceived to be racially motivated, or who wishes to generate a compliment.
2. Any supervisor/manager receiving a racial profiling complaint shall notify the Internal Affairs Division in a timely manner of the complaint and the action taken.
3. Supervisors shall monitor the adherence to the General Orders by all employees under their command and shall initiate an investigation into all alleged violations established under this General Order.
C. All complaints will be acknowledged in writing to the complainant who will receive information regarding the disposition of such complaint within a reasonable period of time. The investigation shall be reduced to writing and any reviewer’s comments or conclusions shall be sent through the chain of command to the Chief of Police or designee. When applicable, findings and/or recommendations for disciplinary action, retraining, or changes in policy shall be part of the recommendation to the Chief of Police or designee.
D. Allegations of misconduct and disciplinary action shall follow the procedures as outlined in General Order 510.00. Officers shall be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination for engaging in racial profiling.
E. If there is a departmental video or audio recording of the events upon which a complaint of racial profiling is based, upon commencement of an investigation into the complaint and written request of the officer made the subject of the complaint, this department shall promptly provide a copy of the recording to that officer.

432.05 Training
A. All officers will receive formal, yearly, documented training in biased policing policy, procedures, or legal aspects.
B. Training will be included in basic and in-service classes for all sworn personnel and will include examples of biased policing.

432.06 Reporting of Racial Profiling Motor Vehicle Stops
A. Any officer conducting a motor vehicle stop shall collect information required by Articles 2.132 and 2.133 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, outlined in General Order 302.13.
During all motor vehicle stops (regardless of if a citation is issued or not), officers are required to record and report the following information:
A. The gender of the individual stopped
B. The race or ethnicity of the individual
C. If the race or ethnicity was known prior to the stop
D. A reason for the stop
E. Location of the stop
F. If a search was conducted and, if so, whether the individual detained consented to the search
G. The reason for the search
H. If any contraband was discovered
I. Description of discovered contraband
J. Result of the stop
K. If there was an arrest, what the arrest was based on
L. If any physical force resulting in bodily injury was used
Officers shall ensure all data is gathered from every motor vehicle stop and submitted prior to the end of their shift. Supervisors shall ensure officers comply with this order.
B. In accordance with Article 2.134 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, the information collected will be compiled, analyzed, and submitted to the governing body of the City of Dallas and the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement no later than March 1 of each year.
C. An annual administrative review of biased policing complaints, and their disposition, will be submitted to the Chief of Police no later than March 1 of each year.
D. Supervisors have the responsibility of monitoring the activities of subordinates to ensure that neither biased policing nor racial profiling is being practiced. Supervisors will take immediate corrective action if these practices are observed and will document the infraction accordingly.

432.07 Public Education
A. The police department will inform the public of its guidelines against racial profiling and the compliment and complaint process by telling them the agency's compliment and complaint process, including providing the telephone number, mailing address, and e-mail address to make a compliment or complaint with respect to each ticket, citation, or warning issued by a peace officer. Methods that may be utilized to inform the public of the process are in person, news media, radio, service or civic presentations, the Internet, as well as city council and committee meetings. Additionally, information will be made available as appropriate in languages other than English.

432.08 Motor Vehicle Stop Data Audits
A. The Audit for Traffic Stop Data will be completed monthly by the first-level supervisor and submitted to the next-level supervisor by the 10th of each month. It is recommended that supervisors work on their audits each week to make it more manageable. The How to Guide will be on the intranet under the “Forms” tab.
B. Supervisors are looking to ensure a Racial Profiling Report was done on the Traffic Stop Data Form. (If the officer is E-Citation certified and used an E-Citation on the Traffic Stop a Racial Profiling Report was done). It is the supervisor's responsibility to know which of their employees are actively using E-Citation machines.
C. The Motor Vehicle Stop Data Non-Compliance Report is on the intranet and available to all supervisors under the “Information” tab, “Crime Reports/Maps” link, “Interactive Reports” link, “Home” link, “Planning Monthly Reports” link, “Traffic Stops” link, “TrafficMarkOutsNoRP_Record” link.

Dallas Police Department General Order

433.00 Employee Support Program

Revised 08/26/2022

433.01 Mission Statement
The employees of the Dallas Police Department are our most valuable asset. It is imperative that we, as a Department, protect and prepare our employees with proper guidance – including, but not limited to, leadership, coaching, confidential counseling, administration, assistance, education, and training. It shall be the mission of this Department to promote excellence by providing resources and tools to assist employees who are experiencing personal or professional concerns which may affect performance on the job. The Employee Support Program (ESP) is committed to promoting employee wellness through non-disciplinary methods. The purpose of this program is not to investigate allegations or to issue additional allegations or discipline, but rather to provide direction and assistance to employees in need. To be fully successful, the Employee Support Program must be accepted by employees, management, and the community as an alternative to the overall disciplinary process. Employees, the department, and the community will benefit from proactive guidance provided by the Employee Support Program, reducing the need for disciplinary actions and producing a positive outcome for all.

433.02 Early Intervention System (EIS) Defined
A. Early Intervention System is a data driven decision making process application that helps systematically identify sworn employees who may not be executing their duties to the fullest expectations of the Department. EIS examines the underlying causes of risk and identifies the sworn employee’s need for intervention, and helps an off-track sworn employee get back on track.
B. The data input into the system will come from several different systems to create a holistic view of the sworn employee’s performance and identify areas for assessment and intervention.
C. The system enables the Department to streamline all sworn personnel data onto a single management platform that enables a comprehensive analysis of performance.
D. The system will send alerts to the sworn employee’s immediate supervisor.

433.03 Employee Support Program (ESP) Defined
A. The ESP is a comprehensive program designed to help assess and evaluate employees, both sworn and non-sworn, and quickly address any identified concerns before disciplinary action becomes necessary. Regarding sworn employees, ESP is designed to complement the EIS and work in tandem with sworn employees who have been alerted by EIS as needing intervention.
B. Information relating to the ESP will only be available to employees who are directly involved with the ESP Team and the involved employee’s chain of command. However, information relating to the ESP may be subject to disclosure pursuant to a court order, or a public information request.
C. The ESP is designed to:
1. Establish performance measures that may indicate a concern which could possibly place the employee, the Department, and/or the community at risk.
2. Provide an accurate record of the frequency of incidents measured by the ESP for any given employee.
3. Identify, through the use of established thresholds, specific areas of employee performance needing assessment and potential intervention.
4. Assist supervisors in developing fair, appropriate, and timely interventions and/or post-intervention evaluations for any employee, as needed. Supervisors will be fully trained on the accessibility of resources through the ESP and will be held accountable for the guidance of their employees.
5. Provide training, education, and referrals to counseling and applicable resources.
6. Provide job performance feedback.
7. Provide additional pathways to improve performance.
8. Provide consistent leadership and assessment.

433.04 Confidential Counseling and Resource Referrals
A. Confidential counseling and resource referrals are made directly to the ESP for employees who possibly need assistance in the form of confidential counseling.
1. Family or Friend Referral – A family member, friend or fellow employee may contact the ESP or any supervisor and provide information regarding an employee they believe is in possible need of guidance in the form of confidential counseling. It will then be up to the supervisor and/or the ESP Team to contact the employee to offer confidential counseling services and/or additional resources.
2. Self-Referral – Any employee may request confidential counseling through the ESP at any time.
B. No records of referrals for confidential counseling and/or resources will be maintained on file nor will these referrals be disclosed to anyone including the ESP Board if the employee goes before the board at any time. It is strictly up to the employee whether he or she would like to share their confidential counseling and resource referral information with anyone.

433.05 Identifiers for Possible Selection into the ESP
A. Database Identification – The ESP Team monitors the Department’s EIS for sworn employees. Employees are identified for possible selection into the ESP based on indicators and applicable system thresholds established by the Department. The following are some indicators:
1. Internal Affairs records
2. Dispatch Software
3. Records Management System
4. Activity
5. Training
6. Use of Force
B. The following table represents the ESP indicators and applicable thresholds for sworn and non-sworn employees based on Internal Affairs records. The Department recognizes that there are mitigating components for possible selection. The type of assignment an employee has or where the employee is operating, may develop a higher propensity of indicators. All of this will be taken into consideration with a possible selection into the ESP. Simply because an employee alerts for the program does not guarantee selection into the program.
C. Supervisory Referral
1. Sworn or non-sworn immediate supervisors may contact the ESP Team at any time for guidance regarding employees in their chain of supervision. Immediate supervisors may initiate a referral by submitting an Employee Support Referral in BlueTeam through their chain of command to their respective division commander, who will then forward the entry to the ESP Coordination Team. Do not enter counseling referrals into BlueTeam.
2. The report must detail the reasons why the supervisor has determined the employee should be referred to the ESP and include supporting documentation. These referrals are especially important as the employee’s immediate supervisor is more familiar with the employee in order to make the determination if a referral is necessary.
3. Referrals of employees to the ESP may be for any unacceptable or detrimental conduct which may cause concern on the supervisor’s part for the employee. Some common reasons for referrals of employees to the ESP may include, but are not limited to, the following:
a. Deterioration of work quality
b. Problems in the workplace with fellow employees
c. Reasonable suspicion of substance or alcohol abuse
d. Conflict in their personal lives which is impacting performance

433.06 Employee Case Studies
A. Employee Case Study Packets
1. Once an employee has been identified as a candidate for possible selection into the ESP, the employee and the employee’s chain of command will be notified and meet with the ESP Team, who will prepare a case study which may include, but is not limited to, the following:
a. Cover Page
a. Employee’s Name and Rank
b. Current Assignment Information
c. Date of Hire
d. Unique Indicator Number
e. Immediate Supervisor
2. Alert and Concise History, page 1 and 2
a. Type of alert if made by EIS
b. Cause for Alert: Incident Date, Type and Control Number (page 1)
c. Breakdown of Incidents (page 2)
3. Review of Complaints
4. Current Activity (received from immediate supervisor)
5. Summary of Leave Balances (including time card)
6. Supervisor’s Initial Assessment (An assessment interview completed by the employee’s immediate supervisor to obtain additional information, comments and/or suggestions that may assist with the case study).
7. Supervisory History
8. Safety History
9. Shooting History
10. Off-Duty Employment History
11. Training Log

433.07 ESP Selection Expectations
A. Once an employee is selected into the program, there will be a 90-day assessment period through the employee’s chain of command. The employee’s immediate supervisor will provide the assessments unless the chain of command elects to reassign the employee during the program at which time the assessment period may be placed on HOLD or continue under the reassigned chain of command. The employee may bid or interview for other assignments, but will not be allowed to move from their assignment until released from the program.
B. Through the duration of the program, the ESP Team will provide resources and will be kept apprised by the employee’s immediate supervisor of any action(s) taken during this time. This will include, but is not limited to, any training, guidance and possible reassignment by any means (Patrol to Administrative, one-man to a two-man element, etc.).
C. If, at any time during the 90-day assessment period, the employee’s chain of command decides the employee is either unwilling or unable to progress in the ESP, they may make the decision to notify the employee’s bureau commander.
E. Selection into the ESP is not appealable or grounds for a grievance.

433.08 ESP Phases and Guidelines
First line supervisors should always offer coaching, mentoring, and assistance to any employee before they reach an alert status for possible selection into the ESP. First line supervisors will review their employee’s BlueTeam dashboard at least once a week and address alerts as soon as possible. First line supervisors are encouraged to review the dashboard more often along with professionally interacting with the employee in order to gain more insight for the monthly assessment reports. When an employee is selected into the ESP, their chain of command may use any tool from any phase that could guide an employee and assist in abating an employee’s at-risk or off-track conduct. Training, education, and coaching will be utilized to assist in supporting the employee and must be documented appropriately. Confidential counseling will always be offered. Face-to-face meetings between the first line supervisor and the employee are paramount to ensure success in progression and continued guidance. The ESP Team will be available for additional guidance.
A. Initial Assessment:
1. The ESP Coordination Team will contact the alerted employee’s chain of command through Blue Team to advise of the ESP Alert.
2. The employee’s immediate supervisor will complete an initial assessment of the alerted employee in Blue Team for further reference.
3. The employee and his or her chain will sign a confidentiality and non-disclosure acknowledgement form.
B. Initial ESP Meeting
1. The ESP Team, the employee, and the employee’s chain of command will meet face-to-face to review the case study packet and outline the program. Immediate supervisors of the employee must be present at the initial meeting. Meeting requests will be sent through to the bureau commanders.
2. Officers, in applicable assignments, will be assigned to a car with a functional camera and body microphone system. This WILL include a body worn camera. Selected employees are required to utilize their body worn camera both on duty and on special duty assignments. The first line supervisor will monitor the camera activity, AVL data, and mark outs during the 90-day program.
3. Depending on the nature of the alert, the employee may be given a 30-day reassignment, or 30 days restricted duty, or a 30-day non-public contact reassignment.
4. A Fitness for Duty Evaluation may be ordered.
5. Additional training and/or education may be required.
6. Field Training Officers may be restricted from training for the duration of the program.
7. Off-duty employment may be restricted.
8. Confidential counseling and resource referrals may be made.
9. The chain of command may decide to continue to extend the assessment period.
C. 30-Day and 60-Day Assessments:
1. The first-line supervisor will receive a 30- and a 60-Day Assessment questionnaire provided by the ESP Coordination Team in BlueTeam. The timing of assessments is based on/or around the date of the initial ESP meeting. The first line supervisor will complete it, attach it in BlueTeam, and send it back to the ESP Coordination Team. Any additional information gathered during these phases may be attached to the BlueTeam entry. The ESP Coordination Team will process and document the employee’s progress in the program through the assessment as well as any supporting documentation, which will be made available to the employee’s chain of command for review and advisement in Blue Team.
2. If the employee fails to progress at any time, the employee may be given a 30-day reassignment, restricted duty or non-public contact reassignment.
3. Additional training and/or education may be required.
4. Field Training Officers may be restricted from training for the duration of the program.
5. Off-duty employment may be restricted.
6. Confidential counseling and resource referrals will be made.
D. 90-Day Assessment:
1. The 90-Day Assessment will be handled as the prior assessments.
2. At the end of the 90-day assessment phase, the first-line supervisor will receive an assessment questionnaire provided by the ESP Coordination Team in BlueTeam. The first-line supervisor will complete the assessment, attach it in BlueTeam, and forward it to the ESP Coordination Team. The ESP Coordination Team will route the assessments through the entire chain of command, who will make a recommendation as to whether the employee should be successfully released from the program.
E. Successful Completion
1. If, at the end of the 90-day assessment period, the chain of command recommends that the employee should be successfully released from the ESP, a bureau commander will review the recommendation and make the final decision to release or retain the employee in the ESP.
F. Failure to Progress
1. If, after the 90-day assessment period, the chain of command recommends that the employee should not be successfully released from the program, and if the bureau commander concurs with the recommendation, the employee will be assessed a Failure to Progress.
2. The assessment of Failure to Progress and referral to the ESP Board for review can be made at any time during the 90-day assessment period, by the employee’s chain of command through the bureau commander.
3. Failure to Progress restrictions may be implemented when an employee who has successfully completed a prior ESP Assessment phase re-alerts and is re-selected within the next 6 months of prior ESP completion.
4. The employee’s chain of command may opt for immediate reassignment of the employee with the approval of the employee’s bureau commander. A Personnel Action Request will be entered by the gaining ORG.

433.09 Failure to Progress ESP Board
A. The ESP Failure to Progress Board is comprised of:
1. Three primary voting members. The board will consist of one major and two lieutenants. The major will serve as the chair of each board meeting. An alternate will be appointed for each primary member. Each primary member and alternate will serve a one-year term. Alternate members will become primary members every January. The Chief of Police has the discretion to extend the assignment of any board member, or to modify board member selection at any time.
2. Appointments of the board and alternate board will be made by the Personnel Division Commander.
3. The board will not consist of any personnel that were a part of the employee’s chain of command at any time during their enrollment in the ESP program. If any member of the board is in the employee's chain of command, that member will be excused and replaced by the alternate member. Additionally, the chair will excuse a board member from participation if the member has a direct or perceived conflict of interest as defined in Dallas Police Department’s Code of Conduct, Chapter IX, Conflict of Interest. If the alternate member is unavailable to serve, that seat will be filled by an appointee selected by the Personnel Division Commander.
4. There must be three voting members present to hold a board meeting.
5. The ESP Coordination Team will serve as the presenter, secretary, and non-voting member(s).
6. The originating division will be responsible for coordinating the date and times of the interviews. Every effort will be made to ensure the diversity of the panel members.
B. Each individual present, whether voting or non-voting, will sign a confidentiality and non-disclosure acknowledgement form.
C. The employee’s case study will be presented by the ESP Coordination Team and reviewed and assessed by the board.
D. The employee and his/her chain of command are allowed to participate in this review to provide additional information.
E. The employee and his or her chain of command will be excused, and the board members will discuss the information received.
F. ALL board members will discuss information received with emphasis on:
1. Whether the employee utilized available guidance resources;
2. Whether the employee was able to mitigate and/or abate the behavior causing him or her to alert and/or be selected for the program.
G. VOTING members will decide if the employee is to be classified as a Failure to Progress or if the employee will be successfully released from the program.
1. If the employee is classified as Failure to Progress:
a. A Failure to Progress classification will be referenced in future administrative investigations and considered by the chain of command on future discipline recommendations to enhance normal progressive discipline recommendations. It will also be referenced in any performance plans and/or performance improvement plan. This will also include that the selection and Failure to Progress in the ESP will no longer be confidential in nature and will be reflected on the employee’s IAD résumé.
b. The employee will be subject to one or more restrictions for a time period not to exceed one year. Restrictions may be extended and/or modified by the employee’s bureau commander. Restrictions may include, but are not limited to, the following:
i. A non-public contact, restricted duty assignment;
ii. Restriction of off-duty employment;
iii. Field Training Officers’ restriction of training;
iv. No reassignments (including the Patrol Bid);
v. The Chief of Police may delay or deny promotion;
vi. Possible demotion if currently in a probationary period.
c. After one year, if the employee has not re-alerted and has not been re-selected into the ESP, the employee may request a lift of restrictions. The employee will submit a memo to the Personnel Division Commander, requesting that restrictions be removed. The Personnel Division Commander will forward the memo to the employee’s bureau commander through the Administrative Bureau commander. The ESP Coordination Team will provide any additional information or reports, upon request, that could assist in determining the best course of action. If the employee’s bureau commander agrees to remove restrictions, placement of the employee will be decided by the bureau commander and the employee will be removed from the program.
2. If the employee is successfully released from the ESP, notification will be made to the employee and his or her chain of command by the ESP Coordination Team.
H. A Failure to Progress Classification is not appealable,or grievable.
I. Restrictions in the program, however, can be further restricted or modified with approval of the board with evidence of progression or regression based on re-evaluation of the employee by his or her immediate supervisor alerting the ESP Coordination Team through BlueTeam.
J. The ESP Coordination Team will not recommend any course of action, but will provide support to the board upon request, and additional information or reports that could assist in determining the best course of action.

433.10 Department Responsibilities
A. The ESP Coordination Team
1. Monitors and maintains the ESP and responds to alerts generated for sworn and non-sworn personnel.
2. Monitors the EIS alerts for compliance for sworn personnel.
3. Reviews alerts for accuracy and routes to the employee’s chain of command for sworn and non-sworn personnel.
4. Provides support to an employee’s chain of command upon request. Support consists of providing any additional information or reports that could assist the chain of command in determining the best course of action.
5. Conducts a documented annual evaluation of the ESP.
6. Ensures that all involved employees have a completed Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Acknowledgement on file, and that only those Department staff with a right of access can view ESP documents.
7. Serves as secretary, non-voting member(s), of the Failure to Progress ESP Board.
8. Plans, administers, and implements the Work-Life Balance Seminars.
B. First-Line Supervisor
1. Monitors the EIS dashboard when alerts are received and takes appropriate action based on the alerts.
2. Monitors sworn and non-sworn employees for possible selection into the ESP based on indicators and applicable system thresholds.
3. First-line supervisors will have 14 days to take action on EIS alerts for sworn employees. After the 14 days, if no action is taken, the alert will be escalated and sent to the employee’s second-line supervisor.
4. Reviews any Employee Support Referrals sent and supporting documentation.
5. Reviews the Employee’s Performance Plan. Creates Performance Improvement Plan if appropriate.
6. Consults with the second line supervisor.
7. Meets with the employee to discuss pattern/concerns; listens to input from the employee.
8. Suggests appropriate and available training, education, coaching, and/or confidential counseling.
9. All action taken must be submitted as an Employee Support Referral in BlueTeam through their chain of command to their respective division commander, who will then forward the entry to the ESP Coordination Team.
10. Completes the assessment period questionnaires sent by the ESP Coordination Team.
11. If the concern is mitigated and/or abated at the end of the 90 days, completes the Employee Support Referral sent to them in BlueTeam and forwards to the second line supervisor for approval in BlueTeam.
12. If an unresolved concern exists at any time during the 90-day assessment period and action needs to be elevated, the first line supervisor will document the elevated concern in the Employee Support Referral in Blue Team and forward to the second line supervisor for review.
13. Continues to assess the employee’s performance.
C. Second-Line Supervisor
1. Provides feedback and support to the first line supervisor.
2. Consults with the major and deputy chief for guidance.
3. Receives completed Employee Support Referrals via BlueTeam from the first-line supervisor, takes action if required, approves, and forwards, through the chain of command, to either the ESP Coordination Team or the deputy chief.
4. If action has not been taken by the first-line supervisor within the 14 days of notification, the second-line supervisor will be notified. The second-line supervisor has 30 days to take action. If no action has been taken the alert will be escalation to the major and deputy chief.
5. Ensures follow-up is completed by the first line supervisor.
6. Meets with the employee to discuss unresolved patterns/concerns; listens to input from the employee and the first line supervisor.
7. Suggests appropriate and available training, education, coaching, and/or confidential counseling.
8. If the second line supervisor agrees the concern is mitigated and/or abated at the end of the 90-days, they will note concurrence with first line supervisor’s assessment and approve in BlueTeam. The Employee Support Referral will be approved and forwarded through the chain of command to the deputy chief.
9. If an unresolved concern exists at any time during the 90-day assessment period and action needs to be elevated, the Employee Support Referral will be entered by the first line supervisor and forwarded to the deputy chief for review.
10. Continues to assess the employee’s performance.
D. Major and/or Deputy Chief
1. The major and/or deputy chief will follow the basic procedures of the first- and second- line supervisors.
2. The major and/or deputy chief may, at any time in the assessment period, also implement the following:
a. A 30-day reassignment, including a non-public contact and/or restricted duty assignment during the 90-day assessment period or beyond.
b. Fitness for duty evaluation.
c. Restriction of off-duty employment for duration of 90-day assessment period or beyond.
3. Provides feedback and support to the first- and second- line supervisors.
4. Consults with the bureau commander over that bureau, if necessary.
5. Receives completed Employee Support Referrals via BlueTeam from subordinates, approves, and forwards for approval, through the chain of command as required.
6. Ensures follow-up is completed by the first- and second- line supervisors.
7. Meets with the employee to discuss pattern/concerns; listens to input from the employee, the first- line supervisor and the second- line supervisor.
8. Suggests appropriate and available training, education, coaching and/or confidential counseling.
9. If the major and/or deputy chief agrees the concern is mitigated and/or alleviated at the end of the 90 days, they will note concurrence with the subordinate supervisor’s assessments and approve in BlueTeam. The Employee Support Referral will be approved and forwarded to the bureau commander over the assigned bureau requesting the employee be released from the program.
10. If an unresolved concern exists at any time during the 90-day assessment period and action needs to be elevated, an Employee Support Referral will be entered by the first line supervisor and forwarded to the bureau commander over the assigned bureau for review.
11. Continues to assess the employee’s performance.
E. Bureau commander over Assigned Bureau
1. The bureau commander will follow the basic procedures of the major and/or deputy chief.
2. The bureau commander may choose to implement:
a. Restricted duty assignment (with or without public contact) at any time.
b. Restriction of off-duty employment at any time.
c. No voluntary reassignments at any time.
3. Provides feedback and support to the major and/or deputy chief.
4. Consults with the employee’s chain of command and advises the Chief of Police, if necessary.
5. Receives completed Employee Support Referrals via BlueTeam from the ESP Coordination team and/or the major and/or deputy chief, approves and forwards to the ESP Coordination Team.
6. Ensures follow-up is completed by the employee’s chain of command.
7. Meets with the employee to discuss pattern/concerns; listens to input from the employee and the employee’s chain of command up to the deputy chief.
8. Suggests appropriate and available training, education, coaching and/or confidential counseling.
9. If the bureau commander agrees the concern is mitigated and/or abated at the end of the 90 days, he or she will note concurrence with the subordinate supervisors’ assessments and approve in BlueTeam. The Employee Support Referral will be approved and forwarded to the ESP Coordination Team in BlueTeam stating the employee is being released from the program.
10. If the board agrees that the employee fails to progress, the bureau commander can order the Failure to Progress to be indicated and considered in all future disciplinary decisions involving the employee.

433.11 ESP Procedures
A. The ESP team should be contacted regarding any questions related to the program or the program’s procedures.
B. The ESP Coordination Team will conduct random audits of alerted and non-alerted sworn and non-sworn employees evaluating the program for effectiveness and efficiency.

Dallas Police Department General Order

434.00 Annual Checks

Revised 01/08/2019

A. Every year, the Section Commander of the Records and Legal Services Section will initiate a complete criminal history check on all sworn personnel and all non-sworn personnel who routinely testify in court (Crime Scene Technicians, Intoxilyzer Operators, etc.).
B. The checks will be repeated every year.
C. Prior to beginning the process, the Section Commander of the Records and Legal Services Section will request a complete roster of all sworn personnel and all non-sworn Crime Scene Technicians and Intoxilyzer Operators, etc.
D. A Criminal History Report will be obtained for each employee and reviewed. Each report that lists a previous arrest will be forwarded to the Commander of the Personnel and Development Division.
E. The Commander of the Personnel and Development Division will investigate all arrests identified in the Criminal History Reports. The Commander will determine what incidents were fully investigated and ensure that any newly discovered information is appropriately forwarded to the Legal Services Unit for reporting to the District Attorney’s Office.

Dallas Police Department General Order

436.00 Random Drug Testing

Revised 06/25/2012

436.01 Sworn members will provide a urine specimen which will be screened for controlled substances, including anabolic steroids, and illegal drugs. Sworn members may be randomly tested up to a maximum of three times per calendar year through a contract firm/laboratory. This random drug testing program in no way supersedes or eliminates sworn members from being subject to "reasonable suspicion" testing, as defined in City of Dallas Administrative Directive 3-49.

436.02 Definitions
A. Calendar Year - each year beginning on January 1st and ending on December 31st.
B. Sworn Members - any officer who possesses the authority to bear arms and possesses arrest powers; more specifically, sworn members who occupy the positions of Police Officer or Reserve Police Officer, regardless of rank.
C. Non-Competitive Appointed Ranks - any sworn member who has been appointed by the Chief of Police to the following positions: Deputy Chief of Police; Assistant Chief of Police; and is to include the Chief of Police, who is appointed by the City Manager.
D. Split Specimen - a collection method of maintaining two separate containers of urine from the tested subject. This allows for retesting should the need arise.
E. Illegal Drug/Controlled Substance - any substance which is defined, and the use of which is regulated, by the Texas Health and Safety Code - Subtitle C. Substance Abuse Regulation and Crime, Chapter 481 (Texas Controlled Substance Act), or Chapter 483 (Dangerous Drugs).
F. Negative Test Result - indicates there is no presence of illegal drugs or controlled substances within the urine screen, or the amount present does not exceed set detection limits.
G. Positive Test Result - result of an initial screening method which detects the presence of an illegal drug or a controlled substance in the urine screen.
H. Confirmed Positive Test Result - result of a confirmation test which detects the presence of an illegal drug or a controlled substance in the urine screen that exceeds set detection limits.
I. Verified, Confirmed Positive Test - a confirmed positive test which has been verified by a Medical Review Officer.
J. Medical Review Officer (M.R.O.) - a licensed physician, employed by the laboratory, with knowledge of substance abuse disorders and the appropriate medical training to interpret and evaluate all confirmed positive test results.

436.03 Testing Notification
A. The contract firm will maintain and execute a random selection process from which sworn members will be selected. Division Commanders/Watch Commanders or the ranking supervisor will receive notification of personnel who have been randomly selected for testing. Selected sworn members will be notified in person by a supervisor. Selected sworn members will be tested during their normally scheduled duty hours.
B. Forms Used
1. Notification to Report Form - This form will serve as notice to the employee that he or she has been selected to participate in the Random Drug Testing Program. A supervisor will present the form to the employee. This notice:
a. Serves as a direct order by authority of the Chief of Police to provide a urine sample at the specified collection location.
b. Provides instructions for selected personnel to report to the specified collection location within one hour.
2. Documented Absence Form - Any sworn employee on pre-approved leave, (i.e. regularly scheduled day off, sick leave, military leave, vacation leave) may be excused. Absences for other reasons, such as subpoena for court appearance, may be excused with Division Commander approval. The appropriate supervisory level will complete the form to document the absence. The employee's chain-of-command will review the completed form and then send it to the Random Drug Testing Team.
C. Sworn employees on a call or with a prisoner will be notified as soon as possible after completing their markout. If necessary, relief will be sent to the scene in order for notification to be made in a reasonable time. The Random Drug Testing Team will be advised of any notification delays.
D. Failure to Report - Any sworn member who fails to report for drug testing in accordance with this order will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.
E. Refusal to Submit to Testing - Refusal by any sworn member to submit to drug testing in accordance with this order will result in the sworn member being placed on administrative leave immediately and termination proceedings being initiated.

436.04 Collection and Testing Procedure
Collection of urine samples and urine analysis will be conducted by a contract firm/laboratory. The laboratory will be certified by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). Scientifically-accepted screening and confirmation tests will be employed in the analysis of the urine samples. The collection location will be centrally located. After arriving at the specified collection location, sworn members will comply with instructions received from screening personnel. Screening will only be done for illegal drugs and controlled substances, including anabolic steroids. No other substances will be screened, nor will any other medical tests be conducted or performed. The collection dates will not be announced in advance.
A. Sworn members will be required to present their Driver's License and Dallas Police Department Identification Card at the collection location.
B. The urine samples will be provided in maximum feasible privacy.
C. The urine sample will be provided in a vial, a portion of which will be transferred into, and maintained in, two additional vials. Transfer of a portion of the urine sample into two other vials will take place in the sworn member's presence. Prior to the urine collection, the identification number of the sworn member, the current date, and the sworn member's right thumb print will be affixed to each vial. The vials will be sealed in the sworn member's presence after the sample has been provided. Appropriate chain of custody procedures will be followed at all times at the collection facility and at the laboratory which performs the urine analysis.
D. Failure to supply urine sample - The sworn member will remain at the collection location in view of collection personnel until a urine sample is produced. Personnel at the collection location will provide adequate liquids to assist in the collection.
E. The tampering, or attempted tampering, with any urine sample will result in termination.
F. Negative test samples will not be maintained, but will be destroyed.
G. If the initial screening indicates a positive test result, a second test of this specimen will be performed for confirmation.
1. A confirmed positive report will only be made after this second test.
2. Confirmed, positive test results will be maintained by the analyzing laboratory in a secure area, and will remain confidential.
H. After the contract firm/laboratory has confirmed a positive test result, the sworn member will be scheduled for a consultation with the M.R.O.
1. The M.R.O. will examine alternate medical explanations for any confirmed positive test result.
a. This action will include conducting a medical interview, a review of the individual's medical history (including a review of the individual's legally prescribed medication), and a review of any other relevant biomedical factors.
b. The M.R.O. will make the final decision as to whether to verify the test result as confirmed positive.
2. Verified, confirmed positive test results will be retained by the laboratory for a time period of 5 years.
3. Verified, confirmed, positive test results are for administrative purposes only and will not be used against the sworn member in any criminal proceedings.
I. A sworn member will be placed on administrative leave immediately if the following occurs:
1. A confirmed positive test for illegal drugs.
2. A verified, confirmed positive test for controlled substances, including anabolic steroids.
J. A sworn member whose test is verified as confirmed positive may request that the second split specimen be tested by an alternate NIDA-certified laboratory. In order to effect such a request for testing of the second split specimen, the sworn member must do the following:
1. Submit a written request to the Chief of Police within ten working days of notification of such result.
2. The written request must include the name of the NIDA-certified laboratory which has been chosen by the sworn member.
a. The contract laboratory will transport the second split specimen to the alternate NIDA-certified laboratory chosen by the sworn member for testing.
b. Appropriate chain of custody procedures will be followed.
c. Retesting expenses of the second split specimen will be paid for by the Department.

436.05 Administration of the Program
A. The Internal Affairs Division will act as a liaison between the Police Department and the drug screening contract firm/laboratory, and will be responsible for the following:
1. Providing a departmental roster of all sworn members. The roster will identify the sworn members by a number only and will include current assignment, watch, and days off.
2. Receiving the documented absence forms from Division Commanders in order to reschedule testing.
3. Receiving and reviewing Notification To Report forms to ensure policy guidelines were followed.
4. Monitoring adherence to the program (appropriate identification, cooperation of officers, adherence of firm/lab to contract, etc.).
5. Receiving the verified and confirmed positive reports from the contract firm/laboratory. The Deputy Chief will make notification of positive test results to the officer.
6. Schedule consultations between the sworn member and the M.R.O.
7. Coordination of a sworn member's request for testing of the second split specimen by a NIDA-certified laboratory.
B. Police Technology & Technical Support Unit will be responsible for providing a current departmental roster to the Internal Affairs Division on a bi-monthly basis. The success of the Random Drug Testing Program is dependent upon an accurate reporting system of personnel changes. Strict adherence to General Order 403.00 will ensure that the appropriate personnel information needed for this program will be updated on a daily basis.

436.06 Disciplinary Action
Verified, confirmed, positive test results are for administrative purposes only and will not be used against the sworn member in any criminal proceedings. Disciplinary Action may result however, with regard to the following areas:
A. Failure to Report - any sworn member who fails to report for drug testing in accordance with this order will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination.
B. Refusal to Submit to Testing - any sworn member who refuses to submit to drug testing in accordance with this order will be terminated.
C. Tampering, or attempted tampering, with any urine sample - will result in termination of the sworn member.
D. A verified, confirmed, positive test result which indicates illegal drug use - will result in termination of the sworn member.
E. A verified, confirmed, positive test result which indicates controlled substance abuse - may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of the sworn member.
F. A verified, confirmed, positive test result which indicates illicit anabolic steroid abuse – may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of the sworn member.
G. Disciplinary action arising as a result of this order may be appealed by the sworn member in accordance with the City of Dallas Personnel Rules.

436.07 Additional Drug Screening due to Assignment
A. The Department has a compelling interest in ensuring that officers assigned to specified organizational levels do not use illegal drugs or abuse controlled substances, including anabolic steroids. In these assignments, the strictest precautionary safeguards are necessary to provide for a drug-free working environment, and to ensure that there are no illegal drug abusers or controlled substance abusers who jeopardize the safety of fellow officers. All sworn members who apply for or are assigned to the following levels will be subject to additional drug testing:
1. Field Services Division
2. Narcotics Division
3. Criminal Intelligence Unit
4. Public Integrity Unit
B. All sworn members who apply for the Field Services Division, Narcotics Division, Criminal Intelligence Unit, or Public Integrity Unit must sign an Additional Drug Testing Form indicating that they understand a drug screening test is a part of the application.
C. Prior to being notified to report for a drug screening test or prior to being notified of the transfer, whichever occurs first, a sworn member may withdraw his or her transfer request, with no penalty. This is done by submitting a written request to the Bureau Commander.
D. All sworn members who are currently assigned to the four specified organizational levels must sign an Additional Drug Testing Form indicating they understand that a drug screening test is a condition of continued assignment. Sworn members assigned to the Field Services Division, Narcotics Division, Criminal Intelligence Unit, or Public Integrity Unit may be randomly tested up to a maximum of three times per calendar year through a contract firm/laboratory.
E. A sworn member currently assigned to one of the four specified organizational levels who declines to sign the Additional Drug Testing Form, will be immediately transferred to another assignment with no penalty and with no loss in rank or salary.

436.08 Drug Screening - Non-Competitive Appointed Ranks
A. All sworn members who are under consideration for non-competitive appointed rank or who are currently of non- competitive appointed rank will be subject to additional drug testing. In order to ensure the effective and efficient operation of the Department, and in order to maintain a high standard of confidence by the officers, the Department must ensure that its most highly ranked members are drug-free.
B. All sworn members who are under consideration for non-competitive appointed rank must sign a form indicating that they understand a drug screening test is part of consideration for non-competitive appointed rank.
C. Prior to being notified to report for a drug screening test or prior to being notified of an appointment, whichever occurs first, sworn members under consideration for non-competitive appointed rank may withdraw from consideration with no penalty. This is done by submitting a memorandum to the Chief of Police.
D. All sworn members who are currently of non-competitive appointed rank must sign an Additional Drug Testing Form indicating they understand that a drug screening test is a condition of continued appointment in the rank. Sworn members of non-competitive appointed rank may be randomly tested up to a maximum of three times per calendar year through a contract firm/laboratory.
E. A sworn member who is currently of non-competitive appointed rank, who declines to sign the notice form, will be reassigned to their highest previously held civil service rank.

436.09 Drug Screening - Reserve Section
A. Due to the unique nature of their availability for duty, the sworn members of the Reserve Section will be subject to additional drug testing as a condition of continued appointment.
B. All sworn members of the Reserve Section must sign an Additional Drug Testing Form indicating they understand that a drug screening test is a condition of continued assignment. Members of the Reserve Section may be randomly tested up to a maximum of three times per calendar year through a contract firm/laboratory.
C. Refusal by a sworn member of the Reserve Section to sign the Additional Drug Testing Form and/or participate in the Random Drug Testing Program will result in immediate dismissal from the Dallas Police Department.

Dallas Police Department General Order

437.00 Smoking in Public Buildings

Revised 01/30/2007

437.01 No Smoking Areas
A. Smoking is prohibited in the following areas:
1. Elevators.
2. All conference and meeting rooms to include detail rooms.
3. Restrooms.
4. All service areas generally accessible to the public. This includes lobbies and waiting rooms of offices and stations.
5. All other offices and facilities under the care, custody, and control of the Police Department.
B. Bureau and Division Commanders will be responsible for the conspicuous placement of No Smoking signs in their facilities.
C. No Smoking signs can be ordered from the Office Services Supply Catalog for posting in the facilities.

437.02 Violation of Smoking Ordinance #19648
Employees violating the Smoking Ordinance #19648 are subject to disciplinary action as set forth in the City of Dallas Personnel Rules, as well as prosecution under applicable sections of the ordinance.

437.03 Complaint Procedure
A. Employees may utilize the grievance procedure established in General Order 430.00 to challenge policies on smoking in the workplace.
B. No employee will be discharged, retaliated against, or discriminated against for:
1. Filing any complaint or causing any proceeding to be instituted under or related to the Administrative Directive regarding implementation of Smoking Ordinance #19648.
2. Testifying in any proceeding instituted under the Administrative Directive.
3. Exercising on his/her own behalf or the behalf of others any right afforded by Chapter 41 of the Dallas City Code.

437.04 Enforcement Responsibility
The responsibility for enforcement of this ordinance lies with the Department of Environmental and Health Services. Officers receiving calls regarding this ordinance should inform the complainant that enforcement action is the responsibility of that Department.

Dallas Police Department General Order

438.00 Communicable Diseases

Revised 08/10/2018

A communicable disease is any disease transmitted by either direct or indirect contact. The purpose of this order is to establish Departmental guidelines regarding the reporting of exposure to certain communicable diseases. Exposure to common diseases, such as colds and flu, are not covered by the scope of this policy.

438.01 Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control Plan
Exposure to a Bloodborne Pathogen is the greatest communicable disease health risk officers face. The purpose of this order is to implement the Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control Plan required in Chapter 81.304 of the Health and Safety Code. The plan establishes Departmental guidelines to minimize exposure, and insure immediate medical treatment, a post exposure evaluation, and follow up is provided to employees who experience a blood exposure.

438.02 Blood Exposures
Exposures to bloodborne pathogens can occur in the following ways:
A. A human bite where the skin is broken
B. Puncture wounds with a bloody object
C. Blood or certain body fluid splashes to the eyes, nose, and mouth (bloodborne pathogens are not carried in saliva)
D. Blood splashed to an open wound or non-intact skin
E. Needle sticks
F. Mouth to mouth resuscitation where blood is present
G. Exposure of intact skin to a large amount of blood or over a large area of the body for several minutes.

438.03 Bloodborne Pathogens
A. HIV, Human Immunodeficiency virus, which develops into AIDS, Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, an infectious, viral disease that weakens the body's immune system. It causes the person to be susceptible to a variety of opportunistic infections, certain rare forms of cancer and pneumonia, and other diseases. Because of the lack of a cure or vaccine, this disease represents a serious public health problem. It is preventable if certain precautions are taken. Most exposures do not result in infection.
B. HEPATITIS B is caused by a virus, which attacks the liver. The liver is essential to metabolize fats, proteins, and medications. People who develop Hepatitis B are more likely to develop cirrhosis or cancer of the liver later in life, and may be the cause of 80% of liver cancer cases worldwide.  Hepatitis B is extremely contagious and can live in dried blood for as long as 7 days. Hepatitis B can be prevented by a Hepatitis B vaccine.
C. HEPATITIS C is currently considered to be the second highest health risk from bloodborne pathogens.  There is no vaccine or preventative medicine for Hepatitis C. Currently the treatment for Hepatitis C is only 40% effective. A high percentage of infected individuals do not show symptoms of Hepatitis C, but become chronic (develop cirrhosis or cancer of the liver) years later. 85% of IV drug users become infected with Hepatitis C within 6 months.
D. HEPATITIS D – a defective virus that causes infection only in the presence of Hepatitis B.
E. SYPHILIS – normally sexually transmitted, but can be transmitted by blood exposures.

438.04 Other Communicable Diseases
Other communicable diseases include diphtheria, measles, pertussis, meningococcal infections, plague, rubella, TB, and viral hemorrhagic fever. Possible exposures to these diseases can occur through mouth to mouth resuscitation or from close contact (in the same room, enclosed area, or vehicle) with an infected person. The length of time necessary for an airborne exposure depends on the disease.
A. Employees who suspect they have had a work exposure to one of these diseases will immediately report the incident to a supervisor for submission of the City of Dallas Supervisor’s Injury Investigation Report in accordance with Section 207.00.
B. It is not necessary to seek immediate medical attention unless notified by the Dallas County Health Department or another medical professional (usually an Emergency Room Physician.)
C. A follow up examination will be offered to the employee for medical evaluation, testing, and treatment.
D. Testing must be done no later than 10 days after the exposure, (per G.O. 438.08(D)).

438.05 Hepatitis B Vaccination
A. To provide immunity to Hepatitis B infection, the Dallas Police Department will make the hepatitis B vaccination series available on a voluntary basis to all sworn and non-sworn employees, where the exposure to blood or other potentially infectious materials can be reasonably anticipated.
B. The hepatitis B vaccination series will be made available to all recruits during their academy training. All other employees may request the vaccination series at any time and will be notified within ten days by the Safety Team when the series will be scheduled unless any of the following apply:
1. The employee has previously received the complete hepatitis B vaccination series.
2. Antibody testing reveals that the employee is immune.
3. Medical reasons prevent the employee from being vaccinated.
C. Any prescreening for the hepatitis B virus to determine immunity, including all medical evaluations and procedures performed, will be at the employee’s expense.
D. Vaccinations will be provided even if the employee initially declines but later request treatment while covered by this standard. Employees who decline the hepatitis B vaccination series must sign a declination form. The signed forms will be forwarded to the Safety Team, Personnel and Development Division.
E. Immunization Procedures
1. Departmental personnel interested in participating in the Hepatitis B Immunization Program will contact the Safety Team to schedule their initial inoculation.
2. The Academy Supervisor of the Curriculum Team will be notified by the Safety Team as to the date and time the vaccination series will be offered to the recruit classes.
3. Departmental personnel participating in the hepatitis B vaccination series will receive the following document when reporting to the designated location:
a. Information Statement on Hepatitis B.
b. Acceptance Form.
c. Declination Form.
4. After reading the information statement, employees will be required to sign an acceptance or declination form. All documents will be completed before the vaccine is administered.

438.06 Precautionary Measures for Officers to Minimize Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens
The following is a list of procedures to be followed in situations where there is a likely chance of a blood exposure.
A. Wear disposable surgical gloves when there is contact or potential contact with blood or other body fluids, regardless of whether the fluids are wet or dry.
B. Wash hands immediately and thoroughly with warm water and soap following contact with blood, other bodily fluids or any other possible source of infection. Hand washing is recommended even if gloves are worn. If handwashing facilities are not immediately accessible, use either an antiseptic cleanser in conjunction with a clean cloth/paper towels, antiseptic towelettes or waterless disinfectant. If these alternatives are used, then the hands are to be washed with soap and running water as soon as feasible.
C. Bandage open wounds or cuts to avoid any direct contact with contaminated body fluids. Bandages should be sealed on all sides and changed when they become wet or soiled.
D. When searching persons or vehicles, never blindly place hands in areas where there may be sharp objects that could puncture the skin. Use extreme care when handling needles and syringes.
E. Use the Mouth-to-Mask Resuscitators when giving CPR.
F. Exercise caution when investigating crime scenes contaminated with blood or body fluids (i.e., wear a surgical facemask, protective clothing, gloves).
G. Minimize the chances of becoming infected with communicable diseases by careful observation and awareness of subjects being dealt with, adequate sleep and nutrition, and practicing good personal hygiene habits.

438.07 Procedures to be Taken if Possibly Exposed to Bloodborne Pathogens
Immediately following an exposure to blood:
A. Wash the affected area with soap and water
B. Flush exposed mucous membranes with water
C. Eyes should be irrigated with water
D. Immediately report the exposure to a supervisor for treatment and follow-up

438.08 Reporting Procedures for Possible Exposure to Communicable Diseases
A. Employees who suspect they have been exposed to communicable diseases should immediately notify their supervisor for submission of the City of Dallas Supervisor's Injury Investigation Report in accordance with Section
207.00. (Exposure to colds and flu is not covered in the scope of this policy.)
1. The Supervisor will obtain an Exposure Packet, which includes:
a. A Records Release Form
b. Affidavit form for source testing
c. A PEP Consent Form
d. A PEP Declination Form
e. A Contaminated Sharps Injury Reporting Form
f. General Information and Instructions
g. A copy of General Order 438.00
2. Exposure Packet forms are on the DPD Homepage under Resources and Forms.
B. In the case of a blood exposure, the supervisor will:
1. Immediately accompany the employee to a Concentra Urgent Care location for a Post Exposure Evaluation. After business hours, accompany the employee to the Baylor Hospital Emergency Room for a Post Exposure Evaluation.
2. Insure the sworn affidavit required for the testing of a blood exposure source (outlined in G.O. 438.09) is completed and signed by the officer and notarized. The original affidavit must be sent to the Workers’ Compensation Team and a copy either faxed or taken to the Dallas County Health Department.
3. Insure all consent and/or waiver forms are properly completed and the original is sent to the Workers’ Compensation Team.
C. Employees who incur an exposure incident will be offered a confidential medical evaluation and follow up as follows:
1. Documentation of the route of exposure and the circumstances related to the incident.
2. The employee will be advised of their risk of infection based on the type of exposure and will be offered post exposure prophylaxis in accordance with the current recommendations of the U.S. Public Health Service.
3. The employee will be offered the option of having his/her blood collected for testing of the employee’s HIV/HBV serological status. Baylor Hospital will not test the employee for HIV, Hepatitis B or Hepatitis C. That testing will be done the following business day during a follow up visit to a recommended physician specializing in communicable diseases.
4. The follow-up will include the results of the testing of the source individual being made available to the exposed employee with the employee informed about the applicable laws and regulations concerning disclosure of the identity and infectivity of the source individual. The employee will also be given appropriate counseling concerning infection status, results and interpretations of tests, and precautions to take during the period after the exposure incident. The employee will be informed about what potential illnesses can develop and to seek early medical evaluation and subsequent treatment.
D. According to Texas Workers’ Compensation Commission Rule 110.106, in order to qualify for Workers’ Compensation Benefits, employees claiming a possible work-related exposure to a reportable disease, including HIV, must be tested for the disease not later than 10 days after exposure. Employees must provide documentation of the testing to the Department.
E. The supervisor will complete the Contaminated Sharps Injury Reporting form and send a copy to the Dallas County Department of Health. The Workers Compensation Team will receive the original and log the form into the employee’s Workers’ Compensation file.
F. Officers who believe a suspect has exposed them to any communicable disease will follow the procedures outlined in
438.09 B for reporting the incident to the Dallas County Health Department and to request testing of the suspect.

438.09 Procedure for Testing Suspects for Communicable Diseases
A. Subjects may be requested to take a blood test when they may have exposed a law enforcement officer, fire fighter, emergency medical service employee or paramedical, or a correctional officer to a reportable disease, including HIV infection. Officers may request testing for exposure to reportable diseases experienced in the course of their employment. Officers must believe the exposure places them at risk for a reportable disease and must present the required affidavit to the appropriate health authority.
B. Officers having good reason to believe they have been exposed to a communicable disease during the course of employment will call the Dallas County Health Department at (214) 819-2004 to request testing of the suspect. This number will be answered Monday through Friday, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. The afterhours fax number is (214) 819-6095. The afterhours notification will include the employee’s name, badge number, a work phone contact number, the name and date of birth of the exposure source, and the present location of the source (Example: Parkland, Sterrett, or Detox) or their home address. The officer must submit a sworn affidavit, either in person or postmarked, within 72 hours of the occurrence.
1. The sworn, written affidavit must contain the following information:
a. The requester’s name, home address, work telephone number, home telephone number, and an emergency telephone number.
b. The name and address of the emergency agency, (Dallas Police Department, 1400 S. Lamar St., Dallas, Texas 75215).
c. The date and time of exposure.
d. The circumstances of the exposure.
e. The suspect symptoms, if known (e.g. rash, fever, chills, jaundice, productive cough, diarrhea, nausea/vomiting, neuralgic signs, coryza, hemorrhage, other).
f. Transport designation of the suspect.
g. The suspect’s name, and if known, the suspect’s address, preliminary diagnosis, and probable present location.
2. After completion the affidavit must be notarized by a departmental notary. Mailed affidavits must be postmarked within 72 hours and addressed to:
Communicable Disease
Dallas County Department of Health and Human Services 2377 Stemmons Freeway, Suite 500-LB 12
Dallas, Texas 75207-2710 Fax number (214) 819-6095
3. If the suspect refuses the Health Department’s request, that agency will confer with the exposed employee and then decide whether to ask the District Attorney to file a petition in District Court requesting court-ordered testing.
C. According to the Code of Criminal Procedure, suspects indicted for or who waive indictment for charges of Sexual Assault, Aggravated Sexual Assault, or Indecency With a Child may be directed by the courts (either by its own motion or at the request of the victim of the alleged offense) to submit to testing to show whether the subject has a sexually transmitted disease, AIDS, or HIV.
D. A court order for a blood sample may be obtained from a Municipal Judge of the City of Dallas or a County or District Judge of Dallas County. Should any questions arise related to obtaining such a court order, officers will contact an attorney from the Criminal Law & Police Unit at (214) 670-5471.
E. Suspects consenting to testing or compelled by court order to submit to testing and presently housed at the Lew Sterrett Criminal Justice Center will be tested at that facility as soon as the Dallas County Health Department can send a qualified tester.

438.10 Evidence Handling
A. Wear disposable surgical gloves when handling property or evidence contaminated with blood or other bodily fluids.
B. Procedures for Handling
1. Place all syringes in puncture-resistant plastic tubes prior to submission as property or evidence.
2. Double bag clothing and similar items in a paper sack.
3. Place sharp instruments such as knives, straightedge razors, and box cutters that have been contaminated with blood or other bodily fluids in puncture-resistant plastic cylinders, which are available in HIV kits or at the Property Section.
4. Unload firearms and place in a sealed plastic bag, double-bagged paper sack, or wrap in brown paper, depending on the size.
5. Double bag all PES/lab evidence in paper sacks prior to submission to either SWIFS or the Property Room.
C. Warning Labels
1. Tag all items of PES/lab evidence considered a biohazard with a biohazard warning label prior to submission.
2. Tag any property/evidence contaminated with blood or bodily fluids with the appropriate warning label. The warning labels will be available at all deposit sites and in the HIV kits.
3. Apply a warning label to large, bulky contaminated items such as doors, large pieces of wood, automobile parts, etc. Apply the warning label to an area that will not contaminate any physical evidence.
4. In the Additional Description field of the property tag indicate any items that have been contaminated with blood or other body fluid.
5. Note on the wrecker driver’s receipt, prior to impoundment, if an impounded vehicle constitutes a biohazard due to contamination with blood or other bodily fluids on its interior. An example of Biohazard is: Blood on front driver’s seat.
D. Disposal Procedures
1. Use an approved biohazard disposal container when disposing of any protective equipment or other related equipment used in the handling, processing, or storage of biohazard property or evidence.
2. Disposal of biohazard property/evidence will be done in accordance with procedures outlined in the Property Section Standard Operating Procedures.

438.11 Procedures for Cleaning Contaminated Equipment, Uniforms, and Vehicles
A. Wear disposable surgical gloves when handling or cleaning any equipment or vehicle soiled with bodily fluids.
B. Change any uniform that is soiled with blood or other bodily fluids as soon as possible. Handle the contaminated uniform as little as possible and with a minimum of agitation. Place the uniform in a biohazard bag, seal the bag, and notify the immediate supervisor that the uniform has been contaminated.
C. The immediate supervisor will write a memorandum to the Quartermaster Unit explaining why the uniform was discarded and that a replacement uniform should be issued. The soiled uniform will be handled and processed as disposable equipment per Section 438.10.
D. Vehicles and other equipment soiled by blood or other bodily fluids will be promptly and thoroughly cleaned with an approved germicidal detergent.

438.12 Procedures for Discarding of Personal Protective Equipment/Uniforms
A. Anytime disposable equipment or supplies are utilized, the presence of communicable disease will be presumed. Do not indiscriminately discard such supplies or equipment at the scene or dispose of them in a way that may cause casual contact by another person.
B. After using personal protective equipment (HIV kits), place all contaminated items in the provided biohazard bag, seal, and secure for transport to an approved disposal site. This procedure also applies to all uniforms that are to be discarded as a result of contamination.
C. Approved sites for the disposal of contaminated material/uniforms will be located at each Patrol Operations Division, the Crime Scene Response Section, and the Property Section.
D. It will be the responsibility of the employee utilizing the equipment to ensure that it is disposed of properly. Without exception, disposal of the contaminated material/uniform must be completed before the end of the employee's tour of duty.
E. The Commander at each designated disposal site is responsible for ensuring the site is properly maintained and that a sufficient supply of replacement personal protective equipment (HIV kits) is available.
F. The Commander or a representative will contact the City Contractor when a disposal site is full. The City Contractor will remove the contaminated material and replace the biohazard bag or container.

438.13 Annual Training
A. Training will be conducted for all recruits during their Academy Training. All employees will also receive annual refresher training within one year of the employee’s previous training.
B. The training will include an explanation of the following:
1. OSHA Bloodborne Pathogen Final Rule
2. Epidemiology and symptomatology of bloodborne diseases.
3. Modes of transmission of bloodborne pathogens.
4. The Department’s Exposure Control Plan
5. An explanation of incidents which might cause exposure to blood or other potentially infectious materials.
6. Procedures to be observed to control exposure to blood or other potentially infectious materials.
7. Personal protective equipment available. (gloves, mouth to mouth resuscitators)
8. Hepatitis B vaccine program
9. Procedures to follow in an emergency involving blood or other potentially infectious materials.
10. Procedures to follow if an exposure incident occurs, to include U.S. Public Health Service Post Exposure Prophylaxis Guidelines
11. Post Exposure evaluation and follow up.

Dallas Police Department General Order

439.00 Reserved

Revised 01/30/2007


Dallas Police Department General Order

440.00 Recreation Committee

Revised 01/30/2007

440.01 Composition
A. Patrol Bureau - Six geographic Patrol Bureau divisions - 1 member each.
B. Special Services Bureau - 2 members.
C. Investigations Bureau - 2 members.
D. Support Services Bureau – 2 members.
E. Administrative Services Bureau/Office of Chief of Police - 2 members.
F. The Budget and Grant Management Manager will serve as the non-voting permanent Secretary-Treasurer of the Committee.

440.02 Appointment
A. Members of the Committee will be appointed by their Bureau Commanders.  Appointments will be made in December of odd-numbered years and appointees will serve two-year terms.
B. An alternate will be appointed by the respective Bureau Commander for each position on the Committee except Secretary-Treasurer.
C. Appointments will be forwarded to the Secretary-Treasurer by December 14.
D. Should any member be unable to serve, the alternate will become the member and the respective Bureau Commander will appoint another alternate.

440.03 Organization and Duties
A. Authorization and Purpose - These guidelines will serve as the governing instrument for the Recreation Committee. The purpose of this Committee will be the promotion of the social, recreational and general welfare of Police Department employees.
B. The Secretary-Treasurer will call a meeting in January after the appointments are made for the purpose of electing a Committee Chairperson.
C. The Chairperson will be elected by majority vote of the Committee and have full voting powers.
D. The Chairperson will appoint a Vice-Chairperson to serve in the Chairperson's absence.
E. The Chairperson will call a meeting whenever the need arises.
F. A quorum of eight members must be present at any meeting for the Committee to transact business.
G. The Secretary-Treasurer will be responsible for keeping the minutes of the meetings and records of membership.
H. Each member will notify the Chairperson of the Committee or the Secretary-Treasurer if unable to attend a called meeting. If the notification is not given, the member will be reported A.W.O.L. from a duty assignment.
I. If any member is absent from three or more consecutive meetings, the Chairperson will have the discretion to request that the respective Bureau Commander remove that member from office.
J. The Secretary-Treasurer will be responsible for records of deposits, bills, and withdrawals from the Credit Union account holding the Recreation Fund and the Floral Fund. These records will be open for inspection at all times.
K. The signatures of the Secretary-Treasurer and one Assistant Chief/Executive Assistant Director will be required for any withdrawal from the Credit Union.
L. The committee will arrange for the collection of funds from vending machines throughout the Police Department. It will pass on by majority vote of the members present at a meeting all expenditures from the Recreation Fund, except normal operating expense. Tie votes will be decided by the Secretary-Treasurer.
M. Floral Fund and Funeral Notices
1. The Committee will also be responsible for the Floral Fund. The Employee Relations Team, Personnel and Development Division, will arrange for flowers to be sent to funeral services of the following:
a. Employee of the Department.
b. Husband, wife, or child or stepchild of employee.
c. Father, stepfather, mother, or stepmother of employee.
d. Brother, stepbrother, sister, or stepsister of employee.
e. Father-in-law or Mother-in-law of employee.
f. Foster parent of employee.
g. Retired police employee.
h. Texas Public Safety Officer (killed in the line of duty).
i. Other persons as designated by the Chief of Police.
2. Funeral notices will be issued regarding the death of any relative of a Dallas Police Employee, but flowers will be ordered only for those listed above.
N. The following information on deaths should be routed immediately to the Employee Relations Team, Personnel and Development Division:
1. Name of deceased.
2. Relationship to employee.
3. Name and address of funeral home handling arrangements.
4. Date, time, and place of funeral service.

Dallas Police Department General Order

441.00 Promotional Assesment Centers for Outside Agencies

Revised 06/07/2013

A. All requests for departmental personnel to attend assessment centers for outside agencies will be coordinated by the Assessment Center Coordinator, Personnel and Development Division.
B. Assessment Centers will be posted on the Departmental Intranet. Departmental members (ranks of Sergeant and above), who wish to participate in these assessment centers, will contact the Assessment Center Coordinator. The Assessment Center Coordinator will disseminate assessment center applications to requesting employees. Departmental employees will be responsible for completing the application and making contact with the hosting agency or the Assessment Center Agency, as instructed on the application.
C. The Department will not provide funds for travel, meals, or lodging for attendance at outside agency assessment centers. Departmental personnel will not be compensated by the Dallas Police Department for any time worked over the regular work day or week while in attendance at an outside agency assessment center.
D. Personnel attending outside agency assessment centers who are paid fees for their participation while in:
1. Special assignment status will deliver those fees to the Procurement and Payables Unit upon return. This does not include per diem received from the host agency to cover meals and lodging or funds to cover airfare or mileage travel expenses.
2. Personal-time status (vacation or compensatory time) are permitted to retain all fees, per diem, and travel expense monies.
E. Members may attend outside agency assessment centers for a maximum of two weeks (14 calendar days) each calendar year in special assignment status. Any time for subsequent assessment centers that would cause the employee to use more than the allotted 14 days will require the use of vacation or compensatory time. Members must obtain written approval for special assignment time to attend from their chain-of-command and forward this approval to the Lieutenant of the Employee Relations Team, Personnel and Development Division, prior to attending the assessment center.
F. To easily determine whether fees paid must be turned over to the Procurement and Payables Unit, members will not be permitted to mix vacation/compensatory time with special assignment time in attending an outside agency assessment center.

Dallas Police Department General Order

442.00 Employee Advisory Committees

Revised 01/30/2007

442.01 Purpose
A. The two Employee Advisory Committees - the Police Officers Advisory Committee (POAC) and the Non-Sworn Advisory Committee (NAC) - were established to provide opportunities for sworn and non-sworn personnel in non- supervisory positions to regularly meet with the Chief of Police and/or an executive-level employee.
B. During meetings, representatives are encouraged to ask questions regarding the concerns of their individual work groups. These questions should generally be focused on broad policy areas that may be most effectively addressed by the Chief of Police or an executive level employee.
C. Neither committee is designed to handle grievances nor individual complaints that are more appropriately administered by other existing committees or procedures.
D. The two committees will meet separately.

442.02 Organization
A. The Chairperson of each committee will be:
1. POAC - the Assistant Chief, Patrol Bureau.
2. NAC - a non-sworn Manager appointed by the Chief of Police.
B. The responsibilities of the Chairpersons will consist of the following:
1. Chair each committee meeting or appoint a chairperson of similar management level to chair the meeting in their absence.
2. Establish subcommittees to study related issues and appoint subcommittee chairpersons either from the membership of the committee or from other departmental personnel. Subcommittee chairpersons may be sworn or non-sworn and may be supervisors. Subcommittees may be either standing or ad hoc to study specific issues.
3. Direct the activities of the Secretary of each committee to ensure that issues are addressed and minutes of the meetings are disseminated in a timely manner.
4. Conduct meetings at least three times per calendar year. On their initiative or at the direction of the Chief of Police, the Chairpersons may convene the committee or subcommittees at any time to discuss or study pertinent issues.
5. Report committee findings and recommendations to the Chief of Police by memorandum.
C. The Secretaries of the POAC and the NAC will be a sworn and a non-sworn member from the office of the Special Projects Coordinator, respectively. Their responsibilities include:
1. Maintain membership rosters and ensure the appointment of new members and the orderly rotation of alternates.
2. Conduct follow-up to questions from members as directed by the committee chairpersons.
3. Publish and distribute questions and answers raised during meetings to all Organizational Commanders and to each member of that committee.
4. Assist the subcommittee Chairpersons in obtaining and distributing information.

442.03 Membership
A. The POAC and NAC Chairpersons will determine the number of members and proper departmental representation. Organizational Commanders will appoint a representative and an alternate for a one-year term. The alternates will become primary representatives upon completion of one year’s service on the committee. Each July, the Chairpersons will request Organizational Commanders to appoint new alternates.
B. Organizational Commanders may make new appointments as needed to fill vacancies created by promotions or transfers to ensure proper representation. Organizational Commanders are responsible for notifying the appropriate committee Secretary of any changes.
C. Representatives may not be supervisory personnel and must be sworn employees for POAC membership and non- sworn employees for NAC membership.
D. Prior to meetings, committee representatives are expected to canvass their organizational peers for their questions and concerns. Representatives are responsible for reporting the results of the meetings to their work groups.
E. Attendance at committee meetings will be restricted to the appointed representative, alternate, or other employee designated by the Organizational Commander.

Dallas Police Department General Order

443.00 Violence in the Workplace

Revised 01/30/2007

443.01 Policy
A. The safety and security of all Department employees, as well as citizens visiting police facilities, is of immense concern to the Department. To achieve the highest level of protection from violence in the workplace, violent acts, intimidation, threats, harassment, and abusive or aggressive behavior will not be tolerated.
B. No employee will engage in veiled threats, overt threatening behavior, or blatant acts of violence against anyone in the workplace. Violations of this policy will be cause for possible disciplinary action up to and including termination and/or criminal prosecution when warranted.

443.02 Purpose
A. The Department adopts the stance of zero-tolerance against any employee who makes any threats, engages in threatening behavior, or commits violent acts in the workplace. Such employees will be immediately and safely escorted from the premises or taken into custody, if an arrest is warranted, and the incident referred to the Internal Affairs Division.
B. The employee will be required to remain off the premises until an Internal Affairs Division investigation is completed and a decision is made on discipline if the allegation is sustained. If necessary, the employee will be transferred to another duty assignment or placed on Administrative Leave pending the outcome of the investigation.
C. The employee also may be subject to permanent reassignment for the benefit of the Department.

443.03 Definitions
A. Critical Incident - Any threat (implicit or explicit) or any violent incident occurring at a DPD facility. This includes, but is not limited to, any injury, death, mishap, illness, or crime occurring as the result of violence in the workplace.
B. Premises/workplace - Any Department owned or leased building or portion of a building, and their parking lots; any Department owned or leased vehicle.
C. Supervisor - Sworn personnel in the rank of Sergeant or above, or comparable non-sworn personnel who are responsible for the supervision or direction of the work of other personnel in the workplace.
D. Threat Assessment Team - A designated team which will analyze and address any violence-related problems ranging from threats to post-incident counseling and will make recommendations to the Department regarding workplace safety.

443.04 Responsibilities
A. The Chief of Police, in accordance with Administrative Directive 3-63, is responsible for:
1. Ensuring a safe workplace and not condoning any violent, disruptive, aggressive, or abusive behavior exhibited or threatened by an employee.
2. Ensuring all DPD employees receive comprehensive training on violence in the workplace which should include, but is not limited to:
a. An understanding of Department policy and the types of prohibited actions constituting workplace violence.
b. The ability to recognize signs of potential violence in co-workers, as well as outside sources, and precautionary measures which can be utilized.
c. An understanding of procedures that an employee is to use to report any form of workplace violence.
d. Conflict resolution techniques.
3. Ensuring that the Director of Human Resources is made aware of any workplace violence so the Threat Assessment team can be convened.
4. Ensuring that an identified employee, spouse, or third party that may be the target of workplace violence is warned of the potential hazard.
5. Ensuring that staff members are informed that the City’s policy on workplace violence is one of zero-tolerance, and that threats of violence, or other abusive, aggressive, or disruptive behavior in any form will not be tolerated in the workplace.
6. Ensuring that Organizational Commanders are aware of the name, work address and telephone number of the Department’s assigned Employee Relations Specialist in the Employee Relations Division of Human Resources.
7. Ensuring that Organizational Commanders and supervisors are aware of the name, address, and telephone number of the City’s Counseling Assistance Resource Program (CARE)/Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Coordinator.
8. Ensuring that Organizational Commanders have developed and posted approved plans and procedures for ensuring employee safety and the protection of City assets at each of their work sites in the event of a critical incident.
9. Appointing a Management Representative on Workplace Violence who will serve on the City’s Threat Assessment Team, which is coordinated by the Director of Human Resources.
B. Organizational Commanders are responsible for:
1. Developing organizational plans and procedures for ensuring employee safety and protection of City assets at each of their work sites in the event of a critical incident or threat. These plans must include any of the following items that are applicable:
a. Safety and emergency procedures to be followed.
b. A list of emergency telephone contacts.
c. A building schematic containing emergency exits.
d. Parking lot security.
e. Security equipment.
f. Any options, such as safe rooms or panic buttons.
2. Ensuring plans are posted, upon receipt of approval, in an employee common area at every work site.
3. Reviewing and revising plans as needed, but no less than annually. Any revisions must be forwarded to the Departmental Safety Officer who will forward revisions through the Chief of Police to the Director of Human Resources.
C. The Departmental Safety Officer will be responsible for coordinating all organizational plans to be submitted to the Chief of Police for review, then to the Director of Human Resources for approval.
D. Organizational Commanders and supervisors are responsible for:
1. Being aware of changes in employee behavior patterns that exhibit the potential for workplace violence or disruption. Such changes should be addressed in private counseling sessions with the employee. Supervisors must document all such behavior/actions.
2. Making appropriate and timely referrals for assistance to employees who threaten or engage in violence or other abusive, aggressive, or disruptive behavior, or to those who are threatened or victimized.
3. Ensuring that any employee who may be the target of workplace violence, and his or her co-workers, are promptly notified of the potential hazard.
Note: To avoid potential liability, no person should be identified as being a potential source of workplace violence until a proper and thorough investigation has been conducted and such information has been determined to be fact.
4. Reporting threats or acts of violence in writing to the Chief of Police to ensure that proper action is taken and keeping the Chief of Police or their designee aware of all critical incident developments.
5. Ensuring that when appropriate, the proper Departmental operational division conducts an investigation into any potential applicable criminal charges.
6. Referring false reports of threats or violence by an employee to the Internal Affairs Division for investigation.
7. Being knowledgeable about the services available through the Employee Relations Team and making appropriate and timely referrals for assistance in resolving incidents which involve the possession of weapons against City of Dallas policy, threats, or other abusive, aggressive, or disruptive behavior.
E. Employees are responsible for:
1. Notifying their supervisors of any threats that they have witnessed, received, or have been told that another person has witnessed or received.
2. Reporting any behavior they have witnessed which they regard as threatening or violent, even without an actual threat, when that behavior is job related or might be carried out on departmentally controlled premises or is connected to departmental employment.
3. Making a report regardless of the relationship between the individual who initiated the threat or threatening behavior and the person or persons who were threatened or were the focus of the threatening behavior.
4. Providing their supervisor with a copy of any protective or restraining order and declarations used to seek the order, a copy of any temporary protective or restraining order which is granted, and a copy of any protective order which is made permanent, that they have obtained which lists Departmental locations as being protected areas.
F. The Employee Relations Team is responsible for:
1. Ensuring that, when an employee is scheduled for a discharge interview with the Chief of Police, their standard operating procedure outlines step-by-step procedures that will minimize the possibility of any potential violence.
2. Ensuring that if, during the exit interview, the discharged employee exhibits any signs of anger, potential violence, or makes any veiled threats or overt threats advocating violence, that such information is passed on immediately to the Management Representative on Workplace Violence.

Dallas Police Department General Order

444.00 Police Psychological Services

Revised 01/03/2023

In recognizing the many stresses related to the performance of law enforcement duty, the Department provides a variety of services designed to assist employees. The Department’s Psychological Services Unit will:
A. Comply with the TCOLE licensing requirements in providing applicant psychological evaluations.
B. Provide counseling and assistance to employees involved in critical incidents.
C. Provide psychological counseling for Police Department employees and their immediate families.
D. Provide f itness for duty evaluation process for maintenance of duty and performance standards.
E. Provide stress awareness and management courses at the Police Academy.

444.01 Fitness for Duty Evaluation
A. A fitness for duty evaluation is a formal evaluation of an employee’s current emotional/behavioral adjustment or medical status as it relates to the ability to perform essential job functions. A f itness for duty evaluation is conducted at the request of supervisors for an employee who is demonstrating some defined difficulties adjusting to work responsibilities.
B. The Chief of Police or any Chief Officer may order the initiation of a f itness for dut y evaluation whenever that commander believes it is in the best interest of the employee or the Department.
C. Employees who receive sustained complaints or repeated complaints of a similar nature may be required to underg o
a f itness for duty evaluation.
D. Of f icers returning f rom extended leave or those who are reinstated following discharge will be required to undergo a f itness for duty evaluation as outlined in 404.00 (Leave f rom the Department) and 405.05 (Reinstatement Policy).
E. Supervisors will refer to the Psychological Services Unit any employee who reports verbally or in writing an emotional or stress related problem. A Staff Psychologist will determine whether a f itness for duty evaluation should be conducted. A formal request for a f itness for duty evaluation may be initiated if an employee does not follow thro ug h with recommendations to seek assistance.
F. Employees who, while on or off-duty, exhibit behavior that may be indicative of emotional difficulties may be required to undergo a f itness for duty evaluation.
1. When any supervisor becomes aware that an employee has exhibited such behavior, the employee will be removed f rom any assignment involving public contact. The Division Commander will be notified, and the employee placed on Administrative Leave pending completion of the evaluation. At this time, the Division Commander will determine and document if the employee should be disarmed.
2. When the behavioral problem has been identified and the employee directed to undergo a f itness for duty evaluation, the supervisor will immediately document the circumstances of the incident and submit a memorandum through the chain-of-command to the Personnel Division Commander. A copy of the memorandum will be delivered immediately to the Personnel Division Commander, who will provide the report to the staff psychologist. All correspondence will be sealed in an envelope.
G. The Personnel Division Commander will coordinate the f itness for duty evaluation.
H. An employee entering a f itness for duty evaluation will undergo all testing deemed appropriate by the healthcare provider administering the examination and will be interviewed by a psychologist or physician licensed to practice in the State of Texas.
I. An employee may be required to submit to a physical and/or mental examination by a department-selected health care provider, including, but not limited to, a physician or psychologist licensed in the State of Texas, in order to evaluate the employee’s current mental or physical status as it relates to the employee’s ability to perform his or her job duties.
J. The department will pay for an evaluation performed on an employee pursuant to General Order 442.01(I).
K. The Personnel Division Commander will coordinate scheduling of the evaluation and supply that information to the employee’s chain-of-command. The employee’s chain-of-command will give the involved employee a date by which he or she must have an evaluation scheduled or initiated. The Personnel Division Commander will also send a letter to the psychologist outlining the job duties and any specific concerns regarding the employee being evaluated . This will enable the psychologist to consider these issues in the evaluation of the employee’s f itness for duty.
L. The psychologist is not allowed by state law to release any of the results of the evaluation to the City of Dallas, to the Dallas Police Department, or to any other person or government entity unless any of the following are applicable:
1. Such disclosures are required or authorized by law.
2. The psychologist determines that there is a probability of imminent physical injury by the employee, either self - inf licted or to others, or where there is a probability of immediate mental or emotional injury to the employee.
3. There is a written consent for release signed by the employee.
M. The results of a f itness for duty evaluation may not be used to escape responsibility for improper behavior, as defined by the Dallas Police Department Code of Conduct, General Orders, City Ordinances, and state or federal law.

444.02 Substance Abuse Assistance
A. The purpose of this directive is to establish avenues of assistance for employees with substance abuse related problems so that discipline may be avoided whenever possible. Substance abuse can involve the use of alcohol, prescription drugs, or illegal drugs. If the substance being abused is an illegal substance, the Substance Abuse System Program cannot be used to avoid the normal disciplinary system.
B. Responsibilities of Supervisors
1. Supervisors who have reason to believe that an employee has developed a substance abuse problem or is prone to instances of substance abuse may meet privately with the employee. The supervisor will explain the assistance programs available to the employee and/or refer the employee to Psychological Services or the Employee Wellness Unit.
2. The intent of the Department is to prevent the employee f rom reaching a point where substance abuse related problems adversely affect the employee's job performance or professional integrity.
C. Programs Available
1. Police Psychological Services Counseling and related services are available to assist employees with substance abuse related problems.
2. Employee Assistance Program – The EAP is available at no charge to City of Dallas employees to assist with a
variety of issues including but not limited to : Legal Services, Work and Life Issues, Mediation Services, and Financial Assistance. Information available through the Human Resources Department and City of Dallas Intranet.
3. Employee Wellness Unit – Refer to General Order 445.00

444.03 Critical Incident Management
A. The purpose of the Critical Incident Management program is to provide comprehensive support for employees involved in critical incidents.
B. A critical incident is defined as any occurrence having the potential to interfere with an individual’s ability to functio n. Potential Critical incidents occur where employees are involved in situations such as:
1. Police Involved Shootings.
2. Any incident resulting in serious injury or death (Use of Deadly Force, line-of-duty death, death as a result of vehicular collision).
3. Multiple serious injuries and/or deaths have occurred.
4. Incidents which supervisors believe require psychological support.
C. The Division, Section, or Unit Commander will notify Psychological Services personnel of an incident requiring psychological support.
D. Peer Support personnel may be utilized to make the initial contact with the involved employee to provide immediate support and referral if necessary. Peer Support personnel are trained to recognize significant distress and may request that the involved employee be seen immediately by a mental health professional.
E. Each potentially critical incident is different depending on many factors including the severity of the stresso r and the number of officers involved. Some critical incidents require individual counseling and others are best managed in a group setting. Psychological Services will coordinate with supervisors of the involved officers to prov ide the most appropriate intervention.
F. Critical Incident Management procedures for police involved shootings are as follows:
1. The Special Investigations Unit (SIU) will notify Psychological Services personnel of all officers involved in critical incident.
2. Psychological Services personnel will contact the involved officer within 24 hours of notification to offer psychological support.
3. The involved officer will attend three (3) sessions to be coordinated by the Psychological Services Unit.
4. The f irst session will occur within the f irst week and before the officer returns to full duty.
5. The second session will take place approximately three months following the incident and a third session will occur six months after the incident. Three sessions over time are recommended because many people are unaware of the impact of exposure to potentially traumatic events until weeks or months after the incident.
G. Critical Incident Management procedures for other potentially traumatic events are as follows:
1. The Division, Section or Unit Commander of the involved officer (s) will notify Psychological Services perso nnel of an incident requiring psychological support.
2. Psychological Services will contact the supervisors of the involved officer(s) within 24 hours to determine the
appropriate intervention for the particular incident. Different interventions are recommended depending on the severity of the potential trauma and the number of off icers involved. All officers involved in potentially severe critical incidents receive psychological support and will be provided with information about stress recognition, prevention and referral options. Group interventions for line of duty deaths are not completed until after the funeral.
H. Voluntary Participation - Participation in any type of group or individual psychological support / intervention is voluntary and separate f rom issues or decisions related to an officer’s f itness for duty.
I. Annual training with at risk units - As part of a comprehensive plan for the management of critical incident stress, annual training will be provided for units more likely to be exposed to potentially traumatic events. (e.g.; Vice, Homicide, Narcotics, Family Violence Child Exploitation/Abuse, and 911 Communications). Training is designed to promote emotional self-care / resiliency by teaching trauma preparation and stress management. This program is designed to provide officers with the skills necessary to maintain emotional well-being in adverse and stressful environments. An important aspect of this program is training supervisors to recognize at risk officers and intervene before problems become severe.

Dallas Police Department General Order

445.00 Employee Wellness Services

Revised 01/30/2023

445.00 Employee Wellness Services Purpose
The Dallas Police Department offers peer support, access to police psychologists, and police chaplains to all employees. This section is intended to provide employees with an overview of all departmental wellness services available.

445.01 Employee Wellness Unit
A. The unit will be responsible for coordinating the Peer Support Program, Police Chaplain Program and Alcohol Rehabilitation Procedure.
B. The mission of the Wellness Unit is to coordinate the delivery of the various decentralized services to assist employees in managing their emotional and physical well-being.
C. The Dallas Police Department Employee Wellness Unit responsibilities include identifying resources for employees, providing training, educational seminars, and supporting employees proactively in an effort to help all employees better manage their careers.
D. These programs and services are available to all employees, as well as their family members.

445.02 Peer Support Program
A. Program Purpose
1. To provide all police employees with the opportunity for immediate peer support and assistance through times of personal or professional crisis by specially trained and selected fellow employees working in conjunction with designated mental health personnel. (Refer to Peer Support Program SOP for selection, training, and rejection/removal criteria).
2. Peer support personnel are available 24 hours a day to support fellow employees and provide referral alternatives.
B. Program Procedures
1. Peer Supporters are on call and will respond at any hour of the day if requested.
2. The Employee Wellness Unit will be responsible for maintaining a monthly updated list including the name, assignment, and work telephone number of each Peer Supporter. The lists will be made available to all Department employees.
3. Police personnel may contact the Employee Wellness Unit, a Peer Supporter directly, or the Peer Support Program Coordinator for referral to a Peer Supporter.
C. Program Confidentiality
1. Communications between a Peer Supporter and an employee will be considered privileged by the Department and will remain strictly confidential except for matters involving:
a. Violations of the law.
b. Child Abuse.
c. Situations in which the person seeking counseling is considered a danger to himself/herself or others.
2. If an employee directs the Peer Supporter to release information to a third party, the employee must sign a release form stating to whom the information is to be released.

Dallas Police Department General Order

446.00 Alcohol Rehabilitation Leave Procedure 

Revised 01/03/2023

446.00 Alcohol Rehabilitation Leave Procedure Introduction
To better support the Dallas Police Department and its employees, the Chief of Police has created an Alcohol Rehabilitation Leave Procedure. By exercising his/her discretion pursuant to City of Dallas Personnel Rule 34-29(b)(6), the Chief of Police will provide employees of the police department 30 days of paid administrative leave to attend an in-patient alcohol support and rehabilitation program. The Wellness Unit will act as a liaison for the employee to the department and assist in onboarding to an appropriate alcohol treatment center.

446.01 Purpose
The purpose of the Alcohol Rehabilitation Leave Procedure is to provide employees of the police department with support and assistance in securing confidential care to help them overcome the detrimental use of alcohol before their career and personal lives are irreparably damaged. A concerning number of alcohol-related arrests and incidents involving members of the department have occurred and continue to occur. Employee safety and well-being is paramount for the Dallas Police Department. As a proactive measure, this procedure is being implemented immediately to support department employees. Our success as a Department is dependent on a physically and mentally healthy workforce who care for themselves just as much as the community they serve.

446.02 Procedure and Criteria for Participation
A. Paid administrative leave for in-patient treatment is strictly intended for employees with alcohol abuse/alcohol addiction issues.
B. Thirty days of paid administrative leave is available to employees who come forward prior to any city or departmental administrative violations related to alcohol use/abuse and prior to an arrest or citation for a criminal offense related to alcohol use/abuse.
C. Employees seeking assistance may contact the Wellness Unit directly and do not need to notify their supervisor or chain of command. However, employees who contact the Wellness Unit during their shift will need to notify a supervisor if they need to leave work prior to the end of their shift.
D. The Wellness Unit will assist employees in obtaining approval for paid administrative leave and pairing the employee with an approved in-patient treatment facility. The department will not provide paid administrative leave to employees who decide they do not want in-patient treatment. However, employees who do not want in-patient treatment may still use their own leave balances and seek approval for other types of leave, such as Family & Medical Leave, pursuant to the City’s normal leave approval procedures.
E. The Wellness Unit will assist in coordinating enrollment, and with the help of outside partners, coordinate possible f inancial assistance for any costs of treatment not covered by insurance.
F. Upon conclusion of treatment, the employee must provide official documentation of successful completion of the program and will not be approved to return to work without a release f rom the treatment provider.
G. Any additional absence f rom work needed for treatment beyond 30 days will be addressed on a case-by-case basis.
H. The Wellness Unit will ensure employee confidentiality throughout this process to the fullest extent as allowed by applicable law. Participation in the Alcohol Rehabilitation Leave Procedure, including the use of the allotted 30-day paid administrative leave by any employee, will not affect an employee’s seniority, nor will it be considered in promotion or reassignment decisions.