
Amber Alert

Emergency Broadcast Plan for a Child Abduction in North Texas

The Amber Plan is named in memory of nine-year-old Amber Hagerman. In 1996, Amber was abducted while playing near her home. She was found murdered a few days later, following an extensive search.

In child abductions, the first few hours after a child has been abducted are the most  critical.

In response to community concern following Amber's murder, the Dallas/Fort Worth area Association of Radio Managers (ARMS), with the help of law enforcement, created the Amber Plan.

Now area radio and television stations across North Texas are able to provide listeners with timely information about child abductions.

The effectiveness of the Amber Plan relies on communication from local law enforcement and the participation of each radio and television station. The goal of the Amber Plan is evident - to prevent the loss of a child in our community. Implementation of the emergency broadcast plan has the potential to save a child’s life. 

If you feel someone has been abducted…..call 911 !

Emergency Broadcast Program

The Procedures. . .

to prevent the distribution of false or misleading information, a call back system is in place to guarantee the authenticity of a child abduction.

When a police department decides to activate the Amber Plan, two specific radio stations are sent a written description of the child, the suspect, the suspect vehicle, the time and place of the incident and any other relevant information.

Once the information is verified, the Emergency Activation System is used to simultaneously issue an audio bulletin to all participating radio and television stations in the Dallas/Fort Worth area.

Once the bulletin is received, all Amber Plan radio and television stations immediately begin broadcasting the information to listeners and viewers.

Child abduction Call Back System
Police Provide Authentication guarantee
ARMS Group Confirms to the Radio Stations authorization to Broadcast Alert!​​​​​​​​