Chapter 59 of the Code of Criminal Procedure gives the Police Department the authority to seize certain property that has been used in the commission of certain felonies, including felony narcotics offenses. This property may then be forfeited after a court hearing.
What do I do if my car has been seized?
If your vehicle has been seized, you should contact the
Auto Pound to determine if a Narcotics hold has been placed on it. If there is a Narcotics hold on it, ask for the Inventory Control Number (ICN). Then call the Asset Forfeiture Unit at 671-3136. A detective will be assigned your case and will contact you.
When you speak to the investigating detective, make sure you have the following information:
- Name of person arrested in the vehicle.
- Make and model of vehicle.
- Proof of ownership of the vehicle.
How soon can I get my car back?
By state law, the Police Department has up to 30 days to investigate a seizure case for potential forfeiture. After investigation, if a case is filed, it will be up to the courts for final disposition. This could take up to several years.
How do I get my property out of my car?
The Police Department is happy to work with you, but in cases where there has been an offense committed your car and its contents may be considered evidence and therefore recovery of personal property from seized vehicles may not be allowed. Simply contact the investigating officer at 214-671-3136. The investigating officer will let you know if you will be able to get your property from the Police Auto Pound.
Please insure that you have transportation and enough help to handle the material to be picked up if you are allowed to get property from your vehicle. Obviously contraband is not eligible for pickup.
How soon will I get my money or car back if my case is dismissed?
Depending on the courts, cases are usually processed within 90 days. If you haven't received any type of notification regarding your money or release of your vehicle contact the Asset Forfeiture Unit.
Can my family member take possession of my property?
Release of property to family members or friends are handled on a case by case basis. All release of property to someone other than the Claimant or Defendent (who may be incarcerated) can be provided at the jail by requesting a property release form. Please have the release form, a valid Texas ID or DL from any state with the correct addresss and phone number for future contact if neccessary.