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Safety Information
School Safety Tips
School Safety Tips
Riding the Bus
Have a safe place to wait for your bus, away from the street and traffic.
Stay clear of the bus until it comes to a complete stop and the driver signals you to board.
When exiting the bus, take ten big steps straight out from the bus to gain some distance.
Use hand rails when boarding and unloading.
Be aware of the street traffic around you at all times.
Walking and Biking to School
Pay attention to the crossing guard at all times and never cross against a green light.
Walk your bike through intersections.
Walk with a buddy.
Never assume traffic sees you.
Riding in a Car
Yes...most accidents really do happen close to home.
Safety belts are the best protection for passengers in a crash.
Safety belts and car seats need to be secured properly to work.
Tell your parents if you feel uncomfortable about someone's driving ability.
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Frauds and Scams
H.E.A.T Sticker Program
Home Safety
Pool Safety Tips
Road Rage
Safety Seat Inspections
School Safety Tips
Smoke Detectors
Street Gangs